WHS Weekly Phone Message
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
I’m pleased to share some positive updates regarding the state measures used for our school’s report card. We’ve seen improvements in several key areas compared to last fall’s testing and attendance.
Our fall semester attendance rate reached an impressive 93.8%. Additionally, proficiency levels in English II, Math I, and Math III have increased since last fall. The fall administration of the ACT Work Keys also showed a significant improvement over the previous year. I want to commend our students and staff for their combined efforts in achieving these academic and attendance goals.
First semester report cards will be distributed to all students on Thursday, January 30. Please ensure you ask your student for this important document.
Are you interested in earning FREE college credit while still in high school? Join us to learn more about what Randolph Community College has to offer in the upcoming school year at the 2nd Annual CCP Family Open House. The event will take place on Thursday, January 30, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM in the LRC lobby on the Asheboro campus. Drop in anytime to meet your Career Coach, speak with potential instructors, and explore RCC’s academic programs.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we “Strive for 95.”
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, January 20 is the Martin Luther King Jr Holiday.
Tuesday, January 21 is a teacher workday.
Wednesday, January 22 is the final day of exams for the first semester. This is a day dedicated for final exam make up sessions.
Thursday, January 23 is the first day of the second semester. All students are expected to be in attendance.
On Wednesday, January 22 Ms. Jessup will email all students their first block class assignment. Students will receive a complete second semester schedule while in their first block class on Thursday. Parents please have your student check their school email before coming to school on Thursday morning.
Thank you for your support of Wheatmore High School as we Strive for 95.
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
This week, we will continue our Wednesday SWAG program at 8:00 AM, with the first block starting at 8:30 AM.
As the fall semester quickly comes to an end, we are approaching one of our Strive for 95 testing benchmarks. Teacher-made final exams will be held on Thursday, January 9, and Friday, January 10. These are regular school days, and all students are expected to attend.
State-administered final exams for Career Technical classes and the EOC classes—English II, Math I, Math III, and Biology—will take place from Monday, January 13, to Friday, January 17. Last Thursday during SWAG, students received individualized testing schedules and watched a brief video explaining the testing process. If you have any questions about testing, please contact the school.
On Friday any student that has exceeded the limit of absences from school in order to receive credit for the class received an attendance waiver form that must be completed, signed by both the student and parent and returned by January 9.
Looking ahead to January, the school will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21 and 22, are teacher workdays. The spring semester begins on Thursday, January 23.
Thank you, and have a wonderful evening!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
We will continue our Wednesday SWAG program at 8:00 AM. First Block will start at 8:30 on Wednesday.
Friday December 20 is a two hour early release for winter break. Please make arrangements to pick up all car riders by 1:15.
The school will be closed to the public from 4:00 PM December 20 until 7:30 AM on January 2, 2025.
Thank you, and have a wonderful winter break!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
The Dream on 3 for Billie T-shirts will be on sale this week, December 9–12, during all four lunch periods. See Mrs. Tuggle to make your purchase. T-shirts are $20 each, and all proceeds will go toward making Billie’s sports dream come true.
Tickets for our 3rd Annual Snowball Semi-Formal Dance are on sale. Tickets are $15 each. The dance will take place on campus on Saturday, January 4, from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Outside guests are welcome, but you must pick up a guest form when purchasing tickets or from the front office.
As a reminder, we have two weeks remaining until the holiday break and three weeks until final exams. Students are encouraged to stay focused on their academic goals and strive for their best each day.
In other good news, our attendance rate goal of 95% was met again this past week. We achieved an attendance rate of exactly 95.85%. Thank you to everyone for prioritizing attendance as we continue to strive for 95.
Thank you, and have a wonderful evening!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, a select group of seniors will be taking one of our Strive for 95 target assessments, the ACT WorkKeys. Mr. Spencer informed these students last week about this career-focused assessment. I encourage these students to get a good night's sleep, eat a nutritious breakfast, and arrive at school early to ensure they reach their testing locations on time. Remember, achieving Gold is our goal for the Work Keys assessment!
Seniors who have not yet purchased their cap and gown for graduation—now is the perfect time! Complete this important task before the holidays and the busy spring semester. Visit Jostens.com to place your order.
Tickets for our 3rd Annual Snowball Semi-Formal Dance will go on sale starting Monday, December 2. Tickets cost $15. The dance will be held on campus on Saturday, January 4, from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Outside guests are welcome, but you’ll need to pick up a guest form when purchasing tickets or from the front office.
As a reminder, we have three weeks left until the holiday break and four weeks until final exams. Students are encouraged to stay focused on their academic goals and strive to reach their full potential each day.
Thank you, and have a wonderful evening!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
Seniors who have not yet purchased their cap and gown for graduation, now is the perfect time to do so! Complete this task before the holidays and the busy spring semester. Visit Jostens.com to place your order.
When we return from the holiday break, we will have only four weeks of instruction remaining as we work to help students achieve their academic goals. As part of our Strive for 95 campaign, we are aiming for:
95% or more of seniors graduating on time,
95% daily attendance across all students,
95% or more of students demonstrating career readiness through proficiency and growth in academic measures, and
95% or greater success in meeting ACT and ACT WorkKeys benchmarks.
Students need to come to school each day fully prepared and engaged in classroom activities to ensure their success leading up to final exams.
A quick reminder: the school will close to the public at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, November 26, and will reopen on Monday, December 2.
Finally, congratulations to our freshman and junior classes for continuing to meet our attendance goal of 95%!
Thank you, and have a wonderful evening!
Week of 11/12
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
As a reminder the school will be closed on Monday, November 11 in observance of the Veteran’s holiday.
The Athletic Booster Club has a store open now until November 17, offering Wheatmore gear. These items make perfect gifts, or if you need new Wheatmore apparel, please visit the website in the accompanying email to place your order:
All orders will be delivered before Winter Break. If you have any questions, please see Kelly Black with the Athletics Booster Club.
We will continue our Wednesday SWAG program this week, beginning at 8:00 AM. First Block will start at 8:30 on Wednesday.
Seniors who have not yet purchased their cap and gown for graduation—now is a great time! Complete this task before the holidays and the busy spring semester. Visit Jostens.com to place your order.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we "Strive for 95!"
Week of Oct 27
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
The first-quarter grading period ends on Tuesday. Students should check with their teachers about any missing assignments or tests they may be able to make up.
We will continue our Wednesday SWAG program this week, beginning at 8:00 AM. First block will start at 8:30 on Wednesday.
Starting Monday, all students arriving on campus may go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the gym until 7:50. Car riders should exit their vehicles upon arrival and head directly to the cafeteria or gym. Please avoid loitering in the student parking lot.
Looking ahead to November, Tuesday, November 5, will be a teacher workday.
On Wednesday, November 7, students will receive their first-quarter report cards. Monday, November 11, is the Veterans Day holiday, and Thanksgiving break will be observed on November 27, 28, and 29.
In the accompanying email is a link to sign up to paint the spirit rock. The link is also on our webpage. Guidelines and expectations are on the site. All proceeds will support efforts to fund student academic incentives related to Strive for 95.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we Strive for 95!
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
Underclassmen fall picture retakes will take place during lunches on Monday. Students that choose to have a retake may go to the auxiliary gym during their lunch for the picture.
The Wheatmore Band will host their fall concert on Tuesday, October 22 at 7 pm in the auditorium.
Thursday, October 24 is a 12:30 early release for all schools in the Randolph County School System. Please make arrangements to pick up your car riding student as soon as possible. Our school staff will be participating in professional development and unable to supervise students. Any student with an extracurricular activity scheduled for after school will need to depart campus at 12:30 and return after 3:00 pm for their activity.
The end of the first quarter grading period is Tuesday, October 29. Students need to see their teachers for any missing assignments that may still be submitted.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we Strive for 95!
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
Our attendance rate for the week was 95.85%. Great job, everyone! Let's aim for 96% in the coming week. Thank you to both parents and students for making attendance a priority.
On Tuesday, all seniors who are CTE completers and enrolled in our Work Keys exam prep program will take a practice exam. These students need to arrive at school by 8:00 AM to ensure the exam starts on time.
October 16 is Unity Day, a time to "Wear and Share Orange" to show support for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. By wearing orange, we send the message that no child should ever experience bullying. Please remember to participate!
The Wheatmore High Chorus will host its fall concert on Thursday evening at 7:00 PM in the auditorium.
Fall underclassmen picture retakes and senior portrait retakes are scheduled for Monday, October 21. If you would like to retake your senior portrait or fall picture, or if you missed picture day, please see Ms. Price in the main office to schedule your appointment.
Beta Club inductions will take place on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM. Students who qualify for Beta Club received an email from Mrs. Atkins earlier this week, so please check your inbox for the invitation.
Lastly, October 24 will be an early release day, with dismissal at 12:30 PM.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we Strive for 95!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School! This is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
On Tuesday, October 8 all sophomores will participate in the PreACT assessment. This assessment helps educators, students, and parents identify areas of academic strength and areas for improvement.
We will continue this week with our students attending their 30-minute SWAG class, starting at 8:00 AM on Wednesday. Students will be notified of this change and provided with directions on the location of their class and the academic task of working on Membean. First block will begin at 8:35 AM.
We will be celebrating Spirit Week for homecoming:
Monday is Pajama Day
Tuesday is Dynamic Duo Day
Wednesday is Anything But a Bookbag Day
Thursday is USA Day
Friday is White Out Day
The homecoming dance will be on Saturday night from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Tickets are $15.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we Strive for 95!
Good evening Wheatmore High School! This is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
We will continue this week with our students attending their 30 minute SWAG class beginning at 8:00 AM on Wednesday. Students will continue to be notified of this change and provided directions on where their class is located and the academic task of working on their Membean. First block class will begin at 8:35.
I’m excited to announce that our first attendance reporting data revealed we attained a 95.49% attendance rate for the first month of school. This is awesome and I commend each family for making attendance a priority. Let’s raise our attendance goal to 96% for month #2.
Seniors that are CTE concentrators will continue their WorkKeys training this week. Why are WorkKeys skills important? WorkKeys stress skill development important for every type of employment. The abilities to learn, listen, communicate, work in teams, and solve problems are important assets for any employee, regardless of career choice. They are also extremely important in today's colleges. Studies show that occupations requiring higher skills in math, locating information, and reading pay higher entry-level salaries. We have challenged this group of seniors to reach the silver or better on this assessment. All part of our Strive for 95 initiative.
Every student should have received a 4.5 week interim report on Thursday. Please ask your student for this important academic progress report.
On Thursday, October 3 Jostens will be on campus meeting with both the senior class concerning cap and gowns and our sophomore class concerning class rings.
Friday, October 4 is a teacher workday, thus the school will be closed for students.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School as we Strive for 95.
Good evening, Wheatmore High School! This is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
On Thursday, September 26, all schools in the Randolph County School System will have a 12:30 early release. Teachers will be engaged in professional development throughout the afternoon, so all students must leave campus at dismissal. Students with extracurricular activities can return after 3:00 PM.
Also on Thursday, each student will receive their 4.5-week interim report for all classes. Parents, please review these reports and contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.
A reminder for seniors: Meningococcal Vaccine booster documentation is due by Tuesday, September 24. Seniors without this documentation will be excluded from school starting Wednesday, September 25. Please submit your documentation to Wheatmore as soon as possible.
Last Friday, we celebrated 240 students with perfect attendance and no tardies by treating them to frozen ice pops. Our weekly attendance rate was 94.38%. Great job, students! Let’s keep striving for our goal of 95% or higher!
This week, we met with seniors who are Career and Technical Education course completers to prepare them for the ACT Work Keys assessment. This assessment measures essential workplace skills and impacts our school performance grade. These seniors will participate in a twice-weekly exam prep program leading up to the assessment later this semester. Our goal is to achieve a 95% certification rate or higher for this group.
Looking ahead to October, Jostens will be on campus on October 3 to meet with seniors about cap and gown orders. Purchasing the basic cap and gown package is required to participate in the June 10, 2025, graduation ceremony.
Thank you for your continued support as we all work together to achieve excellence at Wheatmore High with our Strive for 95 initiative!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School! This is Principal Johnson.
Earlier in September, I proudly introduced our Strive for 95 initiative, challenging all students to maintain at least a 95% attendance rate and achieve a 95% or higher graduation rate this year. I’m excited to share that last week, our attendance reached an impressive 95.26%! Keep up the great work prioritizing your attendance.
A quick reminder: Fall picture day is Monday, September 16. Make sure to bring your best smile and show off the best version of yourself.
For student drivers, please ensure your vehicles are clean and free of prohibited items. We’ll continue issuing tickets for unregistered vehicles this week. The fine is $20, along with the $25 registration fee.
I’m also seeking parents interested in helping establish our academic booster program in support of the Strive for 95 campaign. If you or someone you know would like to assist with fundraising for student incentives, programs, or tutoring, please reach out to me at e2johnson@randolph.k12.nc.us, and include “Strive for 95” in the subject line.
Thank you for your continued support as we all strive for excellence at Wheatmore High with our Strive for 95 initiative!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
Last week, I proudly introduced our Strive for 95 initiative. We are challenging all students to achieve at least a 95% attendance rate and a 95% or higher graduation rate this school year. I firmly believe these goals are within reach for every student.
I’m also excited to share some great news from the State Board of Education. Last week, they released the school performance grades for last year, and I’m proud to announce that Wheatmore has improved from a 68 (C grade) to a 74 (B grade). We’re making solid progress toward recovering from the pandemic's impact and are well on our way to an A. Your child’s teachers are fully committed to academics and are challenging students to achieve their best every day. Together, we can reach all of our academic goals.
Mark your calendars: Fall picture day is Monday, September 16. Be sure to bring your best smile and show off the best version of yourself.
A few quick reminders:
Student drivers, please ensure your vehicles are clean and free of any prohibited items. We will begin issuing tickets for unregistered vehicles this week. The fine for an unregistered vehicle is $20, plus the $25 registration fee.
If you drop off your student, please use the main entrance by the brick school sign on Finch Farm Road. The same applies for afternoon pick-up.
Students who are not assigned a bus route are not permitted to ride the buses. No exceptions.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High as we all Strive for 95!
Good evening, Wheatmore High School community. This is Principal Johnson.
This week, we proudly launched our Strive for 95 initiative. We’re challenging our students to achieve a 95% or greater attendance rate this school year and to aim for a 95% or higher graduation rate. These are two goals we believe all of our students can accomplish.
A quick reminder: the makeup date for senior portraits, which were rained out on August 8, is scheduled for Saturday, September 7. Your appointment times will remain the same as originally scheduled.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to purchase your yearbooks at the lowest price of the year. Pricing starts at $80, and personalized books with four free icons are available for $101. This special offer ends on September 6th.
Student drivers—please ensure your vehicles are clean and free of any contraband that is not permitted on school grounds. We will be issuing warning tickets for unregistered vehicles in the student parking lot this week. This is the last week of grace before a $20 fine, in addition to the cost of registration, will be enforced.
Mark your calendars: Fall picture day is on Monday, September 16. Come prepared, bring your best smile, and show the best version of yourself.
As we settle into the new school year, we remind you to review the dress code policy that was emailed to all parents last week. Please ensure your child is properly groomed, well-fed, and ready for school each day.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High as we all Strive for 95.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School.
EOC/ CTE state exams will continue on Monday, June 10. Anyone with an EOC/ CTE state exam for the 5th block class is expected to be in attendance to take these final exams. Tuesday, June 11 is a state exam make up day. If you have missed an exam, please contact the school in order to be scheduled during the make up exam session.
Graduation Information
- Tuesday, June 11 is graduation day.
- Practice for graduation is at 9:00 AM Tuesday morning in the stadium. Attendance to practice is mandatory if you wish to participate in the ceremony. Your cap and gown is NOT needed for practice. We will provide breakfast for seniors and Junior Marshals on Tuesday morning from 8-9:00 AM in the stadium.
- Graduation is scheduled for 8:00 pm on Tuesday. With the ceremony outside, seniors may have an unlimited number of guests.
- For the ceremony, seniors please arrive with cap, gown, tassel and stole at 6:15 and make their way to your designated staging area. For our men, shirt, tie and slacks. No jeans. A limited number of neckties will be available at the school. For our ladies, flat bottom shoes and an appropriate dress.
- The gates for the stadium will open at 6:30.
- Seniors, make sure you have paid all fees and fines and emptied your lunch account prior to Tuesday. All fees and fines and your lunch account have a zero balance in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Summer school for select students will begin on Monday June 17 at 8:00 AM.
Spring semester report cards will be mailed to homes on Monday, June 17.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School.
Students, if you haven’t returned your attendance waiver, please bring it Monday to be considered.
Teacher made exams begin Monday. Every student received a customized exam/testing schedule for each day. As a reminder, Monday and Tuesday are regular school days and attendance to each class is expected.
Wednesday begins our state mandated final exams for English II, Biology, Math I and Math III. Again, each student should follow their testing schedule given to them last Tuesday.
Seniors, please check the cafeteria to see if you have money in your school lunch account. If so, you are due a refund. If you have a negative balance, you must pay your bill prior to graduation.
All other students must pay your lunch charges by Friday, June 7.
Seniors, please turn in Chromebooks and library books to the media center when you are finished with teacher made exams.
Graduation is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 at 8:00 pm in the stadium. Students may have unlimited guests if the event can be held outside. If we move the ceremony inside due to inclement weather, each student will receive 6 tickets for guests. Tickets will be distributed after graduation practice.
Graduation practice is 9:00 AM June 11th, with breakfast in the stadium beginning at 8:00 AM.
I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School.
Students that received an attendance waiver form must return the completed form by Wednesday, May 29.
Testing letters will be distributed on Tuesday, May 28. This document will be customized to your student’s testing schedule.
A senior class cap and gown picture will be taken at 1:00 PM in the gym on Tuesday, May 27th. Senior attendance for this picture is required. Please remember to bring your cap and gown. If you have not picked up your cap and gown, see Mrs. Price in the main office.
Early graduates and seniors who have early release and want to participate in capping should plan to be on campus at the gym by 1:00 on Tuesday the 27th for the class picture then practice at 2:00 pm. Capping practice is mandatory for all seniors participating in capping! Seniors, please bring your cap and gown to practice. Cappers are not required to come to practice but are highly encouraged to attend.
Seniors and senior cappers participating in capping are expected to dress in business or business casual attire.
Our annual Investiture Ceremony commonly known as Capping is Wednesday May 28th @ 9am in the stadium. Seniors can have an unlimited number of guests if we are able to be in the stadium. If we are forced inside due to weather, each senior will receive 4 tickets for their guest on Tuesday after practice. For those guests who are unable to attend in person, we will be streaming the ceremony live on our website.
While we are celebrating our seniors, underclassmen will be in classes viewing the ceremony through our live stream feed. A live stream link will be posted to our website on Wednesday morning. I have attached a bell schedule for Wednesday in the accompanying email.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
The last two weeks of May are busy, please mark your calendar accordingly.
Monday, May 20 we will recognize academic achievement for students that were sent invitations last week.
Tuesday, May 21 we will have a sports physical clinic in the aux gym immediately after school from 3:15-5:00 PM. The cost is $10 and the physical is good for the entire 2024-2025 school year. Also on Tuesday, the Band program will conduct their spring concert at 7 pm in the auditorium, and our FFA will host their annual FFA banquet in the cafeteria.
Wednesday, May 22 our seniors will participate in the Senior Walk in their elementary school. Seniors must turn in their permission form.
Wednesday, May 22 we will host the spring athletic banquet at 7 PM in the auditorium.
Thursday, May 23 the Chorus program will conduct their spring concert at 7 pm in the auditorium. Also on May 23 we will distribute attendance waivers to any student that has missed over 5 days unexcused. They will need to be completed, signed by the parent and returned on May 29.
Friday, May 24 is Yearbook Distribution and Warrior Fest day. I will send an additional message on Monday concerning the bell schedule for Friday, May 24.
Last day to order your 2023-24 yearbook will be tomorrow, Monday, May 20th. Online sales will close at midnight and supply will be limited at Warrior Fest distribution. To reserve your yearbook today please visit jostensyearbook.com or visit the main office to purchase with cash or check for $95
Monday, May 27 is the Memorial Day holiday.
Our Investiture Service known as Capping will take place on Wednesday, May 29th at 9:00 AM in the stadium. Practice is Tuesday, May 28th at 2:00 PM following the senior class cap and gown group picture at 1:00 PM. You must be in attendance to practice in order to participate in capping. Your capper is welcome to come but this is not a requirement. If you have questions about this ceremony please contact Kelly Ivey.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. Have a pleasant evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
Attention Seniors, please keep a check on your lunch account balance. Several seniors have a large amount of money in their account while some seniors owe money to the school. See the cafeteria staff for help in this matter.
Invitations for the spring academic awards were mailed out last week. Please check your mail and plan to participate if you received an invitation.
Yearbook distribution is scheduled for Friday, May 24.
Capping practice for seniors is Tuesday May 28 at 2pm. Practice is mandatory for any senior planning to participate in Capping Service. Capping is scheduled for Wednesday May 29 at 9 AM in the stadium. If Capping has to be moved inside to due inclement weather, seniors will be provided tickets for spectators.
Teacher made final exams are Monday, Tuesday June 3,4. EOC and CTE state final exams begin Wednesday June 5.
Graduation is Tuesday June 11 at 8 PM in the stadium.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
On Monday all students will receive a bus transportation sign up form. These forms are to be completed and returned on Tuesday, May 7 to their second block teacher. Every student must complete and turn in a form marked yes or no.
Wheatmore High School will be hosting a blood drive through One Blood on Friday, May 10 from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm. If you are able to give and need an appointment, please contact the front office. Walk-ins are welcome! We have a goal to collect 50 units. We appreciate your support of our school and our Health Science students.
There will be a Cheerleading interest meeting on Monday, May 6 @ 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Emily Leach at eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us.
The Wheatmore FFA and Agriculture Department Spring Plant Sale will be next Saturday May 11, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Wheatmore High School greenhouse. Refreshments will be available for purchase from the Bitter Sweet Filly. More information can be found on our website or the Wheatmore FFA Facebook page. Please come out and support our FFA chapter and agriculture department.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, drivers of car riding students need to use the main entrance of the school for drop off and pick ups.
Attention: SENIORS
Wheatmore High Adobe Academy is wanting to honor the Class of 2024 through a "Senior Slideshow". Seniors should have received an email from Mr. Metters. If your pictures are physical and need to be scanned, they can handle that for you in a fast and secure manner. Simply bring physical copies of photos to Mr. Metters (Room H205). All photos, digital or physical, need to be received by Friday, May 3.
Dates to note for May:
- Final interim reports for academic progress Thursday, May 9.
- A blood drive will be held Friday, May 10.
- Academic awards for select students Monday May 20.
- Band concert Tuesday, May 21.
- Chorus concert Thursday, May 23.
- Yearbook distribution Friday May 24.
- Memorial holiday Monday, May 27.
- Capping practice for Seniors on Tuesday, May 28.
- Capping for Seniors Wednesday, May 29.
As we move closer to the final 4.5 weeks of school, I encourage all students to focus on their academic performance and attendance. Don’t let the final 4.5 week period derail you from reaching your goals.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
Tomorrow, Monday April 15th, we will operate on a modified bell schedule to carve out time for students to review and enter their data for the 9 weeks during the SWAG block. All students will receive their report cards as well as a progress report for Q3 on Monday so parents please ask to see them when your student gets home.
Bell Schedule for 4/15
1st: 8:00-9:00
2nd: 9:05-10:05
4th: 10:10-10:15- to pick up interim reports only. Students will report to 4th at their normal time later in the day. Hold students for the 5 minute time period.
5th: 10:20-10:25- to pick up interim reports only. Students will report to 5th at their normal time later in the day. Hold students for the 5 minute time period.
SWAG: 10:30-11:30
4th: normal schedule
5th: normal schedule
The bell schedule is in the accompanying email.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, Monday April 8 is a teacher workday. Students return to classes on Tuesday, April 9.
Tuesday, April 9 we will have a senior class meeting in the auditorium during SWAG. The purpose of the meeting is to review important information for seniors as they move closer to graduation.
Report cards for quarter 3 will be distributed to all students on Monday, April 15.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Seniors, with graduation quickly approaching please be mindful of a couple of items and dates.
April 9 we will have a senior assembly during SWAG to discuss deadlines and expectations closing out the school year. At this assembly each senior will receive a handbill with important dates to help you and your parents plan for your upcoming graduation.
Due to a scheduling conflict we had to move our capping ceremony back to May 29 at 9:00 AM.
Capping practice will be May 28 at 2:00 pm.
Graduation will be June 11 at 8:00 PM in the stadium.
In order to participate in both Capping and Graduation, each senior is required to purchase a cap and gown from Jostens. Time is running out to complete this task. Visit Jostens.com and click on find my school, shop graduation, scroll down to shop all graduation products, cap and gown unit.
Are you ready for spring break?? Let’s set the tone by showing out for Spirit Week!
- Monday - March Madness - wear your favorite college tee
- Tuesday - Tourist Tuesday - dress like you are on vacation!
- Wednesday - White Lie
- Thursday - color explosion! Dress in the same color from head to toe!
Remember the dress code applies. Prizes given to the best dressed each day!
Students, please remember to charge your Chromebook each night. Uncharged Chromebooks have become a problem with students having the ability to complete tasks during classroom instruction.
March 29-April 8 will be spring break. The school will be closed to the public beginning Friday March 29 until Monday, April 8.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder:
- March 21 will be a 12:30 early release for all RCSS students.
- March 29-April 8 will be spring break.
Seniors, with graduation quickly approaching please be mindful of a couple of items and dates.
- April 9 we will have a senior assembly during SWAG to discuss deadlines and expectations closing out the school year. At this assembly each senior will receive a handbill with important dates to help you and your parents plan for your upcoming graduation.
- Due to a scheduling conflict we had to move our capping ceremony back to May 29 at 9:00 AM.
- Capping practice will be May 28 at 2:00 pm.
- Graduation will be June 11 at 8:00 PM in the stadium.
*In order to participate in both Capping and Graduation, each senior is required to purchase a cap and gown from Jostens. Time is running out to complete this task. Visit Jostens.com and click on find my school, shop graduation, scroll down to shop all graduation products, cap and gown unit.
Parents, please ask your student to charge their Chromebook each night. Uncharged Chromebooks have become a problem with students having the ability to complete tasks during classroom instruction.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Wednesday students will begin the registration process for classes for the 24-25 school year. Students will receive their registration sheets in SWAG on Wednesday, March 13th. Thursday, March 14th we will hold a curriculum fair in the gym to give students and parents the opportunity to discuss with Wheatmore staff course offerings and details about their programs. Registration sheets need to be turned in by Tuesday, March 19th.
As a reminder:
- March 11 we will host a football coach parent meeting at 7pm in the gym.
- March 12 we will host a band concert at 7pm in the auditorium.
- March 21 will be a 12:30 early release for all RCSS students.
- March 29-April 8 will be spring break.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Prom tickets will continue to be on sale to all juniors and seniors during SWAG this week . The cost is $50. The cost will increase to $75 after March 8th. Your school fees must be paid in full order to purchase a Prom ticket. Prom will be held on April 20. Also, if you plan to bring an outside guest these forms can be found in the front office.
Yearbooks are still at the lowest price of the year at $85. Purchase yours this week and save $10.
As a reminder:
March 5 is a teacher workday.
Other dates to note:
- March 6 we will host the winter sports athletic banquet at 6:30.
- March 11 we will host a football coach parent meeting at 7pm.
- March 12 we will host a band concert at 7pm.
- March 21 will be a 12:30 early release for all RCSS students.
- March 29-April 8 will be spring break.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School, I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
All students will receive an interim report from each teacher on Monday. Parents please ask your student for this academic progress report.
Tuesday all juniors will participate in the statewide administration of the ACT exam. Your student has worked hard to prepare. The school’s leadership team will meet with all juniors on Monday during SWAG to review some last minute instructions related to exam times, testing locations and best practices to ensure their success.
Prom tickets will go on sale to all juniors and seniors on Monday, Feb 26 during SWAG . The cost is $50. The cost will increase to $75 after March 1st. Your school fees must be paid in full order to purchase a Prom ticket. Prom will be held on April 20. Also, if you plan to bring an outside guest these forms can be found in the front office.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, February 19 is a teacher work day.
Tuesday, February 20 is the mandatory Sportsmanship Parent meeting with all teams for spring athletics. The meeting begins at 7 pm in the main gym.
This will be the last week of ACT exam prep for all juniors. Parents, your junior students are working hard to prepare for the state wide administration of the ACT on Tuesday, February 27.
National FFA Week is February 19th through the 24th. Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week. The Wheatmore FFA chapter is sponsoring the following school-wide spirit days:
- Tuesday, February 20th is Cowboy Hat vs. Baseball Cap. Students who donate $1 will receive a hat pass for this day. All money goes towards our FFA chapter’s service projects with Baptist Children’s Home. See Mrs. Hampton in C118 on Tuesday morning to get a hat pass. Wednesday, February 21st is Ag Teacher Appreciation Day, so dress like Mrs. Hampton.
- Thursday, February 22nd is Ranch wear vs. Fancy wear. Wear your western wear or dress in your nicest attire.
- Friday, February 23rd is Wear Blue Day. Wear blue and gold to support FFA. Prizes will be given to the best dressed each day.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Academic Award invitations went out in the mail this week. Please make sure to check your mailbox to see if your student will be receiving an academic award. Fall Awards are scheduled for Monday February 12th at 6 pm in the auditorium. Students need to arrive at 5:15 and assemble in the cafeteria.
All Juniors are participating in an ACT prep boot camp during SWAG for the whole month of February. All juniors need to check their Power school to locate their new SWAG teacher each Monday. Students who participated each day earned a Tardy pass and a slushie on Friday. Also, all juniors were entered into various drawings which included free prom tickets, parking passes, sheetz gift cards and more. Ask your junior about the ACT boot camp.
Any student wanting to participate on the track and field team for the spring/outdoor season needs to contact Coach Wilson. There will be an interest meeting on Thursday, February 8 during SWAG in Coach Wilson’s room, H206.
Parents, please check your emails for important information about this year's yearbook publication and deadlines. Purchase your yearbook online by March 15 for $85 before prices increase.
Looking into the month of February, Thursday, February 15 is a 12:30 early release for all RCSS students,
Monday, February 19 is a teacher workday. Monday, February 26 all students will receive their first interim reports on their academic progress for the second semester and finally,
Tuesday, February 27 all juniors will participate in the statewide administration of the ACT exam which measures academic skills in English, math, reading, and scientific reasoning..
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Students will receive their first semester report cards on Tuesday, January 30.
This past Wednesday, all juniors met with the ACT boot camp team to outline the test prep plan for the next four weeks. Each junior will be engaged in training in all four areas of the ACT exam, Reading, English, Math and Science during the SWAG block. A list of weekly incentives ranging from parking permits, designated parking spaces, gift cards, book bags and prom tickets have been made available for those actively participating. Parents, please encourage your student to take advantage of this boot camp opportunity.
RCC is hosting an information night for parents of rising Juniors and Seniors who are interested in taking free college classes through the Career and College Promise program. There will be two sessions on Tuesday January 30, one at 4pm and one at 6pm on RCC's Asheboro campus in the Learning Resources Center.
Parents, please check your emails for important information about this year's yearbook publication and deadlines. Purchase your yearbook online by March 15 for $85 before prices increase.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, Monday January 22 and Tuesday January 23 are both teacher workdays.
The new semester begins on Wednesday January 23. All students will be directed to their scheduled first block class and a new second semester class schedule will be given to them.
We will have a grade level meeting with all juniors during SWAG on Wednesday. Part of our grade level meeting will address the state wide administration of the ACT and our test prep program for all juniors.
Grade level meetings will be held with seniors, sophomore and freshman on Thursday, January 25.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Tuesday we resume state final exams. Students please make sure you charge your Chromebooks nightly and arrive early to the school in order for our exams to start on time. If you are sick or unable to come on the designated exam day, please call the school and we will work on getting you rescheduled for later in the week. All administration of the state final exams must be completed by Friday January 19.
- Tuesday- 2nd block EOC or CTE state final exam
- Wednesday- 4th block EOC or CTE state final exam.
- Thursday- 5th block EOC or CTE state final exam.
- Friday is the designated day for exam make up.
Monday and Tuesday, January 22 and 23 are teacher workdays. The first day of the second semester is Wednesday, January 24.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Students, attendance is still required and taken daily through the teacher made exams. Please note that every day count toward teacher made exam waivers and credit denied due to excessive absences.
Attendance waiver forms for any student that has excessive absences were distributed on Thursday. Parents, your signature is required on this document to be considered. The waiver is due back to the guidance department no later that Wednesday, January 10.
Teacher made final exams will be administered on Wednesday January 10 and Thursday January 11. State mandated final exams begin with first block EOC and CTE classes on Friday, January 12. Students please arrive to school early on Friday so that we can begin the exam session on time.
Parents if you have any questions concerning the testing schedule, please contact your students' teacher or the guidance department.
Any RCC student that has not returned the RCC textbook, the cost of the book has been added to your fees owed account. If you do not wish to pay for the textbook, return the textbook to Mrs. Tuggle on Monday. On Tuesday, any student that has not returned the textbook will receive an invoice for the cost of the textbook.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
All students will receive their personalized testing letter on Wednesday, January 3. This letter will outline their testing schedule. Additionally, students will review a video during SWAG on Wednesday that will help students understand the testing letter and our exam day schedules..
Attendance waiver forms for any student that has excessive absences will be distributed on Thursday during 2nd block. Parents, your signature is required on this document to be considered. The waiver is due back to the guidance department no later that Wednesday, January 10.
The 2nd annual Snow Ball dance will take place this Saturday, January 6, from 8-11 pm. Anyone attending the dance must have purchased a ticket. There will be an additional opportunity to purchase your ticket on Wednesday, Jan. 3, before school or during lunch.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Thursday December 14 is a 12:30 early release day to provide professional development to all staff.
Wednesday, December 20 is a two hour early release for the winter break. For more information related to the school calendar, please visit the RCSS webpage to access the 2023-2024 school calendar.
The 2nd annual Snow Ball semi formal dance will be held on Saturday, January 6th. You can purchase your ticket before school or during lunch.
Parents as a reminder, please use the main entrance to the school to drop off and pick up car rider students. The main entrance is designated by the brick school sign and the boulevard banners. Thank you for your assistance in keeping the student lot clear of any additional traffic.
Athletic Boosters will have a meeting on December 11th at 6:30 in the Median Center. Boosters are actively looking to add members.
Any student that was enrolled in an RCC class this semester needs to return his/her textbook to Mrs. Tuggle by Friday, December 15th. Students will be placed on the Fees Owed List for the full cost of any textbook that is not returned.
The next six weeks of school are critical for school success. Teachers are finishing up instruction for the semester, exam reviews for end of semester final exams, and the critical first days of the second semester. Please make attendance a priority throughout the school year but specifically during December and January.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Cap and gown, class ring orders are due this week to receive the lowest price possible. Visit Jostens.com to place your order. As a reminder, each graduating senior must order a cap and gown to participate in the graduation ceremony on June 11, 2024.
Looking into December, Friday December 8 all students will receive their 13.5 week interim reports, Thursday December 14 is a 12:30 early release day to provide professional development to all staff. Wednesday, December 20 is a two hour early release for the winter break. For more information related to the school calendar, please visit the RCSS webpage to access the 2023-2024 school calendar.
The 2nd annual Snow Ball semi formal dance will be held on Saturday, January 6th. You can purchase your ticket before school or during lunch. Tickets are $15. Tickets will not be sold after December 20. See Mrs. Leach or Mrs. Brown with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Parents, first quarter report cards were distributed to all students on Nov. 15. Please ask your student to see this important document.
As a reminder, the school will close to the public at 4 pm Tuesday, November 21 for the Thanksgiving holiday. The school will reopen at 7:30 AM Monday Nov. 27.
Our Marching Band boosters have opened their Dewey Holiday Store in the Southgate Shopping Center. Please see our webpage for store hours.
Please visit our webpage for a full slate of upcoming athletic events.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, November 13 we will host the fall athletic banquet in the auditorium at 6 PM. The following teams are responsible for the listed food items.
- Football - Meats
- Volleyball - Veggies, Casseroles
- Tennis & Women's Golf - Breads
- Soccer - Chips, Dips, Cheeses
- Cross Country - Desserts
There will be a baseball interest meeting on Tuesday (11/14/23) after school in the Health Room (3:10 pm)
Wednesday, November 15 first quarter report cards will be distributed to all students.
Looking later into November, the school will be closed beginning Wednesday, November 22 through Friday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder from Dr. Gainey’s message Friday, Tuesday, November 7 is a teacher workday, and Friday, November 10 the school will be closed due to the Veteran’s Holiday.
Monday, November 13 we will host the fall athletic banquet in the auditorium at 6 PM.
Wednesday, November 15 first quarter report cards will be distributed to all students.
Additionally, on Wednesday, November 15 Jostens will be on campus meeting with all seniors for cap and gown information and with all sophomores with information related to class rings.
Looking later into November, the school will be closed beginning Wednesday, November 22 through Friday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School. Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
On Tuesday, October 24 we will host the fall Band Concert at 7:00 PM in the auditorium. Please come and support our performer.
As a reminder, Thursday, October 26 is an early release day. School will be dismissed at 12:30. Please make arrangements to pick up your car-riding student at this time.
The quarter grading period ends on October 30. Report cards will be distributed on November 15.
Don’t forget to order this year’s school pictures and enjoy a 10% discount by using code: F202310OFF.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
October 18 all sophomores will be taking the Pre ACT exam. Please make sure you arrive early to school on Wednesday so that you can find your testing site and testing can start as scheduled.
On Wednesday, Oct 18, 2023, we are encouraging students to wear orange to support National Unity Day and to stand up against Bullying.
October 19 Wheatmore will host the fall chorus concert in the auditorium at 7:00 PM.
Monday, 10/23 - Senior Picture Makeups
Tuesday, 10/24 - Underclassmen Picture Makeups
October 24 Wheatmore will host the fall band concert in the auditorium at 7:00 PM.
Thursday, October 26 will be a 12:30 early release for all schools in the RCSS.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson..
On Thursday, October 12 a select group of students will be taking the PSAT. These students have been contacted by Mr. Hill our testing coordinator with directions and test site information for that day.
"Valor Yearbook Staff will be selling yearbooks prior to our home football game against Trinity on Friday, October 13. This is a great opportunity to order your 2023-24 school yearbook for only $85 and purchase past yearbooks at their lowest rate yet."
Looking further into the month of October:
- Oct 16,17 a select group of students will be participating in All County Chorus.
- October 18 all sophomores will be taking the Pre ACT exam.
- October 19 Wheatmore will host the fall Chorus concert in the auditorium at 7:00 PM.
- 10/23 - Senior Picture Makeups
- 10/24 - Underclassmen Photo Makeups
- October 24 Wheatmore will host the fall Band concert in the auditorium at 7:00 PM.
Thursday, October 26 will be a 12:30 early release for all schools in the RCSS.
Monday, October 31 will be the last day of the first quarter of school. Student’s mid-semester report cards will reflect their academic performance for the first quarter.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
After the first five weeks of school, we have 90 students with perfect attendance. Thank you students for making attendance a priority.
As a reminder, our buses operate for students who are assigned to a bus and a scheduled destination. Seats are limited. We do not allow non-assigned students to ride the buses.
On Friday, October 6 we will have a 2-hour early release for students.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Parents, each student has been registered to participate in Membean, an online vocabulary program. Students will be assigned a grade during their 2nd block class for doing their Membean each week. This will be 10% of all students in the second block grade. The expectation is for students to complete 2 -15 minute training sessions a week for a total of 30 minutes per week. Contact Kelly Ivey if you have questions.
Also, this month all students set up their online data tracker for the school year. This is a tool that we use every Monday in SWAG in order to assist students in keeping track of their grades, tardies, attendance, and missing assignments. Ask your student to see their data. Contact Kelly Ivey if you have questions.
Thursday, September 28 all students will receive their first 4.5 week interim grade reports. We will run an abbreviated bell schedule on Thursday to extend SWAG and review with each student their interim report data.
We will be pre-selling football tickets during all lunches this week. Tickets are eight dollars. The homecoming celebration will be during half-time.
This week is Spirit Week.
Monday - Jersey vs. Jersey Shore
Tuesday - Toy Story Tuesday
Wednesday - Cowboys and Cowgirls
Thursday - Camo
Friday - class colors
Freshmen wear white, sophomores wear red, juniors wear black, Seniors wear Togas. Seniors, See Mrs. Price in the front office for a crown if you have not already done so!
We will host our 2nd annual Homecoming Parade prior to the football game on Friday. The parade will begin around 6:45 pm.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, September 18 will be school-wide picture day. Please plan to bring your best smile.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
Parents, please have your student check their student email account tonight for possible changes to their bus number and pick-up time. The email was from Mr. Hill and did affect at least 20 students.
Beginning Tuesday, September 12 we will be in the parking lot assessing $25 fines for unregistered vehicles.
Meal Benefits: Families will need to apply for Free/Reduced priced meals in order to prevent a disruption in meal benefits. To apply, go to lunchapplication.com and follow the prompts.
Payments: Payment for meals and a la carte can be made online. Go to k12paymentcenter.com to pre-pay using your credit card (additional charges may apply).
Monday, September 18 will be school-wide picture day. Please plan to bring your best smile.
This week every student should have received a Chromebook, charger, and carrying case. If you did not receive one or are having issues with the device, please contact Ms. Andrea Davis in the Media Center.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
As a final reminder, school begins at 8:00 a.m. on Monday. Dismissal is 3:00 PM
On Monday all students will receive a number of first-day forms during their 3rd Block SWAG class. It is imperative that the freshman and new to Wheatmore students complete the Technology Acceptable use policy in order to receive a Chromebook. Chromebooks for these students will be distributed as the forms are returned to school.
Upperclassmen please be sure to charge your Chromebooks tonight and bring them with you tomorrow.
Meal Benefits: Families will need to apply for Free/Reduced priced meals in order to prevent a disruption in meal benefits. To apply, go to lunchapplication.com and follow the prompts.
Payments: Payment for meals and a la carte can be made online.
Go to k12paymentcenter.com to pre-pay using your credit card (additional charges may apply).
If you are a bus rider, please be at your pick-up post at least 10 minutes early tomorrow. With new routes and drivers, the pick-up times may vary significantly. Please be patient and be at your post early.
Senior Sunrise will take place at the football stadium on Monday at 6:30 a.m.
We will continue to collect student fees and sell parking permits and yearbooks during all four lunches.
Parents, please use the main entrance to the school designated by the brick school sign on Finch Farm Road to drop off and pick up your car rider students. The student parking lot is for student drivers only. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Please plan to attend our second home football game of the season. This Friday Wheatmore hosts the Panthers from Ledford High School. Kick-off time, 7:30.
Welcome back and I look forward to another great year at Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School. This is Principal Johnson.
Upperclassmen class schedules are available for pickup. Student drivers can also pick up their 23-24 Parking Contracts for their parents to complete and return. Parking permits are required for student drivers and are $25.
Open House for all students will be Wednesday, August 23 from 5-7 PM. Come get your schedule, meet your teachers, and get familiar with our facilities.
As an FYI, athletic ticket prices will increase by $1.00 for all athletic events this year to offset the rise in the cost of game officials. Varsity football will be $8, all other sports will be $7.
Beginning Aug 28, 2023, Wheatmore High School's start time for the instructional day will be 8:00 a.m. An attachment concerning this change is in the accompanying email. Additionally, an attached memo outlines morning drop-off procedures.
School attendance will be a focus of our efforts this school year. An attachment concerning attendance expectations is attached to the accompanying email.
Have a great evening.
2023-2024 Attendance Policy.docx
Change in start end time 2023 2024.docx
EOD student dismissal parent parking.docx
outside food memo on letterhead 2023-2024.docx
Good evening Wheatmore High School this is Principal Johnson,
Rising freshmen and new to Wheatmore orientation will be held on August 15 from 6-7 PM. Parents please mark your calendar and plan to attend with your student. Parents and students will participate in a short presentation, a Q and A session, receive their class schedule, and have an opportunity to walk the building.
We will distribute upperclassmen class schedules beginning Wednesday, August 16. Student drivers can also pick up their 23-24 Parking Contracts for their parents to complete and return. Parking permits are required for student drivers and are $25.
Open House for all students will be Wednesday, August 23 from 5-7 PM. Come get your schedule, meet your teachers, and get familiar with our facilities.
We still have 2023 Yearbooks available for purchase. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Bugg at 3364761500.
Any student that took an RCC course this summer needs to return the textbook to Mrs. Tuggle asap.
As an FYI, athletic ticket prices will increase by $1.00 for all events this year to offset the rise in the cost of game officials. Varsity football will be $8, all other sports will be $7.
You are invited to attend our next athletic booster club meeting scheduled for Monday, September 11. Please come out and join our efforts to support our student-athletes.
Beginning Aug 28, 2023, Wheatmore High School's start time for the instructional day will be 8:00 AM. An attachment concerning this change is in the accompanying email. Additionally, an attached memo outlines morning drop-off procedures.
School attendance will be a focus of our efforts this school year. An attachment concerning attendance expectations is attached to the accompanying email.
Have a great evening.
Change in start end time 2023 2024.docx
Safety memo on letterhead 2023-2024.docx
EOD student dismissal parent parking.docx
outside food memo on letterhead 2023-2024.docx
Good evening Wheatmore High School this is Principal Johnson,
The tryout schedule for Monday, July 31 is as follows:
- Football - 8:00 am - 11:00 am on the practice football field
- Volleyball -9:00 am - 11:00 am in the main gym
- Tennis - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm on the tennis courts
- Cross Country - 7:00 am - 8:15 am at the stadium
- Men's Soccer - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm on the practice soccer field.
- Ladies Golf - Interested athletes need to attend the interest meeting on Monday 8/7 at 4 pm in the gym.
As a reminder, student-athletes are required to have a current, up-to-date physical on file with the school in order to try out on Monday.
Each year student-athletes and their parents must complete athletic paperwork prior to participation in the first game. This paperwork is completed electronically and covers all athletics during the 23-24 school year. If your child is thinking about participating in athletics at Wheatmore High School this year, we would like for you to complete the Athletic Paperwork form that can be found in your child's school email account that was sent by Ms. Jessup or on the Wheatmore Homepage.
Rising seniors should go online to schedule their portrait sitting time for senior portraits. The link to schedule a session at school is prestigeportraits.com. Seniors can enter their schools by putting in their city and state. On-campus dates are August 9 or 10.
Rising freshmen and new to Wheatmore orientation will be held on August 15 from 6-7 PM. Parents please mark your calendar and plan to attend with your student. Parents and students will participate in a short presentation, and Q and A session, receive their class schedule, and have an opportunity to walk the building.
We still have 2023 Yearbooks available for purchase. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Bugg at 3364761500.
Any student that took an RCC course this summer needs to return the textbook to Mrs. Tuggle asap.
For the first time in 14 years, Wheatmore Athletics is in need of a football announcer and a clock operator. Please contact the school or Athletic Director Andrew Davis for more information.
Beginning Aug 28, 2023, Wheatmore High School's start time for the instructional day will be 8:00 AM. An attachment concerning this change is in the accompanying email. Additionally, an attached memo outlines morning drop-off procedures.
School attendance will be a focus of our efforts this school year. An attachment concerning attendance expectations is attached to the accompanying email.
Have a great evening.
2023-2024 Attendance Policy.docx
Change in start end time 2023 2024.docx
Good evening Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
Each year student athletes and their parents must complete athletic paperwork prior to participation in the first game. This paperwork is completed electronically and covers all athletics during the 23-24 school year. This year we would like to complete as much of the paperwork as possible in the fall even if your child is not participating in a sport until the winter or spring. If your child is thinking about participating in athletics at Wheatmore High School this year, we would like for you to complete the Athletic Paperwork form that can be found in your child's school email account that was sent by Ms. Jessup or on the Wheatmore Homepage.
This will provide us with the most accurate information to use when we send the paperwork in August.
Tryouts for fall sports will begin on July 31. If you are interested in trying out for a fall sport, please make sure you have a current physical on file with the school. You can’t try out without this mandatory document.
Tryout dates and time will be on the Sunday message next Sunday.
Rising seniors can now go online to schedule their portrait sitting time for senior portraits. The link to schedule a session at school is prestigeportraits.com. Seniors can enter their school by putting in their city and state. Our focus this summer is to accommodate the seniors interested in the Evolution Session, which includes casual poses.
On campus dates are August 9 or 10.
Rising freshmen and new to Wheatmore orientation will be held on August 15 from 6-7 PM. Parents please mark your calendar and plan to attend with your student. More information will be sent concerning this event in the coming weeks.
Beginning Aug 28, 2023 Wheatmore High School start time for the instructional day will be 8:00 AM. This time change was approved at the May Board of Education meeting. An attachment concerning this change is in the accompanying email. Additionally an attached memo outlines morning drop off procedures.
School attendance will be a focus of our efforts this school year. An attachment concerning this change is attached to the accompanying email.
Have a great evening.
2023-2024 Attendance Policy.docx
Change in start end time 2023 2024.docx
EOD student dismissal parent parking.docx
Good evening Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
Rising seniors can now go online to schedule their portrait sitting time for senior portraits. The link to schedule a session at school is prestigeportraits.com. Seniors can enter their school by putting in their city and state. Our focus this summer is to accommodate the seniors interested in the Evolution Session, which includes casual poses.
On campus dates are August 9 or 10.
In addition to the events at your school, seniors can also schedule to have their images done at one of our senior portrait studios by going to prestigeportraits.com/studio.
Rising freshmen and new to Wheatmore orientation will be held on August 15 from 6-7 PM. Parents please mark your calendar and plan to attend with your student. More information will be sent concerning this event in the coming weeks.
Beginning Aug 28, 2023 Wheatmore High School start time for the instructional day will be 8:00 AM. This time change was approved at the May Board of Education meeting. An attachment concerning this change is attached to the accompanying email. Additionally an attached memo outlines morning drop off procedures.
School attendance will be a focus of our efforts this school year. An attachment concerning this change is attached to the accompanying email.
Have a great evening.
Change in start end time 2023 2024.docx
Good evening Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
Second semester report cards are ready for pick up beginning Monday between the hours of 8-4 pm.
The school campus will be closed to the public beginning Friday, June 30 through Friday, July 7.
The school campus will reopen on Monday, July 10 at 7:30 AM.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
Rising seniors can now go online to schedule their portrait sitting time for senior portraits. Visit schedule.prestigeportraits.com, click on our state, North Carolina and our city, Trinity to schedule your appointment on August 9 or 10. You do not need the 8 digit code to schedule your appointment.
We have not received all final exam scores from state testing, so the printing of second semester report cards will be delayed until later next week. Once report cards have been printed, I will send a message to let everyone know when they can be picked up at the school.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
EOC and CTE state final exams begin Monday, June 5 with all first block EOC and CTE state exams, Tuesday 2nd block, Wednesday 4th block, and Thursday, June 8 5th block. June 9 is an exam make-up day and graduation.
Students who are taking the EOC and CTE state final exams must arrive early to get to their testing sites on time. Please make this a priority. Additionally, please make sure you get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast prior to taking your exams.
Graduation is Friday, June 9 at 8:00 PM in the stadium. Graduates may have unlimited guests if we are able to have the ceremony outside. If weather forces the ceremony inside, each graduation will receive 6 tickets. Graduates will receive their tickets at graduation practice.
Graduation practice will be Friday morning, 8:30 AM. Breakfast will be provided. Graduation practice is mandatory if you plan to be part of the ceremony.
There will be a booster club meeting on Monday, June 5th @ 6:30 in the media center. All are welcome to attend.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Wheatmore Lady's soccer team will travel to Pine Lake Prep on Tuesday, May 30 for the regional championship. Game time is 6:00. Admission is $8.00 (cash only). Only NCHSAA passes will be accepted.
The address of the athletic complex is 203 Lions Den Trail, Mooresville NC 28115
(Please note that the Athletic Complex is not at the school address)
Please plan to make the trip and cheer on our lady warriors.
The spring athletic banquet will be held on May 31 @ 6:30 in the auditorium. Each team is asked to provide the following food items:
Meat/Deli Trays: Track
Veggies/Dips: Golf & Tennis
Chips/Dips/Cheeses: Soccer
Bread: Softball- Dinner Rolls
Desserts: Baseball
Seniors must return all Chromebooks, bags, and chargers to the media center to be cleared to walk for graduation. Also, all senior fees and fines must be paid in order to participate in graduation.
Attendance waiver forms must be returned by Wednesday, May 31 completely filled out and signed by a parent to be considered.
Students need to follow their testing letter for the upcoming teacher-made final exams and end-of-course state exams for EOCs and CTE classes. Students received their testing letters last Thursday.
Student attendance is required each day. Student attendance impacts their teacher-made exam exemptions and credit denied due to excessive absences.
Monday, June 5 is the first day of state-required end-of-course testing for EOC and CTE classes.
Graduation is set for Friday, June 9 at 8 PM in the stadium. Seniors can have an unlimited number of guests if the ceremony can be held outside. If we move indoors due to inclement weather, students will receive their allotted tickets at graduation practice.
Graduation practice will take place on Friday, June 9 at 8:30 AM in the stadium. A light breakfast will be provided. Seniors if you are planning to participate in the graduation ceremony, you are required to attend graduation practice.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Seniors must return all Chromebooks, bags, and chargers to the media center no later than Friday, May 26 to be cleared to walk for graduation. Also, all senior fees and fines must be paid in order to participate in graduation.
Monday will be the last day to pre-purchase a yearbook in the main office. Any extra books will be available for purchase during the year distribution process on Friday for eight-five dollars cash or check.
Sports physicals will be held in the Wheatmore High School Auxiliary gym on Wednesday, May 24 between 3:30 and 4:30. Cost of the physical is $10. Athletes need to bring a parent-signed copy of the NCHSAA physical form. Forms will be available on-site.
Wheatmore’s Spring Chorus concert will be held on Thursday, May 25 at 7 PM.
Yearbook distribution and Warrior Fest activities will take place on Friday, May 26. We will operate on an adjusted bell schedule for Friday. More information concerning Friday will be shared later this week.
Looking into next week
Monday, May 29 is the Memorial Day holiday
Wednesday, May 31 we will host the spring athletic banquet.
Thursday and Friday, June 1 and 2 will be the teacher's final exams.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson, Happy Mother’s Day.
Our Investiture Service known as Capping will take place this Thursday, May 18 at 9:00 AM in the stadium. Capping practice is mandatory if you plan to participate in Capping. Practice is Wednesday, May 17 at 2:00 PM following the senior class cap and gown picture at 1:00 PM.
Attention Seniors: Seniors must have a signed permission slip to participate in Graduation Walks. The deadline to have permission slips turned in is Wednesday, May 17th. Seniors must also have and wear their cap and gown to participate. The date of the Graduation Walks is Friday, May 19th. If a permission slip is needed, please contact Mr. Whitaker.
Cheerleading tryouts will take place this upcoming week in the cafeteria beginning at 4:00. Please see or email Mrs. Leach with any questions.
WHS will host our annual spring blood drive on Monday, May 22 from 8 am - 2 pm in the front parking lot. Community donors are welcome as a walk-up or by appointment. Email eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us to schedule an appointment or contact the front office. Thank you for considering giving the gift of life.
The cafeteria has stopped allowing students to charge meals to their lunch accounts. Account balances must be paid prior to the end of the school year.
Please visit our webpage for more important information and May dates of interest.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson,
The cafeteria has stopped allowing students to charge meals to their lunch accounts. Please make sure your student has money daily to be able to secure a meal while at school.
ATTENTION SENIORS AND SENIOR PARENTS: Any scholarships or grants that Seniors have received from any college or university, need to be turned in to Mrs. Dunphy-Atkins by May 11 in order to be recognized at capping. An email went to all senior parents and students about this information. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Dunphy-Atkins.
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place May 15-19. If you are interested in trying out, please complete the interest form found on the WHS Homepage.
Yearbook Distribution is fastly approaching! Make sure you have ordered your yearbook today. Books are limited. You can order at Jostens.com or in the main office, books are $85 dollars.
Please visit our web page for more important information and May dates of interest.
ATTENTION SENIORS AND SENIOR PARENTS: We have started sending permission slips home with seniors who filled out the Google form to attend graduation walks at their former elementary schools. Some seniors have not received their permission slips and they need to see or email Mr. Whitaker to get one. The deadline to have these returned is Wednesday, May 17th. They must have a signed permission slip to participate. The date of the graduation walks is Friday, May 19th.
We will run a modified bell schedule for Tuesday, May 9. The extended time in SWAG is to give the SWAG teacher an opportunity to speak with each student about their progress in their four classes, attendance and any academic concerns.
1st Block 8:20 - 9:20
2nd Block 9:25 - 10:25
4th Block 10:30 - 10:35 (just to get progress reports)
5th Block 10:40 - 10:45 (just to get progress reports)
SWAG 10:50 - 11:50 (data meetings with SWAG teacher)
4th -- Normal time
5th - Normal time
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson:
The cafeteria has stopped allowing students to charge meals to their lunch accounts. Please make sure your student has money daily to be able to secure a meal while at school.
ATTENTION SENIORS AND SENIOR PARENTS: Any scholarships or grants that Seniors have received from any college or university, need to be turned in to Mrs. Dunphy-Atkins by May 11, 2023, in order to be recognized at capping. An email went to all senior parents and students about this information. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Dunphy-Atkins.
Current RCC students- This is a friendly reminder that final assignments and exams will soon be available for you to submit in Moodle. Instructors will not grant extensions on final exams so please do not put this off until the last minute.
Attention Seniors, you were emailed a Google form to fill out for GRADUATION WALKS. This form needs to be filled out and returned ASAP. The date of the Graduation Walk is Friday, May 19th.
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place May 15-19. If you are interested in trying out, please complete the interest form found on the WHS Homepage.
Yearbook Distribution is fastly approaching! Make sure you have ordered your yearbook today. Books are limited. You can order at Jostens.com or in the main office, books are $85 dollars.
The Spring Musical Mean Girls will be performed this coming weekend with performances on Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Please come out and support our Cultural Arts programs.
Please visit our webpage for more important information and May dates of interest.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Current RCC students- This is a friendly reminder that final assignments and exams will soon be available for you to submit in Moodle. Instructors will not grant extensions on final exams so please do not put this off until the last minute.
Attention Seniors- you were emailed a google form to fill out for GRADUATION WALKS. This form needs to be filled out and returned ASAP. The date of the Graduation walks is Friday, May 19th.
Bus transportation forms were distributed to all students last week. These forms need to be completed by each student regardless if they intend on riding a bus next school year. Please turn the forms in to Ms. Stanley in guidance.
The cafeteria will stop allowing students to charge meals to their lunch accounts beginning this week. Please make sure your student has money daily to be able to secure a meal while at school.
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place May 15-19. If you are interested in trying out, please complete the interest form found on the WHS Homepage.
Our annual PowderPuff game will be played on Friday, May 28 at 6 pm in the stadium! At halftime of the game, we will recognize our ComingHome court and will crown our ComingHome King! This event is free - so come out for a good time and to support your fellow students!
Yearbook Distribution is fastly approaching! Make sure you have ordered your yearbook today. Books are limited. You can order at Jostens.com or in the main office, books are $85 dollars.
Don’t forget to order this year’s school pictures through Lifetouch and enjoy 10% off by using Code: S2310OFF. Code expiration date 12/31/2023.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Third quarter report cards will be sent home on Monday, April 17.
I hope you have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, tomorrow Monday, April 10 is a teacher workday. The office will open at 8:00 AM and close at 3:30 PM.
Students return to school on Tuesday, April 11.
Cap and gown distribution will take place on Thursday, April 13 during all 4 lunches.
Third quarter report cards will be sent home on Monday, April 17.
I hope you have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Tuesday, March 28 is spring picture day. Parents this is a great opportunity to document how much your child has grown this year. Your student received information on spring pictures this past week.
In anticipation of Spring Break Student Council is sponsoring a spirit week.
Monday-Childhood Dream job, dress like the profession you aspire to do.
Tuesday- Twin Tuesday- Rhyme without a reason
Wednesday- Sunday Best- Dress to impress
Thursday- Celebrity Day- dress like your favorite celebrity.
Friday- Freaky Friday- students dress like teachers, and teachers dress like students.
After spring break, extra Chromebooks will no longer be available for students that have failed to bring their assigned Chromebook to school. Students will need to remember to bring their devices to school fully charged. Anyone who has lost their charger can purchase one from the media center for $30.
Just a reminder to parents and students that no over-the-counter medication can be brought to school without a doctor's order. We have seen an increase in students with allergy medications, Tylenol bottles, and cough syrup. If you feel that your child needs medication at school, please contact the main office or our school nurse for the medication form that the doctor can fill out and return to school. Properly documented medications are kept secured in the nurse's station.
Seniors, please check your email from Mrs. Dunphy-Atkins. Several scholarships have been sent to your emails, and only a few have been turned in. Please look for the Wheatmore Athletic Scholarship, ADK, Ferree Foundation, Davidson Water, and several more. Deadlines are approaching for these scholarships.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year will begin for all grade levels this Monday. Students will receive their registration sheets on Monday. Parents, please work with your student to select courses they are interested in for the next school year. Please remember to sign the registration forms. Registration forms are due back to school by Thursday, March 23rd.
On Monday evening we will be hosting a Curriculum Fair in the gym from 6:30-7:30. This event is to give all families the opportunity to meet with Wheatmore Staff from each department to help make course selections.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Tuesday, March 7 will be the statewide administration of the ACT college entrance exam. All juniors are required to take this exam. Please mark your calendar and make sure you are in attendance on this day. Some students with select testing accommodations will test later in the week. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Hill.
The winter athletic banquet will be on Monday, March 6 at 6:30. Each team needs to provide the following food items:
Meat/Deli Trays: Swim
Veggies/Dips: Cheer
Bread: Women's basketball
Desserts: Men's basketball/Indoor Track
The Cultural Arts department invites you to the spring band concert, Thursday, March 9 at 7 PM in the auditorium.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Attention Seniors: We will have our Senior Superlative Pep Rally during SWAG on Wednesday, March 1. SWAG begins at 11:20 and we will begin the Pep Rally at 11:30 am. Seniors, please try your best to attend!
Prom tickets will go on sale on Monday, Feb 27. The cost is $50. The cost will increase to $75 after March 3rd. Your school fees must be paid in order to purchase a Prom ticket. Prom will be held on April 22.
Tuesday, March 7 will be the statewide administration of the ACT college entrance exam. All juniors are required to take this exam. Please mark your calendar and make sure you are in attendance on this day.
Thank you for your continued support of Wheatmore High School.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
On Monday, February 20 the school will host the spring parent/ athlete sportsmanship meeting at 7 pm in the main gym. This meeting is mandatory for all spring athletes and their parents.
There will be an interesting meeting for all students interested in playing football next year. The meeting will take place on Friday 2/24 during SWAG in the health room.
On Friday, February 24 all students will receive their first 4 ½ week interim report card. Parents, please ask your student for these documents.
Attached in the accompanying email is an attendance memo outlining attendance expectations for the spring along with information regarding attendance and teacher made final exams.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
FYI, prom 2023 will be held on April 22nd from 8pm -12 midnight at The Loft at Congdon Yards. Tickets will go on sale soon. All school fees and fines must be paid prior to purchasing a prom ticket. Please see Mrs. Ivey for questions.
Wheatmore women's basketball will host Uwharrie Charter on Monday @ 6:00 in the 1st round of the PAC-7 basketball tournament.
Wheatmore men's basketball will travel to Southwestern Randolph on Monday @ 7:30 in the 1st Round of the PAC-7 basketball tournament.
Admission price is $6 and only NCHSAA passes and Conference passes are accepted.
Tryouts for spring sports will begin Monday , Feb 13 and run through Feb 15th. All participants must have a current physical to try out.
Track- stadium-3:50-6:00
Baseball- Baseball Field-3:45-6:15
Softball-Softball Field-3:45-6:00
Tennis-tennis Courts-3:45-5:45
Golf-Colonial Country Club-3:45-6:00
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
FYI, prom 2023 will be held on April 22nd from 8 pm -12 midnight at The Loft at Congdon Yards. Due to rising costs, prom tickets will be $50 per ticket on the early ticket sales and $75 a person for late ticket sales. Ticket sales will begin soon. Please see Mrs. Ivey for questions.
Academic Awards will be held Monday, February 13 at 6 pm in the auditorium. This is an invite-only event. Students that are receiving an award will be given an invitation this week at school. Please see Mrs. Ivey for questions.
On Tuesday, January 31 all students received their first-semester report cards. Parents, please ask your student for their report cards. If your student has lost their report card, please call the school.
Attached in the accompanying email is an attendance memo outlining attendance expectations for the spring along with information regarding attendance and teacher-made final exams.
Any student driver that has recently begun driving to school needs to purchase a parking permit. The permits are available in the main office. We will be in the parking lot beginning Wednesday issuing citations for non-permitted vehicles. The fine is $20 plus the cost of the permit.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Attached in the accompanying email is an attendance memo outlining attendance expectations for the spring along with information regarding attendance and teacher-made final exams.
On Tuesday, January 31 all students will receive their first-semester report cards. Parents, please ask your student for their report card on Tuesday evening.
Any student driver that has recently begun driving to school needs to purchase a parking permit. The permits are available in the main office. We will be in the parking lot beginning the first week of February issuing citations for non-permitted vehicles. The fine is $20 plus the cost of the permit.
A meeting for anyone interested in participating on the track & field team for the Spring/Outdoor season will be held on Thursday, February 2 at 3:30, in Coach Wilson’s room, H206.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Students taking NCVPS need to look for an email from Ms. Jessup and then sign into your class.
Monday and Tuesday are teacher workdays. The first day of the second semester is Wednesday, January 25.
I am sharing a date to note on the calendar of every junior. Tuesday, March 7 is the date for the statewide administration of the ACT college entrance exam. Every junior in NC will take this exam as part of the school’s accountability model. Juniors can use the score for their college admission score. Be on the lookout for exam prep opportunities provided by the school.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder Monday, January 16 is a holiday.
Tuesday we will resume state administered EOC and CTE exams. If students have an English II, Math I, Math III, Biology or select CTE courses second block of the day, you must be present to take these required exams. It is imperative that students that are scheduled to take a state final exam charge their Chromebook at night and bring the Chromebook to school in the morning. Students, please arrive early so that we can ensure you are in their correct testing site, have a functioning Chromebook and the exam can begin on time.
Students need to refer to their exam schedule to ensure they are here on the correct exam day.
On Thursday, January 19 schools in the RCSS will release at 12:30. Please make arrangements to have your student picked up at this time.
We are missing several attendance waiver forms. Students if you failed to turn the form in on Thursday, please get it to the school on Tuesday morning to be considered.
If you have any questions, please call the school on Tuesday morning. Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson with some important information.
Students that have missed over 5 days of school in the fall semester will be required to submit an attendance waiver with an explanation for the absences. On Thursday, January 5 each student with absences over 5 in any class received the waiver form. The waiver form must be returned on January 11, completed and signed by both the parent and the student to be considered. Students were provided instructions on the attendance waiver process during the SWAG block this past week.
On Monday, all students will receive their EOC/CTE exam schedule during SWAG. Additionally, a video will be shown explaining the letter and attendance expectations during final exam testing.
On Wednesday and Thursday, students will take their teacher's final exams during the regular school day. Again, this information will be reviewed in the testing video during SWAG on Monday.
Friday marks the beginning of EOC/ CTE state testing. Students that have a first block English II, Math I, Math III or Biology plus designated CTE classes will take their state final exam. Please make plans to arrive early to school so that we can get students to their testing locations and begin testing on time.
Parents if you have any questions concerning the testing schedule, please contact your students' teacher or the guidance department.
Have a great evening.
Happy New Year from Wheatmore High School.
As a reminder, Monday, January 2 is a holiday.
Students will return to classes on Tuesday, January 3.
Students that have missed over 5 days of school in the fall semester will be required to submit an attendance waiver with an explanation for the absences. On Thursday, January 5 each student with absences over 5 in any class will receive the waiver form. The waivers must be returned on January 11 completed and signed by both the parent and the student to be considered.
Dates to note in January.
Monday, January 16 is a holiday.
Friday January 20 is the last day of the first semester.
Monday and Tuesday January 23, 24 are workdays and January 25 is the first day of the second semester.
Report cards for first semester will be distributed on January 31.
Please visit our webpage for more important dates to note.
Have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
We are extending Holiday Spirit week for Monday and Tuesday.
Monday is your favorite holiday character, and Tuesday is Blizzard day, dress like you are expecting a blizzard.
Students, please be sure you are charging your Chromebook each night and bringing it to school each day. These daily activities will be essential as we close out this semester and prepare for end-of-course testing.
Tuesday is a two-hour early release day. A bell schedule for Tuesday is in the accompanying email. The school will be closed to the public from 4:00 pm Tuesday, December 20 until 7:45 Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
2022-2023 Two (2) Hour Early Release.docx
I hope you have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
This week is spirit week as we move toward the holiday break:
Monday is “ugly sweater day”
Tuesday is “Winter Wonderland”, everyone wear white
Wednesday is class colors, seniors and juniors wear red, and sophomores and freshmen wear green.
Thursday is flannel day
Friday is Christmas PJs day
Students, please be sure you are charging your Chromebook each night and bringing it to school each day. These daily activities will be essential as we close out this semester and prepare for end-of-course testing.
Wheatmore High and Wheatmore Middle schools will be hosting their winter concerts on Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 PM at Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church. The church address is 222 Mt. Zion Church Road, Thomasville.
Looking into the week of December 19-23, Tuesday, December 20 is a two-hour early release and the school will be closed to the public beginning December 21-January 2.
I hope you have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
Attention CCP Students: This is a friendly reminder that final assignments and exams are now available for you to submit in Moodle. Please do not wait until the final day of the semester to submit your final assignments and exams. If you are having issues logging into your account, please contact the IT Help Desk at 336-625-1573. Mrs. Mitchem will be at Wheatmore Monday and Tuesday if you have issues or concerns.
Seniors, please check your email for information regarding WorkKeys testing. This CTE-based exam is required for all CTE completers. Testing is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday morning. This is a morning exam, if you are not regularly on campus first block, please plan accordingly and be here by 8:15 to get to your test site.
Dates to note, the winter band concert will be held Tuesday, December 6 at 7 pm, and interim report cards will be distributed on Thursday, December 8. The winter chorus concert is Thursday, December 15 at 7 pm.
I hope you have a terrific evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
Dates to note:
- Winter band concert will be held Tuesday, December 6 at 7 pm.
- Winter chorus concert is Thursday, December 15 at 7 pm.
- Progress Reports will e distributed on Thursday, December 8.
Wheatmore is excited to host our 1st annual “Snowball” dance on Saturday, January 7, 2023. Tickets are now on sale for $10. If you plan to bring an outside guest, please be sure to get the form signed before purchasing the ticket. Ticket price will increase to $15 beginning December 1.
As a reminder with cold weather, students should not bring blankets or quilts to school. Dress appropriately. For parents that drop off students, the doors to the school do not open for students until 7:45.
I hope you have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
The fall athletic banquet will be held on Monday, Nov. 14 @ 6:30 in the auditorium. We ask that teams bring the following food items:
Volleyball-Veggies, Casseroles
Tennis & Women's Golf-Breads
Soccer-Chips, Dips, Cheeses
On Wednesday, November 16 students will receive their Quarter 1 report cards. Parents, please ask to see them. Call your student’s teacher if you have any questions.
Thursday, November 17 is a 3 hour early release. Students will be released at 12:30. Please make arrangements to pick up your student at 12:30.
As a reminder with cold weather, students should not bring blankets or quilts to school. Dress appropriately. For parents that drop off students, the doors to the school do not open for students until 7:45.
School will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holidays on November 23, 24 and 25.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
Tuesday, November 8 is a teacher workday, Friday November 11 is the Veteran’s Day holiday.
Wheatmore will host our required winter sports meeting on Wednesday, Nov 9 @ 6:30 in the main gym. This includes basketball, wrestling, swimming, and winter track.
If you have a son or daughter participating in any of these sports, parents, and athletes are expected to attend.
Thursday, November 17 is the second of the four scheduled 3-hour early release days across the Randolph County School System.
School will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holidays on November 23, 24, and 25.
The RCSD is conducting a food drive for people in need. See Officer Moser for more details.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
Wheatmore will host Monroe High School on Monday, Oct 31 @ 6:00 in the 1st round of the boys soccer state playoffs. Tickets will be $7.00. Cash only. Only NCHSAA passes will be accepted.
The end of the first nine week grading period, Quarter 1 is October 31. Quarter 2 begins on Tuesday, November 1. Report cards for Quarter 1 will not be distributed until November 16.
For informational purposes, we are not celebrating Halloween at Wheatmore High School. Students do not come to school dressed in costumes or face paint.
Tryouts for both the boys and girls basketball teams will begin on Monday October 31 at 3:45pm. A current physical is required for all participants.
A swim team interest meeting will be held Monday, October 31st at 3:30 in the healthroom F 141. The first practice is scheduled for November 2 at 5 oclock at the Thomasville YMCA.
Student drivers, the RCSD will be monitoring school zones over the next few weeks. Please make sure you are driving safely and obeying the laws on your way to and departing the school.
The RCSD is conducting a food drive for people in need. See Officer Moser for more details.
Looking into November, Tuesday November 8 is a teacher workday, Friday November 11 is the Veteran’s Days holiday. Thursday, November 17 is the second of the four scheduled 3 hour early release days across the Randolph County School System. School will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holidays on November 23, 24 and 25.
Have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
Jake from Jostens will be on campus Tuesday, October 25th during lunch to take class ring and cap and gown orders OR you can order online at Jostens.com. Several deposit options are available. See Jake the Jostens Rep on order day with any questions.
Senior Portrait makeup is Monday, October 24, fall picture makeup day is Tuesday, October 25.
We have the fall Band concert scheduled for Thursday, October 27 at 7:00 PM in the auditorium.
Boys Basketball Tryouts will begin on Monday, October 31st at 3:45pm. Any athlete interested in trying out must have a current physical. Contact Coach Evans if you have any questions.
The end of the first nine week grading period is October 31. Students with any missing assignments need to contact their teachers to see if those assignments can still be made up.
Student drivers, the RCSD will be monitoring school zones over the next few weeks. Please make sure you are driving safely and obeying the laws on your way to and departing the school.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
We have scheduled the first face-to-face ACT BootCamp for 100 juniors on Tuesday, October 18th, from 8:30 - 3:30. This event is not required and is first come first serve. We sponsored this event last year and every student had a positive experience. Each participant will receive an ACT Bootcamp workbook to use to prepare for the National ACT test.
The school will be conducting an earthquake drill on Thursday at 10:20 AM.
The fall Chorus concert is scheduled for Thursday, October 20 at 7:00 PM in the auditorium.
As part of one of our student’s Student Lift project, we are accepting donations through the month of October to support Lydia’s Place, a women and family emergency shelter in Randolph County. Items to donate could include diapers, wipes, paper products and hygiene products. Collection boxes are in the main office and in guidance.
Looking into late October, Senior Portrait makeup is Monday October 24, fall picture makeup day is Tuesday, October 25.
We have the fall Band concert scheduled for Thursday, October 27 at 7:00 PM.
The end of the first nine week grading period is October 31. Students with any missing assignments need to contact their teachers to see if those assignments can still be made up.
Student drivers, the RCSD will be monitoring school zones over the next few weeks. Please make sure you are driving safely and obeying the laws on your way to and departing the school.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
Parents, we are working with each student on Monday during SWAG analyzing their academic performance and attendance. I need for parents to ask to see their student’s grades weekly. Students can access their data tracking google sheet from home on the school provided Chromebook.
Attendance is very important and we have a long way to go before the end of the semester. Parents, after 5 unexcused absences students may not receive credit for their course due to excessive unexcused absences. Make sure your student is present each day and when they need to be absent for a doctor’s visit, they bring a note within two days of being absent.
Parents, each student has been registered to participate in Membean, an online vocabulary program. Students will be assigned a grade during their 2nd block class for doing their membean each week. This will be 10% of all students second block grade. The expectation is for students to complete 2 -15 minute training sessions a week for a total of 30 minutes. Contact Mrs. Ivey if you have questions.
As many of you are aware, each junior is required to take the ACT admission test on March 7th during school. The ACT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. It is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test administered by ACT, Inc. We have scheduled the first face-to-face ACT BootCamp for 100 juniors on Tuesday, October 18th, from 8:30 - 3:30. This event is not required and is first come first serve. We sponsored this event last year and every student had a positive experience. The presenters are very engaging/interactive and students said it helped them on their ACT exam. Each participant will receive an ACT Bootcamp workbook to use to prepare for the National ACT test given at Wheatmore in March. Contact Mrs. Ivey for registration and additional information.
A meeting for anyone interested in participating on the track & field team for the Winter and/or Spring season will be held on Wednesday, October 12, in Coach Wilson’s room, H206.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
This week we will celebrate Homecoming
Spirit week days are as follows for October 3-7. Please understand that spirit days must adhere to the school dress code.
Monday: Jersey or Jersey Shore
Tuesday: Soccer Mom or BBQ Dad
Wednesday: Bikers vs. Surfers
Thursday: Favorite Childhood Character
Friday: class colors
Seniors: wear your toga (you can get a crown to decorate from Mrs. Price in the front office)
Juniors: wear black
Sophomores : wear red
Freshmen: wear white
On Friday night, October 7, before the football game, we will be holding our first annual Homecoming Parade. The parade will begin at approximately 6:45 at the stadium.
Parents, each student has been registered to participate in Membean, an online vocabulary program. Students will be assigned a grade during their 2nd block class for doing their membean each week. This will be 10% of all students second block grade. The expectation is for students to complete 2 -15 minute training sessions a week for a total of 30 minutes. Contact Kelly Ivey if you have questions.
Parents, as a reminder all students received a Chromebook to use throughout the year. These devices are to be charged at home each night and brought to school each day. All students were provided a Chromebook, a charging cord and a carrying case.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High this is Principal Johnson.
On Thursday, September 29 all students will get interim reports from each class. Please ask your student to see their interim grade report.
Parents, each student has been registered to participate in Membean, an online vocabulary program. Students will be assigned a grade during their 2nd block class for doing their membean each week. This will be 10% of all students second block grade.The expectation is for them to complete 2 -15 minute training sessions a week for a total of 30 minutes. Contact Kelly Ivey if you have questions.
Also, this past Monday all students set up their online data tracker for the school year. This is a tool that we will use every week in SWAG in order to assist students in keeping track of their grades, tardies, attendance, and missing assignments. Ask your student to see their data. Contact Kelly Ivey if you have questions.
Seniors and their parents have received an email about Senior Ads for the yearbook. Deadline for this is December 19. You can access this information at jostensadservice.com/student.
A parent meeting will be held Monday 9/26/22 @ 6:15 in the Health room for anyone interested in swimming. Contact Coach Hinson for any questions.
Students and parents, as a reminder all students received Chromebooks to use throughout the year. These devices are to be charged at home each night and brought to school each day. All students were provided a Chromebook, a charging cord and a carrying case.
Have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
Tomorrow, Monday. August 29 is the first day of school for students. Here are a few tips for first day success: Get to bed early, eat a good breakfast at home or in our cafeteria. Arrive to school early and on time. Bring your breakfast and lunch money to place in your school account.
The doors to the school will open at 7:45 AM.
Students, do not bring commercially prepared food into the building, you will be asked to discard it. Eat and drink before you arrive at school or eat in our cafeteria.
Bus riders, please be at your bus stop early and expect a delay in transportation on the first day.
Car riders please use the main entrance to be dropped off. Stay out of the student parking lot, that is for student drivers only.
On arrival at school, students will be directed to either the cafeteria for breakfast or to their classrooms.
Student drivers will need to clean out their vehicles to ensure no contraband or prohibited items are in their vehicles.
Parents, all students will be bringing home first day paperwork and forms that will need to be filled out and returned on Tuesday. Please assist your student with this task.
Yearbooks are on sale! The cost is $80 for a plain book and $88.50 for a personalized book. Books can be purchased in the front office with Mrs. Price. The cost will go up on September 16th.
Senior recognition ads for the yearbook are also on sale. These can be purchased through the Jostens website linked on the Wheatmore High School Homepage. The deadline for purchasing senior ads is December 19th and ad space is limited.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
With the return of teachers and staff to our campus, many are involved in professional development that may take them out of the building or out of contact. Please call the school to schedule any appointments you may need, 3364761500.
Open house for Wheatmore High School is August 24, 5:00-7:00 PM. This is a floating event. Please come out and walk the building, meet your teachers, pay fees, purchase a parking permit and sign up for child nutrition services.
I have attached several policy memos in the accompanying email. Parents and students both need to review this information in order to be informed on changes to food and beverages, vapes and smoking devices, cell phones and student drop off and afternoon pick up, attendance and dress code.
Thank you and have a great evening.
2022-2023 Attendance Policy.docx
2022-2023 Dress Code memo.docx
Approved Hydration 2022-2023.docx
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
For students enrolled in RCC courses this is a reminder that classes start on Monday, August 15th, 2022. Please make sure you log into Moodle to complete the syllabus quizzes. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Mitchem at 336-328-1764. Additionally if you have not picked up your RCC textbooks, see Mrs. Tuggle on Monday.
Student drivers may begin securing their parking permit. Come to the main office to pick up your registration form. Parking permits are $25.
Open house for Wheatmore High School is August 24, 5:00-7:00 PM.
I have attached several policy memos. Parents and students both need to review this information in order to be informed on changes to food and beverages, vapes and smoking devices, cell phones and student drop off and afternoon pick up, attendance and dress code.
Seniors, please check your school email for scholarship update from Mrs. Atkins.
Friday night our football team will kickoff the season with a home game against West Davidson High School. Please come out and support the team. Kick off, 7:30 pm.
Thank you and have a great evening.
2022-2023 Attendance Policy.docx
2022-2023 Dress Code memo.docx
Approved Hydration 2022-2023.docx
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
We have several report cards that have not been picked up. Please come to the school between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM to pick up the report card for the spring semester.
Rising senior portrait dates have been changed due to a scheduling conflict with Prestige Portraits. The dates are now August 10 and 11. All rising seniors will be receiving an email and traditional mailing from Prestige with more details.
Coach Kilcullen will have a ladies golf interest meeting in the cafeteria on Monday, August 1st at 6:00 PM. You can contact Coach Kilcullen at pkilcullen@randolph.k12.nc.us
August 1 is the absolute deadline for transportation requests. Any requests received after this date may not have a seat on the bus until September 19. If you are unsure if you completed the transportation request form in May call 336-633-5144 and the Transportation Dept will verify this information. Transportation requests coming in the night of Open House may not have a seat on a bus until September 19.
Open house for Wheatmore High School is August 24, 5:00-7:00 PM.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
Congratulations to our lady warriors soccer team as they won the NCHSAA state 2A championship on Friday. The school’s first team state champions.
CTE and EOC exams for 4th block will be Monday, 5th block on Tuesday. Students plan to arrive early to school so that testing can begin on time.
Wednesday is an EOC CTE final exam make-up day. If you have missed either, please contact Mr. Hill to get on a make up schedule.
Graduation is Wednesday, June 8 at 8:00 PM in the stadium. Graduates may have unlimited guests if we are able to have the ceremony outside. If weather forces the ceremony inside, each graduation will receive 6 tickets. Graduates will receive their tickets at graduation practice.
Graduation practice will be Wednesday morning, 8:30 AM. Breakfast will be provided. Graduation practice is mandatory if you plan to be part of the ceremony.
Final report cards will be available for pick up sometime the week of June 13. I will message everyone once those documents have been finalized.
Have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High, this is Principal Johnson.
The hard deadline for any missing assignments will be Friday, May 27. Any missing assignments will not be accepted after this date.
Last week many students received invitations to the spring academic awards program scheduled for Wednesday, May 25 at 6:00 pm in the auditorium. Students that received an invitation will report to the cafeteria to check in with their teacher at 5:15 pm. We look forward to celebrating your students' academic success.
Spring sports physicals clinic will be held on Wednesday, May 25 from 3:30-5:30 in the gym. The cost is $10 cash only. Physicals will be done on a first-come first-served basis. The physicals will cover all athletes through the entire 2022-2023 school year. See the attached flyer in the accompanying email.
Please come out and support our band program on Thursday, May 26 at 7 pm in the auditorium.
Monday, May 30 is the Memorial Day holiday. Students will return to campus on Tuesday, May 31.
On May 31, students will begin teacher-made exams. Tuesday, May 31 students will take final teacher-made exams for blocks 1 and 4, Wednesday, June 1 students will take teacher-made exams in blocks 2 and 5. EOC and CTE state final exams begin on June 2.
Graduation is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 at 8:00 PM in the stadium. Graduation practice is required and will be on June 8, 8:30 AM. Breakfast will be provided.
Have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Tuesday, May 17 is a teacher workday.
Our annual Investiture Ceremony commonly known as capping is this week! All seniors will be participating in the prestigious ceremony on Thursday May 19th @ 9am in the stadium. Senior’s number of guests is unlimited in the stadium. If we are forced inside due to weather, each senior will receive 4 tickets for their guest on Wednesday after practice. We encourage seniors that may not use all their tickets to return any unused tickets for seniors who have large families. For those who are unable to attend in person, we will be streaming the ceremony live on our website.
Early graduates and seniors who have early release and want to participate in capping should plan to be on campus by 1:45 on Wednesday the 18th to practice.
Capping practice is mandatory for all seniors who wish to participate! Cappers are not required to come to practice but are welcome to join us Wednesday as well.
Seniors and senior cappers participating in capping are expected to dress in business or business casual attire.
Spring Football practice will be held May 16-24. Anyone wishing to play football next season is encouraged to attend. Students must have a current physical on file to participate. If you wish to attend and have not met with Coach Yarbrough, please do so immediately.
Yearbook distribution will be Friday afternoon in the stadium. Students interested in purchasing a yearbook may do so any day this week and on Friday. Cash and checks are accepted.
Seniors, please do not forget to turn in your senior T-shirt order tomorrow! Forms and payment are due at the time you order. Shirts are $15 (image attached). Make checks payable to Wheatmore High School. Please see Mrs. Leach or the front office to turn in your order!
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Happy Mother’s day to all our Wheatmore mothers.
Seniors, important dates are on our homepage.
Capping is scheduled for Thursday, May 19, 9:00 AM in the stadium.
All students, the semester and school year is fast approaching. Make sure you are in attendance each day and are completing assignments. Please schedule a time with your teacher if you are missing any assignments.
The booster club will meet on Monday, May 9 at 6:00 in the media center. Everyone is welcome. PLEASE come and discover ways to support our Warrior Athletic programs.
Spring Football practice will be held May 16-24. Anyone wishing to play football next season is encouraged to attend. Students must have a current physical on file in order to participate. If you wish to attend and have not met with Coach Yarbrough, please do so immediately.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Students, we had a great time this past week celebrating spirit week culminating in a terrific powder puff football game. With that said we must return to our main focus of school with only 4 short weeks before final exams begin. I have attached our dress code to the accompanying email for your reference. Students, make sure you are in compliance so that you will not be missing instructional time.
Wheatmore’s FFA plant sale is scheduled for Saturday, May 7 beginning at 8:30 AM at the greenhouse. See our homepage for more details.
Seniors and parents of seniors, please visit our homepage for important dates related to capping and graduation.
Interim reports will be distributed to all students in all classes on Thursday, May 5.
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place the week of May 2. Please visit the WHS Homepage for more information and to complete the interest form. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Leach at eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us
As always, thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Senior caps and gowns will be distributed on April 27 during lunches. Your balance must be paid in full to receive your cap and gown.
Seniors, Please check your lunch accounts, you may have money left on your account. Stop by the cafeteria to collect before your final days on campus. The cafeteria manager will also be emailing you with the remaining balances.
Next week we will have spirit week.
- Monday will be Y2K Day (wear your favorite 2000 outfit!)
- Tuesday will be Stereotype Day (dress as you think others see YOU!)
- Wednesday will be Senior Citizens Day
- Thursday is Adam Sandler dress alike day - or Anything But a Bookbag
- On Friday - 9th grade: wear white, 10th grade wear Red, 11th grade wear black, Seniors wear your college or career tee! Show us your plans for the future!
We will be hosting our Powder Puff football game on Friday, April 29 at 6:00 pm. Come out and watch as our freshmen and junior girls take on our sophomore and senior girls!
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place the week of May 2. Please visit the WHS Homepage for more information and to complete the interest form. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Leach at eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
The office will reopen on Monday, April 18 for a teacher workday. Students will return to classes on Tuesday, April 19.
Senior cap and gowns will be distributed on April 27 during lunches. Seniors, your balance must be paid in full to receive your cap and gown.
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place the week of May 2. Please visit the WHS Homepage for more information and to complete the interest form. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Leach at eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Just as a reminder, school will be closed to the public the week of April 11-15.
The office will reopen on Monday, April 18. Students will return to classes on Tuesday, April 19.
Senior cap and gowns will be distributed on April 27 during lunches. Seniors, your balance must be paid in full to receive your cap and gown.
Cheerleading Tryouts will take place the week of May 2. Please visit the WHS Homepage for more information and to complete the interest form. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Leach at eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us
Thank you for your support of our school. Have a great spring break.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Report cards for quarter 3 or the first half of the second semester will be distributed to all students on Tuesday, April 5. Parents, please ask your student for this document and call your student’s teacher if you have any questions or need to schedule a conference.
Did you know you can support Wheatmore High School while buying your groceries? All you have to do is link your Lowes Foods rewards card to our school. To do this visit Lowesfoods.com and scroll to the bottom of the page. Look for the Community link and click on Cart to Class to enroll.
It’s free to join and each time you buy groceries you are supporting your Wheatmore Warriors.
Looking into the month of April, April 11-15 is spring break, and Monday, April 18 is a teacher workday. Students return to class on Tuesday, April 19.
Seniors, cap, and gown distribution will be on Wednesday, April 27 during lunches.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, March 28 is a teacher workday, Tuesday, March 29 is the start of the fourth quarter and Thursday March 31 is spring picture day.
On Tuesday, March 29th all students will receive a progress report from each teacher. We will modify Tuesday’s bell schedule in order to meet with students concerning their 9 week grades and attendance. All AFJROTC students will report to the Media Center on Tuesday morning.
A bell schedule for Tuesday is in the accompanying email.
1st Block 8:20 - 9:20
2nd Block 9:25 - 10:25
4th Block 10:30 - 10:35
5th Block 10:40 - 10:45
SWAG 10:50 - 11:50
4th -- Normal time
5th - Normal time
Quarter 3 report cards will be distributed on April 5.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
March 25 is the end of the 3rd quarter and the first marking period for the second semester. Students, please make sure you have spoken with your teachers concerning any missing assignments to ensure your grade reflects your efforts.
Monday, March 28 is a teacher workday, and Thursday, March 31 is spring picture day.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
On Tuesday, March 15 we will host a band concert in the auditorium at 7 pm. Please come out and support our cultural arts program.
This week our Guidance Department will be working with grades 9-11 with registration. This past week students were provided information concerning classes. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Atkins or Ms. Jessup in Guidance.
Looking into the month of March. March 25 is the end of the 3rd quarter and the first marking period for the second semester. Students, please make sure you have spoken with your teachers concerning any missing assignments to ensure your grade reflects your efforts.
Monday, March 28 is a teacher workday, and Thursday, March 31 is spring picture day.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, all juniors will take the ACT exam on Tuesday, March 1. This is a state-mandated exam that provides students with a free college admission score and is part of our school accountability model.
The winter athletic banquet will be on Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 in the auditorium. Each team needs to provide the following food items:
Meat/Deli Trays: Swim
Veggies/Dips: Cheer
Chips/Dips/Cheeses: Wrestling
Bread: Women's basketball
Desserts: Men's basketball
Membean is our school-wide initiative to improve our student's vocabulary. A better vocabulary helps us in all facets of our lives. The expectation is students complete 2 - 15 minutes practice sessions per week working on Membean. Students have 2 - 30 minute periods a week during SWAG to accomplish this goal. Please help us encourage your students to meet the expectation in an effort to fill in learning gaps due to lost instructional time.
Tomorrow Monday, February 28th, is the last day to purchase a prom ticket for $35. After this week tickets will go up in price to $50 and will not be sold again until April 19th. . Juniors and Seniors are allowed to purchase prom tickets as long as they have paid all of their school fees. If a student wishes to bring a student that doesn't attend Wheatmore they will be required to fill out an outside guest form located in the main office. Please see Mrs. Ivey for questions.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, February 21 is a teacher workday.
Tuesday our varsity girls will host the first round of the state basketball playoff game. The ladies invite you to attend and support their playoff efforts. The first 50 students that go by Coach Kilcullen's room on Tuesday during school hours and sign up will get into the game free. Coach Kilcullen’s room is B 125.
Parents mark your calendar, we will host an Open House from 4:30-6:00- Feb 22. This will be a floating event. Please come out and meet your student’s spring semester teachers.
Membean is our school-wide initiative to improve our student's vocabulary. A better vocabulary helps us in all facets of our lives. The expectation is students complete 2 - 15 minutes practice sessions per week working on Membean. Students have 2 - 30 minute periods a week during SWAG to accomplish this goal. Please help us encourage your students to meet the expectation in an effort to fill in learning gaps due to lost instructional time.
As a reminder, all juniors will take the ACT exam on Tuesday, March 1. This is a state-mandated exam that provides students will a free college admission score and is part of our school accountability model.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Parents mark your calendar, we will host an Open House 4:30-6:00- Feb 22. This will be a floating event. Please come out and meet your student’s spring semester teachers. Students 4 ½ week interim reports will be available to pick up at the event.
Early prom tickets go on sale February 22nd for our Juniors and Seniors. School fees must be paid prior to purchasing a prom ticket.
See Mrs. Bugg in the main office this week to pay your school fees before early prom ticket sales begin.
As a reminder, if you must communicate with your students during the day, please call guidance and we will get the message to your student. Texting or calling your student on their personal cell phone can cause a disruption and result in your child's phone being confiscated until the end of the school day.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Parents, our students are doing much better getting to school on time and making adjustments to our dress code. However, we are making lunch detention assignments for these infractions. Please continue to make sure your student is properly dressed, no pajama pants, and no shirts that expose the midriff or advertise tobacco and alcohol.
As a reminder, if you must communicate with your students during the day, please call guidance and we will get the message to your student. Texting or calling your student on their personal cell phone can cause disruption and result in your child's phone being confiscated until the end of the school day.
We have had to make changes to our athletic schedule this week due to COVID 19. These are the following changes:
Tuesday, Feb 8, JV boys will play at 4:30, varsity girls will play at 6:00.
The varsity boys' game has been rescheduled. We will recognize senior night for girls basketball, swimming, and wrestling prior to the varsity girls game at 6.
Due to the unavailability of varsity officials on Friday, the varsity boys game scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 8 has been moved to Saturday, Feb 12 at 1:00 pm. We will recognize senior boys basketball players prior to the game. If officials for Friday become available, we will reschedule the boys' game on Friday and recognize seniors prior to the game.
Softball tryouts will begin on Monday, February 14th. Any athlete wishing to try out must have a current physical on file to try out. Email Coach Evans if you have any questions.
Anyone interested in participating on the outdoor track & field team should get in touch with Coach Wilson kwilson@randolph.k12.nc.us The first day of practice is Monday, February 14. Athletes must have a current physical o file to participate.
Students received fee invoices this week. Please check with your student to see if they owe school fees. Fee’s can be paid in the main office cash or check.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Last week each student was given an exam letter and they, with their teachers completed their exam schedule.
If a student does not have an EOC or a state administered CTE final exam, they are not required to attend the morning exam sessions.
EOC exams for Math I, Math III, Biology, English II and Career Technical Education (CTE) courses will be administered in the mornings of January 10-14.
During the week of EOCs and CTE final exams, January 10-14 we will have EOC/ CTE final exam review in the afternoon prior to the next day's exam.
The teachers have reviewed this with the students. During the week of January 10-14, the exam reviews will take place from 2:00- 3:20.
Students with Math I, Math III, Biology, English II and all state CTE final exams are expected to attend the review sessions. We will have a supervised holding area for any student that needs bus transportation in the AM for the afternoon review session.
Lunch will be served at the conclusion of the morning exam session and prior to the afternoon next day exam review session.
As we close out the fall semester and look at the start of our spring semester, we are examining our protocols and procedures related to the use of cell phones in the classrooms, dress code and student attendance specifically, tardies to class. Parents and students, please be expecting changes that we hope will enhance the learning environment and increase student accountability in these areas.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the school.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
All students return to school on Monday, January 3.
If you are experiencing COVID like symptoms, please stay home and call the school for directions. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID 19, please stay home and call the school for directions.
As we close out the fall semester and look at the start of our spring semester, we are reexamining our protocols and procedures related to the use of cell phones in the classrooms, dress code and student attendance specifically, tardies to class. Parents and students, please be expecting changes that we hope will enhance the learning environment and increase student accountability in these areas.
Looking into the upcoming weeks:
Monday January 3 through Friday January 7 are regular school days. Students are expected to be in attendance.
Teacher made final exams will be January 6 and 7. Teacher made final exams will be administered during a regular school bell schedule.
Blocks 1 and 4 will have their teacher made final exam on Thursday, January 6, blocks 2 and 5 will have their teacher made final exam on Friday, January 7.
EOC exams for Math I, Math III, Biology, English II and Career Technical Education (CTE) courses will be administered in the mornings of January 10-14. Teachers will post their exam schedule in class and alert families through their Canvas page.
The end of the first semester is Friday, January 14.
Second semester begins Thursday, January 20.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Looking into the upcoming weeks:
December 20-December 31 are student holidays
All students return to school on Monday January 3.
Monday January 3 through Friday January 7 are regular school days. Students are expected to be in attendance.
Teacher made final exams will be January 6 and 7. Teacher made final exams will be administered during a regular school bell schedule.
Blocks 1 and 4 will have their teacher made final exam on Thursday, January 6, blocks 2 and 5 will have their teacher made final exam on Friday, January 7.
EOC exams for Math I, Math III, Biology, English II and Career Technical Education (CTE) courses will be administered in the mornings of January 10-14. Teachers will post their exam schedule in class and alert families through their Canvas page.
The end of the first semester is Friday, January 14.
Second semester begins Thursday, January 20.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
All students that have RCC classes please return the RCC textbook to Mrs. Tuggle this week.
Students with the semester coming to a close, make sure you and your teacher are on the same page for turning in missing assignments.
A combined Winter Band and Chorus Concert will be held on Thursday, December 16th at 7pm in the auditorium. Come out to support all of Wheatmore’s hard-working musicians and listen to some of your favorite holiday tunes.
Just as a reminder, we do not allow students that are not assigned to a bus to ride home with other students.
This week we will be having Spirit Week.
Monday: Ugly Sweater
Tuesday: Summer in Winter
Wednesday: Christmas Character
Thursday: Polar Express PJ Day
Friday: Candy Cane Day
Looking into the upcoming weeks:
December 20-December 31 are student holidays
Students return to school on Monday January 3.
Teacher made final exams will be January 6 and 7. Teacher made final exams will be administered during a regular school bell schedule.
EOC exams for Math I, Math III, Biology, English II and Career Technical Education (CTE) courses will be administered in the mornings of January 10-14. Teachers will post their exam schedule in class and alert families through their Canvas page.
The end of the first semester is Friday, January 14.
Second semester begins Thursday, January 20.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Wheatmore has added a COVID 19 self reporting form to our webpage. If you believe you have COVID 19, or are experiencing symptoms, stay home and complete the online reporting form. A school administrator will be in contact with you later in the day. Thank you for your assistance with keeping everyone healthy.
Yearbooks are on sale for $80. You may purchase your copy through the Jostens website or in the front office.
Seniors Ads are also available. The deadline to have the ad submitted is December 10th. The ad can be submitted online through the Jostens website or by contacting Mrs. Eberle at ceberle@randolph.k12.nc.us
Parents, we are noticing many students bringing blankets into the school and carrying them around to all classes. This presents several issues with safety, hygiene and cleanliness. Our building is adequately heated and if your student is appropriately dressed, this item is unnecessary. Please work with us to ensure your student is dressed appropriately and blankets are not brought to school.
Additionally, we are having many students arriving late to school, both student drivers and students being dropped off by adults. This is causing issues with class starting on time and students getting the necessary instruction at the beginning of the class. Again, please speak to your student driver about this concern.
Lastly, we continue to address hats and hoodies with our students. We have allowed students to wear these items on Friday as an incentive to not wear them the other four days. If we fail to see an increase in compliance, this privilege will be suspended until compliance can be achieved.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
On Thursday, December 2nd all students will receive a progress report from each teacher. We will modify Thursday's bell schedule in order to meet with students concerning their 13.5-week grades and attendance. A bell schedule for Thursday is in the accompanying email.
Thursday, December 2nd, 2021
1st Block 8:20 - 9:20
2nd Block 9:25 - 10:25
4th Block 10:30 - 10:35 (just to get progress reports)
5th Block 10:40 - 10:45 (just to get progress reports)
SWAG 10:50 - 11:50 (data meetings with SWAG teacher)
4th -- Normal time
5th - Normal time
Wheatmore has added a COVID 19 self-reporting form to our webpage. If you believe you have COVID 19, or are experiencing symptoms, stay home and complete the online reporting form. A school administrator will be in contact with you later in the day. Thank you for your assistance with keeping everyone healthy.
Yearbooks are on sale for $80. You may purchase your copy through the Jostens website or in the front office.
Seniors Ads are also available. The deadline to have the ad submitted is December 10th. The ad can be submitted online through the Jostens website or by contacting Mrs. Eberle at ceberle@randolph.k12.nc.us
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, the school will be closed to the public from 4:00 PM November 23 until 7:30 Monday November 29.
Wheatmore has added a COVID 19 self reporting form to our webpage. If you believe you have COVID 19, or are experiencing symptoms, stay home and complete the online reporting form. A school administrator will be in contact with you later in the day. Thank you for your assistance with keeping everyone healthy.
Yearbooks are on sale for $80. You may purchase your copy through the Jostens website or in the front office.
Seniors Ads are also available. The deadline to have the ad submitted is December 10th. The ad can be submitted online through the Jostens website or by contacting Mrs. Eberle at ceberle@randolph.k12.nc.us
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, all students received a Q1 report card this past Monday. Please ask your student for this document.
Our required winter sportsmanship meeting for all winter athletes will be held Tuesday, November 16 at 7 PM in the gym.
Holiday wreaths are available for purchase from the volleyball team, contact Mrs. Hinson for more information.
Yearbooks are on sale for $80. You may purchase your copy through the Jostens website or in the front office.
Seniors Ads are also available. The deadline to have the ad submitted is December 10th. These can be done online through the Jostens website or by contacting Mrs. Eberle at ceberle@randolph.k12.nc.us
Wheatmore has added a COVID 19 self reporting form to our webpage. If you believe you have COVID 19, or are experiencing symptoms, stay home and complete the online reporting form. A school administrator will be in contact with you later in the day. Thank you for your assistance with keeping everyone healthy.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Boys basketball tryouts will begin on Monday at 3:45pm in the Main Gym. A current physical is required to try out.
Girls basketball tryouts will begin Monday. Contact Coach Kilcullen for time and location. A current physical is required to try out.
Any student interested in managing, filming or scorekeeping for the basketball teams may speak with Coach Evans or Coach Kilcullen about helping out.
On Tuesday, November 2nd all students will receive a progress report from each teacher for the first 9 weeks. We will modify Tuesday’s bell schedule in order to meet with students concerning their 9 week grades and attendance. All AFJROTC students will report to Wheatmore’s Media Center for their first block class. A bell schedule for Tuesday is in the accompanying email.
Tuesday Nov 2, 2021
1st Block 8:20 - 9:20
2nd Block 9:25 - 10:25
4th Block 10:30 - 10:35 (just to get progress reports)
5th Block 10:40 - 10:45 (just to get progress reports)
SWAG 10:50 - 11:50 (data meetings with SWAG teacher)
4th -- Normal time
5th - Normal time
Quarter one report cards will be distributed to students on November 8.
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Parents, thank you for your assistance with ensuring you student has a cloth mask in order to participate in school. Students have exhausted our supply of complimentary multi use cloth masks. All students must have a face mask when entering the building.
Monday, October 25 is the last day of quarter 1. Any missing assignments must be submitted before the end of the day to be considered for your Q1 report card.
Tuesday, October 26 will be make up pictures for senior portraits and underclassmen.
Friday, October 29 is a teacher workday. No school for students.
On Tuesday, November 2nd all students will receive a progress report from each teacher for the first 9 weeks. We will modify Tuesday’s bell schedule in order to meet with students concerning their 9 week grades and attendance. A bell schedule for Tuesday is in the accompanying email.
Tuesday Nov 2, 2021
1st Block 8:20 - 9:20
2nd Block 9:25 - 10:25
4th Block 10:30 - 10:35 (just to get progress reports)
5th Block 10:40 - 10:45 (just to get progress reports)
SWAG 10:50 - 11:50 (data meetings with SWAG teacher)
4th -- Normal time
5th - Normal time
Boys basketball tryouts will be held after school beginning November 1st. A current physical is required to try out. Please contact Coach Evans if you have any questions.
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
Parents, please make sure your student has a cloth face covering when arriving on campus. Students have exhausted our supply of complimentary multi-use cloth masks. All students must have a face mask when entering the building.
A combined Fall Band and Chorus Concert will be held on Tuesday, October 19th at 7pm in the auditorium. Come out and support all of Wheatmore’s hard-working musicians. Bring cash to the concert and buy some raffle tickets for your chance to win a gift basket filled with all kinds of treats and goodies. All proceeds will support the Cultural Arts Department.
Any students interested in participating on the Indoor/Winter Track & Field team this season should attend an interest meeting on Tuesday, October 19 at 3:30 in room H206.
Again, parents please make sure your student has a cloth face covering when arriving on campus. Students have exhausted our supply of complimentary multi-use cloth masks. All students must have a face mask when entering the building.
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson.
We will be pre-selling tickets to Friday night's football game against Trinity. Tickets can be purchased Monday through Thursday during student’s lunch in the Cafeteria lobby. Tickets are $7.00 cash or check.
This week will be spirit week leading up to Friday night's football game vs. Trinity, Student Council is hosting spirit week activities. We would love for all students and staff to get involved and show their Warrior spirit!
Monday: Country vs. Country Club
Tuesday: Tacky Tourist
Wednesday: Anything But A Back Pack & Cape Day
Thursday: Throwback/Decade’s Day
Friday: Red Sea -- Everyone wear red!
A combined Fall Band and Chorus Concert will be held on Tuesday, October 19th at 7pm in the auditorium. Come out and support all of Wheatmore’s hard working musicians. Bring cash to the concert and buy some raffle tickets for your chance to win a gift basket filled with all kinds of treats and goodies. All proceeds will support the Cultural Arts Department.
Jostens met with sophomores and seniors last Wednesday concerning cap/gown and class rings. All received an order packet to review. Jostens will be back on campus Wednesday October 13th to accept orders. You can also order online at Jostens.com.
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson with a few announcements.
Monday, October 4 we will be in the student parking lot issuing fines for unregistered vehicles. Fines are $25 plus the cost of the permit.
October 6th Jostens will be on campus to meet with Seniors for cap and gown, sophomores for class rings.
October 13 Jostens will return to take orders for cap and gowns and class rings.
October 26 is picture make up day for underclassmen and senior portrait make up day.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening Wheatmore High School, this is Principal Johnson with a few announcements.
Students, please do not forget to order your Wheatmore vs. Trinity t-shirt! Orders are due Monday, 9/27. See Mrs. Leach with any questions.
Next week is Homecoming Spirit Week! We would love to see as many students and staff participate as possible!
Monday: Monochromatic Monday! Wear all the same color.
Tuesday: Team Tuesday - Wear your favorite jersey.
Wednesday: White Lie Wednesday! Write (or tape!) a white lie to your t-shirt! Remember to make it appropriate for school!
Thursday: Hoedown throw-down Thursday! Dress in your best Western wear
Friday: Class colors!
- Freshmen: Wear white
- Sophomores: Wear red
- Juniors: Wear black
- Seniors: Wear your togas. Crowns are available to pick up to decorate in the front office!
Looking into October,
Monday, October 4 we will be in the student parking lot issuing fines for unregistered vehicles. Fines are $25 plus the cost of the permit.
October 6th Jostens will be on campus to meet with Seniors for cap and gown, sophomores for class rings.
October 13 Jostens will return to take orders for cap and gowns and class rings.
October 26 is picture make up day for underclassmen and senior portrait make up day.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, September 20 is picture day. I encourage everyone to dress their best for this annual event.
On Thursday, September 23rd all students will receive a progress report from each teacher. We will modify Thursday’s bell schedule in order to meet with students concerning their 4.5 week grades and attendance. A bell schedule for Thursday is in the accompanying email.
The schedule for Thursday will be as follows in order to allow time for students to reflect on their quarter data. We will give you a schedule of events in the SWAG calendar but please be prepared to have your SWAG students for an hour in order to discuss their 4.5 weeks data.
1st Block 8:20 - 9:20
2nd Block 9:25 - 10:25
4th Block 10:30 - 10:35
5th Block 10:40 - 10:45
SWAG 10:50 - 11:50
4th -- Normal time
5th - Normal time
We are focusing on vocabulary this school year in all classes. In order to motivate students we are doing a school wide incentive program. WIth that being said, we are asking parents to donate items for students to earn while practicing their vocabulary. I have attached flyers to this email with more information. Please contact Kelly Ivey with donations and questions.
Friday, September 24 is a two hour early release day.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
Please mark your calendar for picture day on Monday, September 20.
The end of the first grading period is one week away. Parents, please monitor your students progress in PowerSchool and call the teachers if you have any concerns about your students progress.
The Men's Basketball Program will host an open gym after school on Wednesday this week. Any athlete interested in trying out may attend. A current physical is required.
The Softball Program will host a workout on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Interested athletes can contact Coach Evans at jevans@randolph.k12.nc.us for a workout schedule.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson.
Tickets for our football game this Friday Wheatmore @ Chatham Central are online sales only. Tickets are available now up until game time. People who pre-purchase tickets will be able to get through the gate much faster than those who purchase tickets at the gate online. The link is included in the accompanying email.
Picture day is Monday, Sept 20.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson with an announcement concerning student pick up at the end of the school day.
As many of you are experiencing delays in picking up your student, several things can be done to expedite the pick up process.
One, encourage your student to actively seek your vehicle and be ready to leave at the end of the day.
Secondly, I have attached a map of our parking lot. If parents that arrive early to pick up their student would park in the marked area, text your student your location and park in that general area each day, you will experience less delays.
The car rider line needs to stay to the right in order for others to by-pass cars that are waiting for students to leave the building or are not actively seeking their pick up vehicle.
If you get to the front of the line and your student is not waiting on you and ready to get in the car, please pull up and find a parking spot, text your student.
Many of the delays are a result of students not being ready to be picked up at the end of the school day.
Thank you for continuing to work with us on this procedure. Your safe driving on our campus is greatly appreciated.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
We had a great day at Wheatmore High today, it was nice to see all the students back in the building.
Just as a reminder, the doors open for students at 7:45. Any student dropped off earlier will remain outside until that time.
Breakfast and lunch is free for all students in the RCSS this year. Please encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity.
We need parent assistance with meeting our dress code expectations. We have had to address multiple male students multiple times today with their hats and several ladies with their short shirts, midriff, holes high up above fingertip length and shorts/ skirts above fingertip length. Tomorrow we will begin collecting hats and providing students with alternate shirts if they are out of compliance.
Student drivers need to plan their travel to arrive on time. Additionally, I received reports of some erratic driving on Finch Farm. I ask our student drivers to exercise caution and safe driving skills to ensure everyone gets to their desired destination.
Our Pixelott system is up and running to live broadcast our athletic events in the gym and stadium. With this feature, individuals live streaming the events using their personal phones or video devices is strictly prohibited. To subscribe to the streaming service, visit www.NFHSnetwork.com and search for Wheatmore High School.
Thank you all for assisting with these items. It was great to see all the students and I look forward to a great school year.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
Reminders for Students, Staff Members, and Students' Parents:
1) Stay at home on Monday (8/23/21) if you have developed COVID-19 symptoms and call your school for further directions
2) Stay at home on Monday (8/23/21) if you have been exposed to a person who is positive for COVID-19 and call your school for further directions
3) Stay at home on Monday (8/23/21) if you have tested positive for COVID-19 and call your school for further directions
4) Stay at home on Monday (8/23/21) if you traveled out of the country and were not fully vaccinated before leaving the country and call your school for further directions....please note that you will be required to quarantine for 10 days starting with your return date from out of the country
Bus riders, please be at your bus stop early and expect a delay in transportation on the first day.
Car riders please use the main entrance to be dropped off. Stay out of the student parking lot, that is for student drivers only.
Student drivers, please plan your drive to arrive on time. Please know that Finch Farm road south of the school is under road constructions. Expect delays.
The doors to the school will open at 7:45. Parents, please do not drop off your student earlier expecting them to enter the building.
Breakfast and lunch is free this year to all students.
Please visit our webpage for a schedule of athletic events.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
The required athletic paperwork has been shared by email with all parents and student athletes for the fall season. All athletes and parents must complete the electronic packet prior to their teams first contest to be eligible to play. If you have any questions email Coach Halo @ rhalo@randolph.k12.nc.us.
Students taking RCC classes this Fall, please remember that your classes start on Monday, August 16th. If you are taking online classes, be sure to login and take the syllabus quiz. If you are taking a class on RCC's campus, you are required to wear masks. Check your schedule for the first-class meeting time. Please contact Misty West if you have any questions.
Open House will be August 17th from 5:00-7:00 PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet your teacher, walk your schedule, pay fees, pre purchase a yearbook and purchase a parking permit. Wheatmore is excited to host this event, I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
Grade level parent/student workshops are scheduled for Monday, August 9 Freshman at 5:00, Sophomores at 6:00, Tuesday, August 10 Juniors at 5:00, Seniors at 6:00. Students and parents will have an opportunity to meet the school administration, get updates on daily operations, receive class schedules, pay fees and purchase a parking permit or a yearbook. A self guided tour of the school will also be encouraged.
Athletic paperwork has been sent out by email this weekend. All athletes and parents must complete the electronic packet prior to their teams first contest to be eligible to play. If you have any questions email Coach Halo @ rhalo@randolph.k12.nc.us.
The required parent student athlete sportsmanship meeting will be held on Friday immediately following team pictures. Team pictures begin at 4 pm, parent meeting at 7.
Open House will be August 17th from 5:00-7:00 PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet your teacher.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening, this is Principal Johnson with a few important announcements.
If your student was an active daily bus rider during the spring of 2021 or if you have completed a transportation request form since May 2021, your student will automatically be assigned to a bus route for the 2021-2022 school year. However, if your student was not an active daily bus rider during the spring of 2021 or you have not completed a transportation request form since May 2021 or your address has changed, you need to contact the school and complete a bus rider transportation request form. The bus rider transportation request form must be completed and submitted to your child’s school no later than 5:00pm on August 2nd.
We will host a grade level parent/student workshop in early August.
Freshman 5:00 PM August 9 and Sophomore at 6:00 PM.
Juniors 5:00 PM August 10 and Seniors at 6:00 PM. Students and parents will have an opportunity to meet the school administration, get updates on daily operations, receive class schedules, pay fees and purchase a parking permit. A self guided tour of the school will also be encouraged.
Open House will be August 17th from 5:00-7:00 PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet your teacher.
Football will be holding a mini-camp the week of July 26-30 from 8:30-11:30 Monday-Friday. Equipment and numbers will be distributed at this time. Anyone wishing to play football needs to attend.
The Wheatmore Cheer Team will be hosting a cheer camp for rising 2nd - 6th graders July 26-28 from 9 am - 12 noon. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Leach at eleach@randolph.k12.nc.us.
Students return for the 2021-2022 school year on August 23rd.
Good evening,
Tuesday, June 1 and Wednesday, June 2 are EOC state make up dates for Math I, Math III, English II and Biology. If you missed your test date last week, your teacher should have been in touch with you to reschedule your exam for one of these two days.
For all my other underclassmen, I hope you have a great summer.
Seniors, graduation practice is scheduled for 9:00 AM June 2 in the stadium. Breakfast will be served beginning at 8:00 AM. Attendance to practice is mandatory to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Wheatmore’s graduation ceremony is scheduled for 8:00 PM Wednesday, June 2 in the stadium. No ticket is required for this outside event. If we are forced inside due to weather, each senior will receive 4 tickets. All tickets will be distributed to seniors at practice.
Seniors, this is a formal event. Please dress accordingly. For our gentlemen, slacks, dress shirt, tie and dress shoes are recommended. For our ladies, we recommend flat bottom shoes and appropriate attire.
Summer workouts for Wheatmore Football will begin on Monday June 7 and will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:30-11:00 each week.
The NCHSAA dead periods are July 5-11 and July 19-21.
Wheatmore will hold a football mini-camp for all rising 9th graders and returning players July 26-30.
The first day of practice for the 2021-22 season will be Monday August 2nd.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson,
In order to continue to keep our school open, all students, staff, and parents must continue to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID 19 and contact their health providers or the Randolph County Public Health Department if there are concerns.
If you have any doubts about sending your student to school, keep your student at home to reduce the possibility of spreading an illness, participate in remote learning and contact Randolph County Public Health hotline at 3363186227 and email me. e2johnson@randolph.k12.nc.us
Wednesday May 19 is the deadline for any student to submit missing assignments.
All school fee invoices need to be paid in full before yearbooks will be distributed to any student with a fee balance.
Seniors all school fee invoices need to be paid prior to Capping.
Just as a reminder, teacher made final exams and CTE state final exams will be administered on May 20, 21. First period and fourth period on May 20, second period and fifth period on May 21.
EOC state final exams for Math I, Math III, English II and Biology will be administered on May 24, May 25, May 27 and May 28.
Graduation is set for Wednesday, June 2 8:00 PM in the Stadium.
Good evening students and parents of Wheatmore.
In order to continue to keep our school open, all students, staff, and parents must continue to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID 19 and contact their health providers or the Randolph County Public Health Department if there are concerns.
If you have any doubts about sending your student to school, keep your student at home to reduce the possibility of spreading an illness, participate in remote learning and contact Randolph County Public Health hotline at 3363186227 and email me. e2johnson@randolph.k12.nc.us
Wednesday May 19 is the deadline for any student to submit missing assignments.
Yearbook sales are wrapping up, order by May 14th to guarantee your 20-21 yearbook. Limited number of extra books will be ordered so make sure to pre-purchase yours today at www.Jostens.com or in the main office. Books are currently eighty five dollars.
All school fee invoices need to be paid in full before yearbooks will be distributed to any student with a fee balance.
Seniors all school fee invoices need to be paid prior to Capping.
Just as a reminder, Capping for seniors will be Wednesday May 19, Career and Technical state exams and teacher made final exams are Thursday and Friday, May 20,21.
End of Course, Math I, Math III, English II and Biology final exams will be May 24,25,27,28.
Graduation is schedule for Wednesday, June 2 at 8:00 pm in the stadium
I invite you to peruse our webpage for all things Wheatmore. Thank you for your continued support of our school and have a pleasant evening.
Good evening students and parents of Wheatmore.
Wheatmore Soccer will host East Duplin on Monday, May 3rd @ 6:00 in the 1st round of the state playoffs. Admission is $7.
Seniors, as a reminder Capping will be held Wednesday May 19. Practice will be Tuesday, May 18. Please refer to the yellow copy of the Guide to Capping distributed to all seniors at class meeting on April 13.
Seniors all scholarships and award information must be turned into Mrs. Atkins by May 7th to be recognized at Capping.
Students, please pay your fees or fine by May 3. See Mrs. Bugg if you have any questions.
Interim reports were distributed to all face to face students on Friday, April 30. Remote students may pick their interim reports up beginning Monday, May 3.
Cheerleading tryouts will be held May 10, 11, 13, 14. If you plan to try out, please complete the interest form on the WHS Homepage. Visit the homepage, week in sports, Cheer page to access the form. An interest meeting will be held this Thursday, May 6, at 6 pm in the media center. Students and parents are both highly encouraged to attend this meeting. Any questions please see, or email, Mrs. Leach.
I invite you to peruse our webpage for all things Wheatmore. Thank you for your continued support of our school and have a pleasant evening.
Good evening students and parents of Wheatmore.
Our Homecoming court program is scheduled for Monday, April 26 at 6:00 PM in the stadium. We will present the program prior to the ladies soccer match and softball game. Both game’s start times have been pushed back to 7:15 to accommodate this event. If you purchased a football homecoming ticket, we will honor that ticket for the Homecoming presentation. The ticket will be good for both soccer and softball.
Interim reports will be sent home with face to face students on Friday, April 30. Remote students may pick their interim reports up beginning Monday, May 3.
Students, please pay your fees or fines by May 3. See Mrs. Bugg if you have any questions.
Seniors, as a reminder Capping will be held Wednesday May 19. Practice will be Tuesday, May 18. Please refer to the yellow copy of the Guide to Capping distributed to all seniors at class meeting on April 13.
Seniors all scholarships and award information must be turned into Mrs. Atkins by May 7th to be recognized at Capping.
Due to updates in the school calendar, the dates for Cheerleading Tryouts have been moved. The new dates will be during the week of May 10-14. Please log into the WHS Homepage, click on week in sports, cheer to access an interest form. Completing this form will keep you up to date. Questions please see or email Mrs. Leach.
Looking into the month of May, May 19 will be the last day to submit any missing assignments from the 4th quarter. Thursday May 20 and Friday May 21 are teacher made exams. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday May 24,25,27,28 are designated EOC state exam dates for Math I, Math III, Biology and English II. Monday May 31 is a holiday and Graduation is scheduled for Wednesday June 2 at 8:00 PM in the stadium.
I invite you to peruse our webpage for all things Wheatmore. Thank you for your continued support and have a great day.
Randolph County School System would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Randolph County School System directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm: Unsubscribe
SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation's leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media.
Good evening students and parents of Wheatmore,
Mark your calendar, Friday April 23 is picture day. We will be taking senior cap and gown, senior portraits and underclassmen retakes.
Our Homecoming court program has been rescheduled for Monday, April 26 at 6:00 PM in the stadium. We will present the program prior to the ladies soccer match and softball game. Both game’s start times have been pushed back to 7:15 to accommodate this event.
If you purchased a football homecoming ticket, we will honor that ticket for the Homecoming presentation. The ticket will be good for both soccer and softball.
Students, please pay your fees or fine by May 1. See Mrs. Bugg if you have any questions.
Due to updates in the school calendar, the dates for Cheerleading Tryouts have been moved. The new dates will be during the week of May 10-14. Please log onto the WHS Homepage, click on week in sports, cheer to access an interest form. Completing this form will keep you up to date. Questions please see or email Mrs. Leach.
Link to attachment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13veDhhYOvy71bJilRozQDmm28pcKvwzK/view?usp=sharing
I invite you to peruse our webpage for all things Wheatmore. Thank you for your continued support and have a restful evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
Due to the cancellation of the Homecoming football game Friday, we will refund presale tickets. However, we will honor those tickets at any other spring ticketed event if that would be more convenient for ticket holders. Contact Mrs. Bugg for your refund.
We will hold a senior class assembly this week. We will be reviewing our plans for capping and timelines important for seniors. Remote students will be encouraged to attend. We will be distributing flyers with the important dates and will make them available to all seniors that will not be able to attend due to being absent or being quarantined.
Capping is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19 at 9:00 AM in the stadium. Make up date due to rain, Friday, May 21 in the evening.
Report cards will be distributed to all in person students on Monday. Remote students may pick up their report cards beginning Tuesday. Students will receive a fee invoice with your report card. Students need to pay any unpaid fees and fines before May 1.
Seniors, cap and gown delivery will be Friday, April 16. If you have not ordered your cap and gown, you have two ways to complete the task to ensure delivery by Friday April 16.
Visit jostens.com or call 1-800-Jostens
If you order prior to April 12, Jostens should have the unit on the delivery day, which is Friday, April 16th.
Mark your calendar, Friday April 23 is picture day. We will be taking senior cap and gown, senior portraits and underclassmen retakes.
Thank you for your continued support and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
Today, revised bus transportation information was emailed to student’s email accounts. Their new Bus #, pick up and drop off times and location can be viewed in the email from Mr. Hill. Please access this information to be ready at the bus stop in the morning.
We will be celebrating Homecoming at Friday Night’s football game against High Point Andrews. We will be pre-selling tickets during lunches on Thursday and Friday.
Spirit Week continues this week.
Tuesday is Disney Day, Thursday is Pajama Day, and Friday is Spirit Day
Seniors wear togas, Juniors wear black, Sophomores wear red, and Freshman wear white.
Seniors, cap and gown delivery will be Friday, April 16. If you have not ordered your cap and gown, you have two ways to complete the task to ensure delivery by Friday April 16.
Visit jostens.com or call 1-800-Jostens
If you order prior to April 12, Jostens should have the unit on the delivery day, which is Friday, April 16th.
Mark your calendar, Friday April 23 is picture day. We will be taking senior cap and gown, senior portraits and underclassmen retakes.
Thanks and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
ACT state exam make up day for any junior that was absent on their original exam date will be Tuesday, March 23. Please eat a good breakfast and arrive early to get to your testing site.
As a reminder, registration for next year's courses is due this week.
A Day Students: Your registration is due Sunday, March 21st
Fully Remote Students: Registration due Monday, March 22nd
B Day Students: Registration is due Tuesday, March 23rd
Email Ms. Jessup if you have any questions.
Our school district has made the decision to survey parents in an effort to gather information about whether they would like for their child to participate in a fully online learning option for the 2021-2022 school year. The survey will run through March 26, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
The survey is posted on the district webpage and on the WHS webpage.
Anyone interested in Men's or Women's Track & Field needs to contact Coach Wilson at kwilson@randolph.k12.nc.us The first day of practice is Monday, April 12 at 3:50 on the track. You must have a current physical on file with the school to participate. Any questions please contact Coach Wilson.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Monday, March 22
4:30 PM Boys Varsity Tennis Jordan-Matthews High School Home
6:00 PM Girls Varsity Soccer Central Davidson High School Home
Tuesday, March 23
1:00 PM Boys Varsity Golf Jordan-Matthews High School Away
Wednesday, March 24
6:00 PM Girls Varsity Soccer Providence Grove High School Home
Thursday, March 25
6:00 PM Girls Varsity Softball Providence Grove High School Home
7:00 PM Boys Junior Varsity Football Eastern Randolph High School Home
Friday, March 26
7:00 PM Boys Varsity Football Eastern Randolph High School Away
Saturday, March 27
No events scheduled
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
We have begun the registration process for next year's schedules. Be on the lookout for emails related to this year's registration.
Friday Night is senior night for our football team, cheer team and our marching band. We will be pre selling tickets this week for our Senior Night.
On Tuesday we will be selling tickets to A day students during lunch outside the cafeteria.
On Thursday we will be selling tickets to B day students during lunch outside the cafeteria.
On Tuesday, senior night parents have the opportunity to come and pre-purchase your tickets from 6pm to 7pm outside the cafeteria.
A student section will be designated for the game. We have reserved this area for our students so they can social distance while enjoying the football game. As a reminder, students are expected to socially distance and wear mask or face covering while attending the games.
Students received an email Friday from Mrs. Bugg if they still owe fees. Please help in making sure this is paid before the close of the school year to keep from accruing multiple years of school fees.
The final make up date for the spring ACT is Tuesday, March 23. Any junior that has not taken the exam, contact Mr. Hill to confirm your testing location for next Tuesday.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
We will administer the ACT for our B day Juniors on Tuesday, March 9. All B day Juniors should arrive early so that we can begin the test on time.
We will have regular school for our A day students.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
AF JROTC cadets will continue to attend their first block class at Wheatmore throughout this week.
Parents please continue to monitor your students' clothing in order to meet acceptable standards. We have relaxed our dress code this year to provide students with flexibility, however holes in pants that are high on the hips and shirts or blouses that are not school appropriate are being worn. I have attached to the accompanying email the guidelines as outlined in the RCSS code of conduct.
Additionally, just as a reminder, class begins at 8:20. A large number of our student drivers are arriving late thus causing a disruption to the start of school. Please make arriving early enough to go through the health screening process and getting to class on time a priority each morning.
We will administer the ACT for our B day Juniors on Tuesday, March 9. Please continue to review and study the ACT test guide that was provided to you by Mrs. Ivey.
All seniors need to check their school email for some information on senior quotes and senior superlative votes. The link was emailed to you.
Seniors can either select their senior picture online or come into school and select it (must be one of the formal pictures with a blue background). Please alert Mrs. Ivey if you have not had your school picture taken.
Softball tryouts will begin on Monday, March 1 at 3:50pm. A current physical is required to try out. Please contact Coach Evans.
Golf tryouts will start Monday, March 1 at Colonial Country Club. You must have a current physical on file with the school to participate.
Please contact Coach Kilcullen.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
The scholarship page on the Wheatmore website has been updated. Any questions please contact Mrs. Atkins.
A Day juniors will take the ACT this Tuesday. Please plan to arrive early to get to your testing site. Remote juniors, if you have any questions concerning when you test, email Mr. Hill today at lhill@randolph.k12.nc.us .
All seniors need to check their school email. Mrs. Ivey needs some information from you for the yearbook.
Turn in their senior quotes. There is a form for you to fill out.
Submit senior superlative votes. The link was emailed to you.
Either select their senior picture online or come into school and select it (must be one of the formal pictures with a blue background). Please alert Mrs. Ivey if you have not had your school picture taken.
Softball tryouts will begin on Monday, March 1 at 3:50pm. A current physical is required to try out. Please contact Coach Evans at jevans@randolph.k12.nc.us if you have any questions.
Anyone interested in playing Men's golf this year needs to contact Coach Kilcullen at pkilcullen@randolph.k12.nc.us. Golf tryouts will start March 1 at Colonial Country Club. You must have a current physical on file with the school to participate. Any questions please contact Coach Kilcullen.
As always, thank you for your continued support of our school.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
Trinity High will be fully remote for the next two weeks (8 Feb - 19 Feb). All Wheatmore AFJROTC cadets will report to Mr. Kilcullen’s room, B 125.
Any student wishing to play football needs to report on Monday 2/8/2021 when official practice begins. Students should report to the practice field at 3:30 each day and practice will conclude at 6:40. In the case of inclement weather there will be an alternative plan. Please have footwear for both the gym and field with you each day. If you have any questions or have not yet attended a workout please contact Coach Yarbrough through his school email.
All juniors are scheduled to take the ACT either February 23rd or March 9th. In order to prepare for this high stakes college entrance exam Wheatmore will be hosting a virtual ACT boot camp for all juniors on Wednesday February 17th from 8:30-12:30. Students will be provided instruction, a prep book as well as snacks that day. Visit our website to sign up using your QR code reader.
I invite you to peruse our website for all things Wheatmore. Have a pleasant evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
A day distribution of Report cards and fee invoices will be Monday/Tuesday February 1,2
Remote only Report cards and fee invoice pick up on Wednesday, February 3.
Mandatory Math I, Math III, Biology, and English II exams make up for A day students will be Monday and Tuesday, February 1, 2.
Any student who is interested in playing JV or varsity football this spring and is not currently attending workouts needs to inform Coach Yarbrough as soon as possible. His email is pyarbrough@randolph.k12.nc.us . Voluntarily workouts are now taking place Monday-Friday from 3:40-5:10 and mandatory practice will begin on 2/8/2021.
Senior parents, time is running out to purchase a senior ad. Please send in your pictures to the yearbook staff by February 5th. You can also build your own ad by visiting Jostens.com and click on yearbook. If you have any questions please contact Kelly Ivey.
All juniors are scheduled to take the ACT either February 23rd or March 2nd. In order to prepare for this high stakes college entrance exam Wheatmore will be hosting a virtual ACT boot camp for all juniors on Wednesday February 17th from 8-12. Students will be provided instruction, a prep book as well as snacks that day. More information will be distributed in the coming days concerning your test date. Please put this date, Wednesday, February 17 on your calendar and plan to attend this workshop. If you have questions please contact Kelly Ivey.
The second semester is off to a fantastic start. Students are attending class both face to face and remotely. I encourage all parents to sign up to be a Canvas observer and to monitor your child's attendance and grades through Parent portal.
I invite you to peruse our web page for all things Wheatmore. Have a pleasant evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore, this is Principal Johnson.
Report card distribution schedule is, B day distribution- Thursday/Friday January 28,29
A day distribution- Monday/Tuesday February 1,2 Remote only pick up on Wednesday, February 3.
Testing Makeup- Mandatory Math I, Math III, Biology, and English II exams make up for B day students will be Thursday and Friday of this week.
Mandatory Math I, Math III, Biology, and English II exams make up for A day students will be Monday and Tuesday of this next week, February 1, 2..
Diplomas, Caps, Gowns- Seniors, please stop by the main office and see Ms. Riley before February 11th to verify your name and correct spelling that is to be printed on your diploma.
Seniors if you haven’t ordered your cap and gown, visit Jostens.com, click on Shop my School, click on Graduation and scroll down to bottom, click Shop Now then click on Cap and Gown unit. The cost is $50.50.
Any student who is interested in playing JV or varsity football this spring and is not currently attending workouts needs to inform Coach Yarbrough as soon as possible. His email is pyarbrough@randolph.k12.nc.us . Voluntarily workouts are now taking place Monday-Friday from 3:40-5:10 and mandatory practice will begin on 2/8/2021.
I invite you to peruse our webpage for all things Wheatmore. Have a pleasant evening.
Good evening parents and students of Wheatmore High School,
Today we had a tremendous turnout for Google Meets and the first day of the second semester in virtual form. I appreciate all the students that connected with their teachers and got their semester started on the right foot.
Just as a reminder, students that are not in attendance face to face must complete the attendance task each remote school day. Correct attendance is critical for school funding and impacts teacher made exams. Please remember, if a student misses two days or less from any class that has a teacher made exam, they will be exempt from that exam at the end of the semester.
Additionally, if you are planning to participate in athletics, daily attendance is a must. The NCHSAA requires students to be in attendance each day missing no more than 13.5 days to remain eligible throughout the school year. Don’t lose your eligibility due to your failure to sign in each day for remote attendance.
Teachers have scheduled Google Meet sessions daily for students to support their learning. Please make sure you are taking advantage of this. Most teachers are holding class period meetings. Again, make this a priority early in the semester and budget your time to meet with your teachers daily.
Parents, like last semester you can be a Canvas observer and monitor your students progress. With both the Parent portal and Canvas observer, all parents should know exactly how each student is progressing on a daily basis.
If you have any questions, please call the school.
Week of 1/17
Good evening everyone, this is Principal Johnson.
As a reminder, Monday January 18 is a holiday, Tuesday January 19 is a teacher work day, Wednesday January 20 is the first day of the second semester and a remote instruction day. Thursday January 21 is the first day of face to face instruction for B day students.
Students will receive their second semester class schedule through their student email accounts on Monday, January 18. Students and parents should also be able to view the second semester schedule through Parent/ Student portals.
Parents and students please be aware that the new semester facilitates the need to pay student fees. Student fee invoices will be emailed to all students beginning the week of January 25. Please make paying these fees a priority. Student fees help fund the programs that provide your student the opportunity to excel in their academic endeavors.
Students schedule change requests will not be considered due to the need to reschedule fall failures for seniors, EOC failures and limits due to social distancing requirements.
Students that missed their Math I, Math III, English II and Biology EOC final exams due to being quarantined will receive notice of the exam make-up schedule.
Senior parents if you purchased a senior ad through the main office please send in your pictures to the yearbook staff by January 29th.
If you paid a deposit down for an ad please have your balance paid in full by January 29th.
If you did not purchase an ad and still would like too we do have a few pages available for purchase. To purchase please visit Jostens.com and create your ad or purchase through the main office and drop off your pictures.
Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
Welcome Remote Learners!
Good evening everyone, this is Principal Johnson.
I would like to invite all of our 100 % remote learners back to campus to participate in face to face learning two day a week. I certainly would welcome the return of our students and believe each student can benefit from attending in person. If you would like to change from 100 % remote to two days face to face please contact Ms. Jessup at l2jessup@randolph.k12.nc.us and she can assist. As always you are welcome to call, 3364761500. I look forward to seeing your return.
Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
Week of 1/11
Good evening everyone, this is Principal Johnson.
The make up exam date for B day students that are required to take a teacher made final exam will be Tuesday, January 12. This exam will be taken remotely. Your teacher will publish to their Canvas page the time fame in which you have to complete the test. B day students that wish to take the teacher made final exam face to face, please contact your teacher to schedule that exam for Friday morning, January 15. For any student that would like to take the make-up teacher made final exam face to face on Friday, January 15, you will need to provide your own transportation.
EOC final exams for all students that are in Math I, Math III, Biology and English II, the daily schedule is posted to our web page. We will have one exam session each day beginning at 8:20 AM. Bus transportation will be available Monday through Thursday. Exams will conclude by noon, to go lunches will be available and the buses will depart school shortly after 12:00 noon. If you are a car rider, please have the person picking you up at school by 12:00 noon. Due to COVID 19, we will not have an afternoon holding space for students waiting on parents to arrive to pick them up.
Senior parents if you purchased a senior ad through the main office please send in your pictures to the yearbook staff by January 29th. If you paid a deposit for an ad please have your balance paid in full by January 29th.If you have not purchase an ad, we have a few pages available for purchase. To purchase please visit Jostens.com and create your ad or purchase through our main office.
Looking into the week of January 18-22. Monday January 18 is a holiday, Tuesday, January 19 is a teacher workday. Wednesday, January 20 is the first day of the second semester and a remote instruction day. Thursday, January 21 is the first face to face day for our B day students.
Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
Week of 1/3
Good evening everyone, this is Principal Johnson.
I have emailed students and staff that have been impacted by a COVID quarantine since the holiday break reminding them of their return to school and extra curricular activity date.
All AFJROTC students will report to WHS and Mr. Kilcullen’s classroom this week and will complete assignments and their final exams while on the WHS campus. Email your instructor if you have any questions.
Reminders for Students, Staff Members, and Students' Parents:
1) Stay at home on Monday (1/4/21) if you have developed COVID-19 symptoms over the holiday break and call your school for further directions
2) Stay at home on Monday (1/4/21) if someone in your house has developed COVID-19 symptoms over the holiday break and call your school for further directions
3) Stay at home on Monday (1/4/21) if you have been exposed to a person who is positive for COVID-19 over the holiday break and call your school for further directions
4) Stay at home on Monday (1/4/21) if you tested positive for COVID-19 over the holiday break and call your school for further directions
5) Stay at home on Monday (1/4/21) if you traveled out of the country during the holiday break and call your school for further directions....please note that you will be required to quarantine for 14 days starting with your return date from out of the country.
Monday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 5 are face to face instructional days for A day students. A day students will take their teacher made final exams on Tuesday, January 5th.
Thursday, January 7 and Friday, January 8 are face to face instructional days for B day students. B day students will take their teacher made final exams on Friday, January 8.
Thursday, January 7 will serve as the made up exam day for December 23 exam day that was missed due to inclement weather.
End of Course exams for Math I, Math III, Biology and English II will be held the week of January 11-14 with January 15 serving as a remote instruction day and an exam make-up day.
If you have a question concerning your final exam schedule, either a teacher made final exam or an EOC final exam, reference an email sent by Ms. Jessup prior to dismissal for the holiday break.
Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
Week of 12/20
Good evening everyone, this is Principal Johnson.
Due to the holiday break, Wheatmore High School will be closed to the public from 5:00 p.m. on December 18 until 8:00 a.m. on January 4.
Seniors, order your Cap and Gown by visiting Jostens.com or call 1-800-JOSTENS (5678367).
Wheatmore Band Boosters have their Dewey's Bakery Holiday store open at 705 Randolph St beside Little Caesars Pizza in Thomasville, open every day until Christmas Eve.
Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
Week of 12/13
Good evening everyone, this is Principal Johnson.
Monday, December 14 and Wednesday, December 16 is ugly Christmas sweater day. Tuesday December 15 and Thursday December 17 is crazy hat and crazy sock day.
Boys Basketball Tryouts will begin on Monday, December 14 at 3:45pm. A current physical is required to try out. Participants will need to bring a personal water bottle and mask.
Seniors, the deadline to order your Cap and Gown under fall pricing is next Friday, December 18th. After that the price will increase. To order visit Jostens.com or call 1-800-JOSTENS (5678367).
December 14-18 Wheatmore will be both administering Career Technical Education (CTE) Final exams, and having regular classroom instruction. The daily schedule is posted to our webpage.
On Monday, December 14 all A day students will report to school and attend both 1st block (8:20-11:20) and 2nd block classes (12:00-3:20).
On Tuesday, December 15 all A day students will report to school and attend both 4th block (8:20-11:20) and 5th block classes (12:00-3:20).
100 % remote learners designated as A day should report to school to take their CTE final exam as outlined above. All remote learners will test separately from face to face learners.
Any student who has a CTE exam this week has been notified through an email from Ms. Jessup with their assigned days, test, and room location.
If remote learners have a question about taking the final exam, they need to call the school and speak with Mr. Spencer, the CTE test administrator or respond back to their CTE testing schedule email.
On Wednesday, December 16 all B day students will report to school and attend both 1st block (8:20-11:20) and 2nd block classes (12:00-3:20).
On Thursday, December 17 all B day students will report to school and attend both 4th block (8:20-11:20) and 5th block classes (12:00-3:20).
100 % remote learners designated as B day should report to school to take their CTE final exam as outlined above. All remote learners will test separately from face to face learners. Any student who has a CTE exam this week has been notified through an email from Ms. Jessup with their assigned days, test, and room location.
If remote learners have a question about taking the final exam, they need to call the school and speak with Mr. Spencer, the CTE test administrator or respond back to their CTE testing schedule email.
Friday, December 18 will serve as a make up day for all CTE final exams. Because of the calendar change on November 16 to accommodate CTE testing, Friday, December 18 is considered a remote learning day thus bus transportation will not be available for students wishing to make up a missed CTE final exam.
You can stay up to date with all things Wheatmore by perusing our web page and clicking on the relevant links. Thank you and have a pleasant evening.