RES Weekly Buzz
Happy Spring
We had a busy week at RES. As we walked through the hallways, visited classrooms, and talked with students, there were some of the wonderful things happening. Out students were exploring the outdoor classroom, using their observation skills to identify particular liquids during their science lab, learning how energy travels through ecosystems, participated in a debate between Patriots and Loyalists, writing descriptive paragraphs about their experiences or topics they learned about in social studies, and presenting their personal narratives to their class.
Being part of the wonderful learning experiences happening each day in our school has been a joy. Students are hard at work gaining knowledge, while teachers continue to develop and employ creative ways of engaging all learners. We hope you are having meaningful conversations with your kids about their school days; they have so much to share with you.
Kindness and respect continue to fill our school, and we are grateful to our staff for holding high expectations for their students in both learning and socializing. Our students are a gift, and we are excited to see their progress thus far. We know the remainder of the school year will continue to be a time of learning and growth.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Archer's Class - Personal Narrative Stories
Upcoming Important Dates
- March 27th: Elementary Spring Concert
- 6pm RMHS Auditorium
- March 30th: RES Spirit Day - Red Sox Opening Day
- April 7th: No School for Staff and Students
- April 11th & 12th: ELA MCAS grades 3-5 (more info to follow)
- April 14th: 1/2 day for Staff and Students
- April 17th-21st: Spring vacation (RES office closed Monday 4/17)
- May 2nd-3rd: Math MCAS grades 3-5 (more info to follow)
- May 16th-17th: Science MCAS grade 5 (more info to follow)
- May 19th: 1/2 Day for Students
- May 29th: No School - Memorial Day
RHS DECA Easter Egg Hunt
Please allow Rockport High School DECA to Egg Your Property! This is a fundraiser for Rockport High School DECA. DECA students will plant 10 Easter Eggs on your property on Easter Eve, and on Easter morning, your child/children will have their own Easter Egg Hunt ready to go!
Each Egg will have a small treat inside for your child/children to enjoy!
Sign Up on this Google Form: RHS DECA Fundraiser.
Red Sox Spirit Day
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Opening day for the Boston Red Sox. Wear your favorite Red Sox gear or Red and white!
MCAS Dates-More information on MCAS in the upcoming newsletters.
- April 11th & 12th: ELA MCAS grades 3-5
- May 2nd-3rd: Math MCAS grades 3-5
- May 16th-17th: Science MCAS grade 5
On Going Schoolwide Events at RES
Read Across America for March
Let's wHOOP it up with a book!
RES is celebrating our love of reading during the month of March!
RES March Reading Madness Information
26 Day Kindness Challenge 2023
In support the Martin Richard Foundation, RES is participating in a "26 Day Kindness Challenge", highlighting Martin Richard's message of inclusion, kindness, justice, and peace.
Recess Fun
Motif Day #1
Motif # 1 Day 5K and 1 Mile takes place on Saturday, May 13th, 2023! Let's hope for great weather!
To register, use the following link:
To sign up to volunteer:
Volunteers may register a friend or family member at no cost. We look forward to a wonderful community event to promote Health and Wellness! We hope you can make it!
The Rockport High School Drama Llamas have moved onto METG Drama Festival Finals with their award-winning adaptation of Beverly Billingsly Takes a Bow, from the 2003 children's book of the same name by Alexander Stadler!
The story centers on Beverly - an elementary school student - who auditions for her very first play, Stormy Weather. Hoping to earn the lead, Beverly asks lots of questions of her director, solicits advice from family, and even writes her own original audition song! Despite all her preparations, things don’t go as planned, and Beverly has to learn some very important lessons about what it means to be a part of an acting ensemble.
The Drama Llamas will present an encore performance of Beverly Billingsly Takes a Bow on Sunday, March 26th @ 2:00 p.m. in the John E. Lane Performing Arts Center at 24 Jerden’s Lane. The show is free to the public, but donations are gratefully accepted to support the program in its travels to Boston.
This 40-minute performance is appropriate for all audiences.
Notes from the Nurse
1) Please see the charts below in order to review symptoms and guidelines for student illnesses. (You can also refer to the COVID guidelines here: RPS COVID Protocols 2022-2023).
Any absences related to illness can be excused if a doctor's note is provided to the school.
2) Please send in an ***updated copy of your child's most recent annual physical*** if you have not done so already.
3) If your child has borrowed any clothes from the RES Health Office, PLEASE wash and return them promptly.
Please reach out to the nurse's office with any questions at 978-546-1223.
Before/After School Activities
Run Club: Sign up here
Before/After School Activities:
- Winter session 2, check the Weekly Schedule here.
- Any questions email Mrs. Gale
Homework Club for Gr 3-5 in room G132 with Ms. Gale ( The schedule is as follows:
- Monday and Thursdays 3-4pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8-8:45am
- HS/MS Choral Director: School Spring ID 4161821
- RPS Cafeteria Staff and Cafeteria Substitutes
- Call or email Deborah Nokes at 978-546-1234 or
- Substitute Teachers, All Levels; School Spring ID 3807059 or click here
Parent Resources and Local Events
- Power of Play March 26, 2023 11-2pm at Gloucester High School
- Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce Annual Easter Egg Hunt Pre-K-1 April 8, 2023
- Motif #1 5K and 1 mile Fun Run May 13 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- RES Kindergarten/Grade 1 Registration-Rockport Residents, New students only, registration is ongoing
- Rockport Integrated Preschool-applications being accepted till March 31, 2023 Pre-K Flyer
- Cape Ann Museum offerings for Feb-May 2023
- Summer Programs at Pathways
- Gloucester Little League Registration
- Savings Makes Cents program offered by Cape Ann Savings Bank for Grades 3-5.
- RPS Community Flyers