JCVA Faculty Handbook
JCVA Online Learning Expectations for Teacher/Facilitators
JCVA's Culture of Excellence
Jefferson County Virtual Academy Faculty/Staff Policies & Handbook
Core Teacher Remote Work Day Contract
Core Teacher/facilitator Remote Day Work Contract will be distributed by principal at the beginning of each school year. *The JCVA Remote Day Work Contract is exclusive to JCVA's core online teaching facilitators and can be revoked by the principal at any time. Contact Deborah Scarlett dscarlett@jcboe.net
Adjunct Teacher Stipend Contract
Adjunct Teacher/facilitator Stipend Contract will be distributed by principal at the beginning of each school year. Contact Deborah Scarlett dscarlett@jcboe.net
JCVA Grading and Late Assignment Policies
Teacher/Facilitator "To- Do- Checklist". Managing students in the Buzz platform
JCVA Attendance Policy
JCVA TEAM Meeting Norms for Teacher/Facilitators and Students
Support and Intervention Expectations for Students
JCVA Grade Intervention and Support Form (required for all Teacher/Facilitators)
Teacher/Facilitators are expected to give students feedback during Open/Tutoring Team meetings and or emails and/or in the Buzz Platform. Constructive and actionable feedback help to support and improve student success. * See JCVA Culture of Excellence.
JCVA Policy on Social & Academic Centers
JCVA Teacher/Facilitator Steps for Student Withdrawal
JCVA PLC Teacher/Faculty Norms and Procedures
Teacher/Facilitator includes students with their academic progress goals.
Students are required to make a daily "habit" schedule for attending courses.
Do students know what to do in online classes?
JCVA Safety Protocols
Trevor Collins
Trevor is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters