ASASP Union Times
February 27th, 2024 4th Tuesday Morning Edition
Greetings and Salutations!
Greetings ASASP Members,
As we prepare to close out the month of February and month long celebration of Black History, it is my hope this newsletter finds you in the very best of all good health and wellness. The next thirty will be easier to swallow, knowing that spring break is just around the corner and school year is winding down. Please take some time for yourself and your family every chance you get. When you're in the office alone, close that door for five to ten minutes and meditate, regroup, relax, relate and release every chance you get. Your job is not an easy one, as a matter of fact it can take you down, if you let it. So take the time to process your thoughts, realize the most important things in life and meditate on how you can serve and still protect your peace of mind.
Now you know we don't own the rights to any of the clips we use, we just use them to enlighten, engage and entertain. Have a great and wonderful day!
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Don't Sit In Silence While Being Bullied and Harassed.....Call The Union!!!!
Don't Be Scared....
Too often our members are being bullied and harassed on the job by supervisors and/or colleagues. This is not what you come to work for. There is enough stress and anxiety in life without having to go to work and deal with blatant disrespect, taunting, hazing, intimidation and/or humiliation.
It's one thing to want a job done well and it's another thing to brow beat individuals that you supervise and evaluate. If this is happening to you, you must advocate for yourself first. You have every right to contact the union and ask for support and representation if necessary. You will not be turned away!
When You Use the Sick Leave Bank.......You Cannot Work, Periodt!
No Deposit, No Return......Penalties for Early Withdrawal and Violations of Terms
ASASP Members,
Please be advised that use of the Sick Leave Bank is a very valuable benefit available to all members. However, it is not a benefit that most people want to ever have utilize. The SLB is available to all members that enroll and contribute to it.
^You Are Not Automatically Enrolled, you must complete the SLB Form and submit to the Office Manager to begin the process of enrollment.
^The window for enrollment is July 1st - October 1st each calendar year.
^Newly Hired Unit 2 and Unit 3 ASASP members are eligible to join within 30 Days of Hire.
^Members must contribute 3 days (24 Hours) of Leave to join the bank.
^Enrollees may not utilize the bank for within the first six months of joining the bank.
Board Of Directors 2024
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Jeffery Parker - Executive Director
David Dzidzienyo - Membership Specialist
Dr. Carlene Murray - Membership Specialist
Veronica Matherne - Office Manager
ASASP Board of Directors - Representatives
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Vacant - Secretary
Mr. Danny Miller - Treasurer
Ms. Jennifer Williams - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Simone Malloy - Board Member (At Large)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Assistant Principal (At Large)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Crystal Bright-Mundell (Wing Coordinator/Elementary AP)
Currently Vacant - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
Currently Vacant - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
A Word from our National Affiliate
Cycle B and C Principals Being Violated As We Speak!!
Don't Be A Victim!
Principals please be informed that if you are on Cycle B or Cycle C of the Evaluation Process for this year, you are required to have ZERO Formal Observations and ZERO Informal Observations. Many of you have already received observations, formal and informal which is a violation. Do Not Allow Yourself to be Violated.
See the attached memo from Dr. Charity McGruder's OEP that speaks directly to the process for the year. This document was submitted to the state on September 18, 2023 but for some reason many of you have still been required to be observed multiple times. Why??
General Membership Meeting 2-27-24@ Flowers High School Auditorium @ 5:15pm
Don't talk about it, be about it!!!
Let's get together this evening for our first general meeting of 2024. Please come out, grab a bite to eat, something to drink and get the latest information on NEGOTIATIONS.....
Your input, support, questions, and concerns are welcome and need to be shared so that they can be addressed.
Let Us Know...Did you file a 4170, 4185 or 4172 and Never Hear Another Word?
Did you ever file a 4170, 4185 or 4172 and get no response?
Too Many Complaints Take Forever To Be Addressed
Please know that a valiant effort is being made by our staff to address the countless unresolved cases the system has backlogged and seems to not care about. PGCPS has too many excuses, too few staff and a major lack of interest in resolving the issues of bullied, harassed and injured employees.
Email Us At:
Mr. House....... What's Really Going On?
Mid-Year Conference Extension Is In Violation.!!
Who told Director McGruder and the Office of Employee Performance that they could extend the deadline for Mid-Year Conferences to through February 23rd? Mid-year conferences were originally scheduled to be completed between December 1, 2023 and February 12, 2024. This disrespect and disregard of our contract is a direct violation of our negotiated agreement.
If principals and other supervisors don't have enough time to complete tasks, perhaps it's because the tasks are too arduous and too numerous. Perhaps it's simply because they have more on their plate than they can handle already.
Supervisors, principals, appraisers should not be asking the big house for more work like a good and faithful servant, but rather you should be standing up against the insurmountable pile of unscrupulous expectations coming through and from the Area Offices and Instructional Directors.
If you are still convening mid-year conferences, I can only hope that you have entered nothing into Edoctrina that can even be perceived as negative regarding your appraisee, otherwise there will be problems. Please protect yourself and make sure that you do not get caught up in any unnecessary grievances.