Viking View
August 8th, 2024
Welcome Back!
So happy to be starting my 10th year as the elementary principal at Viking Elementary School. This is my home away from home! Viking staff, students, and parents are all just the best!
We pride ourselves on making a warm and inviting place for learning for all of our students! We will all do our best to help your child reach their full potential while attending here. Parents are very important to us and your child's learning so we love to set up open lines of communication with you from the very beginning. We utilize Seesaw for a lot of our home and school communication so make sure you get that app downloaded and get signed up for your child's account.
Back to School Open House Monday, August 26th 3:30pm-5:30pm
First Day of School! Tuesday, August 27th
Parent Information
School day starts at 8:20am and ends at 3:00pm
On Wednesdays that are identified as an early release day school is out at 1:30pm
If you child is going to eat breakfast doors open at 7:40am.
After breakfast students will go to designated areas.
Kindergarten students will be in the library.
First grade students will go to the gym.
Second and Third grade students go to the back of the lunchroom.
Fifth grade students go to the gym.
Morning activities will consist of reading, working on math facts, and playing educational games until the bell rings.
Parent Pick Up Locations
Kindergarten students will be dismissed out the south end door #2.
First grade students will dismiss out the south end door #3 onto the blacktop area.
Second and third grade students dismiss out the north end door #1.
Fourth and fifth grade students dismiss out of south end door #3 and out of the two relocatables
Use the school crosswalks that are marked. This is for everyone's safety.
We would encourage our families to fill out the free and reduced lunch forms. The more families we are able to qualify in this program the better federal funding is provided in our Title I program. Forms are online and a hard copy will be sent home with our students.
Healthy Snacks
When sending a snack to school with your students please make it a healthy choice. (no chips, cookies, or candy) Please check the label to make sure sugar is not a top ingredient.
Orchestra Information
4th & 5th grade Orchestra
String Orchestra is offered in the Grand Forks Public Schools beginning in 4th grade! Within the first few weeks of school, 4th & 5th graders will hear a presentation about the option of learning a string instrument at school! More information will be sent home at that time.
Beginner Orchestra "Parent Night" will be held on Tuesday, Sept 10, anytime between 3:30-6:30pm in the Red River HS Commons. This is a one-stop time to meet our orchestra teacher, Mrs. Barhite, and ask any questions you may have. Local music stores will also be there to provide instruments, books and supplies.
Important Reminders:
School Hours: Our school day begins at 8:20am and ends at 3:00pm. Please ensure your child arrives on time and is ready to learn each day.
Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic success. If your child is absent, please inform the school office as soon as possible. Attendance line phone number is 701-746-2210.
Communication: We encourage open communication between school and home. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or the school administration.
We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is essential for student success. Together, we can provide the support, encouragement, and resources that our students need to excel.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We look forward to an exciting and productive school year filled with learning, growth, and fun!