SRMS Updates, April 4, 2024
Weekly News, Updates, & Opportunities from SRMS
A Message from Dr. Ortiz, Principal of Sandy Run
Good afternoon, Sandy Run Families,
It is hard to believe that this marks the end of the third marking period. Our students have had a fantastic first three-quarters of the year, which we will continue to build on for the final nine weeks of school. On Monday, we will make our Allied Art rotations (and for sixth grade, they will explore their fourth and final world language). As a reminder, Monday will also be an early dismissal for all Upper Dublin students. We hope that the rain slows down as our spring sports are getting ready to begin competitions; our extra curriculars are continuing inside the building as well as the sixth grade musical preparation is underway. Exciting things are happening all across campus! Please see the updates below for more information and upcoming events. Have a great (and dry) weekend!
Dan Ortiz
SRMS PSSA Information
Our students will be taking the PSSA standardized tests.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's school counselor or contact Tona Morrow tmorrow@udsd.org in the guidance office. The schedule is as follows.
PSSA Dates
- English Language Arts (Students in Grades 6 - 8) ~ April 24, 25, 26
- Mathematics (Students in Grades 6 - 8) ~ April 30 & May 1
- Science (Students in Grade 8) ~ May 7 & 8
Sandy Run's Got Talent
Day of Silence
The GLSEN Day of Silence (April 12) is a national student-led demonstration where LGBTQIA+ students and allies all around the country take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQIA+ people in schools. The day before, Thursday, April 11, we will be chalking the schools with messages of love and inclusion. Families, students, and allies are all welcome anytime between 5:00 pm-7:00pm at any of our schools! Chalk will be available or bring your own!
Allied and Performing Arts Show
This year our Allied and Performing Arts Show is on Wednesday, May 1st from 5-8PM. Please note the change in time is 5-8PM and there will be FOOD TRUCKS at the event so come hungry!
Upper Dublin Historical Commission's flyer on their township-wide oldest tree campaign.
As part of its mission, the UD Historical Commission has been tasked to:
- foster awareness and appreciation of our community's history
- encourage the preservation of local resources
Pennsylvanians have long had a special relationship to our trees, and Upper Dublin exemplifies that spirit with its own Shade Tree Commission and the Robbins Park Environmental Education Center. Additionally, we have many lovely public parks and are home to the Temple Arboretum (originally the PA School of Horticulture for Women).
Since our township was struck by a devastating tornado in 2021, we have begun programs to preserve, rebuild, and re-plant. The ELDER GROVE will help UD celebrate what we STILL have, the heritage of our trees... our oldest inhabitants which shape our lovely environment and nurture our souls.
SRMS Yearbook
It's time to order your Sandy Run Yearbook! Yearbooks are officially on sale starting at $35. Be sure to have a copy of the memories of the 2023-24 school year. To order, click this link.
Contact SRMS
Email: dortiz@udsd.org
Website: https://www.udsd.org/o/srms
Location: 520 Twining Road, Dresher, PA, USA
Phone: (215) 576-3280
Twitter: @srmscardinals