The Buzz
Spring Term - 2nd March 2023

Message From The Head of School
What a fabulous World Book Day we had at HISN. The staff enjoyed recreating 101 Dalmatians with Cruella de Lockey. Thank you to all the children and parents for the fantastic effort everybody put into dressing up, we had a vast range of book characters.
Last Thursday we had a visit from author Mike Brownlow (10 Little books) and the children have enjoyed creating their own ‘10 little’ book based on their class pet; we are really proud of the results. We will have to share them with Mike Brownlow and he might be tempted to publish another book!
On Wednesday classes were given the opportunity to attend a West End dance workshop based around a text. Nursery, Reception and Y1 explored ‘How to Catch a Star’ and Y2 explored ‘The Enormous Crocodile’; the workshops will continue tomorrow.
Today children enjoyed meeting author 'Mrs P' and listening to ‘JoJo and Jessie’. A wonderful story with an important message about the importance of friendship. Signed copies of the book are available to purchase on ParentPay.
This week we have focussed on the principle of ‘opportunity’. We have been appreciating how fortunate we are to have such rich learning opportunities here at HISN.
Please can I remind parents to use the one way system in place when dropping children to school in the morning. We enter via the Priory Road gate and leave via the Ripley road gate. This is to ensure that small children are kept safe. If you are in a hurry to leave you may let your child walk in independently, this gate is always manned but please don’t block the entrance whilst saying goodbye to your child. Thank you for your cooperation.
Claire Cook
Head of School
Nursery Admissions
The 2023 application process for nursery will close tomorrow - Friday 3rd March 2023, with decisions made by Friday 5th May 2023.
Please use the following link to register your interest Nursery 2023 Admissions
w/c 20.02.2023
The class with the best attendance w/c 20.02.2023 is 2D
The class with the least numbers of lates w/c 2D & RK
w/c 20/02/2023
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of INCLUSIVITY
RC Avayah
RDC Lewis
RF Ayaan
RK Henry
1B Charlotte
1C Jasmine
1H Seth
1K Raph
2A Charlie
2D Khareem
2J Eashan
2T Younus
This week the children have loved learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and were fascinated to watch how a caterpillar changes over time. We learnt that butterflies have long curly tongues which help them get nectar from flowers and that they have two antennae to help them smell food.
Inspired by our visit from Mike Brownlow last week we had a go at using loose parts to create our own robots. Other highlights this week include role playing in our garden shop, learning a new song about the days of the week and a West End Dance workshop.
We learnt about syllables in phonics this week and how to count the number of syllables there are in familiar objects. To help support this at home you could help your child to clap the syllables in their name. In maths we explored the number four. We looked at different ways of representing 4 and used the part part whole model to explore how 4 can be made using 2 and 2 and 3 and 1.
Alongside our work on growing this week we enjoyed celebrating World Book Day and talking about our favourite stories. Next week we will read a new story called 'Oscar and the Frog' by Geoff Waring and discover the life cycle of a frog. Our EOV words will be: syllable, life cycle and froglet.
This week at school, we have been celebrating our love of reading. The children have been very enthusiastically sharing their favourite books and which part of the story they liked the most - with the firm favourite being the Gruffalo with his purple prickles! We also learnt that people who write books are called authors and those that draw the pictures are called illustrators. On Thursday, we were lucky to be visited by Mrs P, the author of Jessie and Jojo, who told us all about her love of books too.
What a fantastic World Book Day! It was a day dedicated to enjoying books and stories. Through the school gates came Peter Rabbit, Where's Wally?, dalmatian puppies, superheroes, Harry Potter, Gruffalo and the witch from Room on the Broom! and there was lots of fun book inspired activities.
The children took part in a West End dance workshop yesterday, where they explored the story of ‘How to Catch a Star’ through movement. They have designed their own book front covers and wrote a class story all about a little girl who lived in a magical tree house. We can’t wait to read the finished piece!
We have continued on our discovery of rhyming words in English this week, and have had great fun experimenting with the story ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray. We have been thinking of new rhyming words to match the creatures in the story and we then used these to create our own lines for the story. We added in some adjectives to make them even more interesting before writing them down using the story’s structure.
In Maths, we are still working on numbers to 50, using our knowledge to identify how many tens and ones are in a given number. We then looked at placing numbers on a 0 to 50 number line, using our knowledge of place value to help us.
Science we are working on our cress experiment, looking at how our seeds have or have not grown. We noticed that the seeds with water, both in the sunlight and in the dark, had begun to germinate, whilst those without water still remained the same. We look forward to seeing what happens with the seeds next week. We also spent time identifying the different parts of a flowering plant and their jobs. We then pieced together our own flower and labelled it.
Our Geography topic this term has seen us travelling the different continents of the world. We have been learning a song to help us to remember the different continents and then used our knowledge to label a map of the world to show where the different continents are located.
In DT, we have begun exploring and investigating ways in which we can make our structures strong and robust. We can’t wait to show you the finished articles!
Year 2
English: This week, we have been working on retelling the story of 'Ignis' by Gina Wilson. The children have sequenced the story using pictures and created a story map to recall the key events. At the end of this week, the children will be re-writing the story whilst including adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions.
Maths: In year 2, we are continuing to think about multiplication and division in 2's, 5's and 10's. We have begun to look closely at what we do when solving missing number problems.
Design Technology: Last week, we started our spring term DT project which is sewing. The children were tasked with investigating what a finger puppet is and how it is joined together. Using this knowledge, the children had to design their own dragon finger puppet to retell the story of 'Ignis'.
Geography: Thinking about our overarching topic 'Sky Riders', in geography we have been looking at maps of the United Kingdom and locating the countries and capital cities within the U.K. This week, we have looked closely at the features and characteristics of each of the countries in the U.K., including their flags and national flowers.
World Book Day - Wednesday 1st March 2023
Author visits
'Mrs P'
Today we were very lucky to have a visit from the author of 'Jessie & JoJo'.
Finding it hard to get to sleep? Ever been afraid of the dark? Meet Jessie, an eight-year-old girl who is very scared. Alone in her room at bedtime, Jessie creates a unique way to cope with being frightened and lonely… Finding a secret magical place, she explores ways to deal with her worries alongside an unusual furry friend. Imagine that… Wriggle down and join Jessie and her friend JoJo, as they meet the ‘bother-bugs’ and learn about true friendship.
The children loved listening to Mrs P read her book to them. You can purchase the book via parentpay https://app.parentpay.com/public/client/security/v2/#/login
Mike Brownlow
The Reading Den
Children have been in the reading den this week enjoying the Ten Little books that HISNA have very kindly bought for the school. Here are some pictures of the winners of the Ten Little drawing competition.
Chess Club
In Summer term Premier Chess Coaching will be running a new chess club for Y1 & Y2 children. The club will be in the school hall 8am - 8.45. If you are interested please see the HISN Clubs Summer timetable on the school website.
Comic Relief 2023
Information for Parents below
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815