Power of $10 Fundraiser
Support our STEAM and Visual Art Programs!
The Plan
For our school’s fundraising campaign this year, instead of a typical fundraiser where students sell merchandise from a catalog and then deliver it, we are going to try soliciting donations. It’s easier for you, there is no merchandise to pick up and deliver, 100% of the money goes towards the kids, and we can offer better rewards for students who participate. If all BSMS students get just one $10 donation, we will raise $4,600!
How It Works
Students simply ask friends and family to make a donation to our school. Checks may be written to “Butner-Stem Middle School PTO”. Students should fill out the chart on the back of this paper as they collect donations. Donations must be turned in to the office by October 19.
Rewards for Students
Students who turn in at least $10 will get a ticket to the Student-Faculty Dodgeball Game.
Students who turn in at least $30 will receive a six-pound bag of Gummy Bears and an entry in a raffle to participate in the Dodgeball game.
Students who turn in at least $60 will receive a free BSMS t-shirt.
Students who turn in at least $100 will also get to go on a field trip during school to the IMAX theater.
The three students that collect the most donations from each grade level will get to participate in the Student-Faculty Dodgeball Game.
Why Are We Doing This? Doesn’t The School Receive Funding?
This year, the state and district provided us with $7,000 for instructional materials. We use this money for paper, computers, pencils, markers, copies, manipulatives, and other classroom supplies. It sounds like a lot, but doesn’t go as far as we need it to meet our students’ needs.
At BSMS, we are transforming ourselves into a STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math - School. We have restarted out art program for the first time in nine years and are planning on integrating Engineering Challenges throughout all classes. We need supplies to make these programs successful. Proceeds from this year’s Power of $10 Fundraiser will support our STEAM Program.
Providing the best possible educational opportunities to your child is our priority, but it can also be expensive. We need your help to create the best. If we all contribute what we can, we can do something incredible together.
About Us
Website: bsms.gcs.k12.nc.us
Location: 501 East D Street, Butner, NC, USA
Phone: (919) 575-9429
Facebook: facebook.com/butnerstemmiddleschool
Twitter: @bsmsfalcons