Cobra Connections TMS-THS
Parent-Family Newsletter - March 21, 2022
March 23, March 24 - 10 grade Reading MCAs
Thursday, March 24 - Last Day of Quarter 3, Sem. 2 Mid Term
Friday, March 25 - No School Grading Day
Monday, March 28 - TMS + THS Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:30 - 7:30 PM)
Thursday, March 31 - TMS Scheduled Intervention Conferences
Tuesday, April 5 - THS Testing Day (Details Below)
Monday, Mar 28, 2022, 05:00 PM
Triton High School, West Highway Street, Dodge Center, MN, USA
Please mark your calendars for a Whitewater Field Trip informational meeting on March 28, at
5 PM, West Gym.
Questions should be directed to Mr. Krenz.
(507) 418-7510
Spring Conferences
On Thursday, March 31, we will have scheduled conferences for TMS students. These conferences will be scheduled by school staff with families.
Quarter 3 report cards (TMS), and Semester 2 mid terms (THS) can be picked up at conferences.
Please feel free to reach out with questions.
TMS - Mr. Krenz
(507) 418-7510
THS - Mr. Lutterman
(507) 418-7520
TMS-THS Spring Conferences
Monday, Mar 28, 2022, 03:30 PM
Triton High School, West Highway Street, Dodge Center, MN, USA
Staying Connected
Facebook - @WeAreTriton, @tritonpublicschools
Twitter - @TritonCobras, @LukeLutterman, @CobraCounselor, @shanevan_beek, @schlich92
Instagram - @cobra_kindness, @cobracounselor
Family Communication
We wanted to inform you of a new practice that we are going to start implementing at Triton Middle School and High School. In order to streamline communication with our stakeholders about student progress, we are going to be sending out weekly emails to parents/guardians with information on missing assignments that your student has for the quarter/semester. This message will include all of the current missing assignments the student has for their classes during the current quarter/semester. These emails will be sent on Wednesdays for the middle school and Tuesdays for the high school. If your student does not have any missing work, you will not receive an email. This email will be sent from
Please work with us to help get your student caught up. Remember that each missing assignment is missed learning. Finally, please have your child contact their specific teacher for any assistance or clarification for their classwork and experiences.
Class of 2022 Reminders
Academic Letter Applications
Snow Days
I apologize for the confusion with the last snow day. Please note that any additional snow days will be eLearning Days.
- Students should log into their Infinite Campus Portal to submit their attendance.
- Academic work will be posted to Schoology (THS) or Google Classroom (TMS) by 10:00 AM.
- Teachers will also post an online meeting to answer questions from 10 AM - 12 PM.
Upcoming Testing Information
As we prepare for the MCA, ACCESS, and ACT Tests it is important to note that high school students can use qualifying scores for placement in concurrent courses, PSEO, and certain college courses without having to take an additional placement test.
It is always appreciated when appointments are scheduled around MCA and ACT Testing Dates.
Middle School
Students in grades 6-8 will take the reading and math tests. Students in grade 8 will also take the science test.
Reading - April 13-14
Math - April 28-29
Science (8th Grade) - May 4-6
High School
Reading (10th Grade) - March 23-24
ACT (11th Grade), ASVAB (11th Grade), Pre- ACT (10th Grade) - April 5th
Math (11th Grade) - April 13-14
Science (10th Grade) - May 4-5
Test Tips for Parent - Student Discussions
Practice at home - Item samplers provide examples of the types of questions that are on the test. These can be accessed at home and practiced. You can find item samplers for each grade on the PearsonAccess website. and click on preparing for testing. Online test tutorials are also available.
More information on the MCAs can be accessed on the Minnesota Department of Education Website.
Parents of 11th graders should have a conversation with their child and check-in to make sure they are signed up for the appropriate test. The majority of the students take the ACT, but taking the ASVAB is also an option.
Luke Lutterman
Triton High School Principal
(507) 418-7520
THS Testing Day - Tuesday, April 5
Triton High School Families,
Tuesday, April 5th is a very busy day at Triton High School. Each year all high schools in the state of Minnesota are responsible for offering a college entrance examination. At Triton, we offer the ACT. Because this testing experience requires extensive personnel we need to adjust how this school day will look.
We wanted to communicate in advance so families have time to plan and coordinate schedules. Please take a minute and read through the information below for your child’s respective grade.
Ninth Graders - College Visits
We are excited to help prepare our students for life after high school by presenting them options. On this day all ninth-graders will attend tours and events at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and Western Technical College in La Crosse.
The bus will leave at 8:05 AM and will return by 3 PM. Students should not bring Chromebooks or any other valuables. Lunch will be provided at the UW-La Crosse dining hall. Triton staff will be attending the trip as chaperones.
Tenth Graders - PreACT
Tenth graders will report to school as scheduled to take the PreACT. This test is part of their state requirement for college and career readiness. Triton High School is paying for this test. Students are scheduled to finish the test around 11 AM.
Students are excused from school when they finish their test unless they have missing coursework. Students that are currently failing one or more classes are highly encouraged to stay and get caught up. Students going home after the testing will need to line up their own transportation. If students do not have a ride home, we have plans and space for them to stay in school. If students are going to stay in school, they should plan to eat lunch in the cafeteria and be in a teacher’s classroom for the afternoon. Students will not be permitted to leave school and come back.
Eleventh Graders - ACT or ASVAB
Eleventh graders will report to school to take the ACT or ASVAB. Triton is paying for all costs associated with these tests. Testing should be finished by 12:30 PM.
Students failing classes or missing assignments are encouraged to stay in school. Students that are caught up are excused from school after testing. Eleventh graders will also need to arrange transportation. If students are going to stay in school, they should plan to eat lunch in the cafeteria and be in a teacher’s classroom for the afternoon. Students will not be permitted to leave school and come back.
Twelfth Graders - CPR Certification
The twelfth graders will be getting their CPR certification as part of their senior seminar course. This will take place in the multipurpose room during a morning or afternoon session. Seniors should enter and leave through the activities entrance. Seniors have received or will receive information on which session they should be attending. Students that are currently failing one or more classes are highly encouraged to stay and get caught up. Students that are caught up are excused after their CPR certification.
Isabella Selthun - Academic All State!
Profile of a Graduate Award Winners!
We would like to recognize the students below for demonstrating leadership in the areas of integrity and self-awareness. Thank you for helping make Triton a great place to learn and work!
Tickets for Annie
Triton Business Professions of America (BPA) was a force to be reckoned with at the State Leadership Conference March 10-12. They dominated the competition, crowning a historic four State Champions, ten National trip winners, and an additional four top ten finishers.
Junior Wyatt Bendickson started things off with a bang by earning a place among the Top 10 finalists in the Nation through his virtual Cybersecurity event, and things continued to heat up from there. Senior Scott Nolan was crowed State Champion in C# Programming, and the Video Production Team made up of sophomores Noah Kleinwort, Alejandro Ortiz, and Quinn Short were crowned State Champions as well. Junior Talia Kelley scooped up a second-place finish in Graphic Design, while juniors Mariah Busch and Paige DeVetter and senior August Kozisek nabbed third-place finishes in Health Administration, Desktop Publishing, and Web Design. Rounding out the crew of 10 who punched their tickets to the National Competition was junior Ariana Wennes, who finished sixth in Health Administration. In addition, freshman Katerina Wheeler graced the stage at the Grand Awards Ceremony for placing seventh in Computer Modeling, as did the Broadcast News team of juniors Talia Kelley, Kaitlyn Krupa, and Lydia Stanton, who placed eighth. August Kozisek also placed in the top 10 for his Python Programming event, as did Kaitlyn Krupa for Desktop Publishing.
“Historically, this is the most students Triton has sent to Nationals, which in and of itself is a huge accomplishment,” said Advisor Rebecca Goossens. “But honestly, I’m always the most blown away by just seeing the learning, problem-solving, and business skills our students gain and demonstrate by competing in BPA. I know that they are prepared to succeed in life; and that’s the biggest win of all.”
The students qualified for the State competition earlier this year by competing individually and in teams in a variety of areas including accounting, video editing, web design, graphic design, podcast creation, computer programming, health administration, information technology, and legal procedures At the State competition, they put their talents to the test against winners from eight other regions throughout the state and were required to learn and develop numerous soft and hard skills and abilities and then demonstrate their knowledge by taking a test, creating a project, or presenting to a judge. Industry leaders, business owners, and experts in their fields judged the contest events, where the top five individuals, top three judged individuals, and top two teams from each event earned trips to Nationals.
“For those not familiar with BPA, it might be hard to understand the significance of these students’ accomplishments,” said Goossens. “To put it in perspective, there are chapters that Triton competes against that have double the members than we have students in a graduating class. It’s like a class A team just beat a class AAAA team – and they beat them multiple times.”
This May, Bendickson, Busch, DeVetter, Kelley, Kleinwort, Kozisek, Nolan, Ortiz, Short, and Wennes will travel to Dallas, TX to compete with roughly 5,500 top students from across the United States at the 2022 Annual National Leadership Conference – the pinnacle of BPA competition.
Driver's Education Option
COVID Update
Download the Triton App!
Mr. Luke Lutterman
Location: 813 West Highway Street Dodge Center, MN
Phone: 507-418-7520
Twitter: @LukeLutterman