MMS Parent Newsletter
January 2025 Newsletter
REAL Recognition at MMS!
We are so excited to celebrate our students of the month! These students were chosen based on their embodiment of one of the four REAL character traits. Responsible students show up to class and activities on time and use effective strategies to manage their responsibilities at school. Students who were chosen for engagement demonstrated the ability to focus in class and apply themselves to their assignments and/or activities. Our accepting students displayed kindness and treating others the way they wished to be treated. Our student leaders were chosen for setting positive examples for their classmates in all areas of Mustang Middle School! We are so proud of all our students and look forward to the continued celebration of our amazing scholars this school year!
MLK Jr. Day-No School
There will be no school on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.
8th Grade Reality Check
Parents and Guardians,
On Friday, January 24th, our 8th grade students will have the opportunity to participate in our 8th Grade Reality Check. This event offers students the opportunity to experience some of the realities of adult life...careers, taxes, education, budgeting, etc. Students should come home with opt out forms today if you would like for them not to attend. I have also attached that form in case you have any reservations about your student(s) attending. Students will leave immediately following the start of first hour and return right before lunch. Please have your students to school on time to ensure that they don't get left behind!
Exciting News
We have a limited number of Mustang Flags! If you would like to purchase one, please contact Shiella. They are currently $40.00, but may increase in price once new orders are placed. Don't wait, get yours now!
Varsity Tutors Resource
We are so fortunate to have access to Varsity Tutors this semester! All students at MMS have access to free, unlimited, 24/7 tutoring through Varsity Tutors. This is a great resource for students to use at home. Please click the link below to learn more!
Reminder: Sign Up for Qustodio to Help Protect Your Child Online
As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping students safe in today’s digital world, we encourage you to sign up for Qustodio, our new tool that empowers parents to monitor and manage their child's online activity. By now, you should have received an email with instructions on how to set up your Qustodio account.
To learn more about how Qustodio can help keep your child safe, please take a moment to watch this brief video: Watch the Video.
You can also, visit our website at www.mustangps.org/families-students/qustodio-linewize for more details on Qustodio, Linewize, and Classwize and how these tools help protect your child’s online experience.
We strongly encourage all families to participate in monitoring their child’s online activity. By working together, we can provide a safer, more responsible digital environment for our students.
Thank you for partnering with us to protect your child’s safety.
School Issued Chromebook Use at School and at Home - Linewize
Please help your student make good choices about what they are utilizing their school issued chromebook for while both at school and at home. The expectation is for the device to enhance learning while at school while also allowing them access to assignments and other school information while at home to support their academic learning progress. Any use that is outside that realm is not what the device is intended for. Please remind your student that the devices are monitored by a program called Linewize and any inappropriate content searched, viewed, shared, etc. on their school issued device will send a notification to administration. Inappropriate use of the device can result in consequences. We appreciate your help!
Charging Chromebooks
Yearbooks are now available to order! Click the link to order one!
ybpay.com School Code: 15094125
Fall Break until Spring Break: $35
After spring break until sold out: $45
W.I.N. Time is now a regular part of our daily schedule at MMS. W.I.N. stands for "What I Need."
The goal of W.I.N. Time is to provide students 30 minutes everyday for intervention or extension in areas of need. Students are assigned to a teacher or class for extra help, reteaching, or enrichment activities. Students may be assigned to travel to different teachers, depending on what is needed. The WIN time schedule is flexible so students are able to receive what they need.
Observe Student in Canvas
Mustang Families,
Canvas is the online learning platform utilized by Mustang Middle School. Teachers post news, assignments, instructions, etc. It is a fantastic resource for families to stay connected to what is going on in the classroom. If you would like to observe your student's profile in Canvas, the directions are attached below.
Guidelines for Spectators at MMS Sporting Events
Meet Our Counselors!
We are very fortunate to have amazing counselors! Ms. Karie McGavock is the counselor for our seventh grade students and Ms. Larson is our 8th grade counselor. They are a wonderful resource for kiddos, families, and teachers. Please go the counseling site to learn more about counseling resources at MMS!
Email Ms. McGavock at McGavockK@mustangps.org
Email Ms. Larson at larsona@mustangps.org
Mustang Public School Attendance Policy
Chronic absenteeism is a significant challenge facing students, educators, and districts all over the country. MPS has a new attendance policy to counteract against this issue. The Mustang Board approved a change to Board Policy 5020 covering student attendance. Beginning in the 2024/2025 school the number of allowable absences will be reduced from ten (10) to eight (8). Below is information explaining how MPS will continue to work against chronic absenteeism and strive for consistent attendance and meaningful learning.
Fight Chronic Absenteeism
Introducing the "Every Moment Matters" Campaign:
To promote regular attendance, we’re launching the “Every Moment Matters” campaign. This initiative will highlight the significant learning moments that students miss when they are absent. Utilizing the hashtag #EveryMomentMatters, we will feature classroom achievements and stories on social media that illustrate the vibrant daily activities at MPS.
Even so, this is not an invitation for contagiously ill students to attend school; there must be a balance between attendance and health. Our website provides clear guidelines on when to stay home through easily accessible infographics.
For more information on Chronic Absenteeism, please visit the OSDE website at https://sde.ok.gov/chronic-absenteeism.
Important Dates
Throughout the year, the district calendar is an excellent resource to use. It keeps track of district wide events, teacher work days, holiday breaks, and much more! Please click the link to view all of the wonderful things happening in our district!
PTD Policy
Technology can be a wonderful resource in education. However, the use of cell phones and other personal technology devices (PTDs) are incredibly distracting to the learning environment. At MMS, we have the following policy to ensure the least amount of distraction to our students' learning experiences.
Mustang Middle School Personal Technology Device (PTD) Policy
All cell phone/PTD practices at MMS will follow Mustang Public School district policy #2140. All practices/policies apply to all students with or without contracts on file and apply to all non-school issued technology devices. PTDs include but are not limited to laptops, computers, tablets, cellular phones, smart phones, smart watches, ear pods, or headphones. Portable speakers are specifically prohibited at all times.
Cell phones/PTDs are allowed:
Before school in the gym and the cafeteria.
After school in the cafeteria.
To be used only by the student to whom it belongs.
*Any of the above may be revised anytime at administration’s discretion.
*Cell phone/PTD use in any instance does not grant permission for other situations.
Cell phones/PTDs are NOT allowed (must be off and inside backpack):
In the classroom, between classes and in the bathrooms.
To be used to photograph or record another student or staff member (includes buses).
In the hallways.
After leaving the gym or cafeteria before school.
During a school assembly.
In any manner that causes a disruption to the school day for any student or staff member.
To access inappropriate material while on school property.
To be used to bully, harass, threaten, intimidate, or otherwise tease another student.
In a hand or pocket during above stated restricted times or areas.
Standard consequences of violation of school cell phone/PTD policy/contract (actual consequences may vary due to severity of the violation):
1st violation: Cell phone/PTD will be kept in the office and returned to the student at the end of the day
2nd violation: Cell phone/PTD will be kept in the office and returned to the student at the end of the day
3rd violation: Cell phone/PTD will be kept in office until a parent/guardian picks it up in the office
4th violation: Parent Pick-Up AND DETENTION
5th violation: Parent Pick-Up AND ISI 1 DAY
6th violation: Parent Pick-Up AND ISI 3 DAYS AND LOSS OF PTD PRIVILEGE
*These consequences apply to the incidents per student and not incidents per PTD.
*The school and its employees are in no way responsible for any theft or damage of cell phones/PTDs while on school grounds. The school is not obligated to investigate the loss or damage of any cell phone/PTD.
If you need to get in contact with your child, please contact the MMS office at 405-376-2448.
Grades and Stuff
Parents, if you are having trouble accessing PowerSchool, please see us in the office during parent/teacher conferences or contact the front office during the school day.
Academic Recovery
Academic Recovery is offered Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and Tuesday/Thursday afternoons from 3:40-4:40 p.m. If your student is struggling to keep pace or needs extra help, we may be calling to assign them that extra time. If you believe that your student would benefit from this opportunity, feel free to give us a shout!
Drop Off and Pick Up
See the picture below for the traffic flow of student drop-off and pick-up. Please note that students should never cross the parking lot and should always use the crosswalks on the East and West sides of the lot when making their way North of the school.
Please do not park in the north parking lot when picking up students. This requires students to cross through the pickup line and through several lanes of traffic. Please follow the arrows on the pavement for the safety of everyone.
Thank you to Mr. Peter Bostwick! We are very fortunate to have him at MMS to assist with student safety in the parking lot and on the west crosswalk in the mornings and afternoons.
Mustang Transportation
Mustang Public Schools has a dedicated transportation department. Please take time to read the message from our transportation department. You may also visit the website to gain helpful and necessary information about routes, buses, bus stop locations, and much more!
A Message From the Transportation Department
Please review the district-wide expectations regarding student conduct on buses. In order to provide safe transportation to and from school, it is very important that all students adhere to the following expectations.
Riding a school bus is a privilege and students must maintain safe and respectful conduct to ensure safe travel to and from school. Student safety is our main priority and rules that are enforced at school also apply on the bus. Our bus drivers have the same authority over pupils while riding buses as the teachers have while in school.
The following rules and regulations shall govern the conduct of school bus passengers:
Students must be respectful of the driver and other passengers at all times;
All students must stay in their seats from the time they load the bus to the time they exit the bus;
Students must keep their hands and feet to themselves;
Students must avoid tampering with the windows or the emergency door of the bus unless instructed by the driver to do so.
Disruptive behaviors, which potentially jeopardize the safety of all passengers, will not be tolerated. The following are some examples of disruptive behaviors which may bypass the warning and result in the loss of bus-riding privileges:
Fighting, shouting, profanity, horseplay, using tobacco or electronic cigarettes, extending any part of the body through an open window, throwing objects, refusing to obey the bus driver, *vandalism.
*Students who deface or vandalize a school bus in any way may have bus riding privileges suspended and will not be permitted to resume bus privileges until all damages are paid.
The following items will not be permitted on the bus:
Glass containers
Trash from snacks and drinks
A written report about a student’s unsatisfactory conduct will be issued by the bus driver and delivered to the school principal for disciplinary action. The action taken by the principal may include short-term or permanent suspension from bus riding privileges and/or suspension from school- depending on the severity of the behavior.
Communication at Mustang Middle School
One way we strive to build a strong partnership is through effective communication. Here at MMS, we update families in the following ways:
- School wide monthly newsletters
- Social Media Platforms
- Canvas
- Power School (emails and text messages)
- MMS Website
Follow us on social media
We are truly looking forward to a fantastic year at MMS! We are so glad that you will be a part of it!!
Ryen Muralt - 7th Grade Principal
J.C. Wagnon - 8th Grade Principal
Karrie McGavock - 7th Grade Counselor
Angie Larson - 8th Grade Counselor
MMS Student Handbook
Please click the link and familiarize yourself with our student handbook.
Mustang Middle School Principal