K8 Community Memo
Friday, April 26
Greetings everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying the start of spring! This time of year can be quite busy as everything starts to grow and bloom. Our teachers and students are currently preparing for our spring testing, while our district's custodial and facility team is working tirelessly to keep our buildings and grounds in great condition.
It's also wonderful to see our school and community sports programs in full swing, with a special shoutout to Springdale Youth Sports Association (SSCYS) and MJM Grand for their outstanding field restoration work on the front field. Together, we can achieve great things!
This week, we had the pleasure of honoring our bus drivers on Tuesday. These drivers are entrusted with the precious responsibility of transporting students to and from school each day. Despite facing early mornings, inclement weather, and various challenges such as rowdy students and animals on the road, our drivers remain steadfast in their commitment to safety. They also transport students to extracurricular activities such as field trips and sporting events. A heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all of our remarkable drivers.
On a personal note, I recently had a humbling moment while observing a PE class. As a young student ran up to greet me, they affectionately called me "Grandpa!" There have been many times I have been called dad and even mom, but this week was the first time I was called grandpa. It was a stark reminder that time waits for no one and my age is catching up with me.
Please take a moment to read through the messages below and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Brett Joachim
K8 Principal
Snap shots from the week...
Bus Driver Appreciation
Softball on Restored Field
PBIS Team on Regional Conference
Smarter Balanced testing starts May 5th!
A Parent Guide to Understanding - State Testing
OSPI SBAC: Parent Guide is Available for Download
For more information about the Smarter Balanced and WCAS tests, visit: https://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/testing/state-testing, and click on the name of the test.
How can I help my child get ready for the test?
You are an important part of your child's education. Some things you can do to help your child are:
Discuss the test with your child. Make sure they are not scared or anxious.
Take a practice test with your child. Practice tests can be found at the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) Porta: https://wa.portal.cambiumast.com/index.html and click on the Practice and Training Tests button.
Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast before testing.
Review test results with your child and discuss with their teacher where they might need additional help.
Your child's teacher is the best place to start if you have other questions about testing or available accessibility resources.
Receive school text messages...
The High School's FFA Plant Sale is next Monday, starting at 7 AM!
Be sure to get online early, as the supplies sell out quickly.
Online ordering opens April 29th @ 7am!!
Pick-up is on May 7th 7:30am-6pm
MS Sports Schedules
K8 Calendar Events
April 29th - FFA Plant Sale Order Day
April 29th - 5/6th Grade Growth and Development
April 29th - Starts FastBridge Testing
April 30th - 5-8th Grade HIV Lesson,
May 3rd - Learning Improvement Day
- No Friday Access Day
May 6th - SBAC Testings Begins
May 13th-16th - Little Spike Volleyball
May 15th - High School Decision Day