Berkshire 2023
Dates to Remember
5th - 3rd Grade Field Trip
8th to 12th - Teacher Appreciation Week
10th- PreK Round Up
11th- Kindergarten Round Up
19th- Half Day, School dismisses at 12:30
20th- Community Cleanup and Health Fair 10-1
23rd- Spring Concert 6:00 to 7:30
25th- PTA General Meeting at 5
26th- 3rd Grade Field Trip
29th- Memorial Day, No School
2nd- Sports Day, Berko @ 5:30
7th- Science Center Night 5:00-7:00
9th- 5th Grade Graduation @ 9:15, Last Day of Classes for PreK
12th- Half Day, Schools dismisses at 12:30
13th- Last Day, School dismisses at 12:30
Message from the PTA
Berko Bingo Night is quickly approaching. We are in need of basket donations and volunteers for June 2nd. If you are able to help, please contact Mrs. Lemus in the office at 443-809-7008 or 443-803-9564.
Reminder from The Front Office
Please remember to bring in or email all documents for 5th Grade Proof of Residency and Shared Domicile Renewal. You can email them to Mrs. Cook at If you have any questions, feel free to call the office at 443-809-7008.
Nurse's Corner
Spring has sprung and so have seasonal allergies! This is a friendly reminder to give your student their allergy medicine every day prior to coming to school. Over the counter allergy medicine works best when it’s taken every day, not just the days where your student is experiencing symptoms. If you have questions, let the nurse know!
Dundalk Arts and Culture Festival
Berkshire's Amazing Race
Email Ms. Barbie at to be added to the contact list for 2023-2024 ABC classes.