Unity Preschool News
December 2024
Linda's Letter
Dear Preschool Families,
Merry Christmas! We are looking forward to a fun and joy-filled few weeks spending time with your children as we enjoy their excitement and anticipation during this most magical season of Christmas. We will have fun together sharing Christmas stories, making ornaments and cards, exploring our Christmas sensory bins and nativity sets, and singing Christmas songs - new and old. We are looking forward to sharing our Christmas Program with you on Wednesday, December 18 in the Sanctuary. It will be a brief (very brief!) retelling of a favorite nativity story including Christmas songs that the children are learning. My sincere hope is that during this time of faith and family, the true meaning of Christmas will fill your hearts with His love and perfect peace.
Christmas Blessings,
Ms. Linda
Director - Unity Preschool
Christmas Crafts
Fish Class - Christmas Tree
Owl Class - Science with Ms. Jane
Chapel - Fruit of the Spirit was Patience
Christmas Program Practice
Monkey Class - Christmas Sensory Bin
Color Day - Red Day - December 12!
We will have two color days in January (our calendar is incorrect):
January 9 - White Day
January 23 - Gray Day
Spirit Day - Pajama Day - Thursday, December 19!
Our December Spirit Day will be Thursday, December 19! Plan to wear your pajamas to school on our last day before the Christmas holiday. Below are some pictures from our November Spirit Day: The Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving Feast Pictures
Threes - Monkey Class
Chapel - Monkey Class
Thanksgiving Activity
Fours Class - Combined Feast
Baking Cornbread Muffins with our Fours
We are Thankful
Christmas Program
Teacher Feature: Ms. Brandi and Ms. Laura
This week we are featuring our Frog Class teachers: Ms. Brandi and Ms. Laura.
Ms. Brandi Laughter (rhymes with "daughter') and her husband, Brentley, relocated to Fort Mill a few years ago from the South Asheville area. They have three busy boys: Brent (18 - Fort Mill High School), Jack (13 - Gold Hill Middle), and Will (11 - Tega Cay Elementary). Brandi's family are active members of Sisk Memorial Baptist in Fort Mill. All three boys enjoy sports so Ms. Brandi's family can be found at the fields on most weekends.
Ms. Brandi taught Preschool at Arden Presbyterian Preschool for four years and prior to that she was a Pharmacy Technician. Ms. Brandi was a former Four's teacher at Unity Preschool but took a year off to courageously battle breast cancer. Now she is actively involved with the Nothing Pink organization serving as Prayer and Support Director.
Here are a few of Ms. Brandi’s favorites:
Favorite Foods: Salads, Charcuterie and Mexican food
Favorite Music: Very little that I do not enjoy dancing to.
Favorite Book: "It's Not Supposed to be This Way" - Lysa TerKeurst
Favorite Movie: Any comedy, Hocus Pocus, and the Sand Lot.
Favorite Activities: Doing activities with my family - kayaking, ball games, and family movie nights.
Ms. Laura Vaughn is in her fourth year at Unity Preschool serving as our Three's Assist in the Frog room. Ms. Laura is a former fourth and fifth-grade teacher. Ms. Laura and her husband, Richard, have two children, Riley (17) and Garrett (14), both students at Fort Mill High School. Ms. Laura loves traveling, the beach, and being a boy mom!
Here are a few of Ms. Laura's favorites:
Favorite Foods: Japanese, Mexican and every sweet on earth.
Favorite Music: Country
Favorite Book: Every Sandra Boynton book and every Colleen Hoover book
Favorite Movie: Shag and Pretty Woman
Favorite Activities: Spending time with my family, Girls weekends and Day dates with my hubs
Happy Birthday Jesus Party - Saturday, December 14!
Christmas Worship Service Opportunities at Unity
You are invited to join us for the Season of Advent and Christmas at Unity Presbyterian Church. This year’s theme is “Surprised by Hope” and we will explore the ways Christ continues to surprise us in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. With worship, scripture, song, study, fellowship, service, and more, we anticipate these will be not only wonderful times for our church family, but also opportunities to truly share the hope, light, and love of Christ with our community. Dates to look forward to:
Tuesday, December 10 - Festival of Carols: The Choirs from all three high schools will join the Unity Chancel Choir for a special evening of music and carols at 7:00 PM in our sanctuary.
Sunday, December 15 - Musical Lessons and Carols Service: At both the 8:45 AM and the 11:00 AM Services, come hear the story of Christ’s birth told anew through the reading of Scripture and music from our Chancel Choir and guest instrumentalists.
Wednesday, December 18 - God with Us: A Blue Christmas Service: To recognize that Advent and Christmas can often be a challenging time, especially for those who have lost loved ones, we will gather at 6:30 PM in the Historic Sanctuary for this service of prayer, comfort, and hope. It has become a very meaningful time not just for those grieving or struggling, but for us all.
Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve):
• 11:00 AM - Family Friendly Christmas Eve Service (Infant Nursery Only)
• 4:00 PM - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service With Communion (nursery available)
• 6:00 PM - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service With Communion (nursery available)
• 11:00 PM - Christmas Eve Service With Candlelight (no nursery)
Sunday, December 29: As we have the last few years, we will continue our new tradition of a single 10:00 AM service in the Sanctuary (infant nursery only).
Registration for the 2025 - 26 School Year
No School Update
Christmas Holiday: The weeks of December 23 thru January 3. The Fours classes resume on Monday, January 6 and the Older Twos and Threes classes resume on Tuesday, January 7.
MLK Holiday: Monday, January 20
President's Day Holiday: Monday, February 17
Spring Break: April 21 thru April 25
Graduation (Fours Only): Wednesday, May 14
Last Day of School: Thursday, May 15
*Warm Jackets and Hats: We go outside if the temperature is above 40 degrees. Please send your child in warm jackets, hats and mittens. The children need the fresh air and exercise!
*Label Items: Please remember to label your child's items so that we don't mix them up.
*Tuition Withdrawal: Our next tuition withdrawal date will be Friday, January 3.
Unity Preschool Staff 2024-25
Front Row - Left to Right by teaching pairs:
Ms. Maureen and Ms. Kellie (Fours - Fish)
Ms. Kristen and Ms. Elizabeth (Fours - Owls)
Back Row - Left to Right by teaching pairs:
Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Danielle (Older Twos - Bees)
Ms. Sarah and Ms. Becca (Threes - Monkeys)
Ms. Laura and Ms. Brandi (Threes- Frogs)
Ms. Linda (Director)
Unity Preschool
Email: preschoolatunity@gmail.com
Website: https://www.preschoolatunity.com/
Location: 303 Tom Hall Street, Fort Mill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-396-8454