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America & the Vietnam War
Take a few minutes to visit the linked playlists and listen to Vietnam-era songs. Create a "Top 5" list of your favorite Vietnam era songs. Explain the purpose and impact of the song you chose as number one.
#2 "I know" "I don't know"
1. Create two columns "I know", "I don't know"
2. Define “I know” terms in your own words (like power writing)
3. Use your technology to define the “I don’t know” terms
** Use the below posted list **
- Domino Theory
- Ho Chi Minh
- Prisoner of War (P.O.W.)
- Pentagon Papers
- Tet Offensive
- Agent Orange
- Viet Cong
- Vietnamization
#3 Impact of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident on American in Vietnam
An attack by the North Vietnamese navy against the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964 prompted Congress to pass a resolution granting President Lyndon Johnson the power to commit U.S. military resources to the war in Vietnam.
View the Gulf of Tonkin documents HERE then respond to the questions:
Doc A - Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1. According to this document, what did the North Vietnamese do?
2. Why did the United States feel compelled to respond at this point?
Doc B - Memo from Bundy to President
3. What did Bundy suggest to the President?
4. What are the three reasons Bundy made this recommendation?
Doc C - Telegram Rusk to Lodge
5. How did Rusk feel about the South Vietnamese government's ability to fight the Communists? Include evidence from document C.
6. Why did Rusk think attaching the North Vietnamese was not a smart idea?
Doc D - LBJ Phone Conversation
7. What is the dilemma facing President Johnson?
#4 In your opinion, was the U.S. planning to go to war in Vietnam before August 1964? Explain using evidence from #3.
#5 Heroes and/or Villains at My Lai
1. Identify the diverse factors that contributed to the My Lai massacre
2. In what ways did the soldiers at My Lai actions violate the laws of war?
3. Why did the cover-up of this event fail?
4. Who should have been held accountable for events at My Lai?
5. How did newspapers respond to reports of the My Lai Massacre and the subsequent investigation and trial?
6. Based on their actions, would you consider William Calley and Hugh Thompson heroes, villains, or neither? Justify your answer for each man.
- Ultimately, why did the United States get involved in a war with North Vietnam?
- Why was the Vietnam War so controversial among Americans?
- Why did Americans lose trust in their government during this time period?
- How do you believe the Vietnam war should be remembered?
The End
Vietnam Veteran Resources
Veterans on Vietnam
The Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress has collected many oral histories with Vietnam veterans. These oral histories show the diversity of experiences among those who served.