Herd Happenings
December Newsletter
Winter Weather Information
Dear Bradley Families,
As the weather gets colder and winter approaches, we want to remind you of a few important details for the upcoming months:
Breakfast: Breakfast is available starting at 7:30 AM, and students are welcome to purchase breakfast and stay in the cafeteria until school begins. If your child is not eating breakfast at school, please plan for them to arrive no earlier than 7:45 AM, as there is no supervision outside before that time.
Morning Lineup: We will continue to line up outside in the mornings, unless the "feels like" temperature drops below 20°F. On those colder mornings, students will be brought inside at 7:45 AM to line up in the hallways until the bell rings.
Outdoor Recess: Recess will continue outdoors when the temperature is above 20°F. Please make sure your child is dressed warmly so they can fully enjoy recess.
If your family is in need of assistance with winter coats or clothing, please reach out to our school counselor, who can provide support.
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to a safe and enjoyable winter season at Bradley Elementary!
Warm regards,
Kristin Holland
December Events at Bradley
12/2-12/16-Student Council Food Drive
12/4-Papa John's Night
12/6-Early Release
12/11-Site Council 9:00am
12/16-Board Meeting 4:30
12/18-Last day of PK for the semester
12/19-Half Day Kindergarten-5th grade/ 11:30 Dismissal
12/20-1/6-Winter Break/ No School
December Spirit Days
Dear Families,
As we approach the holiday season, we’re excited to kick off our annual Countdown to Winter Break, featuring a variety of fun theme days. We know that December can be a busy month with assessments and academic demands, and we hope these theme days will add a little joy and school spirit to the mix.
Participation is completely optional, and there’s no expectation to join in every day—or at all. If there are a few days that your child is excited about, we encourage you to join in the fun! Please don’t feel the need to buy special items or go all out. Many of the theme days can be enjoyed with things you likely already have at home. Our goal is to bring some cheer and make the end of the semester a little brighter. We hope you’ll choose a few days to participate and help spread some December spirit.
It’s going to be a fun and academically enriching month at Bradley Elementary, and we look forward to celebrating with you!
Kristin Holland
Student Council Food Drive
Counselor Corner
Hi parents,
This month’s focus is empathy. What a great trait to learn for the month of December! One way to think about empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we focus on throughout the year that help students be kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
-Kristin Podojil
School Counselor
Character Strong Newsletter
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Upcoming Events
1/1-1/6-Winter Break No School
1/7-3rd Quarter Begins
1/10-Early Release
1/20-Holiday No School
1/24-Early Release
1/31-Parent Teacher Conferences
Kristin Holland
Email: kholland@usd207.org