Perry Newsletter 🍀
March 20, 2025
💐Spring Family Open House
As a reminder, our Spring Family Open House takes place tonight. We hope to see you there! Doors will open at 4:30 PM and run until 6:00 PM.
As a reminder, the Open House is an opportunity to see what’s going on in your student’s classroom and throughout their school day. (as a reminder, Open House is not intended as a time for conferencing with teachers, but you can certainly sign up / inquire at Open House about setting up a spring conference at a later date).
Perry Rocks! 💙🦈
Please join the Friends of the Perry on Saturday March 29th for Perry Rocks as we honor Representative David Biele with the Great Perry Shark Award in recognition of his commitment to the Perry School and South Boston community.
The event is sure to be lots of fun with live music, open bar, food and an exciting live auction! Buy your tickets now!
Link to buy tickets: https://friendsoftheperry.betterworld.org/events/perry-rocks
Pi Challenge 🥧
In honor of Pi Day (March 14th), students in our upper grades memorized the digits of Pi, which is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. A shout out to fifth graders Skye Simpson and Amuari Thibou who memorized over 20 digits in one night and led the charge in fifth and sixth grade.
In fourth grade, students challenged Mr. Rollins and Mr. Mohammed, with the deal being that they could pie them in the face if at least sixteen students were able to recite at least fifteen digits of Pi. They met the challenge!! A special shout out to Olivia Isch, Coco Mulrooney and Maela Donovan who recited over 40 digits of Pi.
If you want to try the challenge at home, the first twenty-five digits are: 3.1415926535897932384626433
Black History Month Bingo Winners!
A huge shout out and thank you to all who participated in our Black History Month Bingo this year. We drew our raffle winners last Friday. See pictures below!
March Madness 📕
K2 has been participating in the March Madness of Reading! They have gone from the sweet sixteen, to the elite eight, to the final four, and now "The Game".
Reminders from last update
As a reminder, Elementary Report Cards are coming soon. We plan to send them home on Friday, March 28th.
Assignments for Round 1 Registration (next year’s K1, K2 and 7th Grade) are scheduled to be sent out on March 31st.
The end of priority registration for all other grade levels is April 4th.
With no snow days added this year, the last day of school is currently scheduled as Monday, June 23rd.
Student Voices 🎤
Student: Lili
Q: What's your favorite thing about the Perry?
A: My favorite thing about the Perry is centers!
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: I want to be a doctor.
Q: If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?
A: Flying! Because you can save someone if they're stuck on a rock and theres lava on the ground.
Q: What's your favorite food?
A: Pasta and meatballs! 😋
Q: If you could switch places with anyone for a day, who would you pick and why?
A: Elsa! Because she freezes stuff and I like her hair.
Boston Music Project Updates 🎶
Boston Music Project's 2025-2026 registration for the morning brass program at the Perry registration opens today! Please see the following website for details: https://www.bostonmusicproject.org/partnership-programs
On another note, Boston Music Project's tickets for our annual night out and benefit are AVAILABLE NOW! We hope you will join us for this unforgettable evening filled with live music—including a VIP reception, friends, food, drinks, and special guests – all for a good cause, on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at The Grand in Boston’s Seaport.
Get your tickets to support an amazing organization here: https://www.bostonmusicproject.org/playingwithpurpose
Summer Learning and Programs
Boston Public Schools has begun listing their summer learning sites and summer programs. To view a list of programs and see what's available for your child, visit: https://bostonbeyond.org/summer-programs/ .