Brown MS Weekly Update
Mar. 24, 2023
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Dear Brown MS Community,
First, I want to say, "Thank You!" for the delicious PTO luncheon served for all Brown staff on Thursday's early release day (see pictures below). Denise Dandrea, Yvonne Chen and their terrific team out did themselves and provided us with sustenance. It was delicious and filling!
March is a tough time of year. Teachers are working hard to provide engaging lessons, care for students, plan field trips and finalize grades for term 2. This week has been difficult with the implications of the failed override vote now in the hearts and minds of our faculty and staff at Brown and across the district. This coming week NPS will share their finalized budget with the school committee after having to make some very difficult decisions that will impact our school and all Newton schools. It would be helpful for the staff to hear from parents to know how much they are valued. If you would consider writing a note of encouragement and appreciation to any of your children's teachers, please do so. They could use it right now.
There are wonderful things happening here each day. For example, this past Tuesday, we had the pleasure of cheering on our Unified Basketball Team in a home game against Oak Hill Middle School. (See the blurb and pictures below.) The number of faculty and students who made signs and applauded the players was heartwarming. It reminded me of the care and kindness that each of us has within us when we come together to appreciate one another.
Speaking of kindness, our PTO is working on a "Kindness Week" in an effort to help students look out for one another and develop as kind and caring community members. We will share more information on this in the weeks ahead. Please reach out to Janelle Phillips, PTO president, if you would like to help out in this effort. Students will discuss what it means to be kind and specific examples of kind actions such as smiling, listening, helping, showing empathy, forgiving, and simply pausing will be shared and practiced. Throughout, we will find ways to care for one another.
Kim Lysaght, Principal
PTO Volunteers!
Hungry teachers!
Upcoming dates:
March 27: Report Cards available on Aspen - paper copies going home this week
March 28 & 29: 7TH GRADE ELA MCAS - Please charge Chromebooks Monday night!!!
March 30: Unified Basketball Jamboree 3:15 at Day Middle School
April 10: No School for the Good Friday Holiday
April 10 & 11: 6th grade ELA MCAS
April 12 & 13: 8th grade ELA MCAS
Unified Basketball Home Game
Our Unified Basketball Team held their first home game on Tuesday after school. The Unified Sports program expands sports opportunities for participants seeking new challenges and dramatically increases their inclusion in the community, by helping to break down the barriers that have historically kept people with and without intellectual disabilities apart. The game against Oak Hill was met with cheers and smiles from everyone. Students from our citywide programs joined with their classmates for a terrific competition where everyone was included. I want to thank Shayna Arasimowicz, Evan Roche, Brian Adams, Allyson Theodore, Jeff Primeau and Chris Anderson for helping to make this such a successful event. There are future games to come. Go Brown Bears!
Happy Nowruz!
This past Tuesday 4 of our seventh graders presented a display in the lobby about the holiday of Nowruz or Navruz. This holiday has been celebrated for over 3000 years in Iran, Uzbekistan and the Persian diaspora. The holiday is a New Year celebration on the first day of spring. Our presenters shared their stories, rituals, traditions and food. It was a great opportunity to learn about their culture and they did an amazing job presenting and answering our questions.
Chromebook Damage - Please Help
We have had a large increase in the number of cracked screens on Chromebooks this week. These damages are costly, and families without insurance will be billed for the damages. Students may not fully understand the cost of this to their families. Teachers have overhead students talking about intentionally breaking their Chromebooks in hopes of getting a new one with a touch screen. Please speak with your child about the importance of keeping their NPS Chromebook from harm. To avoid damage, we recommend a sleeve (click here for a link to them on Amazon).
5th Grade Families Upcoming Events
5th Grade Parent visiting at Brown - May 3 at 8:20 - 9:00 - More details to follow!
Brown Principal and Counselor Visit Elementary Schools:
Monday, May 8 - Williams (8:20 - 9:00 parent meeting, 9:30 meet 5th graders)
Friday, May 12 - Mason Rice (8:20 - 9:00 parent meeting, 9:40 meet 5th graders)
Friday May 19 - Angier (8:20 - 9:00 parent meeting, 9:15 meet 5th graders)
Friday, May 26 - Countryside (8:20 - 9:00 parent meeting, 9:30 meet 5th graders)
Step Up Day (5th graders visit Brown) - Friday, June 9
For a link to our 5th grade parent presentation from March 7, please click here. If you have information you would like to share with us regarding your child please reach out to our counseling department. Our main number is 617-559-6900 or you can email Kim Lysaght, Principal at
Allergen Information
Dear NPS families,
Please note that the Newton Public Schools has been notified of a change to ingredients in two food items offered through our school lunch program. Please be advised of the ingredient change if you have a student with a soybean or sunflower allergy.
The change is as follows:
The tater tots and any oven-baked french fry product ingredient and nutrition label now reads:
(Contains One Or More Of The Following Oils: Canola, Soybean, Cottonseed, Sunflower, Corn.)
Pictures of the labels are attached for your reference.
This information has now been added to FD Meal Planner, our food service website. However, the information came to us mid-month so this is new allergen information for those who may have reviewed the menus earlier in the month.
Christina Flutie - Whitsons Culinary Group, General Manager
Ruth Hoshino - Newton Health and Human Services Department, Director of School Health Resources
Amy Mistrot - Newton Public Schools, Director of Business Operations
After School Extra-Curricular Activities
Please take a look as there are changes to the extracurricular activities for the spring. There continue to be many opportunities for students to get involved. This is a great way for them to explore new interests and expand their friendship groups. Click here to view the schedule of after school activities.
Brown Middle School Spring Varsity Sports Information 7th and 8th Grade Only
Please use THIS LINK if your child is interested in trying out for baseball, softball, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse or Track and Field. Tryouts begin the week of Apr 3, 2023.
*Important Notes:
It is possible that cuts will have to be made in all sports except track and field. Cuts are dependent upon the number of students who register for each sport.
The spring play conflicts with the spring sports season, therefore, if your child is signed up for the spring play, they will not be able to participate in spring sports.
Please feel free to contact the head coach if you have any questions.
Postural Screenings in April
The Postural Screening Program will be held on
Thursday, April 6. If you wish to have your child screened for scoliosis please click on the link to complete the opt-in form which must be returned by Monday, April 3.
BROWN Postural Screening parent opt-in letter 2...
Please direct any questions about postural screening to School Nurse Lucy Boyer at 617-559-6906/
Girls Who Code Club at Newton North High School - Womxngineering Convention
The Womxngineering Convention aims to increase gender representation in STEM fields and is open to all NPS middle and high school students!
- Saturday, March 25th from 1 pm. - 3:30 pm in the Newton North Cafeteria
- Free entry!
- Trivia + games with up to $150 in gift cards & prizes!
- Featuring a keynote speaker: Dawn Woods, a Newton North alum, who has degrees in engineering and worked in the Army. She will speak about useful skills for career success and share a few funny stories.
- NNHS club presentation tables and activities
To get to the Newton North cafeteria enter through the main entrance on Tiger Drive, and then turn right. The cafeteria will be on your left.
Please sign up here to attend:
This event is hosted by NNHS Girls Who Code. Please email with any questions.
MCAS Dates Set
Dates for the administration of the MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) have been set as follows:
English Language Arts:
March 28 & 29 - 7th grade
April 10 & 11 - 6th grade
April 12 & 13 - 8th grade
May 15 & 16 - 8th grade
May 17 & 18 - 7th grade
May 22 & 23 - 6th grade
Science & Technology/Engineering:
May 24 - 8th grade only
How to report an instance of discrimination, harassment or retaliation.
NPS is committed to preventing discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Here is a link to a document that gives an overview of the process and how to report incidents. If you experience an incident that you feel should be reported, you can contact the school directly or you can fill out this Online reporting form.
Do you need to update your student's information in Aspen?
If you have not already done so, please be sure to update your student information on Aspen. It is important that we have correct contact information for school to home communication. Click here for Student Information Update instructions.
Calendar and School Hours
School Hours:
8:20AM - 2:50PM - Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
8:20 AM - 2:05PM - Wed.
Click here for the NPS 2022-2023 school calendar.
Click here for the Brown Middle School 6-day rotation calendar for 2022-2023 with early release days and days of the cycle.
Absentee Line
To report a student absence call: 617-559-6980
Brown Middle School
125 Meadowbrook Road
Newton, MA 02459
Absences: 617-559-6980
Main office: 617-559-6900