Craddock's Weekly Update
For the Week of October 28, 2024
Happy Friday Craddock Families!
It was a fantastic week at Craddock and we are excited to have a few days to rejuvenate as we gear up for a very exciting few weeks ahead!
First, I want to once again extend a huge THANK YOU to all families and community members who donated to our Cruisin' Craddock event on September 27th! The donations have been totaled and I am humbled and filled with gratitude to share we raised $9,809.00! After we dole out many well-deserved prizes, I am excited to utilize this money to support the learning and growing that takes place at Craddock. Some of the initiatives the staff and students asked for involve the addition of flexible seating options to the classrooms, recess equipment for outside, books for the book vending machine and events/assemblies that bring our whole school together. We are working hard to make all of these things a reality for this very deserving group of staff and students! Thank you once again for all of your help! We couldn't do these kinds of things without each and every one of you! I will keep you posted in the Weekly Update with pictures of these things as they happen!
This coming week is our fall costume parade and festival. We will hold this on Thursday, October 31st beginning at 2:00 p.m. We are keeping our fingers crossed the weather cooperates so we can have lots of you come to spectate the parade. The staff and students will then enjoy some sweet treats and activities inside. Many thanks in advance to our PTO and parent volunteers for putting this all together for us. The kids LOVE this day! Please see below for additional details on it! Also, don't hesitate to reach out should you desire nutritional information about the Rice Krispie treat students will receive as part of the fall festival. I have information on that, as well as the dairy and gluten-free option!
The following week of November 4th holds Craddock's fall parent/teacher conferences. These will be on Tuesday, 11/05 and Thursday, 11/07. Our goal is to meet with each and every one of you to discuss your child's acclimation to school, their strengths and areas of continued growth. If you haven't already, please contact your child's teacher to schedule!
Finally, Gather, Craddock's reporting system, goes live on Friday, November 18th! Please be on the lookout next week for information on how to log in and access your child's portal. We post in there three times per year.
Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy all the weekend brings! As always, we are so excited to see all of our adorable 1st and 2nd grade friends back on Monday, October 28th!
Kim Stewart, Principal
Craddock Elementary School
330-562-3175 (office)
216-849-2552 (cell to call or text)
Fall Festival Parade and Party Reminders
The excitement is mounting quickly at Craddock as we get closer and closer to our annual Costume Parade and Fall Festival. This year we will be holding that on Thursday, October 31st. Our parade will begin at 2:00 and will be weather-dependent. If it is raining, we will not be hosting a parade for the community to spectate. We are crossing our fingers for sunshine and blue skies! Check out the map below for a general idea of the route our students will follow when parading!
Immediately following the parade will be our Fall Festival in each classroom. Parent volunteers will work with the teachers to organize activities for our students. If you are signed up to volunteer, please make sure to let Mrs. Kerchenski know if you plan to take your child home. We will need to have everyone cleared out in a reasonable time frame to ensure our regular dismissal goes smoothly. Your communication ahead of time helps us greatly! Thank you!
Finally, please review our costume reminders below for this fun day...
- Students are permitted to wear their costume to school all day, as long as it isn't a distraction to learning.
- Costumes should permit students to do all their normal activities, such as sit in a chair, play on the playground, etc.
- Masks cannot be worn throughout the day as part of a costume.
- Students may come in to school with costume makeup already applied, but will not be permitted to apply additional makeup throughout the day.
- Costumes should be in good taste. Please save costumes with gore and violence incorporated into them for home.
- Weapons (fake or real) are not permitted at school, even if they are a part of the costume, i.e. swords, knives. Please save those for home as well.
Finally, if you have any questions at all about your child's costume, don't hesitate to reach out!
Mark Your Calendar
- Monday, 10/28 - Gifted Testing for 2nd Grade - Iowa
- Monday, 10/28 - Board Meeting at CIC at 7:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, 10/29 - Gifted Testing for 2nd Grade - Iowa
- Thursday, 10/31 - Fall Costume Parade and Festival - Parade begins at 2:00
- Tuesday, 11/05 - Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences - Night One
- Tuesday, 11/05 - Erin's Law Presentations for Grade 1 (more information coming)
- Thursday, 11/07 - Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences - Night Two
- Friday, 11/08 - End of Trimester One
- Monday, 11/11 - Veteran's Day Celebration at 9:30 at Craddock
- Wednesday, 11/13 - AEPTO Meeting at 6:30 Conference Center
- Friday, 11/15 - Trimester One Gather Reports LIVE
- Wednesday, 11/27 - Sunday, 12/01 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Sick Child Reminders
'Tis the season for lots of germs and illnesses to be spreading! We continue to do all we can on our end with sanitization, cleaning and reinforcing to students to wash hands often and cover mouths with coughs and sneezes to try and help!
Your help is needed too! Please be reminded that students who become ill at school will be sent to the clinic, or office, for evaluation by the nurse. Parents will be called for students in the event of a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, head lice, pink eye or other highly contagious conditions. Students without a fever will be permitted to rest in the clinic for a short time. Students will either return to class if conditions improve; or school personnel will contact a parent or authorized pick-up person listed on the Emergency Medical Form.
If your child is sent home after throwing up or having a fever, they must remain home symptom- free for 24 hours without the intervention of medication. We understand schedules are hectic with work, but we ask that you are very careful when making decisions about whether your child is well enough to come to school or not. Germs spread like wildfire and it will take a team effort to help minimize their impact on our learning community! Thank you in advance for all of your help!
Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal at Craddock
You are the most important piece to ensuring these very important times of the day run smoothly! All of our procedures are in place to protect the safety of our students, staff and visitors. Thank you in advance for your efforts and patience!
- Drop off each morning can take place from 8:40-8:55 a.m. Students are not permitted to exit cars until 8:40. Thank you!
- Car riders need to be dropped off following the route detailed in the map below. It is a single file line formed down Hurd Rd. This is the same line used for pick up in the p.m.
- Students can only exit cars on the sidewalk side of the horseshoe. We ask that you please adjust car seats and/or child locks if needed. Parents stay in cars at all times.
- Staff will be outside daily to help students enter the building and navigate to their classroom.
- Car rider dismissal begins each day at 3:15. Students will be called down as you arrive in our horseshoe. We do this electronically through a Google Doc that all of the staff are watching so they know when to dismiss each car rider.
- All car rider parents will be issued a tag for their rearview mirror with their child's last name on it. These can be secured at Meet and Greet or throughout the school year.
- Parents remain in cars and students will be escorted to their car by a staff member.
- When everything is up and running after a few weeks, car rider dismissal usually takes approximately 15 minutes.
Transportation for 24-25
Our transportation department has been busy preparing for the 24-25 school year. Tentative bus routes may be available as soon as July 17th to view bus stop locations and times. Please remember these routes are subject to change and should be checked closer to the start of the school year. You will need to log into E-Link Versatrans using the link/button below and follow the log-in procedures to access your child's busing information.
If this is the first time using E-Link, use the following login information.
User name = jane.smith (That is the students name, jane.smith with no spaces. Password = students date of birth 01012018)
Once you are in, go to “Work with students” then “View my students” We also now have GPS on the school buses. You can see when the bus is to arrive at your home.
We also have a Bus Stop App where you can track and monitor your child's bus and receive important updates. If you download “versatrans my stop” from the app store and sign in using the same information as above.
If you know your child will not be riding the bus no matter what grade, please email the transportation department and let us know so that we can have more accurate routes. Any student being transported to any location other than their home address will need to fill out the "Alternate bus stop form". This form is located on the ACSD website under the Transportation Department Site and is linked below. We ask that the changes made will be a regular schedule. We cannot do requests such as every other week.
All requests or changes to busing can be sent to:
Transportation Information:
Finally, Craddock Elementary uses a Google Form for attendance and pick-up/drop-off notifications. This is for notification purposes if you will be picking your child up instead of sending them on the bus and does not allow us to make changes to bus stops and locations. All Busing changes must go through transportation.
ACSD Update from Superintendent, Mr. Roberto
Key points in the video include:
-A review of Senate Bill 29 which goes into effect on 10/24/24
-Reference to two forms the district is required to share
-Explanation of a third form that could potentially be sent home
-Introduction to Securly Aware and Securly On Call which are being added as an extra layer of safety as it relates to technology use
Important Links
Transcript Link
PDF Transcript Link
SB29 General Notification
SB29 Technology Providers Notification
SB29 72-Hour Notification
Securly Aware
Securly On-Call
Thanks for taking the time to review this message, take care, and GO GREENMEN!
Mike Roberto
Important PTO Information
Craddock Elementary School
Location: 105 Hurd Road, Aurora, OH, USA
Phone: 330-562-3175
Twitter: @CraddockSchool