Hastings Boys' High School
Newsletter 2024 Week 10 Term 3
M.P. Summerfield MSSL (Dist.), B Sc , Dip. Tchg., PG. Cert. DCL
Just a reminder that Term 4 starts back on Monday 14th October at 8:30am. We look forward to seeing all our students back then.
Academic and Awards
Colours Assembly for the second half of the year
The award of a Colour is to recognise a student's contribution to the school in a particular area. Only full colour awards are given to senior students (Year 12 and 13). Year 9, 10 and 11 students will receive a junior colour certificate. 1st and 2nd year tiered awards will be given to reflect consistency of service over time.
Congratulations to the following students who received their Colours Awards at assembly on Tuesday 24th September.
Students Overseas
History and Geography - Vietnam
Pasifika - Samoa
Robotics - Greece
Follow the Robotics team here on Facebook!
From the Careers Department this Week
Summer work opportunities with Mr Apple
Mr Apple is offering seasonal thinning jobs for students aged 16 years and over, during November and December 2024. They will accommodate some study leave for students sitting external exams.
As you will be working at various locations around Hawk'es Bay, a licence is required with reliable transport. You need to be hard working and prepared to work 5 - 6 days per week.
This is a great opportunity to earn some money for summer while gaining valuable work experience. Apply online Mr Apple Jobs
Things you need to think about if you are planning to study in 2025.
1. Decide what you want to do. Start by talking with whanau, friends, teachers, career advisers - they may come up with ideas you haven't thought about.
Check out Careersnz Plan Your Career
2. Find out about the cost of study. Studylink
3. Check if you can get a Student Allowance or Loan. Use their eligibility test to work out what you are entitled too.
Student Allowance is a weekly payment you don't have to pay back. How much you get depends on your parents income and your living situation.
Student Loan can help with the cost of study. You will have to pay this back once you're earning over a certain amount. You may be able to get a loan for: course fees, course related
costs, and living costs.
4. To apply for a Student Allowance or Loan you will first need to set up a RealMe
verified identity. Once this has been processed you can then proceed with your Student Allowance or loan application.
5. Apply before 16th December.
We will have Sue from MSD at HBHS to help students navigate Studylink on Thursday 17th October at 1.15 pm in the audio visual room. Bring your device with you and ensure you have:
- Your Real Me identity completed
- IRD and Bank Account details
- Chosen tertiary provider and course dates
- Parents / Caregivers contact details
Cultural News
Paiheretia Māori and Pasifika (PMP)
For the past 3 terms a group of Year 12 and 13 students have been involved in a programme led by Chante Botica that introduced them to using digital technology to create and make a product to sell. It involved problem solving, researching, designing, teamwork and finally presenting their products to an audience. This process teaches skills that can be used later in life. There was a lot of personal growth as group members stepped out of their comfort zones.
Mr J James
On Saturday 22 September two Year 10 students - James McKeefry and Giovanni Mullins competed in the Hawke's Bay Impromptu Cup debating competition which was open to all year levels across Hawke's Bay schools.
There were 4 rounds that started at 8.30 and finished at 4.30 that afternoon. The boys competed via Zoom. They won 2 out of their 4, limited preparation debates, competing against Iona and three teams from Havelock North. James was awarded best speaker in the two debates they won and an award for highly commended speaker. Both learned a lot and had a great time. Well done to James and Giovanni!
Sports News
Congratulations to Lezhi Zhu!
We are delighted to announce that Lezhi has been selected to represent New Zealand in the upcoming 24th World Junior Badminton Championships to be held in Nanchang, China from 30 September to 13 October.
We congratulate Lezhi and wish him all the best in China.
General News
Barefoot 7s
Every year Hastings Boys' High School hosts a Barefoot 7's tournament for primary schools around Hawke's Bay. This year it was on Thursday 26th and the day was perfect!
Photos to come
Get to School
Parents and whānau! You play a huge part in encouraging our tamariki to get to school. Let's all pull together to make sure they get the best chance at achieving their dreams #gettherenz