First Friday 2024.5.3

First Friday Message from Dr. Davies
May 3, 2024
Greetings, Bulldog Community:
As we approach the end of the academic year, I am happy to share with you that it has been an awesome year for West York! I am incredibly proud of our students, faculty, staff, and School Board for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence throughout the year.
Our students have demonstrated growth and achievement in both academics and extracurricular activities. They have demonstrated Bulldog Pride through a strong work ethic, a passion for learning, and a commitment to positively impacting our community. Their achievements are a testament to their talent, dedication, and the quality of education our faculty and staff provide.
Our faculty and staff have gone above and beyond this year to ensure our students receive the best education possible. They have worked to create engaging and effective learning environments, provide personalized support and instruction, and cultivate community and belonging in our schools. They are truly here for Every Student Every Day, and next week, May 6-10, we celebrate ALL of our West York faculty and staff during National Teacher Appreciation Week.
Our School Board has provided exceptional governance and guidance to ensure future academic success and a sound financial footing for the District with a nominal tax increase - the first in six years - of 3.5%.
As we look ahead to the 2024-25 school year, we are excited to build on this year's successes and continue to provide our students with an exceptional educational experience. We are committed to supporting student growth and development, providing our faculty and staff with the resources they need to succeed, and creating a safe and caring learning environment for all.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our families and the community for their continued support throughout the year. Your involvement, engagement, and feedback have been instrumental in helping us to improve and enhance our schools.
This will be my final First Friday communication for the 2023-24 school year. I wish you all a wonderful summer filled with rest, relaxation, and time with loved ones. We look forward to welcoming our students, faculty, and staff back to school in August for another awesome year!
Best regards,
Todd Davies
Superintendent of Schools
Class of 2024 Summa Cum Laude Graduates
I am pleased to present the 2023-24 Summa Cum Laude graduates. These exceptional students will be honored at a special event later this month with their families in attendance. In order to meet the criteria for Summa Cum Laude, students must have earned a cumulative weighted GPA of 98% (no rounding) or higher by the end of the second marking period of their senior year.
2023-24 Retirees
I’d like to recognize our 2023-24 retirees and thank them for their dedication and commitment to West York's students over the years. We will celebrate this year’s retirees at our annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation and Retiree Celebration Picnic in mid-May. Years of service* below are those served at West York and may not represent the retirees full career years of service.
Awesome Accolades
Throughout the 2023-24 school year, District employees were asked to nominate their colleagues for an "Awesome Accolade." These Accolades were then shared in our weekly employee newsletter, The Bulldog Bark. Accolades included the staff members name, building, and why they were receiving the accolade. With just over 800 individual nominations and several groups (building, department) nominated, it’s clear that our faculty and staff have a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for each other and the work they do!
Summer Lunch Program
As in past years, the District will provide FREE lunches for children ages 18 and under. Children do not need to be enrolled in a free and reduced program, nor do they need to be District residents. Just walk in!
Lunch will be held at the Middle School Monday - Thursday, beginning June 3 through August 3, from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Lunch will not be served on Thursday, July 4th. All lunches must be eaten in the Middle School cafe. Look for menus in early June on our website.
Additionally, from July 1st - July 25th, we are again offering the after-lunch activity program! The activity period will be held from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM each day at the Middle School. Look for a calendar of activities in late June on our website. In addition to daily crafts and/or activities, some highlights will be Reptile Day (yes, live reptiles!), Luau Day, Carnival Day, and the ever-popular weekly Bingo!
Bulldog Pantry
The West York Bulldog Pantry is a non-perishable food center located in the High School, open to ALL District families, regardless of financial need, from kindergarten through 12th grade. This month's distribution - and final distribution for the school year - will be on Wednesday, May 22, from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. All items will be available while supplies last. Pick-up is at Door 14 at the High School near the tennis courts. Please visit the pantry’s page on the District website for future distribution dates and times.
Donations are always welcome. Please contact Ms. Amanda Burt, Life Skills Teacher at the High School amburt@wyasd.org, if you'd like to donate.
There are times when you may need to contact someone in the District regarding a concern. Our Chain of Communication guide (linked below) will help you determine who to contact for different situations.
If you have questions or concerns not addressed in this guide, please reach out to your child’s building office or principal.
School Board Meetings
Each month, from August through June, regularly scheduled meetings (Work Sessions and Voting Meetings) of the School Board are held in the Boardroom of the Administration Building. In addition to the two regular meetings, the School Board also hosts Board Committee Meetings. All are welcome to attend any of these public meetings. In-person attendance is recommended, but we also offer viewing-only attendance via Zoom during most Board meetings. Work Sessions and Voting Meetings are live-streamed on our District YouTube Channel.
We publish a monthly Board Bulletin, which summarizes the Work Session and Board Voting Meeting that occur during the month. The bulletin will be emailed to all families in the same manner you received this communication. Click here to view the April issue.
The link below provides more information about the meetings, agendas, and other information. If you have questions about meeting attendance that are not addressed here or on our website, please contact Tina Keeler at trkeeler@wyasd.org.
Join us on Social Media
2024-25 Kindergarten Registration is Open
West York families can begin 2024-25 kindergarten registration by creating an account in Sapphire, the District’s online student management system, and enrolling their child. On the submit registration page, you will be directed to call Wallace Elementary, our K-1 building, to schedule an in-person meeting. The in-person meeting will occur sometime during the weeks of May 6th, June 17th, and July 15th. Families must complete the online and in-person portions to complete the registration process.
Questions may be directed to Wallace Elementary at 717-764-6869 ext. 6006 or Ms.Tammy Dorsey at tldorsey@wyasd.org.
Blue & White Newsletter
Throughout the year, we highlight the awesomeness of students, faculty, and staff in our weekly Blue & White. The Blue & White is published on Fridays and delivered via email. We accept submissions for the Blue & White of school-related photos and outside student activities.
If you do not currently receive the Blue & White, and wish to do so, please follow the link below to subscribe. Questions or submissions can be directed to BullDogMail@wyasd.org.
Calendar Reminders
Looking Ahead:
- Friday, May 3, HS Spring Concert, 7:00 p.m. (High School)
- Monday, May 6, MS Academic Awards Night, 6:30 p.m. (Middle School)
- Friday, May 10, Early Dismissal
- Monday, May 13, HS Awards Night, 6:00 p.m. (High School)
- Tuesday, May 14, EPC Meeting, 5:30 p.m. / Work Session of the Board, 7:00 p.m. (Admin)
- Tuesday, May 21, Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m. (Admin)
- Thursday, May 23, Early Dismissal
- Thursday, May 23, Graduation, 7:00 p.m. (High School)
- Friday, May 24, Early Dismissal / Last Day of School
- Monday, May 27, Memorial Day Holiday / West York Memorial Day Parade
- Tuesday, June 11, Cocurricular Committee Meeting, 5:30 p.m. / Work Session 7:00 p.m. (Admin)
- Tuesday, June 18, Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m. (Admin)
The Superintendent's First Friday Message to the Community is designed to share relevant and timely news and information with West York families and the community.
For comments or questions, please contact trkeeler@wyasd.org.