MVCA Resource List SY 23-24
Helpful resources in counties across the state
Helping Hand
Michigan Network for Youth and Families - Helping Homeless Youth In Michigan
The Michigan Network for Youth and Families has provided over 30 years of statewide advocacy, education, information and training to, and on behalf of, runaway and homeless youth services providers. The vision of the network is to support our member agencies to provide relevant, community-based, state-of-the-art services to youth in need and their families within their respective communities.
Resource for Mental Health Issues
Here is another resource:
MI Bridges - quickly search for state and local resources near you.
Resources for LGBTQI+ Students
The Trevor Project - Creating Safer Spaces in Schools for LGBTQ Youth
Click here for state-wide list of HARA offices.
Next - Contact and call 2-1-1 for resources. available 24/7 365 days a year. Click here for website.
If you are registered with MSHDA.... Here are some programs that may help.
CHILDREN'S EYE EXAMS through Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Children's eye exams covered by Medicaid
Medicaid is a jointly funded, federal-state public health program that is administered by the states. Medicaid provides health care coverage to certain low-income people and families who are U.S. citizens.
Qualifying for Medicaid may depend on several factors besides income, resources and age — including whether you're pregnant, disabled or blind. Each state has unique eligibility rules and covered benefits.
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a state and federal partnership that provides low-cost health insurance coverage for children in families who earn too much income to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford to purchase private health insurance coverage.
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) covers eye exams for schoolchildren who are not eligible for Medicaid.
States have considerable flexibility to establish income eligibility rules for CHIP, but children enrolling in the program must be otherwise uninsured.
Preventive care must be provided at no cost to the family, but premiums and other cost-sharing may be required for other services, within certain limits. In most states, children enrolled in the program may be eligible for free eye exams.
To find out if your children are eligible for CHIP or Medicaid coverage, visit the CHIP/Children's Medicaid website.
Call - 1-800-985-5990 - This 24/7/365 service from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides crisis counseling for people going through both natural and human-caused disasters. It’s free, multi-lingual and confidential. You can also text TalkWithUs to 66746.
Distance Learning Medical Emergency Response Protocol
FINDHELP.ORG (formally Aunt Bertha)
Headspace, To the people of Michigan: Headspace is here for you! A free mental health resource for Michiganders during the COVID-19 pandemic, offers meditations, at-home workouts and other help for stress and anxiety
MVCA ELL Information Translation for English Language Learners
Translation in your native language is available by request. Please contact rosborn@michva.org for information.
Food Assistance
· https://www.feedwm.org/findfood/
Homeless Shelters
· https://upmi.graceslist.org/directory/categories/homeless-shelters
Health Care
· https://freeclinicdirectory.org/michigan_care/marquette_mi_county.html
Housing Assistance
Free Summer Activities St. Ignace Area
St. Ignace (UP) - Museum of Ojibwa Culture & Father Marquette Mission Park
Cost: Donation
Enjoy indoor and outdoor exhibits for a glimpse into the Ojibwa culture and the lifestyles of the Huron. This is also where the French Jesuit Mission was located where Father Marquette resided. Free guided walking tours every Monday and Tuesday, July - August, beginning at 6:30 pm.
More info: www.SaintIgnace.org or www.StIgnace.com
Community Action Alger-Marquette can assist residents with housing or food support. Call 906-228-6522 during normal business hours to make an appointment.
Alpena Michigan Assistance Programs:
Salvation Army - Locations are in both Gratiot County (989) 358-2769. The main office is in Alma Michigan (989) 463-2864. Another location is also in Alpena County Michigan. (989) 358-2769
- Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing - Offers emergency financial assistance with rent, and applicants need referrals from DHHS, EightCAP, churches and other agencies in order to apply.
- Energy bills - Get help with paying heating and fuel bills and avoiding shut offs.
- Food pantry - It is located on site and distributes free food, groceries, and other commodities.
- Holiday assistance - Christmas baskets provide meals and gifts, and Thanksgiving meals are available too.
Blue Water CIL - Assistance is offered for people with disabilities. Access housing and rental assistance programs to assist with offering individuals emergency shelter, transitional housing, supportive housing, and emergency rent payments. Bad Axe MI. (989) 269-5421
Huron County Homeless Coalition, which is also located in Bad Axe (989) 269-9502), provides emergency financial assistance with paying for rent, mortgage help, rental security deposit, emergency motel stays and other homeless related needs and prevention services.
Amazing Grace Helping Hands Outreach - While funding is limited, when possible they can offer financial helps with paying rent. Wheeler Michigan based. Dial (989) 842-5813
The community action agency of Gratiot is EightCap Inc. Several resources and services offered include money for paying heating and utility bills. Free tax filings are done by well trained volunteers and professionals. Food is distributed by an on site food bank and pantry. Low income individuals can also apply for the government programs of Medicaid and Head Start at this location.
The non-profit EightCap is also a source of information on financial aid for various bills. Most of them are government funded, such as LIHEAP, but there are also referrals to loan services, credit unions, and other lenders in the region. Call (989) 463-5693.
Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, Inc. offers the following services and resources. Homeless Prevention Program is a grant program that provides funds for security deposits, first month's rent, rental and utility arrearage payments. The Utility Bill Assistance Program provides assistance with paying heat and utility emergency needs. Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) distributes food on a quarterly basis to the poor and needy. Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is another food program for people faced with malnutrition. The NE community action agency also runs the local Head Start program, which may be able to provide access to social service, health/dental care, nutrition, mental health, and disability services to participating families and individuals. (989) 356-3474.
Huron County is served by Human Development Commission. Among assistance offered include emergency aid for people facing disconnection of heat or electrical services or eviction from their home. In addition, there is often assistance with deliverable fuels and heating oil as well, such as propane and fuel oil. Foreclosure Prevention is offered by the non-profit, and the organization offers free, confidential foreclosure prevention counseling and advice to educate homeowners and assist them with various foreclosure prevention options and tactics. Weatherization is intended to reduce energy usage and therefore lower a clients monthly utility bills. Other resources include senior programs and aging services, which provides services to older adults. Nutrition Programs also are on site and include various food programs serving children, adults, and seniors in the region. Call (989) 673-4121.
Shelters and transitional housing units are located in northern and eastern Michigan, including counties such as Aplena and Huron. The sites will provide families a place to stay, offer access to self-sufficiency, and other social services. Several non-profits, churches and charities offer the housing support in the region. This may include information on programs o pay a deposit too.
Receive free food, groceries, clothing, and similar aid (all of which is so called non-financial) from the following locations and organization in the Northeastern area of Michigan.
- Alma Twin Cities Seventh Day Adventist Church (Alma Michigan (989) 463-4512) - Offers and distributes free food up to once per month to the needy.
- United Methodist Church of Breckenridge offers food up to 6 times per year. (989) 842-3632
- Sacred Heart Church Shared Blessings Food Pantry - This is the local church providing a food pantry and food bank, as well as personal supplies to residents of Huron County Michigan.
- Caseville Community Pantry (989) 582-0126) - Offers food to low income Americans.
- A local community health/dental clinic is the Thumb Rural Health Network of Bad Axe. This public health care center and clinic can provides free primary dental and health care offering access to preventive care for the low income and uninsured. (989) 269-9721
Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency.
One of the leading non-profits in the area is the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, or NEMCSA. They run a number of programs, provide referrals, and case managers can help people apply for government benefits as well. While they will offer some short term support or direct clients to resources, the true objective is to help families gain stability or break the cycle of poverty, if applicable. The community action agency offers resources across Alcona, Alpena, Arenac, Cheboygan, Crawford, Iosco, Montmorency, Oscoda, Ogemaw, Otsego, and Presque Isle County Michigan.
Emergency assistance and basic needs from Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency
The federal government organized Emergency Food Assistance Program can help low income seniors and families with children. It will provide qualified households with surplus government canned items and commodities. More information on emergency food can be obtained by dialing (989) 358-4700.
Applications for CSFP, or the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, can be provided by the non-profit Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency. Help is for low-income and working poor individuals that are most vulnerable to malnutrition. This will be child, pregnant women, infants, seniors, and babies.
Low Income Weatherization Program provides qualified homeowners in Michigan with free water heater insulation, ceiling, pipe wrap, minor home improvements, and attic insulation and ventilation. Other updates can be wall, caulking, floor and perimeter insulation, weather-stripping and other measures to prevent air infiltration. Call (989) 358-4700.
Free federal government and state of Michigan income tax preparation assistance is provided to low income families and individuals. This is generally for those that qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Call (989) 356-3474.
Rent and Housing Assistance
For those facing a crisis, the Homeless Prevention Program provides families with security deposit assistance funds for paying first month's rent, utility arrearage payments, water costs, and some other rental assistance. It is offered as a last resort to people facing a shut off of their power or eviction. The goal is to prevent the family from being homeless and living on the street.
The Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency Crisis Prevention Program provides limited amounts of financial assistance with paying heat and other utility costs. Funds can pay for propane, fuel oil, electricity or firewood. The grants can address the shutoff notices for electricity and natural gas customers in many counties. These rent and energy bill services are for the area including Alcona, Alpena, Arenac, Cheboygan, Crawford, Iosco, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Oscoda, Otsego, and Presque Isle counties. The main number is (989) 358-4713.
The Continuum of Care strategy and the Rural Supportive Housing Program provides social services and assistance to homeless persons in the northeast Michigan area who are transitioning from short term shelters to permanent housing and maximum self-sufficiency. What may be offered by the community action agency includes security deposits, first month’s rent, and other household goods. Clients will also enroll into individual or family case management to ensure long-term success.
Subsidized rent help is available from the Housing Choice Voucher program (HCV). This is often called section 8 and is for very low income and homeless families and individuals. The Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency uses federal funds and partners with the Michigan State Housing Development Authority's to administer this benefit.
While there is a waiting list, whenever possible the program offers families with rental assistance along with case management. Staff from NEMCSA also provide clients with self-sufficiency, job training, and other support. The non-profit offers vouchers in Alcona, Alpena, Cheboygan, Crawford, Iosco, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Oscoda, Presque Isle and Roscommon County.
Transitional housing is offered in serves Crawford, Ogemaw, Oscoda, and Roscommon County from the Leasing Assistance Program known as TSHLAP. It is similar to the federal government TBRA program. Any rental assistance is only given in three month increments for a maximum of 24 months.
Veteran's Supportive Services can offer housing assistance, stability, and support to homeless and at-risk Veterans and their families. Those that are low-income or looking for a home can apply for security deposits, rental assistance, utility bill payments, funds for moving costs, emergency costs, and transportation as well.
Assistance in Northwest Michigan, including Antrim and Emmet region.
While the number of agencies that provide assistance in the region are limited, low income families in the northwestern part of Michigan do have options. The leading non-profit organization to call for financial assistance is the Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency.
A summary of the programs and services offered are below.
Rental assistance is also offered for the northwestern counties. One-time cash assistance and landlord/tenant counseling can be provided to renters facing eviction. Free guidance and advice is also available for landlord tenant disputes. This is a version of the homeless prevention program.
Homeless individuals can apply for help in finding a new home or apartment. In addition they may receive one-time cash assistance or grants to pay moving costs or security deposits. Counselors from the community action agency can provide information packets on landlords, low-income rental housing, and budget analysis for individuals seeking a place to rent.
Save money on energy bills from the free weatherization program. The state and community action agency will provide free energy conservation measures to assist low income homeowners, seniors and even renters in Emmet and Kalkaska with reducing their home heating costs.
Seniors and children can get groceries and meals from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) as well as Emergency Food Assistance. This federal government funded resources targets at risk mothers, infants, children and senior citizens. Qualified clients in Antrim and other regions will get a monthly food package as well as a nutrition education program. Receive free USDA food for low income households. Students can also receive snacks and meals from a so called backpack program. Click more Feeding America.
Emergency Assistance from Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency can help low income families with a number of needs in a crisis. Get money for housing/shelter expenses and crisis payments for heating bill and utilities. Another resource is the Emergency Solutions Grant. This provides emergency rental assistance to those in need of eviction prevention. Funds may also pay for deposits or mortgages when a homeowner is facing foreclosure. Case management and counseling (as described above) is also usually offered.
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency has a few locations in the region. Call or stop by 3963 Three Mile Road, Traverse City, Michigan 49686-9164, (231) 947-3780. Other centers are at 1640 Marty Paul, Cadillac MI dial (231) 775-9781 and 2202 Mitchell Park, Petoskey Michigan, phone (231) 347-9070
Sylvia's Place Safe House can provide help, including food, for victims of domestic violence. Allegan, MI 49010, call (888) 411-7837
Holy Childhood Of Jesus Church runs a food pantry and soup kitchen. Telephone (231) 526-2017.
Saint Mary’s On the Lake Catholic Church is located at 450 Manitou Road. Call (517) 547-7496 for information on food items offered, including special holiday meal assistance and programs.
The Salvation Army is a leading non-profit in Charlevoix, Leelanau, and all of western Michigan. A number of social services are offered. Some may include financial assistance for medications, food, or energy bills. Or look into case management and job placement. Call 616.459.3433 for a center near you.
Salvation Army
712 Pleasant St
Petoskey, MI 49770
(231) 347-3531
Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance
Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
Must have a current SER decision notice from DHHS
Documents To Bring:
Valid driver's license or state issued photo identification, proof of income and Social Security Card for each household member
NW Michigan Community Action
2240 Mitchell Park Dr A
Petoskey, MI 49770
(231) 347-9070
Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance
Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm
Must provide a shut-off notice and proof of sustainable income and meet income eligibility requirements
Documents To Bring:
Shut off notice or emergency delivery and proof of income
Shelter and Housing Assistance
Goodwill Inn Of Northern Michigan Traverse City
Traverse City, MI 49684
(231) 922-4890
safe, supportive shelter with food and basic essentials for adults and families experiencing homelessness.
Goodwill Industries Of Northern Michigan - Goodwill Inn
Traverse City, MI 49686
Safe Harbor of Grand Traverse
Traverse City, MI 49686
(231) 642-2435
Dann's House
Traverse City, MI 49685
Traverse City Housing Commission Traverse City
Traverse City, MI 49684
Housing Authority, Low Income Affordable Housing, Public Housing
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency, Inc Traverse City
Traverse City, MI 49686
Agency that provides HUD Approved Housing Assistance Programs
Types of Shelters and Services we provide
We provide many categories of shelter for those in need and in need of services. They include:
Day Shelters supplement homeless and low-income people when the shelter their staying in only offers shelter on an overnight basis. Case management is often provided and sometimes there are laundry and shower facilities. Meals and basic hygiene may also be offered. Almost all day shelters provide their services free of charge. Any emergency or homeless shelter that allows clients to stay during the day is also classified under this category.
Emergency Homeless Shelters both provide short term relief for the homeless & low-income. Usually there is a maximum stay of 3 months or less. Many of these shelters ask their clients to leave during the day. Meals and other supportive services are often offered. 3 times out of 5 these shelters offer their services free of charge.
Halfway Housing helps transition individuals and families from shelters or homelessness to permanent housing. Length of stay is usually anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Residents are often required to pay at least 30% of their income toward program fees. Sometimes the money they pay in fees is returned to them when they leave. Any emergency or homeless shelter that allows their clients to stay more then 6 months is also classified under this category.
Permanent Affordable Housing is a long-term solution for housing. Residents are often allowed to stay as long as they remain in the low-income bracket but is sometimes limited 3 - 5 years. Residents pay no more than 30% of their income toward rent. Emergency shelters, homeless shelters and transitional housing programs that allow their clients to stay without a maximum stay is also classified under this category.
Shelter Programs helps bring low income persons together and helps prevent homelessness by providing affordable housing options. This service is good for families, disabled persons, and others wanted more companionship. ShelterListings.org finds these shared housing locations and lists them throughout our website.
Rooming House or Boarding House A rooming house is a building in which renters occupy single rooms and share kitchens, bathrooms, and common areas. The location may be a converted single family home, a converted hotel, or a purpose built structure. Rooming houses are low cost housing and may have as few as three rooms for rent, or more than a hundred. The same goes for boarding houses. We list these types of residences throughout ShelterListings.org.
Transitional housing is affordable low cost supportive housing designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to persons who are homeless or who are close to homelessness. The transition is to help them be more self-sufficient to move toward independent living on their own. Services provided at transitional housing facilities varies from substance abuse treatment, to psychological assistance, job training, domestic violence assistance, etc. The assistance provided varies, but it is generally affordable and low cost housing. Read the descriptions of each of the transitional living locations for more detailed information.
Free Summer Activities Grand Traverse Area
· https://www.traversecity.com/blog/post/free-and-almost-free/
Free Summer Activities Benzie Co./Crystal Mountain Area
Thompsonville - Michigan Legacy Art Park
Cost: FREE for children, $5 person
When: Open daylight hours every day
Where: Michigan Legacy Art Park is located on the grounds of Crystal Mountain, 12500 Crystal Mountain Dr, Thompsonville
Hike along 2 miles of trails to see 49 sculptures, 31 poetry stones, and all the natural beauty you’d expect from northern Michigan hardwood forests. While there, stay for a concert in the park. From folk to Latin, classical and rock, there is something for everyone at our unique outdoor Summer Sounds concert series.
More info: https://michlegacyartpark.org/plan-a-visit/
· Appliance Disposal and/or used appliance purchase: Black River Recycling and Supply 616-396-8587
· Recycle used materials @ Resource Recover Service Centers 616-393-5645
· Tri-Cities Habitat for Humanity. ReStore 408 N. Ferry Street, Grand Haven 616-607-2300
· Tri-Cities Habitat for Humanity. ReStore 12727 Riley Street, Holland, 616-393-8001
· of Human Services (DHS) 12185 James St #200, Holland 616-394-7200 www.michigan.gov/dhs
· Echo Thrift 985 Butternut Dr, Holland 616-399-3902
· Goodwill 5269 Lake Michigan Dr, Allendale 616-895-1851
· Goodwill 9479 Riley Street, Zeeland, 616-722-0627
· Goodwill 1112 Robbins Road, Grand Haven 616-844-2229
· Goodwill 334 Baldwin St, Jenison, 616-667-0293
· Goodwill 1141 W Randall St, Ste H, Coopersville 616-837-0800
· Goodwill 393 E Lakewood Blvd, Holland 616-393-0383
· Hope’s Outlet Thrift Store 1100 Washington Ave, Grand Haven 616-842-1080
· Lakeshore Rescue Mission Thrift Store 1015 S Beacon Blvd, Grand Haven 616-604-0267
· Love INC of the Tri-Cities 616-846-2701 loveinctricities.org/ministries
· Love INC (Grandville, Hudsonville, Jenison) 616-662-6300 loveinthenameofchrist.org
· Paradise Bound Thrift & Shoppe 59 W Washington Ave, Zeeland 616-748-7690
· Salvation Army 104 Clover Ave, Holland, 616-392-4461, usc.salvationarmy.org/holland
· Salvation Army 12579 Felch St, Holland 800-728-7825
Food Assistance
Government / Surplus Food Distribution
· Find local food pantries 616-393-5770 www.OttawaFood.org
· of Human Services (DHS) 12185 James St #200, Holland 616-394-7200 www.michigan.gov/dhs
· Food Truck Schedule http://call-211.org
· Ottawa County Community Action Agency 12251 James St. Ste 300, Holland 616-393-5619 800-764-4111 x5619
· Jehovah Jierah Ministries of West Michigan 3494 ½ Perry St, Hudsonville 616-896-1570
· Love INC of the Tri-Cities 616-846-2701 loveinctricities.org/ministries
· Love INC Allendale 11620 60th Ave 616-895-5683
· Love INC Grand Haven 1106 Fulton St 616-846-2701
· Love INC Hudsonville 330 Van Buren St 616-662-3300
· Love INC (Grandville, Hudsonville, Jenison) 616-662-6300 loveinthenameofchrist.org
· MI Bridges 1-855-275-6424
· Salvation Army 104 Clover Ave, Holland, 616-392-4461, usc.salvationarmy.org/holland
· Salvation Army 12579 Felch St, Holland 800-728-7825
· Salvation Army 310 N Despelder, Grand Haven 616-842-3380
· To find local food pantries 616-393-5770 OttawaFood.org
· United Way info@ottawaunitedway.org
· Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
o WIC Holland 285 James St 616-399-0202
o WIC Allendale 6189 Lake Michigan Dr, Allendale 616-895-1375
o WIC Grand Haven 1705 Beacon Blvd, Grand Haven 616-844-0097
Food Pantries
· Beacon of Hope 166 S. River Ave, Holland 616-396-4956
· Beachwood Church 895 Ottawa Beach Rd, Holland 616-786-9009
· Calvary Christian Reformed Church 400 Beeline Ave, Holland 616-396-7550
· Community Action House South 345 W 14th St, Holland 616-392-2368
· Community Action House North 665 136th Ave, Holland, 616-738-1170
· Heights of Hope 995 E8th St. Holland 616-392-8559
· His Harvest Stand 100 S Pine, Zeeland 616-732-3772
· Our Lady of the Lake Corner of 152nd Ave and James St, Holland 616-399-1062
Free Meals
· Breakfast with Baby- expectant moms 7+mo pg and new moms w/ babies up to 12 mo
o Central Wesleyan Church 446 West 40th St Holland 616-395-3085
o New Community and 4th Reformed Church, 15th St and Washington Blvd, Holland 616-392-2590
o Faith Reformed Church 220 W Central Ave, Zeeland 616-772-2427
o Lighthouse Community Church 5947 Lake Michigan Dr, Allendale 616-895-4349
· Community Action House Community Kitchen, 101 E 13th St, Holland 616-392-8555
· Holland City Mission 166 S River, Holland 616-396-2200 (for single men)
· Holland Rescue Mission 356 Fairbanks, Holland 616-396-2200
· John’s Episcopal Church Furniture
· Hotel Furniture Outlet, 148 S Waverly Rd, Holland 616-396-5463
· Love INC of the Tri-Cities 616-846-2701 loveinctricities.org/ministries
· Love INC Allendale 11620 60th Ave 616-895-5683
· Love INC Grand Haven 1106 Fulton St 616-846-2701
· Love INC Hudsonville 330 Van Buren St 616-662-3300
· Love INC (Grandville, Hudsonville, Jenison) 616-662-6300 loveinthenameofchrist.org
Home Repair Services
· Ottawa County Community Action Agency, miOttawa.org 12251 James St Ste 300, Holland MI 616-393-4433 1-800-764-4111 x5619. Weatherization / emergency repairs also offered.
· Furry Friends Food Pantry 665 136th Ave, Holland 616-399-5160
· Harbor Humane Society 14345 Bagley St, West Olive 616-399-2119
· Humane Society of West Michigan 3077 Wilson Dr NW Grand Rapids 616-453-8900
Utility Assistance
- Community Action Agency 800-764-4111 X5697
- Coopersville Cares 616-997-8602
- of Human Services (DHS) 12185 James St #200, Holland 616-394-7200 www.michigan.gov/dhs
- Love, INC 616-846-2701
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) www.michigan.gov/dhs
- Ottawa County assistance program needhelppayingbills.com
- Ottawa County Community Action Agency, miOttawa.org 12251 James St Ste 300, Holland MI 616-393-4433 1800-764-4111 x5619
- Salvation Army 616-842-3380
- THAW 800-866-8429
- Veterans Trust Fund (ask for Veteran’s Affairs) 269-467-5557
Couldn’t Find It?
Call 2-1-1 or (877) 211-5253, or visit www.call-211.org for the full list of services. Speak to a caseworker in a program where you already go for help, such as MI Works! or DHS. They often know of programs that may help you with needs outside of their program area
Truenorth Community Services works with the state to distribute housing, rent, and mortgage assistance money to be used in the same way as DHS housing funds. Families in Oceana or Mason counties may apply for financial assistance with expenses such as miscellaneous moving expenses, first month's rent, security deposit, furniture needs, or utility hook-up. Other resources available include a food pantry, Christmas assistance (gifts and meals), Senior Harvest Basket, Northwest Michigan Rural Services Project, and weatherization. Dial (231) 873-7251. A second location is at 6308 South Warner Avenue, Fremont, Michigan 49412. Call (231) 924-0641 for this office.
Catholic Charities
Address: 5868 US-10, Ludington, MI 49431
Salvation Army – Manistee – Food, baby formula and diapers, and even pet food is offered, as available. Other assistance programs include Homeless Motel Vouchers, Thanksgiving meals and Christmas baskets, and Clothing Vouchers. (231) 723-6243
Salvation Army – 231-843-3711
Baldwin Family Health Care – Low income, underserved, uninsured, and Medicare and Medicaid clients can receive acute and chronic medical care. Services offered are family medical care, OB, and behavioral health services. Two locations are 1035 East Wilcox Avenue, White Cloud, MI 49349, (231) 689-5943 as well as 126 Benson Street, White Cloud, Michigan 49349, phone (231) 689-6447. A center is also in Baldwin.
Clothing Assistance:
Pentwater Baptist Church
317 1st Street
Pentwater, MI 49449
(231) 869-5149
Appliance Donation Programs, Bedding/Linen, Bedding/Linen Donation Programs, Clothing Donation Programs, Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs, General Appliance Provision, General Clothing Provision, General Furniture Provision, Kitchenware, Kitchenware Donation Programs
Food Assistance:
Salvation Army - Mason/oceana
114-116 East Melendy
Ludington, MI 49431
(231) 843-3711
Harbor Light Fellowship
409 South Washington Avenue
Ludington, MI 49431
(231) 843-3231
Cornerstone Baptist Church
121 Nelson Road
Ludington, MI 49431
(231) 845-1285
Scottville Area Senior Center
140 S. Main St.
Scottville, MI 49454
(231) 757-4705
Saint Jerome's Catholic Church
203 W. State St.
Scottville, MI 49454
(231) 757-2855
Five Capmason County Office
302 North Main Street
Scottville, MI 49454
(231) 757-3785
Other Area Resources
Homeless Family Assistance:
Family Promise of the Lakeshore http://www.fp-lakeshore.org/
Misc. Assistance (Past Due Heating, Electric, and Gas)
Muskegon County assistance programs.
Michigan has hit hard by the housing crisis. Fortunately there are several local non-profit agencies and charities in Muskegon Michigan that provide low income, the unemployed, elderly and other struggling residents with assistance for paying bills. Find information on your options below.
General assistance for a variety of bills and expenses
Catholic Charities, which is located on 1095 3rd Street in Muskegon, MI (phone number (231) 726-4735) is one of the organizations that runs a wide variety of aid programs. Some people may think that they only help people with a certain faith. But that is not the case. They do their best to meet the needs of anyone who is looking for help. Find financial assistance for paying rent and housing expenses. They also offer programs that people can turn to to ensure their utility and heating service is not disconnected.
Low income, people who have just lost their jobs, the homeless and the elderly can turn to the Salvation Army for aid. Individuals who have recently had a reduction in work hours or who have lost their jobs can get help from the Muskegon County Salvation Army for paying for a variety of bills and needs. They can get assistance with expenses that range from gasoline for their cars to telephone bills. Programs in place can also help paying utility and water bills, as well as housing expenses (rent) that may help prevent an eviction and ensure someone doesn’t lose their home. They also run a senior and youth services program. Food Pantry. The agency can be reached at (231) 773-3284.
One of the primary local non-profit agencies that provides both short term financial help, and longer term guidance and counseling is the Muskegon - Oceana Community Action Partnership, Inc. Phone number (231) 725-9499. The programs and resources they offer qualified families are listed below.
Rent and mortgage assistance - The agency provides funds that provide rent and mortgage assistance. The community action agency uses these funds to assist local families with eviction prevention programs, foreclosure prevention and counseling for saving their homes, and other housing expenses.
Muskegon and Oceana Community Action Partnership MOCAP
Clothing Assistance:
Mission For Area People
2500 Jefferson Street
Muskegon, MI 49444
(231) 733-9672
Hope Lighthouse Mission Churchhope Lighthouse Mission Church -- Fire Escape Cafe
2731 Peck Street
Muskegon, MI 49444
(231) 722-4673
Muskegon-Oceana Community Action Partnership Townsend Action Center
313 Jackson Street
Muskegon, MI 49442
(231) 722-7608
Love Inc - Muskegon County
2735 East Apple Avenue Suite A
Muskegon, MI 49442
(231) 777-3905
Lakeside Baptist Church
2250 Denmark Street
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 755-1718
Food Assistance:
Muskegon Rescue Mission
400 West Laketon Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49441
(231) 727-6085 Following a chapel service, the faith based charity provides food to the hungry, shelter for men, personal hygiene items, and more.
Mission For Area People
Main address is 2500 Jefferson Street
Muskegon Heights, MI 49444
(231) 733-9672 The food pantry has groceries, personal hygiene items and other goods. There may be free baby formula, food, furniture, and diapers to assist families in short term emergency situations. There is also a meals on wheels service and special foods for individuals with hypertension or diabetes.
Shiloh Tabernacle
460 East Tyler Road
North Muskegon, Michigan 49445
(231) 766-2776
Ottawa County Assistance: Holland, Zeeland, Grand Haven, Hudsonville, Coopersville Areas (Food, Clothing, Housing, Utilities, Home Repairs, Rent)
Ottawa County Community Action Agency
12251 James Street, Suite 300 Holland, MI 49424 616.393.4433 miottawa.org/caa
Migrant Emergency Services This service requires that recipients have proper documentation and must fill out an application with the CAA staff. This can be at the CAA office, or at the migrant camp. Required documents include: valid identification for all household members (social security cards preferred), and income statements from the past 12 months.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program This is a monthly distribution program that helps meet the nutritional needs of seniors aged 60+ and those who are ineligible for the Women, Infants and Children program (WIC), who are pregnant, breast-feeding or one-year post-partum mothers - and children under age six.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program This program is a quarterly distribution program. Food is distributed to the general low-income population through sites located in Holland, Grand Haven, Coopersville and Hudsonville.
Greater Ottawa County United Way
Address: 115 Clover St Suite 300, Holland, MI 49423
(616) 396-7811
Mobile Food Pantry Weekly Schedule:
Schedule as of 6/24/19 – Schedule Subject to Change Visit www.call-211.org or dial 2-1-1 to confirm schedule is current
Free Summer Activities Muskegon Area
Musical Fountain in Grand Haven
Cost: FREE
The Grand Haven Musical Fountain is a synchronized water and light show accompanied with music of all varieties. Each 25-minute show features a variety of well-known music and plays daily at dusk from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
More Info: https://ghfountain.com/
Community Resources
Single Mom?
Health Plan Assistance?
Food Assistance, Donations, and Pantries
Michigan Food Pantries are available
Feeding America
Farm Fresh To You
To donate a box of food to food banks contact
Clothing Assistance:
Warm Kids
Mission For Area People
Operation Warm
Genesee County Assistance Programs For Christmas Assistance| Flint
Christmas Help for Low Income Families - Nana Finds Ways ...
www.nanafinds.com › Christmas Help
These free Christmas toys are distributed to children of low income families ... United Way is accepting applications for free holiday food and toy assistance.
Sign a Family Up for Toys for Tots - Charity - LoveToKnow
charity.lovetoknow.com › Lifestyle › Charity › Charitable Organizations
Toys for Tots works with a variety of organizations that help identify needy ... to buy Christmas presents for their own children due to financial hardship are ... Some people that receive government assistance are hard working. .... Her Jeep Cherokee needs a manifold, she is a waitress at the local Waffle House in our area.
Genesee County - Christmas Assistance Program
The Salvation Army
How to apply for The Salvation Army's Christmas Assistance program. ... FLINT, MI – The Salvation Army is looking to help underprivileged families during the ... but poverty is still present in places such as Grand Blanc (10.3 percent), Fenton ... Proof of income, including pay stubs, child support statements, Social Security, ...
Old Newsboys of Flint - Facebook
Old Newsboys of Flint, Flint, Michigan. ... Christmas Box sign up information:... ... We support our programs through fundraisers, a few small foundation grants, and ... of Flint's Christmas Program puts gifts under the tree for children in low income ... Flint MI (Far right door on the west side of the building) during the scheduled ...
Where to find Christmas Help in Michigan - 2Hands.org
Free Summer Activities Flint Area
Amazing Grace Helping Hands Outreach - While funding is limited, when possible they can offer financial helps with paying rent. Wheeler Michigan based. Dial (989) 842-5813
The community action agency of Gratiot is EightCap Inc. Several resources and services offered include money for paying heating and utility bills. Free tax filings are done by well trained volunteers and professionals. Food is distributed by an on site food bank and pantry. Low income individuals can also apply for the government programs of Medicaid and Head Start at this location.
The non-profit EightCap is also a source of information on financial aid for various bills. Most of them are government funded, such as LIHEAP, but there are also referrals to loan services, credit unions, and other lenders in the region. Call (989) 463-5693.
Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, Inc. offers the following services and resources. Homeless Prevention Program is a grant program that provides funds for security deposits, first month's rent, rental and utility arrearage payments. The Utility Bill Assistance Program provides assistance with paying heat and utility emergency needs. Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) distributes food on a quarterly basis to the poor and needy. Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is another food program for people faced with malnutrition. The NE community action agency also runs the local Head Start program, which may be able to provide access to social service, health/dental care, nutrition, mental health, and disability services to participating families and individuals. (989) 356-3474.
Huron County is served by Human Development Commission. Among assistance offered include emergency aid for people facing disconnection of heat or electrical services or eviction from their home. In addition, there is often assistance with deliverable fuels and heating oil as well, such as propane and fuel oil. Foreclosure Prevention is offered by the non-profit, and the organization offers free, confidential foreclosure prevention counseling and advice to educate homeowners and assist them with various foreclosure prevention options and tactics. Weatherization is intended to reduce energy usage and therefore lower a clients monthly utility bills. Other resources include senior programs and aging services, which provides services to older adults. Nutrition Programs also are on site and include various food programs serving children, adults, and seniors in the region. Call (989) 673-4121
Shelters and transitional housing units are located in northern and eastern Michigan, including counties such as Aplena and Huron. The sites will provide families a place to stay, offer access to self-sufficiency, and other social services. Several non-profits, churches and charities offer the housing support in the region. This may include information on programs to pay a deposit too.
Receive free food, groceries, clothing, and similar aid (all of which is so called non-financial) from the following locations and organization in the Northeastern area of Michigan.
- Alma Twin Cities Seventh Day Adventist Church (Alma Michigan (989) 463-4512) - Offers and distributes free food up to once per month to the needy.
- United Methodist Church of Breckenridge offers food up to 6 times per year. (989) 842-3632
- Sacred Heart Church Shared Blessings Food Pantry - This is the local church providing a food pantry and food bank, as well as personal supplies to residents of Huron County Michigan.
- Caseville Community Pantry (989) 582-0126) - Offers food to low income Americans.
A local community health/dental clinic is the Thumb Rural Health Network of Bad Axe. This public health care center and clinic can provides free primary dental and health care offering access to preventive care for the low income and uninsured. (989) 269-9721
Alpena Michigan Assistance Programs:
Salvation Army - Locations are in both Gratiot County (989) 358-2769. The main office is in Alma Michigan (989) 463-2864. Another location is also in Alpena County Michigan. (989) 358-2769
- Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing - Offers emergency financial assistance with rent, and applicants need referrals from DHS, EightCAP, churches and other agencies in order to apply.
- Energy bills - Get help with paying heating and fuel bills and avoiding shut offs.
- Food pantry - It is located on site and distributes free food, groceries, and other commodities.
- Holiday assistance - Christmas baskets provide meals and gifts, and Thanksgiving meals are available too.
Blue Water CIL - Assistance is offered for people with disabilities. Access housing and rental assistance programs to assist with offering individuals emergency shelter, transitional housing, supportive housing, and emergency rent payments. Bad Axe MI. (989) 269-5421
Amazing Grace Helping Hands Outreach - While funding is limited, when possible they can offer financial helps with paying rent. Wheeler Michigan based. Dial (989) 842-5813
The community action agency of Gratiot is EightCap Inc. Several resources and services offered include money for paying heating and utility bills. Free tax filings are done by well trained volunteers and professionals. Food is distributed by an on-site food bank and pantry. Low income individuals can also apply for the government programs of Medicaid and Head Start at this location.
The non-profit EightCap is also a source of information on financial aid for various bills. Most of them are government funded, such as LIHEAP, but there are also referrals to loan services, credit unions, and other lenders in the region. Call (989) 463-5693.
Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, Inc. offers the following services and resources. Homeless Prevention Program is a grant program that provides funds for security deposits, first month's rent, rental and utility arrearage payments. The Utility Bill Assistance Program provides assistance with paying heat and utility emergency needs. Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) distributes food on a quarterly basis to the poor and needy. Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is another food program for people faced with malnutrition. The NE community action agency also runs the local Head Start program, which may be able to provide access to social service, health/dental care, nutrition, mental health, and disability services to participating families and individuals. (989) 356-3474.
Huron County is served by Human Development Commission. Among assistance offered include emergency aid for people facing disconnection of heat or electrical services or eviction from their home. In addition, there is often assistance with deliverable fuels and heating oil as well, such as propane and fuel oil. Foreclosure Prevention is offered by the non-profit, and the organization offers free, confidential foreclosure prevention counseling and advice to educate homeowners and assist them with various foreclosure prevention options and tactics. Weatherization is intended to reduce energy usage and therefore lower a clients monthly utility bills. Other resources include senior programs and aging services, which provides services to older adults. Nutrition Programs also are on site and include various food programs serving children, adults, and seniors in the region. Call (989) 673-4121
Shelters and transitional housing units are located in northern and eastern Michigan, including counties such as Aplena and Huron. The sites will provide families a place to stay, offer access to self-sufficiency, and other social services. Several non-profits, churches and charities offer the housing support in the region. This may include information on programs o pay a deposit too.
Receive free food, groceries, clothing, and similar aid (all of which is so called non-financial) from the following locations and organization in the Northeastern area of Michigan.
- Alma Twin Cities Seventh Day Adventist Church (Alma Michigan (989) 463-4512) - Offers and distributes free food up to once per month to the needy.
- United Methodist Church of Breckenridge offers food up to 6 times per year. (989) 842-3632
- Sacred Heart Church Shared Blessings Food Pantry - This is the local church providing a food pantry and food bank, as well as personal supplies to residents of Huron County Michigan.
- Caseville Community Pantry (989) 582-0126) - Offers food to low income Americans.
A local community health/dental clinic is the Thumb Rural Health Network of Bad Axe. This public health care center and clinic can provides free primary dental and health care offering access to preventive care for the low income and uninsured. (989) 269-9721
Food Assistance:
Sheridan Road Baptist Church
6911 Sheridan Road
Saginaw, MI 48601
(989) 777-0550
Salvation Army -- Saginaw County
2030 North Carolina Street
Saginaw, MI 48602
(989) 793-8371
Old Town Christian Outreach Center
600 Gratiot
Saginaw, MI 48602
(989) 249-8696
First Ward Community Services
1410 North 12th Street
Saginaw, MI 48601
(989) 753-0411
More Info: Food Pantries
909 Washington Avenue Suite 2
Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 893-3041
Salvation Army -- Bay County
401 Tenth Street
Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 893-3041
Do All Incorporated
711 Ninth Street Good Samaritan Rescue Mission
Bay City, MI 48708
(989) 894-0764
Salvation Army -- Midland County
330 Waldo Avenue
Midland, MI 48642
(989) 496-2787
Caregiving Network Inc
607 Gordon Street
Midland, MI 48640
(989) 837-9757
Clothing/Household Item Assistance:
Salvation Army Family Thrift Store -- Saginaw
5700 West State Street
Saginaw, MI 48603
(989) 249-0403
Rescue Ministries Of Mid-michigan
4510 State Street
Saginaw, MI 48603
(989) 498-4088
Old Town Christian Outreach Center
600 Gratiot
Saginaw, MI 48602
(989) 249-8696
Goodwill Industries Of Mid-Michigan
4675 Bay Road
Saginaw, MI 48604
(989) 791-3408
Emmaus House Of Saginaw Inc
733 South 14th Street
Saginaw, MI 48601
(989) 755-7538
Salvation Army Thrift Store -- Bay City
601 North Euclid Suite B
Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 686-4162
Goodwill Industries Of Mid-Michigan
4011 North Euclid Avenue
Bay City, MI 48706
(989) 671-1140
Free Summer Activities Saginaw Area
Homeless Shelters:
Pathways Homeless Sheltor: (810) 982-1020
The Harbor: (810) 982-1020
Food and Clothing:
Mid City Nutrition: (810) 982-1020
Downriver Helping Hands: (810) 982-7233
Algonac United Methodist Food Pantry: 810) 794-4379
Downriver Bread of Life Nutrition Center:
Marine City, MI (810) 765 5242. Soup kitchen is open to all St. Clair County residents
Blue Water Community Food Depot: (810) 987-7886 2408
Primary St. Clair and Port Huron Assistance: Primary contact for Utilities, Medical, Dental, Home repairs, and Housing:
Community Action Agenc of St. Clair County: (810)982-7233
Port Huron Community Action Agency of St. Clair County: (810) 982-8541
Salvation Army of Port Huron: provides help for utility and heating bills. They also offer free Christmas programs, shelter, and a food pantry for the needy and low income. (810.984.2679)
Downriver Community Services: is a center that provides a range of community based health and human services and medical help. 810-984-4982
Community Action Agency
1214 Greenwood
Jackson, MI 49203
Phone: 517-784-4800
Website: www.caajih.org
Housing Assistance:
Grace Haven Inc
PO Box 236
Jackson, MI 49204
(517) 782-2980
Grace Haven Center mission is to assist all disadvantage citizens. Their major focus is to assist the homeless population mostly mothers and children. It is their belief that everyone deserves affordable housing. They strive to enable individuals to rebuild their self-esteem by advocating education, job training, money management, affordable housing and to become self-supporting and to live independently.
Grace Haven Center offers a food pantry to city of Jackson, MI residents. The pantry is open from 8am - 1pm Monday - Friday.
Lenawee Emergency And Affordable Housing Corporation
307 East Church Street
Adrian, MI 49221
(517) 264-0782
Additional Food Assistance:
Cornerstone Christian Church
2395 West High Street
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 782-1774
Trinity Wesleyan Church
620 Robinson Road
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 750-2654
Trinity United Methodist Church
1508 Greenwood Avenue
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 782-7937
Society Of Saint Vincent Depaul Jackson Area Thrift Stores
301 South Mechanic Street
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 788-3424
Salvation Army -- Jackson
806 East Pearl Street
Jackson, MI 49201
Saint John United Church Of Christ
801 South Mechanic Street
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 784-7580
New Life Worship Center Church Of God Of Prophecy
4532 Brooklyn Road
Jackson, MI 49201
Jackson Community Food Pantry
701 Greenwood Avenue
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 392-3316
Immanuel Lutheran Church
1505 West Michigan
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 782-6081
Higby Street Church Of Christ
706 South Higby Street
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 784-5535
First Church Of The Nazarene
3905 Clinton Road
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 782-7084
Christ's Kingdom Ministries
501 South Elm Street
Jackson, MI 49203
Additional Clothing, Housing, and Emergency Bill Assistance:
Love in the Name of Christ Of Jackson County
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 782-9766
Diapers, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, General Clothing Provision, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance
Harmony Baptist Church
6475 Ann Arbor Road
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 764-0342
Christ's Kingdom Ministries
501 South Elm Street
Jackson, MI 49203
(517) 879-5680
Additional Clothing, Housing, and Emergency Bill Assistance:
Love In The Name Of Christ Of Jackson County
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 782-9766
Diapers, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, General Clothing Provision, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance
Harmony Baptist Church
6475 Ann Arbor Road
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 764-0342
Free Summer Activities Oakland and Macomb Areas
Food Assistance:
Greater Lansing Food Bank
Lansing, MI
(517) 908-3680
Cristo Rey Family Community Center
Lansing, MI
(517) 371-1700
Salvation Army
2.5 (8) · Non-Profit Organization
Lansing, MI
(517) 482-9715
Ingham County Food Bank
5303 South Cedar
Lansing, MI 48911
(517) 887-4357
Holt Community Food Bank
Holt, MI
(517) 694-9307
Volunteers of America Michigan
Lansing, MI
(517) 484-4414
Child and Family Charities
Lansing, MI
(517) 882-4000
Mobile Food Pantry
The City of Lansing Human Relations and Community Services Department and the Greater Lansing Food Bank announces the Mobile Food Pantry! The Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing free, fresh and non-perishable food items.
If you or someone you know must choose between buying food and filing prescriptions or paying bills, please tell them about this important program.
For more information, call the City of Lansing Human Relations and Community Services Department at (517) 483-4477.
Where: Tabernacle of David
2645 W. Holmes Rd.
Lansing, MI 48911
Clothing Assistance:
St Vincent de Paul Society and Thrift Store
Lansing, MI
(517) 484-5395
3815 South Cedar
Lansing, MI 48910
(517) 393-3030
815 Sparrow
Lansing, MI 48910
(517) 482-1346
4437 West Willow Highway
Lansing, MI 48917
(517) 323-2379
219 Seymour
Lansing, MI 48933
(517) 484-5331
102 West Randolph
Lansing, MI 48906
(517) 482-0765
Emergency Overnight Shelter - Volunteers of America Michigan ... Ex-Offenders Assistance Program (ARRO) - Northwest Lansing Healthy Community ... Provides vital services to indigent, low-income individuals without insurance. ... Provides good, clean gently used clothing, furniture and household items at no cost.
Volunteers Of America Michigan
430 North Larch Street
Lansing, MI 48912
(517) 489-5296
Mason First United Methodist Church
201 East Ash Street
Mason, MI 48854
(517) 676-9449
Family Shelter:
Haven House
Non-Profit Organization
East Lansing, MI
(517) 337-2731
Free Summer Activities Lansing, MI. Area
Concerts in the Park
Cost: FREE
When: Wednesdays at 7pm with interactive activities starting at 6pm
Details: Enjoy outdoor concerts in neighborhood parks throughout Lansing and amazing food from local food trucks. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket and sit back and relax for an evening of great entertainment.
More info: https://lansingfamilyfun.com/events/lansing-parks-rec-concerts-in-the-park-2019-06-19/
Free Summer Activities Oakland area
Food Assistance:
Ann Arbor Second Baptist Church
850 Red Oak Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(734) 663-9369 ext. 7
Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor
2301 Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor , MI 48105
(734) 665-6772
The Back Door Food Pantry @ St. Clare Episcopal Church
2309 Packard St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 662-2449
Beautiful Gate International Church
1800 South Huron St.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Hope Medical Clinic
518 Harriet Street
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 484-2989
Salvation Army of Ypsilanti
9 South Park
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
(734) 482-4700
Clothing and Household Item Assistance:
Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop 2280 S. Industrial, Ann Arbor 734-996-9155
House By The Side of the Road 2051 S State St , Ann Arbor 734-769-4085
Brown Chapel AME Church 1043 W. Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti 734-482-7050 (call ahead)
Emmanuel Lutheran Church 201 N. River, Ypsilanti 734-482-7121
Faith in Action Dexter & Chelsea 603 S Main St, Chelsea 734-475-3305 Mon– Fri 9am-4pm; 7275 Joy Rd Dexter 734-426-7002
Second Baptist Church 850 Red Oak Ann Arbor 734-663-9369
Friends In Deed of Washtenaw County helps low-income families with utilities, furniture and cars.
Free Summer Activities Ann Arbor Area
UofM Museum of Natural History
Cost: Free admission
Hours: Daily 9::00 am – 5:00 pm
The museum doesn't just preserve the past; it also shows off the latest in scientific research with interactive exhibits, new programming spaces, and a state-of-the-art Planetarium & Dome Theater! For example, join one of the Science Forums for a 15-20 minute engaging science demonstration. Have you ever wondered what makes our eyes work or how we see? In one forum, we’ll dissect a cow’s eye to take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world. How is it similar to and different from our eyes, and those of other animals?
Check out event dates and times here: https://lsa.umich.edu/ummnh/news-events/events.html#view=week
Food Assistance:
Green Oak Free Methodist Church Food Pantry
Brighton, MI - 48116
Hours 8-3 weekdays. I will wait or come early if contacted. We are an emergency food pantry. We want to fill the gap between when you need food and when you are \"approved\" by the bigger pantries in the area.Emergency Food Pantry: A lot of the pantries listed want to “vet” you first before they help. We want to fill the void between. Anyone can come in and let us know they
Heather Oaks
Brighton, MI - 48114
Provides a food pantry. Serves Livingston County Pantry hours: Daily: 9am-5pm
Saint Vincent Depaul Society -- Saint Patrick Church
711 Ricket Road
Brighton, MI 48116
(810) 229-6722
Sonrise An Assemblies Of God Church
1130 West Highland Road
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 546-2669
The Salvation Army -- Livingston
503 Lake Street
Howell, MI 48843
Saint Joseph Parish -- Howell
440 E Washington
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 546-0090
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency
2300 East Grand River Suite 107
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 546-8500
Love In The Name Of Christ Of The Greater Livingston Area
820 East Grand River
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 552-3620
Gleaners Community Food Bank Of Southeastern Michigan
5924 Sterling Drive
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 548-3710
Family Impact Center
735 North Grand Avenue
Fowlerville, MI 48836
(517) 223-4428
Clothing Assistance:
Salvation Army (the) -- Livingston
503 Lake Street
Howell, MI 48843
Hidden Springs Church
5860 North Latson
Howell, MI 48855
(517) 546-3577
Salvation Army (the) -- Livingston
7000 West Grand River
Brighton, MI 48114
Brighton Church Of Christ
6026 Rickett Road
Brighton, MI 48116
(810) 229-7051
Community Resources:
ACCESS Emergency Food Voucher Program (assistance is based on availability of funds): Food ... Dearborn, MI 48120 ... All translation services are provided for a fee; however, a sliding fee scale will be applied for low-income households.
Help's on the Way
5358 Beech Daly
Dearborn Heights, MI 48125
Hours: Thursday 6-9p
For hours of the pantry, dial (313)908-7104
First Assembly of God
5650 South Telegraph
Dearborn Heights, MI 48125
Hours: T - F 9 - 3 W 9-1 & 7-9
Dial the pantry at (313)292-1220
Free holiday meals are given too. This can include a turkey at Thanksgiving, Christmas meats, ham, and much more
Clothing/Household Items Assistance:
Society Of Saint Vincent De Paul In The Archdiocese Of Detroit Resale Shop - Inkster
27114 Michigan Ave.
Inkster, MI 48141
(313) 277-4617
Salvation Army (the) - Eastern Michigan Division Dearborn Heights Corps Community Center
26700 W Warren Ave.
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Help's On The Way Client Service Center
5358 S Beech Daly Rd.
Dearborn Heights, MI 48125
(313) 908-7104
Society Of Saint Vincent De Paul In The Archdiocese Of Detroit Resale Shop - Westland
6613 N Wayne Rd.
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 729-3088
Free Legal Assistance
Detroit Free Legal Aid Clinic - the Free Legal Aid Clinic (FLAC) provides legal assistance to low income and elderly residents of Wayne County in the areas of family law and elder law.
Wayne County Salvation Army assistance programs | Detroit
Detroit Michigan and Wayne County area residents can contact the Salvation Army for social ... Electric & heating bills ... qualified families with emergency assistance for basic needs and paying bills. ... and low income families in transition from homelessness to independent living. Salvation Army Detroit utility assistance.
Utility and Shutoff Assistance | CLEARCorps/Detroit
Free Summer Activities Wayne Co. Area
Jan Collier - jcollier@michva.org
Marianne Marzolla - mamarzolla@michva.org