Lamkin Lines
January 9, 2025
From The Principal
Dear Lamkin families,
Happy New Year! We hope that you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and a terrific start to 2025. It was great to see the student’s smiling faces on Tuesday and a happy day to welcome everyone back to Lamkin. Thank you to all of the Lamkin families who donated treats for the student holiday parties on December 20th. A big thank you to our generous Lamkin PTO for providing cookies for all 900 of our students. The students had a wonderful time celebrating the season with their class and teachers.
January brings a fresh start with the beginning of a new year and lots of learning. Also, with January comes mid-year assessments. The data from these assessments helps teachers know where students are excelling and areas of need for intervention. Please visit with your student about the importance of assessments and trying their best. Please remember to read with your child as often as you can. The time spent together reading has a strong influence on literacy and vocabulary development.
Please see below for reminders, upcoming events, and details for January.
Student Badges:
All students need to have a badge attached to their backpack. The badge is used when loading and unloading from the bus and for the breakfast line. Students are not permitted to ride home from school without a tag. If your student is in need of a new tag, please send $5 cash along with a note or you can pay on school cash.
FREE Breakfast and Lunch:
ALL Lamkin students are eligible to eat breakfast and lunch for FREE at Lamkin. We encourage your child to take advantage of this opportunity. There is a wide variety of fresh food for students to enjoy. Breakfast and lunch menus can be accessed on
Character Education:
For the month of January, we will focus on the importance of showing respect and demonstrating punctuality. Please see the attached Capturing Kid’s Hearts parent newsletter for ideas on ways to discuss respect with your students.
Daily Attendance:
Strong daily attendance has a direct correlation to student academic success. Please take a few moments to read the attached CFISD health guidelines for students. When students are absent, we miss them and they miss out!
Lunch Visitors:
Parents are allowed to come to lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you wish to come to lunch, please call Lamkin to reserve your spot as space is limited in the cafeteria. To permit opportunities for all students and to maximize socialization with peers at lunch, we limit each student to have a guest once per week. Also, the guest lunch is with the student and their guest only. Other students are not permitted to join.
Safety Drills:
We conduct safety drills throughout the year. On Monday, January 13th we will have our second semester lockdown drill. Students are told ahead of time that we are practicing. Please see the attached letter regarding the drill.
Thank you for your continued support of Lamkin Elementary and we wish your family a healthy, happy, and joyous 2025!
We are LamkinD!
Upcoming Events
Jan 10 - Report cards go home
Jan 15 - Planetarium arrives
Jan 20 - No School, MLK Day
Jan 21 - Class pictures
Jan 22 - Character is our superpower - wear a superhero shirt
Feb 3 - 100 Day of School
Class Picture Day is January 21st!
Don't forget to order your child's class picture! Use the QR code below or go to and use picture ID EVTX62S98.
Lunch Visitor Policy
- Students may have up to 2 visitors each. If the visitor is not a parent or legal guardian, we must have a note from the parent/guardian of the student giving permission for the visitor. The note must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian. Students are limited to one visit a week.
- We are going to limit the visitor number per grade level and lunch time to 8 students.
- Reservations will be required and will be taken beginning the Monday of each week. Call 281-897-4775 to make the reservation.
- We will take a wait list, so if you are unable to keep your visit time, please let us know so we can offer it to the next family on the waitlist.
- All visitors will need their photo ID and will be badged in using our Raptor/V-soft system
- Food brought from outside can be given to your child only. You may not purchase food or feed other students without a written note from the parent/guardian of that student.
- You can have lunch with your student only unless we have a note from the other parent saying otherwise.
- Lunch Schedule:
Pre-K 10:55 & 11:25 –check with your child’s teacher for exact time
Kinder – 10:45
1st – 12:45
2nd – 1:15
3rd – 11:15
4th – 11:45
5th – 12:15