Ridgeway RAP September 27, 2024
Phone (573)214-3550 ~ Fax (573)214-3551
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, October 2 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday
- Thursday, October 3 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday
- Friday, October 4 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday
- Monday, October 7 - Friday October 18 - One Read
- Friday, October 11 - Munch-n-Read, Unit A families are welcome to join.
- Thursday, October 10 - 6:30 PTSA Meeting
- Thursday, October 31 - Fall Parties
Principal's Pen
If you need to change the way your child is going home for dismissal…
PLEASE call the office.
Contacting your child’s teacher directly is fine as well, but that doesn’t take the place of informing the office. Teachers are extremely busy throughout the day with all of their attention focused on student learning, so they often go all day without checking email or text. Things can be easily missed this way. It’s great to let them know as well, but in addition, call the office.
If you email a secretary to inform them of a change and you do not get a response, please call the office. Secretaries get lots of emails throughout the day and especially during busy times, may not be able to check it as closely as they’d like to.
If you email Angie or Jessica and they haven’t responded by noon that day, please call and make sure we see it. When in doubt, just call the office.
When you call the office to let us know changes, we communicate that to the teacher and the student.
Mary Street is now open, so dismissal procedures are back to normal starting today.
I have asked for an update on who won the Mizzou Homecoming Food Drive, but have not gotten a response. I will share this as soon as I know!
There will NOT be a RAP next week, as it is a 2 day week for students. The next RAP will be sent on Friday, October 11. If any important updates come up between now and then, I will communicate them with an email or text.
Unit Notes
Unit A
Unit A has been working hard this week!
Reading- We focused on story elements, visualizing a story, and making connections to a story. All of these elements help readers better understand and remember stories as they read the pictures and words.
Writing- We continued our narrative writing unit by brainstorming a topic we know a lot about and adding details to pictures and words. This unit will take several weeks to complete.
Mincke/Triplett: We are working on representing numbers in multiple ways and on proper number formation. We are continuing to establish strong number sense routines as well.
Blades/Horn: We have been working on organizing data in Tally Charts, number stories, and counting larger numbers
Unit B
- Unit B sent home a reading calendar with your student. We encourage your students to read 20 minutes a day for at least 20 days. If they return the form signed by the end of the month, they will receive the legendary golden twenty b buck!
- Third grade math classes are beginning Unit two. Your student will learn how to make sense of, solve number stories, and explore multiplication and division.
- Second grade math classes are beginning Unit two. Your student will learn various strategies to have fast addition math recall such as doubles, near doubles, and combinations of ten. If your child is still counting on their fingers or needing time to think to solve these problems they need extra practice at home.
- Unit B is going to Bird Day on October 15th from 11:30-2:00.
Unit C
It’s been a short but busy week in Unit C! Don’t forget students don’t have school Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week! These days would be wonderful to use for practicing multiplication basic facts!! They have access to Freckle at home on any device!
Gray/White Math: We are working on a lot of geometry concepts including angles, rays, lines, etc.
Graves/Sandstedt Math: We have finished Unit 1 which focused a lot on Volume. We are starting Unit 2 now.
Health: We are so proud of Unit C students who all completed their slideshow and presentations about one of the six essential nutrients. Ask your child about what they studied!
Literacy: We have spent a lot of time working on taking notes from both print and digital media (video) sources. Students will use these notes to write their first essay of the year in a few weeks. If they are interested in doing additional research on their own. The essay will be about the appearance and behaviors of chipmunks.
Specialist News
The Ridgeway One Read is just around the corner! For this special two week event (October 7-18), each family will receive a copy of the same book to read at home together. At school, there will be daily trivia questions and other fun activities to go along with novel. The reading will require about 15 minutes each night, and I am personally asking you to open up your schedule to enjoy this special reading time with your children. Here are the clues that were revealed this week about the book…
- This year’s book was written by two award winning female authors.
- This novel was published last year.
- This book is told from the perspective of a non-human character.
Two more clues will be given next week and the book will be revealed at school Monday, October 7!
Ridgeway Care Team
Dear Ridgeway Families,
Please consider lending your support and encouragement for Ridgeway families. At times, we have families that face a long-term illness or other temporary hardship. The Ridgeway Care Team steps in to help. All donations and recipients will remain confidential. Please complete the form below to indicate your willingness to help or if you currently are experiencing a hardship and are in need of assistance.
Care Team Members can provide:
* Donation of gift card - restaurant, grocery store, or fuel card.
* Provide a care basket or care basket item(canned food, items, snacks, lotion, etc.)
You may contact us to participate and/or complete this google form. https://forms.gle/m2c5xxXgj9hK4LnA8 A member of the Care Team will reach out to you.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to help and to ask for help if needed.
Beth Ryberg, School Counselor, eryberg@cpsk12.org
Angie Kome, RWE Secretary to the Principal, akome@cpsk12.org
Taryn Brinlee, RWE Principal, Tbrinlee@cpsk12.org
Tiger Tuesday
9/24 Winners
Fire Prevention Week Kickoff Event, Columbia Fire Department
It is almost time for the Columbia Fire Department's annual Fire Prevention Week Kickoff Event!
We would like your organization to join us on Sunday, October 6th from 10 am - 2 pm as we share important safety messages and fun activities with our community. We are so excited about this year's event. We hope that you will be able to attend and bring safety messages, a table or booth, activities, department vehicles, and anything else that you think would be a good addition to the day! As we have more information, we will share it as soon as possible.
Don't forget to RSVP, if you have any questions in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out!
We look forward to hearing from you soon, and having a great Fire Prevention Week!
Call the Columbia Fire Department at 573-874-7391 or email Fire_Marshal@CoMo.Gov with any questions.