The Bulldog Bulletin - July 2024
News From Crown Point Community School Corporation

The first day of school is August 14th!
Online registration for returning students will open at 9am on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Parents will receive more specific information and instructions the afternoon of July 23rd.
- Returning students also includes kindergarten students and new preschool students who enrolled in the spring of 2024.
- New students or students who were withdrawn during the school year must follow new student procedures.
- Parents do not have to complete registration on certain days based on last name like previous years.
If you are moving over the summer, you must update your address before August 8. This can be done by visiting your childs school and providing proof of address.
If you received a letter earlier this summer that your family must provide updated proof of residency, you will not be able to register your student for the upcoming year until those documents have been provided to your child's school or Central Office.
- Bus routes will be posted the afternoon of Monday, August 12. You must complete registration or address changes before August 8 to have transportation on the first day of school. Students who enroll or make a change of address after August 8 will have transportation starting August 20.
- A practice bus ride for kindergarteners will be held on August 13. More information is available at www.cps.k12.in.us/transportation.
Food Services
- Applications for free and reduced lunch will be available online during registration. If you would like to complete a paper copy, they are available on our website now.
- If your child requires modification to their school meals because of a medical issue, you must complete this the diet modification form and return it to the food services department at Central Office.
- Don't forget breakfast! Our cafeterias serve breakfast for all students daily. Begin the school day with a nutritious breakfast and be ready to learn!
- Check our Food Services website for the link to My MealTime where you can add money to your student's account and monitor their purchases.
Child care
- CPCSC offers a before/after school child care program (also called Latch Key Care) at each elementary before school from 6-9 a.m. and after school from 3:45-6 p.m. On scheduled e-Learning days, child care will be available from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. at Lake Street and Winfield Elementary Schools.
- Child care fees are $8 before school each day and $8 after school each day. On e-Learning days the fee is $8 for up to 4 hours, $16 between 4 and 8 hours, and $24 for more than 8 hours. There is an annual $10 nonrefundable sign-up fee. To register for child care and to find more information about the program, visit the CPCSC website at www.cps.k12.in.us/childcare.
Student Handbooks
- The most recent student handbooks are available on our website.
- Please note changes to two important policies: cell phones and attendance. These changes are in alignment with new state legislation.
School Supplies
- Middle & high school students will receive supply lists from their teachers the first week of school. Supplies vary based on each course. Please come to school with the basics the first week (pencil/pen, paper, folders).
- Most supplies for elementary students are paid for by the district. Students will also need a backpack (no wheels), pencil case, headphones or earbuds, and a reusable water bottle. A Chromebook case cover is strongly recommended. Chromebook dimensions are 12 x 9 inches.
Welcome, Mr. Gabriel
Ambassador Program
District Tour for Parents/Community Members
Perhaps you've noticed that we had some construction recently. But what is the final product, and how are all of these projects preparing us to serve CP students for many years to come? Join us in a few weeks for a district tour as we provide an inside look at the outcome of our capital improvement projects. This is a fun, one-day tour for community members and parents that will visit five CPCSC sites. Joining the tour requires registration, so sign up now at www.cps.k12.in.us/tourbus. Space is limited, so if you are interested, please sign up soon.
Family Communications Guide
- ParentSquare vs. PowerSchool vs Buzz - What's the difference? And who do you call when you need to resolve an issue? Check our family comms guide for a basic overview of platforms and people to help you.
- CPCSC, our schools, and our teachers use ParentSquare as our mass and classroom communication tool. Parents can find a Start Guide at this link. While downloading the app isn't required, it's the best way to receive communication and set your notification preferences.
- The contact information in ParentSquare comes from PowerSchool. PLEASE make sure you check your PowerSchool contact information during registration so you receive your ParentSquare communications.
- Open interviews for paraprofessionals will be held at 1050 S. Main St. on August 1st from 8 am to noon. Interested applicants should bring a resume. You can find more information and even apply now online at www.cps.k12.in.us/para.
- Our food services and transportation teams are hiring! Find more information about their open positions or apply today at www.cps.k12.in.us/careers.
Argh! Hit the high seas with Dr. Terrill and Timothy Ball 4th graders as they wrap up their unit on Treasure Island! This was our last 'Super Things' of 23-24, and we can't wait to start filming again this school year.
We are so fortunate that all CPCSC 5th grade students take a field trip to the Challenger Center. Check out this episode of Super Things as Dr. Terrill successfully completes a space mission with the students from Eisenhower Elementary.
- The US Navy is offering a Naval Sea Cadet program for ages 10 and up. Cadets learn discipline, teamwork, leadership skills, accountability and patriotism.