Principal's Pen
February 2025: Volume 8, Issue 7
Gale Elementary School
Home of the Tigers!
An 'A' Rated School
Like us on Facebook
Location: 678 South Gollob Road, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-731-4500
Greetings Tiger Families,
Welcome to another exciting month in our incredible learning community! If you’re new, we’re thrilled to have you join us—welcome!
We’re looking forward to the wonderful events and opportunities ahead, starting with our Scholastic Book Fair from February 3-7 and Space Night on February 4. Later this month, we’ll host Parent-Teacher Conferences on February 13-14 and enjoy time together at our Rodeo Picnic on February 19. These special moments are made possible by your ongoing support and involvement. Together, we’re creating lasting memories for our Tiger Family, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your enthusiasm!
Stay Connected
Please make it a habit to check ClassDojo regularly for important updates, announcements, and reminders. Below, you’ll find key information and updates to help keep you informed:
Parent Conferences
This round of conferences will primarily be by invitation. Teachers will reach out to families if their child has not yet met benchmark criteria or is performing below grade level. If you do not receive an invitation but would like to meet with your child’s teacher, please don’t hesitate to request an appointment. We value your partnership in supporting your child’s growth and success!
A Look Ahead
As we begin February, I encourage you to take time to review academic and behavioral expectations with your child. Your support in ensuring your student completes homework, attends school regularly, and arrives ready to learn every day truly makes all the difference. Thank you for being such an essential part of our team—your partnership is key to student success!
Key Updates and Information
Progress Monitoring
We remain committed to using data-driven instruction to help every student thrive. Here’s how we’re tailoring support:
- Grades K-2: Intervention groups are flexible and regularly adjusted to meet each student’s growth needs.
- Grades 3-5: Grade-level intervention sessions provide targeted support for all students, and our Tigers have become experts at knowing when and where their groups meet.
- Targeted Learning Support (TLS): After-school sessions will continue in February for select students in 1st, 2nd, and 6th grades.
Classroom Communication
Teachers will continue to share weekly newsletters via Smore and provide timely updates through ClassDojo. These tools are the best way to stay informed about classroom activities and important school events.
Thank you for your continued support, engagement, and dedication to our school community. Let’s make February a fantastic month together!
With gratitude,
Direct line: 520-731-4504
Free Breakfast and Lunch for Students
Friendly reminder: This year, all TUSD students enjoy free breakfast and lunch! They also get to choose from several healthy options each day.
Ms. Ashley and Ms. Sue efficiently feed all of our Tigers each and every day and are greatly appreciated!
Gale Domino's Pizza Future Days: 2/7, 3/28, 4/25
Calling all Champions for Tigers
🐯🐯 Join our Tax Team for Tigers 🐯🐯
Please remember to make a tax credit contribution to Gale Elementary School. Contributions can be made at TUSD Tax Credit website or by clicking the link/button to the right! Donations for 2024 can be made until April 15, 2025.Thank you for your continued support and generosity. You ROAR!
February 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair
February 4 Kinder Kick-Off 9-11 (with presentations by our Kinder team at 9:00 and 10:00)
February 4 Library Night: Space and STEAM Night
February 13-14 Parent Conferences Early Dismissal 10:55
February 19 Bus Evacuation Drill 9:45-10:30
February 19 Rodeo Picnic (during scheduled lunches for safety, gates open at 10:35)
February 20-21 Rodeo Break
February 27 Site Council Meeting
February 28 Site PTC Meeting
March 4 McDonalds Night
March 7 Grading Day No school
March 10-14 Spring Break
March 28 Spring Fling
March 31 Spring Picture Day
April 1 Bahama Bucks
April 11 PTC Meeting
April 18 Spring Holiday No school
April 24 Site Council Meeting
April 28-May 2 Scholastic Book Fair
April 30 Art Walk Night
Family Engagement
Last month, our focus was on transitioning students back to campus and setting the tone for another successful semester. We have many events planned for the remainder of the school year but we need your help. Please reach out if you are able to volunteer. The next opportunity is during our Scholastic Book Fair.
Contact our School Community Liaison, Chrissy Van Cleve, for event information, student support, or community resources. You can contact her by email or at 520-731-4567. Family engagement and support are among our primary Title I goals, and Chrissy is here to help.
If you’re interested in getting involved in our Parent and Teacher Club (PTC), Chrissy can provide you with all the details. Our next meeting is on February 28 at 2:15 in our library. We are stronger together!
Email Chrissy Van Cleve
Phone: direct line 520-731-4567 or 520-731-4500
Our boy's basketball team, pictured here, displaying great sportsmanship by cheering for our girl's team!
Character Strong and Tiger Traits are basically character traits we teach and encourage children to use in order to help them be more successful students and members of our society.
You can support our efforts by discussing the meaning of each trait and the role it plays in your child’s life. It is important for you to notice and recognize your child as s/he practices using their traits even at home.
Weekly Tiger Traits Recognition
Each week, we focus on a different trait, and our teachers select a student who exemplifies that quality. During our Tiger assembly, we also proudly honor students.
Third Quarter Tiger Trait Recipient's Celebration: All third quarter Tiger Trait recipients will be invited to attend a breakfast bash hosted by Ms. O on Wednesday, March 5 from 8-9 a.m. The celebration will be facilitated by the following AMAZING team: our office manager, Mrs. Turkin, and paraprofessionals Ms. Juli and Ms. Leslie, and our counselor, Ms. Lewis.
This month’s Character Strong and Tiger Traits are cooperation, patience, flexibility, and problem solving.
We look forward to celebrating more outstanding Tigers!
Important Reminder: Zero Tolerance for Play-Fighting
I want to take a moment to address a serious matter regarding student behavior. We have a zero-tolerance policy for play-fighting. Statements like "I was just kidding" or "we were just play-fighting" are not acceptable excuses. Even when it starts as a joke, play-fighting can quickly escalate, and it's too easy for situations to get out of hand—especially when everyone wants to be the one to get the last shove.
Our priority is to maintain a safe environment for all students, and we ask for your support in reinforcing this message with your children. Please remind them that physical interactions of any kind that resemble fighting and or use of inappropriate language
are not allowed, and there will be consequences if this policy is not followed.
Thank you for helping us keep our school safe and respectful for everyone.
Exciting Opportunity
Free Camping Weekend with Camp Wildcat!
Camp Wildcat, a student-run nonprofit organization at the University of Arizona, is offering our 5th and 6th grade students a free weekend camping trip!
During the trip, students will take part in engaging activities focused on higher education, sustainability, science, art, team building, diversity, and more. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn, explore, and build lasting friendships in a fun outdoor setting.
Trip Details:
- 5th Grade Trip: March 21–23
- 6th Grade Trip: April 11–13
Students will be picked up from school on Friday at 5:00 PM and returned on Sunday at noon.
More details will be shared soon, and registration forms will be sent home this week. We encourage all eligible students to take advantage of this unique experience!
Counselor's Corner
Hello Tiger Families,
Students have been off to a great start learning in our counseling lessons so far this year! In the month of January we focused on diversity and all of the wonderful things that make our Gale tigers unique and special. The older students worked hard to make their own versions of a children's book all about the many things that make us different and unique! Their books were then donated to the younger classrooms for the students to be reminded that it is okay to be different! Moving into February we will be focusing on career exploration and teamwork! I can't wait to learn what amazing things your students want to do when they grow up!
Katherine Lewis
Professional School Counselor
Gale Elementary School
questions, concerns, or comments by sending me an email.
COPE: We have a FREE Mental Health partnership with COPE. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Campus Happenings
Stellar Preschool Team
Congratulations to our preschool team for earning a FIVE star Quality First rating!
Writing Contest Winner!
Congratulations to fifth grade students, Laila Shamp, for having her spooky story selected to be published out of 67,000 entries by the New York Young Writers organization.
MLK Coaches for Charity Event
Coach Mario Ybarra and some of our basketball teammates received a check from Coaches for Charity during the 2025 MLK event at McKale Center.
El Presidio Field Trip
100th Day of School!
Our Kinder students did an activity titled, What will I look like and do when I'm 100 years old?
Our Girl's Team at Final Four Competition
We are very PROUD of our girl's basketball team for making it to the Final Four! Especially because they improved so much during the season! Whose custodian attends games? Gale’ does! Thank you for supporting our Tigers Mr. Jerry (pictured standing on bleacher) you ROAR!
Labeling Belongings Matters!
We’re finding items all over campus, especially on the playground. We just donated two large bags of items that were never claimed since before winter break. Please use permanent markers to clearly label all of your child's belongings. When items are labeled, it not only helps us return them to the right owner but also teaches children to be responsible for their things. This way, teachers can focus more on teaching.
Thank you for your support!
Classes with the highest percentage of students wearing Gale
t-shirts get to display our coveted Spirit Sticks for a week.
Ms. Osollo announces winning classrooms during our weekly Tiger Assemblies.
You can't hide that Tiger pride!