The Owl Newsletter
Electronics Policy Reminder
We would like to remind parents and students that we have a policy on campus that personal electronics be "off and away" during the school day. We have seen an increase in students texting with their smart watches, as of late. Smart watches fall into this category during school hours and need to be turned off and put into backpacks. A first infraction will result in a private reminder between the teacher and the student, a second infraction will result in the device being turned into the office to be picked up at the end of the day, and a third infraction will result in parents picking up the device. Thank you so much for your understanding and continuing efforts to create a positive learning environment.
-Principal Ticer
- 6th Grade Band Performance
Monday, May 13th - 6:00 PM - SHS Auditorium
- June 6th - Sixth Grade Talent Show
- June 7th - Incoming 4th-Grade Fly-Up
- June 10th - Incoming 7th-Grade Fly-Up
- June 3rd - Field Day
- June 14th -Last Day of School - (half day)
Kate Kessi & Iman Paisner - 1 & 2 in the 3000 meters.
Good Luck at Middle School Districts this Saturday!
We have had an eventful season and are very excited to be taking approx 70 athletes to "Districts" this Saturday, at St. Helens High School from 10:00 am-5:00 pm.
Congratulations to 8 OPE students who will be participating this year.
(Kate, Anne, Carly, Iman, Bailey, Hadley, Adam, & Mason )
Pictured above, Kate Kessi and Iman Paisner 1st & 2nd in the 3000 meters at the Jewell Invitational.
If you have pictures for the yearbook please send them to ottotpetersenpresident@gmail.com
Contact Chelsea Murphy ottopetersenpresident@gmail.com
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 14th, at 4:00 pm at OPE.
May Brings Many Things to Celebrate!
THIS WEEK IN THE LIBRARY!: This week we learned about Cinco de Mayo and the misconception that it is Mexico’s independence day while trying to learn where to find books about countries, climates, and traditions/celebrations. Love it when our learning is connected to our actions!
FREE BOOK CART: Watch for the free book cart this week. I will have it out in the hallway by the Book Vending Machine during the school day. These books have served a nice long life on our shelves, but are being removed to make room for transferred books from Warren. Many of these books are worn and/or haven’t been circulated in a very long time. Please make sure that you preview the books to make sure the content is appropriate for your family and age of kiddos. When you are done feel free to pass them along and keep the book joy going! Thanks!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR!: Last week for check out will be 5/27 in an effort to get all books returned before the last day of school! It is VERY important that all books get returned this year with the reconfiguration process of Warren and Grant Watts–we need accurate inventories and it will help us get things packed up as books will be moving between all 3 elementary schools in this process! Thank you for your help!
Happy Reading ~ Mrs. Nudo
Rob McQueen-Jensen
Summer break is quickly approaching! Do you need an air-conditioner, support with food, or even relief with increased energy costs over the Summer? No matter the need, I am here to help. Contact me at (503) 438-2148 (or) robm@ccmh1.com
Rob McQueen-Jensen, Program Systems Navigator, Scappoose School District/CCMH
Attendance Reminders & After School Change of Plans
Also, if you have to change your students' after-school plans, please try to do this one hour before students are released so that we have enough time to communicate with teachers and staff.
- Sue MacLachlan: smaclachlan@scappoose.k12.or.us
- Mary McNabb: mmcnabb@scappoose.k12.or.us
- Your child's teacher
We appreciate your support in making sure we know where your students are during the school day. Thank you!