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Week of October 14-18, 2024
Principal's Message
Ready for Quarter 2!
I hope the two-week break was fruitful for our Cubs. How did we do with my suggestions of being helpful with chores, reading, getting fresh air, and visiting family and friends? Modeling how to make a to-do list could be helpful for our children. How about a to-do list of getting ready for school each day. A steady routine helps us be prepared for success!
Parent Information
Aeries Data Confirmation
For the parents who did not update their Aeries parent portal, we will be calling you to ask the number in the household and the monthly income. This information leads to vital funding for our school! Thank you to those who took the time to complete this process when the school year began!
Halloween Fun Run - Oct. 31 INFO ( repeat )
1. Appropriate costumes do NOT include scary masks, blood, or weapons
2. Fundraising event, hoping to raise $3,000 for student activities.
3. Parents are encouraged to attend.
4. This year students will watch each other as they take turn parading through the decorated course.
5. We are in NEED of candy donations. Candy will be dispersed from decorated Trunk o' Treats! We're hoping for 10 creative parents to decorate their cars. Contact the front office! Thank you!
Veterans Among Us?
Our Veterans' Day Assembly is Friday, Nov. 8.
We invite any veterans within the Ansel Adams families to join us. Please call the office with your name, student name, and branch of service, including whether I can call you up on stage for a question or two. And.... Thank you for your service!
Student Recognition
Every Day Attendance Leads to Academic Success!
177 CUBS have perfect attendance in the first quarter!
211 CUBS have only 1 or 2 absences.
Way to go 388 CUBS!!!
Our goal for the 116 Cubs with 5 or more absences is to 2 or less this quarter!
( repeat ) Digital Citizenship Week ( Oct. 14-18 )
From car seats and seat belts, to parks and schools, from stranger danger to knowing their friends, parents make daily decisions on behalf of their children's safety. But if we don't monitor our children's use of the internet and social media, we are opening the door for anybody to have access to them! Please engage in Digital Citizenship Week, by using this link to optional resources and lessons designed to promote meaningful conversations about online behavior and digital citizenship.
Picture Re-Take ( Did you miss the first one!? )
Oct. 16
Red Ribbon Week "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free!"
Oct. 21: Our Future is Bright! - Wear neon or bright clothes
Oct. 22: Sock It To Drugs! - Crazy Sock Day
Oct. 23: Follow Your Dreams! - Pajama Day
Oct. 24: Team Up Against Drugs! - Wear your favorite sports shirt or jersey
Oct. 25: Proud to be Drug Free! - Wear RED!
Minimum Days
Oct. 23, Nov. 6
Ansel Spelling Bee
Oct. 25
Halloween Fun Run
Oct. 31 Parade/ Fun Run is from 10-10:45
Bingo for Books
Nov. 7 5:30-6:30
Veterans' Day
Holiday, Nov. 11
World Kindness Day
Nov. 13, wear shirts with positive messages or our Ansel Kindness shirts
Report Cards Go Home
Nov. 15