🌞 Open 🌞 Announcements
August 25, 2024

February 10 - 14, 2025
Dear Open High Family,
It's BSU Spirit Week! Trivia every morning, spirit every day! And let's make kindness the norm at Open by practicing it all week long. Small, collective acts can be revolutionary!
Report cards were distributed last week and mailed home. Please ensure that we have the correct contact information for you and your student by completing this brief form if you haven't already. All students and caregivers should also be connected to Open through Remind text messaging system.Text @openhig to 81010 to receive emergency messages. Winter weather appears to be coming our way so stay tuned.
Respiratory illness is on the rise. Thanks to all the parents and caregivers who call (804-780-4661); email (reldridg@rvaschools.net) and/or provide notes when your student must be out. We also appreciate mask wearing as needed.
Monday, Feb 10
- Amy with GRASP is here to discuss FAFSA and scholarships. Make an appointment here or drop by the Resource Room.
Tuesday, Feb 11
- Bus Evaculation Drill
- Early College Academy (ECA) Recruitment Meeting, 9:30 am
- PTSA Mtg. @ Open, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, Feb 12
- Navy Visit, 11:30 am
- Family Meeting, 12:35 - 1:30 pm
- Elective #1, 1:35 - 2:30 pm
- Elective #2, 2:35 - 3:30pm
- NEW After-school Music Club, Rm 107, 3:30 - 4:30
Friday, Feb 14
- PTSA Valentine's Breakfast
See below for important dates on the horizon include Prom! Have a great week, and remember, In a world where you can be anything, be Open!
Clary Carleton, Principal
Share your ideas and get community service hours!
On the Horizon
- 2/24, AP Art Show @ OHS, 4 - 5:30 pm
- 2/26, ASVAB Testing
- 3/6, Interims
- 3/8, RPS Fine Arts Festival
- 3/11, PTSA Mtg, 6:30 pm
- 3/14, Pi Day Race
- 3/18-19, Writing SOL (10th &. 11th grade)
- 3/20, Senior Project Presentation, Town Meeting
- 3/21, End of Quarter
- 3/25, REAL Richmond Field Trip, Moton Museum, Farmville
- 3/26, SAT School Day (all 11th graders)
- 3/27, Parent/Caregiver Conferences, 4:30-6:30 pm
SPRING BREAK 3/31 - 4/4
- 4/8, PTSA Mtg, 6:30 pm
- 4/10, Cultural Day Celebration
- 4/10, Junior College Night, 6:00 pm
- 4/11, APES Careers in Conservation Field Trip
- 4/19, PROM
- 4/21, RPS Closed
- 5/1, Decision Day
- 5/5-15, SOL & AP Testing
- 5/16, Awards Ceremony
- 5/20, Graduation Rehearsal & Last Day Seniors
- 5/27, Graduation, VUU, 6 pm
- 5/30, Last Day
The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Please become a member and make your voice heard. Your dues are an important funding source for our school, supporting field trips, teacher classroom supplies, student clubs, monthly breakfasts, senior scholarships, the fall festival, the end-of-the year picnic, teacher appreciation week, holiday treats, and more! Joining does not obligate you to anything although we are always looking for more help! Extra donations are also very much appreciated. Consider linking your Kroger Shopper's Card to the Open High PTSA.
Open High School
Email: cwashing@rvaschools.net
Website: https://ohs.rvaschools.net/
Location: 600 South Pine Street, Richmond, VA, USA
Phone: 8047804661
Instagram: @openhighrva
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialopenhighschoolpage/
Merchandise Store: https://tinyurl.com/nfp5yzay
Online School Payments: https://tinyurl.com/54kc4d9y