December 23, 2024
Sandwich High School, learning today, shaping tomorrow.
Core Values at Sandwich High School
This year we will be focusing on Sandwich 430’s Core Values: Growth Mindset, Responsibility, Respect, Collaboration, Empathy, Integrity and Citizenship. Each month we will emphasize a different value throughout the school year. The month of November we will be focusing on responsibility. Having responsibility means that the students are dependable, keeping promises, and honoring their commitments. We will be encouraging the students to be prepared, reliable and accountable.
SHS Highlights
December Students of the Month
Sandwich High School would like to recognize the following students who have been staff nominated as being great examples of the Respect Sandwich High School teaches.
Payton Frieders, Diego Gomez, Peyton Skulski, Emily Sanchez, Carina Swanson, Peter Popp, Josh Kotalik, Madison Reedy, and Brynn Ripski.
SHS Highlights
Each year the Dekalb County Community Foundation and the Dekalb ROE partner to honor educators in Dekalb County through the Excellence in Education Awards. We encouraged staff to nominate their co-workers who are making a difference in the lives of our students and our community as a whole. This year the following staff members were nominated by their peers in our district and selected as our district finalists.
Pre-K to 5th Grade Teacher- Monica Sartori- LGH
6th to 8th Grade Teacher- Mike Butler- SMS
9th to 12th Grade Teacher- Liz Vick- SHS
School Support Staff- Julie Thompson- SHS
Congratulations to our very own, Mrs. Vick and Mrs. Thompson.
SHS Highlights
Congratulations to the following IVVC students of the quarter;
In Welding and Fabrication, Nate Hill
In Law Enforcement, Kamden Jungkans
In Teaching Methods, Ravin Read
In Automotive Technology, Joe Wengren
SHS Highlights
National Anthem
Upcoming Dates
December 23-January 6, Winter Break
January 7, Students Return to School
January 20, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day-No School
February 1, Next Parent Newsletter
Senior Cap/Gown Orders
If you missed the in person order date, please call 1-9-800-JOSTENS.
Free/Reduced Meals and Registration
From the district office
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch
The carry over period for students who were receiving free/reduced lunch for the 2023-2024 school year ended on September 27, 2024. If a new 2024-2025 application was not submitted your child was automatically put on paid breakfast and lunch beginning September 30, 2024.
Please click on the link below to apply for free/reduced breakfast and lunch:
https://www.freereducedlunch.com/sandwich430 In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, and Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. English SpanishStudent School Pictures
If you miss the date to order your student’s school pictures or any event photos the directions below were provided to SHS from our Lifetouch coordinator.
Please direct Parents to mylifetouch.com Or call Customer Service at 1-800-736-4753.
IVVCC Outstanding Winter Student
Nate Hill-Welding and Fabrication
Kamden Jungkans-Law Enforcement
Ravin Read-Teaching Methods
Joe Wengren-Automotive Technology
Bell Schedule for High School Students
Click here.
Safety Procedure
Sandwich High School values a safe educational environment for our staff and students. No persons other than the parent/guardian, parent designee, legal guardian, government officials, those pursuant to warrant or subpoena, or school personnel will have permission to see a student during school hours without being verified by showing a drivers license/state issued ID.
All visitors or venders who may need to go beyond the office are required to display a visitors’ badge during their stay and must provide a driver's license/state issued ID to be scanned in order to generate a name badge/ lanyard.Visitors must be escorted at all times while in the building.
Drop Off for Students
Only parents/guardians can deliver lunch for their child.
Students will not be called out of class to pick up their delivery.
All deliveries from parents should be labeled and left on the table in the foyer where their child can pick it up during the next passing period.
No deliveries will be allowed from anyone other than a parent/guardian.
Communication from the High School
Sandwich High School will generally email a monthly newsletter. The purpose of this communication will be to highlight the latest things going on at school while also keeping you up to date on future events.
Click here to follow SHS on Facebook.
The Sandwich High School instagram page can be located by searching Sandwich High School District 430.
Student Drivers
Students are not allowed to drive and park at school unless they have a parking permit. Parking passes cost $95 for the 2024-2025 school year.
The parking lot will be monitored for any cars parked without a school purchased tag in the window. Students parking without a parking permit will be assessed a fee.
If dropping off a student at Sandwich High School, students who are walking through the parking lot have the right away.
Student drop off and pick up is at the back of the school (door #1). Also, when a stop arm is out on a bus, it is illegal to pass it. Click here for information.
Phones and Book Bags
While phones and book bags are permitted at SHS, each teacher has a unique classroom management system. Phones and book bags in the classroom will be at the discretion of the individual teacher.
Principal Sandwich High School