Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 26th January 2024
A Wonderful Christingle
A Wonderful Christingle
This week we had a wonderful Christingle at the Cathedral. All the children really enjoyed making and learning about Christingles and what each part represents. A huge thank you to all the Cathedral volunteers who helped the children put the Christingles together. At the end of the day the children enjoyed a hot dog with lashings of tomato sauce before journeying up to the Cathedral. The service was really lovely, including a presentation from our Year 6 children about how we can all be lights in our world. Iris and Ramsay sang beautifully as we lit our Christingles with the children standing in the shape of the cross. Many thanks to all the parents and carers who came along, we hope you enjoyed this special service.
School Updates
Class Dojo
We hope you are finding Class Dojo a useful way to see the dojo points your child is receiving as well as accessing updates and information from school. Just a reminder, parents and carers do not have to sign up to a subscription on Dojo, you can access all the information that we publish for free.
Presently nearly 74% of parents in Year 1 to Year 6 have managed to sign up to Class Dojo. If you have not yet managed to gain access, simply click on the link below:
Ripon Cathedral Class Dojo Site
Parking around School
Unfortunately we have received communications from residents who live close to school regarding dangerous and inconsiderate parking on Ailcey Road, Saxon Road and Priest Lane.
Please can we ask that parents and carers do park in appropriate areas so that they do not pose a danger to pedestrians and other drivers.
Do remember that you can use the Park and Stride Scheme. This allows you to park at St Marygate Car Park at drop off and pick up times for free. Permits can be obtained from the school office.
Many thanks for your support on this matter.
Year 6 Courageous Advocacy Worship
Our Year 6 pupils worked together to create a wonderful worship all about protecting and looking after our local environment. Year 6 have been keen environmentalists championing causes for a number of years. This year they reminded us about the nature and wildlife that is on our doorstep in the Ripon wetlands. They thought about ways they can support our local reserves, creating a simple video about the actions that they plan to take. Do click on the link below to learn more. Well done Year 6.
Holocaust Service
Stars of the Week
Every week we enjoy hearing about the wonderful work in each class in our Celebration Worship. Well done to all our Stars of the Week.
Elsie for brilliant balancing in yoga.
Nienna for an amazing can do attitude to independent learning.
Year 1
Sophie for showing lots of perseverance in her maths this week; with increased focus you have made excellent progress.
Year 2
Emily for a positive attitude all of the time. You give everything a really good try and never give up. We are all so proud of you,.
Year 3
George for showing an enthusiasm for learning this week, being a responsible learner and putting in a super effort.
Year 4
Primrose for always embracing her learning, challenges and feedback with determination.
Year 5
Dominic for his creativity in his art learning. Dominic explored ways to develop his portrait. He is always ready to learn and try his best.
Year 6
Bethany for always being ready to learn, for being responsible for her learning and always taking an active role in lessons.
Dates for Diaries
Thursday 1st February - Year 4 visit to York
Thursday 1st February - Coffee Morning with Mrs Spencer - all parents invited (in school hall 9am)
Tuesday 6th February at 5.30pm - London Information Meeting (Year 6 parents and children)
Wednesday 7th February - Year 5 Courageous Advocacy Worship at 9am
Wednesday 7th February at 7pm - Meeting of the Friends of School (venue TBC)
Thursday 8th February - KS2 Young Voices at Sheffield Arena
Friday 9th February - School closes for Half Term
Wednesday 21st February - Year 4 Courageous Advocacy at 9am
Thursday 29th February - Cathedral Breakfast Natters (in school hall 9am)
Wednesday 6th March -> Friday 8th March - Year 6 visit to London
Tuesday 12th March - Parent consultation meetings
Wednesday 13th March - Year 3 Courageous Advocacy Worship at 9am
Wednesday 13th March - Parent consultation meetings
Thursday 21st March - Reception and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Friday 22nd March - Music Concert and Celebration Worship.
Friday 22nd March - School closes for Easter break
Tuesday 9th April - School reopens for pupils for the Summer Term
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
Like us and follow us...
Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool