SHS Weekly Update
HOSA Attends State Conference
IWCS HOSA members recently attended the Virginia HOSA State Leadership Conference, where students competed in medical knowledge and skill events.
- Brianna Smith and Alyvia Cheely advanced to Round 2 in the Health Career Photography event
- Autumn Lemus advanced to Round 2 in the Nurse Aide event
- Kinley Brady and Masirah Mobley advanced to Round 2 and Top 5 in the Health Career Display team event
- Kaytlin Galle-Bishop and Jensen Peters advanced to Round 2 and Top 5 in the Patient Care Tech event. Jensen won 3rd place and will represent Virginia HOSA at the National level this June in Nashville, TN.
Scenes from the 3/6 Tri-Rivers Basketball Game
Important Dates
March 14 - Asynchronous day for students / High School Professional Learning Day
March 17 - Student Holiday; Staff Virtual Workday
March 19-20 - English Writing SOL Testing
April 2 - End of Third Quarter
Senior News
Senior Signs: If you would like to order senior signs, Michelle Jones will be here on March 19th from 9am - 11am with order forms and to answer any questions. She will return on March 27th to collect forms and money during packer block in the commons.
If you have not ordered a cap and gown, please do so ASAP. (Jostens.com) Cap and Gown Delivery will be on March 27th from 10am - 1pm in the commons area. Please be ready to pay balances. Cash, check, or credit card accepted.
Senior dues are due now…Please submit payment to Mrs. Mayes in room 217 if you have not done so. Cash or check accepted.
Support Our HOSA Spring Fundraiser!
Isle of Wight Nurse Aide, PCT, and HOSA students are hosting a Flower Bulb Fundraiser — just in time for spring and Mother’s Day! 🌷🌼🌺
All proceeds will help support our HOSA students with competitions, events, and educational opportunities. This is a great way to brighten your garden while supporting a great cause!
💻 Order Online Here: https://abc.launchfundraising.com/FundraiserHomeInfo/0/F5QJ7Z
📆 Fundraiser Ends: April 13, 2025
🚚 Orders Arrive: ~2 weeks after the fundraiser closes
Not a gardener? No problem! Donations are also accepted through our online store.
Thank you for your support in helping our future healthcare professionals grow!
2025-26 CTE Student Application
The CTE Student Application for the 2025-26 school year is now available.
If a student wishes to be considered for more than one double-block CTE course, a separate application must be submitted for each program of interest. Students currently enrolled in a double-block CTE course do not need to reapply to continue in the same course for the upcoming year.
The deadline for submission is March 15, 2025.
Family Life Education
All students currently enrolled in Health/PE 9 and/or Driver Education/PE 10 will be participating in Family Life Education in the coming weeks. Below you will find the standards of learning for this content, an informational letter from Central Office and an opt-out form for any parents that would like to exclude their student from this lesson. Please review this information and reach out to Ms. Cuffee if you would like to review any of the instructional materials.
Weapons Detection System Coming Soon to SHS
SHS will begin rolling out the weapons detection system for our main entrance (car riders, drivers, parent drop-off) on March 18th. Click this link to access an instructional video from IWCS that provides additional details about the weapons detection system.
Class Scheduling for the 2025-26 School Year
The SHS counselors are meeting with students for scheduling. Please be on the lookout for a mailing and reach out to your student’s counselor if you would like to be present for the scheduling meeting. Counselors are available via appointment for in person, zoom, or telephone meetings.
Ms. Rachael Davidson
Last Names: A-D
Ms. Meredith Hynes
Last Names: E-J
Ms. Jeneisse Howell
Last Names: K-O
Ms. Jordan Respass
Last Names: P-R
Ms. Lana Booth
Last Names: S-Z
Prom Tickets Now on Sale!
Prom Date: May 3rd
Theme: Night at the Casino/Las Vegas
Tickets are $50/per person BEFORE Spring Break; $60/ per person AFTER Spring Break (until we sell out)
Interested in purchasing SHS spirit wear?
Check out the SHS spirit wear now available through Jostens: https://themascotshop.jostens.com/1119382
Pre-Order Your Yearbook Today for $80... Less than 150 left!
Ready to purchase your yearbook? Click here to order.
Isle Maritime Trades Academy
Click the link below for a PowerPoint presentation about the Isle Maritime Trades Academy program.
Important Reminder: Attendance Policy
Please ensure that all absences for your child are properly excused. To clear unexcused absences:
- Parents may submit up to five parent notes per semester for any reason.
- Doctor's notes are unlimited and can be submitted at any time.
To receive credit for a class, students must not exceed five unexcused absences. Any student with more than five unexcused absences in a class will not earn credit for that class, regardless of their grade. These students will need to go through the Attendance Appeal Process to address the issue.
Please send in all absent notes as soon as possible to ensure your child’s attendance record is updated. Thank you for your cooperation! Shs-attendance@iwcs.k12.va.us
Morning Student Drop-Off:
Drop-off in the line in front of the school ONLY! There is to be NO student drop-off in ANY parking lots by parents or older siblings.
No left turn onto Turner Rd from the parking lot during morning drop-off!
Student Pickup Procedures
If you are planning to pick up your child early from school. Please send an email to shs-attendance@iwcs.k12.va.us by 10:00 am with the time you are picking them up. We will put your child’s name on the early release list. They are responsible for letting the teacher know they have “Early Release.”
Smithfield High School
Website: https://shs.iwcs.k12.va.us/
Location: 14171 Turner Drive, Smithfield, VA, USA
Phone: 757-357-3108
Twitter: @OfficialSHSPack