January Newsletter
Rockfield Elementary - 2025
Notes from the Principal
Ending 2024 - Hello 2025
Happy New Year Rockfield Families!
I hope your winter break was filled with peace, love and joy.
As we start out the new year, we will be focusing on the character trait Perseverance. We will kick-off 2025 with an all school assembly around this trait. One way to think about Perseverance is โpushing yourself through challenges and obstacles.โ We all experience challenges in our lives. We all have moments when we feel like we canโt do it or that we want to give up on a big task. It is important to develop tools that help us work through those challenges in order to grow in those moments instead of giving up
This January our classrooms will be collecting a lot of student data through MAP testing K-5 and AIMSWeb assessments K-3. Information regarding your child's reading and math skills will be shared via Skyward at the end of the month. When information, including the semester report cards, get uploaded into Skyward an email will go out to families to let you know to take a look. If you have any questions regarding your child's academic performance, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Winter weather is heading our way. Here are just a few reminders about our winter weather plans:
- We go outside for recess as long at the temperature is above 0 degrees.
- Students must have snow pants and winter boots in order to play in the snow.
- Snow creations made are for all to share, play in and build.
Dana Croatt
If you're interested in working at your child's school on a part-time basis or know someone who might be, please apply.
Rockfield Elementary School is seeking a child-centered accommodating person to work in a supervisory role with all grade levels. Responsibilities include supervising the lunch room, hallways, and recess between the hours of 11:25 and 1:25 (actual times could shift 15min or so depending on schedule changes). https://wecan.waspa.org/Vacancy/222841
Rockfield Student News
Access to weekly student news videos
Please click on the Rockfield Student News photo below to access the videos.
NO SCHOOL - January 20th
NO SCHOOL January 24th
Upcoming January Events
January 1st
Winter Break
January 13th
Gr1 Field Trip to Gables of Germantown
9:15-11:15 AM
January 20th
January 21st
Monday Equalization Day
January 24th
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Day
January 28th
Rockfield Health Room Updates ๐ฉน
Health Room News
Since it is cold outside, please dress your student in appropriate weather gear such as hats, gloves, jacket, and boots. The children go outside 2x a day unless the weather is below 0 degrees.
We do have some extra cold weather gear if it is needed in a pinch, but they must be returned at the end of recess. If you have any old jackets or winter gear that does not fit your student, we would greatly appreciate any donations.
Please keep your child home if they are not feeling well and/or they have a temp over 100, they have diarrhea, an uncontrollable cough, thick mucus/runny nose, or if they have vomited in the past 24 hours. They may return to school 24 hours after symptoms subside without the use of medication. Please refer to the district nurse email that was sent out in skyward, or the chart below, which lists reasons to keep your child home, and why your child may be sent home due to illness.
Please remember if your child needs to take medication at school, students are not allowed to transport ANY type of medication. This includes cough drops. Parents/Guardians must drop off, and pick up any medications that have to be taken during school hours. If your child requires an Epi Pen, Inhaler, or any doctor prescribed meds to be taken in the event of an emergency please bring them in as soon as possible. We do have 2 child Epi Pens in the health room in the event of an emergency.
Note: When your child comes to the health room, depending on the nature of the visit, as a courtesy you may be contacted with an additional explanation or clarification. Should this occur you would be contacted via email. As always, if it is an emergency or if your child needs to go home, you will be called directly by the health room attendant.
Extra Clothes Needed
Extra Clothes Needed For The Health Room
"The health room is in need of extra clothes, if you are able to donate any old gently used articles of clothing we would greatly appreciate it. We are looking for all sizes for both boys and girls but need smaller and in-between sizes 6,8,10 the most. Pants/shirts/socks/underwear are needed. If you are able to donate please bring the clothes to the office. Thank you so much for any help you can provide.
Rockfield PTA
Rockfield PTA News
We hope you had a wonderful winter break! We finished off December with our Rory Holiday Cheer and Paw sale on the Friday before break. Rory was able to visit the students and bring a gift for each of them. He was escorted by our PTA elves who also brought a variety of drinks for our staff.
We also had our last Paw Sale of 2024. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far this year to make our sales a success. The kids love their monthly shopping event!
We are stilling collecting funds towards Mrs. McConnell's memorial playground pieces. Check out the photos below of the items we are going to purchase! We have raised $7,935 and the total cost for the pieces we are purchasing $9,088.80. We would really love to reach our goal to purchase these items and would greatly appreciate your help getting there. If you would like to donate you can visit our fundraiser at https://app.givebacks.gives/jamie.
Important Dates:
1/14 - PTA Meeting @ 7 pm in the cafeteria
1/31 - Paw Sale
Please visit our volunteer page to sign up. www.rockfieldpta.com/volunteer
Cattails C Major Triad
Forget-Me-Not Petal Drum
We are getting 2 of these
Rainbow Sambas (set of 5)
Our 2024-2025 yearbook is now available to purchase. This is the first time the link has opened, so no previous purchases have been made for this year's yearbook. You DID NOT order a yearbook when you ordered your student's photos at the beginning of the year. YOU MUST ORDER A YEARBOOK BY MARCH 24, 2025! There will be no yearbooks available to purchase after that date. Network Photography, or yearbook supplier, will not print additional yearbooks after the cut-off date. Please plan accordingly and purchase your yearbook early! Please read the flyer below for additional instructions from Network.
Students were able to submit original artwork for our yearbook cover contest. The art was anonymously posted and Rockfield staff volunteered on the winners. We would like to congratulate Iris W in 2nd grade on winning the front cover and Emily F in 3rd grade for winning the back cover. We had a lot of amazing submissions, and everyone who submitted an entry should be very proud of their hard work.
Rockfield Lunch Menu ๐ฝ
Late Arrival Lunch Reminder
Late Arrival Lunch Reminder
Thank you to everyone for either calling the front office or sending an email notification when your child is late coming into school. We sincerely appreciate it!
Just a quick reminder, if you don't already include this, please indicate if they are Hot Lunch - Choice 1 or Choice 2 or if they will be bringing their own Cold Lunch. Thank You!
Office Phone Numbers
Rockfield has 2 out going lines. They may show up as "potential spam". To avoid this, PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS TO YOUR CONTACTS LIST:
1 (262) 628-7622 (Main office number)
1 (262) 502-7240
Kids Klub Information
"We will no longer allow unregistered participants into Kids Klub. All children must be registered prior to the start of the program date/time. Last minute phone registrations will be allowed as long as you call the Recreation Department Office at 262-250-4710 by 2:30 p.m. for after school sessions without an additional fee."
Your child will NOT be allowed to stay for Kids Klub by you sending a note or yellow attendance slip to Rockfield School. You MUST contact the Parks and Recreation office. All Cancellations & Registrations can only be done by contacting the Recreation Department at (262) 250-4710.
Rockfield School does not handle this.
Please view the above link for Kids Klub before and after school program.
๐ Important Bus Information
- If a family wants their student to begin or stop taking the bus they must notify Riteway (262) 677-3282.
- If a family needs to change the drop off location (i.e. student now going to daycare) a special transportation form needs to be completed, returned to the school office, and signed by Dr. Croatt. The signed form will be emailed to Riteway and Riteway will confirm and/or deny the request.
- Students going home on the same bus but getting off at a different stop need a note signed by their parent/guardian so the school and the driver are aware of the change.
- This is ONLY allowed in the event of a family emergency and will ONLY be on an as needed basis. A note/email/phone call should be sent by the parent regarding the emergency so that the school and Riteway are aware of the situation and can convey what route and classmate the student will go home with for that evening.
Germantown Parks and Recreation
The Germantown Park and Rec. Departmentโs Fall/Winter Recreation Brochure can be viewed online at https://www.germantownwi.gov/220/Recreation-Guide
Upcoming Programs to register for include:
Pom Pons
Afterschool Legos Classes
Indoor Tennis Instructions
Schools Out โ Stream Sampler
Crochet Classes (New crochet and animal)
Tae Kwon Do
Learn Magic
Babysitters Classes
Art Classes
Check out the link for program specifics: