Almond College & Career Center News
January 26, 2025
And with a blink of an eye, the typical wintriest month is almost behind us! Not sure about everyone else, but I always welcome February with open arms!
Zion-Benton College & Career Fair, 1/30
- Zion-Benton High School is hosting a College Fair on January 30th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in their Fieldhouse. Nearly 60 college & career representatives will be in attendance and WTHS families are welcome to join! Click for a flier and list of attendees. This will be the closest proximity college fair during the spring semester. Plan to attend if you can!
Counselor Course Request Meetings for Senior Year
Starting the week of February 3rd, Counselors will be meeting with students individually during US History to enter course requests for the following school year. For additional information, please review the course selection page.
Visiting Colleges at WTHS
- We have begun to schedule college visits to visit the Almond Campus College & Career Center. To see the list and sign-up, log into SchooLinks and view under Events. More will be added in the coming weeks. Spring semesters visits are held at the O'Plaine Campus and live streamed to Almond during that class period.
Free ACT/SAT Webinars & Workshops
- Compass Educational Group will be hosting two upcoming FREE events regarding standardized testing. Click HERE to register and for more information.
- Wed. 1/29 at 7pm: Navigating College Admissions Tests
- Sun. 2/5 at 5pm: ACT Workshop
College Knowledge Summer Workshop
- See below for information about attending a summer workshop to learn about how to apply to college during the Fall of your Senior year!
- Registration opens Monday, 1/27 on our website.
Interpreting Admissions Decisions
- Many institutions are releasing their admission decisions these next few weeks. Please follow their emails carefully (particularly UIUC) for next steps and how to interpret your admission decision. As always, students are welcome to come into the CCC or schedule an appointment with Mrs. McGahan or your counselor to help interpret the communication.
Scholarship season is upon us! We will continually be adding more scholarships in SchooLinks (Finances --> Scholarship Matching --> District Posted), so check often!
Save the date for our annual iHeart Local Scholarships Workshop for senior students on Friday, February 7th during the "A" portion of all lunch periods (p. 3-6) in the Black Box. This is the workshop you will for sure want to attend! Lots of local donors want to award scholarship money to you!! We will discuss our local scholarships available to Warren students and the process of how to apply/receive.
WIU/EIU Application Help
- Are you thinking about applying to college but don’t know how or where? Join our Eastern Illinois University and Western Illinois University Admission Reps on Tuesday, January 28th during your lunch period in the College & Career Center to get started! Students will learn how to apply, request transcripts and discover available scholarships. Bring your Chromebook and Social Security number (if applicable).
Blue Devil Seniors Instagram
- Seniors! We need your help to honor you for our National Declaration Day festivities! When you are ready to commit or finalize your plans for after high school, send a DM @bluedevilseniors or email Mrs. McGahan cmcgahan@wths.net with your first & last name, photo, intended college & major or career plan, or other plans you have after high school. We look forward to celebrating you!
For BOTH Juniors and Seniors:
ASVAB Optional Career Assessment
- WTHS is hosting a computer-based ASVAB test for interested students on Saturday, February 1st at the Almond Campus at 9am in Room 211. Space is limited, so please sign-up in SchooLinks by January 30th. See below for additional information.
HBCU Exploration Opportunities
See below for several opportunities in February to explore Historically Black Colleges & Universities!
- 2/13: HBCU College Fair Field Trip to Waukegan HS
- 2/17: HBCU Experience Fair at Waukegan HS
- Spring Break: Artis Yancey HBCU Tour
We are here to help answer your questions, so students, please check your email often, follow us on Instagram or Facebook (@wthsccc), watch for text reminders or reach out to your counselor, Mrs. Hartley or myself if you have any questions. We are glad to help!
Here is the contact information for Student Services.
Have a great couple of weeks!
Mrs. McGahan, Post-Secondary Counselor
SENIORS: Financial Aid Workshops
First time your family is completing the FAFSA or Illinois Alternative Application? Do you have a unique family circumstance or have questions about the process? Plan to attend one of our financial aid workshops. Click HERE to sign-up and click for financial aid information and resources.
Need to meet with a Counselor?
College Information and Upcoming Events
FREE Study & Test Prep Skills Workshop at Warren Township Youth Services, 1/27
Most of us were never taught how to study properly. Often, it's because we don't know the first place to start. Most students approach studying by "cramming" the day or night before. The good news is these skills can be learned at any time. Learning a variety of study strategies can help students prepare for any class, project, job, and lifelong learning. With active study and test preparation, and enhancing planning skills, a student's test preparation process will be more effective and efficient. Students will learn various techniques that they will be able to apply independently in multiple settings.
Date: January 27, 2025 Grades: 6-8 (5-6 pm) & 9-12 (6-7 pm)
Location: Youth Services (100 S. Greenleaf St. Gurnee, IL 60031)
*This FREE workshop is limited to Warren Township Residents or those currently attending Districts 50, 56, or 121.
Questions: 847-244-110 ext. *401 or youthservices@warrentownship.net
Hey Seniors! Are you thinking about applying to college but don’t know how or where? Join our Eastern Illinois University and Western Illinois University Admission Reps on Tuesday, January 28th during your lunch period in the College & Career Center to get started! Students will learn how to apply, request transcripts and discover available scholarships. Bring your Chromebook and Social Security number (if applicable). Questions? Contact Mrs. McGahan in the CCC.
Open to all Warren families!
ASVAB Career Exploration Program, Saturday 2/1
Warren Township High School is hosting an administration of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program on Saturday, February 1st at 9:00 a.m. at the Almond Campus for interested WTHS Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors!
What is the ASVAB?
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) assesses a student's ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. The program includes eight individual tests covering verbal and math skills, mechanical knowledge, electronics and more. It also produces Career Exploration Scores for verbal, math, science and technical skills. These scores can aid in the exploration of a wide variety of career options.
Who can take it?
Interested Sophomore, Junior or Senior WTHS students can register. This would be a great test to take for students unsure what they’d like to do in the future and those considering the military. Many students take the ASVAB for career exploration only and have no interest in military occupations.
Is the ASVAB mandatory?
No, the ASVAB is an optional assessment offered at no cost. Additionally, there is NO obligation to the Military as a result of taking the ASVAB. Juniors and Seniors CAN however use their scores from the ASVAB to enlist in the Military after graduation. They simply can take their scores to the local military branch recruiting office and complete the enlistment process with the recruiter. The scores are good for two years.
How do I sign up?
Students can sign-up in SchooLinks by January 30th.
FREE Practice ACT or SAT Test at Warren Newport Library on 3/1
Warren Newport Library Card holders are welcome to take a Practice ACT or SAT Test on Saturday, March 1st at 9:30 a.m. The test is proctored and offered through Huntington Learning Center. Test results will be provided on Monday, March 3rd. Registration opens January 31st through their website.
iHeart Local Scholarships Workshop for Seniors, February 7th
Curious about how to apply for our local scholarships specifically for Warren students? This workshop geared for seniors and we will show you how to access scholarships offered to Warren students in SchooLinks, as well as other scholarship resources. We will also provide tips for writing the scholarship essay and obtaining supporting documents like an official transcript or letter of recommendation. The workshop is offered four times during the day, during the "A" portion of periods 3-6. Please bring your Chromebook attend the presentation held during your lunch period or study hall.
Are You a First-Generation College Student?
If you're planning to attend college and neither of your parents completed Bachelor's degree in college, then YOU are considered First-Generation or First-Gen! Did you know many of our Warren teachers are first-gen? Nationwide, about half of all college students are first-gen.
All first-gen Almond students are invited to attend our next I'm First Workshop on 2/10 during 4th period in the Almond CCC. Email Mrs. McGahan (cmcgahan@wths.net) if you are first-gen and would like more college/career info, including our upcoming meetings!
CLC: ACT Prep Course for High School Students
Cost is $275.
Register HERE.
Looking for Local Scholarships?
We are starting to receive regular scholarship opportunities in our inbox each week. To access the growing list, log onto SchooLinks. Under Finances --> Scholarship Matching --> District Posted. The list will continue to grow throughout this semester, so check often!
If you need to request a transcript for a scholarship, please complete this FORM. You may pick-up transcripts from Mrs. Maggiore in Student Services in the main office.
College Financial Aid Completion Workshop in February
Seniors! If you need help completing your FAFSA or the Illinois Alternative Application to find funds for college, attend an evening family financial aid workshop in the Almond College and Career Center. Our FINAL evening workshop is on Thursday, February 13th from 6-8pm. Click HERE to register. Remember completing a FAFSA or submitting a non-participation waiver is required for graduation.
10 Suggestions For Making Your College Decision
As seniors receive their college acceptances, many students look for means to help narrow their list. Here are a few suggestions to help! Especially if your family is not able to visit the campus this winter. As always, contact your counselor or a post-secondary counselor for assistance!
Are you interested in exploring Historically Black Colleges & Universities? Warren is partnering with Waukegan High School to host an HBCU College Fair at Waukegan High School’s Washington Campus on Thursday, February 13. Students interested in attending can pick up a field trip permission slip from Mrs. Ellis or Ms. Hartley (at O’Plaine) and Mrs. Maggiore or Mrs. McGahan (at Almond). Space is limited, so don't delay! Contact the CCC with any questions.
U.S. Military Reps to Visit Almond Cafeteria
Air Force -- 4th Thursday of the month
Army Reserve – 3rd Tuesday of the month
Army National Guard -- 1st Tuesday of the month
Army – 2nd Tuesday of the month
Navy – 4th Tuesday of the month
Marines – 3rd Thursday of the month
The Waukegan Township is hosting an HBCU Experience Fair on Monday, February 17th from 9:00am-1:00p.m. at Waukegan High School’s Gym. Families are welcome and can meet representatives from Historically Black Colleges & Universities, local institutions, along with Representatives from the US Military, and Lake County’s Workforce Development. Pre-register on their website: https://www.waukegantownship.com/formcenter/registration-and-donations-4/2025-hbcu-youth-experience-college-fair-106
Attention high school students! If you're eager to explore Historically Black Colleges and Universities, mark your calendars for the upcoming Artis Yancey HBCU Tour from March 22 – March 29, 2025. This exciting event offers a unique opportunity to visit various campuses throughout Louisiana like: Xavier University, Dillard University, Grambling State University, to name a few! Information sessions are available on Feb 5, Feb 19 or March 5 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. at the Patricia A. Jones Office (414 S. Lewis Ave. in Waukegan). Applications & payments are due in-person by early March! See their website for additional information: https://www.waukegantownship.com/206/Artis-Yancey-HBCU-Tour
Class of 2026: Want to learn how to apply to college?
Then plan to register and attend College Knowledge this summer, 2025!
- This comprehensive, 2 day, 2 1/2 hour workshop in the Almond Campus College and Career Center will walk you through the entire process and you will leave feel relieved about how simplistic the process is!
- A binder of information will be distributed to each student including information about admissions, financial aid, scholarships, college search, SchooLinks, Common App and more!
- We will host Illinois State University to complete a live application to see what the applications are all about.
- An English teacher will provide an introduction to the Common App essay prompts and essay writing in general.
- A college-student panel of WTHS alumni will return to share their insight about the process and college life.
- All for FREE!
- Sign-up for one of our 4 sessions starting on 1/27 to lock in your spot!
- Session 1: June 9-10...9:45-12:15
- Session 2: June 9-10...12:45-3:15
- Session 3: June 11-12...9:45-12:15
- Session 4: June 11-12...12:45-3:15
The United States Naval Academy Summer Seminar, often referred to as NASS, program offers the opportunity for approximately 2,550 rising high school seniors to visit the Naval Academy for one week during the month of June. Summer Seminar introduces students to life at the Academy, where they will experience first-class academic, athletic, and professional training at one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the country.
This program is highly recommended for any student who may be thinking about attending the Naval Academy.
- Session 1 (Saturday - Thursday) May 31 - June 5
- Session 2 (Saturday - Thursday) June 7 - June 12
- Session 3 (Saturday - Thursday) June 14 - June 19
The Summer STEM Program offers the opportunity for rising 9th through 11th grade students to participate in a week long program focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Campers will create, build, and explore in world-class lab facilities and experience real-life applications.
- Rising 9TH Graders (Monday - Saturday) June 2 - 7
- Rising 10TH Graders (Monday - Saturday) June 9 - 14
- Rising 11TH Graders (Monday - Friday) June 16 – 20
Career/Job Opportunities
CTE Month is a public awareness campaign that takes place in February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs, and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages.
"Make it in Illinois" is an initiative of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Illinois Innovation Network to connect more people to rewarding careers in manufacturing. The purpose is to grow CTE and apprenticeship programs across the state through a $5 million project to rebrand manufacturing in Illinois as a rewarding, high-wage, family-sustaining career where individuals can realize their best selves. Follow "Make it in Illinois" on social media and visit the Make it in Illinois website to see the people, facilities, and exciting opportunities in this field.
Explore Engineering is a FREE event where students can learn about a career in engineering and what makes a University of Dayton engineering degree unique. Students participate in hands-on activities in their labs, meet their faculty and current students, and tour their campus and engineering facilities.
In addition, the Women Engineering Program and the Multi-Ethnic Engineers Program are hosting WEP/MEP Connect — a special lunch event where students will learn how UD students engage in these programs.
Embry-Riddle's Faculty Panel: Artificial Intelligence, 2/20 Webinar
This panel discussion features distinguished instructors explaining how artificial intelligence (AI) works behind the scenes, why we need explainable AI and how computers understand our language. Plus, there will be opportunities for questions and information on the admissions process at Embry-Riddle.
Why should you share this with your students?
- Direct access to experts: Your students will hear from leading voices in AI and machine learning, giving them a peek into the many exciting opportunities their future may hold.
- Applicable knowledge: They'll learn about how AI and machine learning can be used practically, in real-world scenarios that impact people around the globe.
- A head start on their future: This event could spark new interests and excite students about career paths in a rapidly growing field.
Their “Using Machine Learning to Create the Future” event occurs via Zoom on February 20, 2025, at 6:00 PM CST
This panel is not only an opportunity to learn about the technical aspects and applicability of machine learning — it's a chance for your students to connect with industry leaders and explore a future in this evolving field.
Lake County JATC now accepting applications
Beginning October 1, through February 28, the Lake County Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee will begin accepting applications for both the five-year electrical construction and the four-year telecommunication apprenticeship programs.
· Students must be 18 by June 30, 2025
· High school graduate
· One full-year HS algebra
· Valid driver's license by 1/31/2025
· Minimum score of 4 on NJATC Aptitude Test
· Pass physical exam, background check & drug screen (hair follicle)
Electrical Construction Apprenticeship Program - Inside Wireman
· Five-year program
· $17.72+ per hour to start
o Raises at specified times throughout 5-year program
· Journeyman pay rate upon graduation approximately $44.30+ per hour
Telecommunication & Data Apprenticeship Program
· Four-year program
· $18.54+ per hour to start
o Raises at specified times throughout 4-year program
· Journeyman pay rate is approximately $41.20+ per hour
Thinking of a Career in Education?
Illinois Tech Virtual Internships
Standout Search
Additional Internship and Volunteer Opportunities
Lake County Sheriff Explorer Post Program
General Resources
View our Career Guide to learn about the career pathway opportunities at WTHS!
Virtual Career Fair
Support Services are Available
Wondering if your interested college has test-optional admissions?
Mrs. McGahan
Instagram @wthsccc
(847) 548-6709
Email: cmcgahan@wths.net
Website: https://www.d121.org/Page/313
Phone: (847) 548-6709
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wthsccc