Plato Post
Informational Blog About Odyssey Programs

OIAIS Will Power Dance Troupe
Guest Post by Kristin Caraway
In November 2013, the United States of America sent a young troupe of actors from Odyssey Institute to the United Kingdom to perform on a London Stage. After going through the application process, this group of young actors and Shakespeare enthusiasts and their directors became the very first school from the United States ever to be invited to perform in the largest dramatic festival in the world!
Odyssey Will Power Troupe has represented our school, community, and country at five subsequent Festivals, with our unique interpretations of Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, The Winter's Tale, and in 2023, a reprise of a newly imagined Taming of the Shrew: the one that started it all for us in 2013! To this date, we are still the only United States school to be invited to perform in the Shakespeare Schools Festival!
On March 12th, 2025, we will board a plane once again to fly over the pond to perform Much Ado in '42, a twist on one of our previous favorites. This project as truly been a journey of fun and celebration for us all, and what better way than to light up the stage with a comedy set in London in 1942, which, although a time of a World War, was also a time of big band music and swing, and a “We Can Do It!” attitude.
We have updated our name now to Will Power Dance Troupe, as we combine Shakespeare's timeless words, stories, and themes with the elegance of dance. This allows us to create unique theatrical visions that truly set us apart on the London stage, earning us standing ovations and brilliant reviews from the London directors we have the privilege of working with. We believe that offering our scholars the chance to perform in the Shakespeare Schools Festival and here on our own stage gives them a powerful voice and helps them uncover amazing gifts and incredible opportunities they may otherwise never have realized.
Will Power Dance Troupe is directed by Kristin Caraway and Tabbatha Prewitt. We only rehearse on Fridays so scholars involved in other artistic and athletic endeavors during the week can participate. We perform in London at the Shakespeare Schools Festival every other year to allow scholars time for fundraising. If you have a heart for the arts (or a soul for Shakespeare), we welcome your support!
Much Ado in '42 debuts on the stateside stage this Thursday, March 6th, running through March 8th. Tickets are selling quickly, secure your seats to day at
High School to Add Online Classes for 25/26 - What to Know
Why Every Scholar Should Take an Online Class in High School
In today’s digital world, online learning is no longer just an option—it’s the new normal, especially in college. At The Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies, we believe that preparing scholars for success means equipping them with the skills they’ll need for higher education and beyond. One of the best ways to do that? Taking at least one online class during high school.
The Benefits of Online Learning:
Independence & Self-Discipline – Managing deadlines and coursework without a daily in-person class structure teaches scholars valuable skills they’ll need in college.
Time Management – Online courses require scholars to plan their schedules, balance responsibilities, and stay organized—essential habits for college success.
Flexibility for College & Work – An online class allows scholars to gain experience balancing coursework with work, internships, or even dual enrollment in college courses.
Same Rigor, Same Support
At Odyssey, we are committed to maintaining the same high academic standards in our online courses as we do in the classroom. Scholars will receive structured lessons, engaging coursework, and access to teacher support to ensure success. We also understand that online learning can be an adjustment, so we will have built-in support to assist struggling scholars along the way.
Taking an online class in high school is an investment in future success. Whether scholars are headed to college or the workforce, mastering digital learning now will set them up for a smoother transition.
Are you ready to take on the challenge? Explore our online course offerings and prepare for the future—because at Odyssey, we are always launching leaders!
WANT TO LEARN MORE? - Visit our Odyssey Global Academy Newsletter. And sign up for online or hybrid classes by completing this FORM. For more detailed information, contact Odyssey Administration at or make an appointment your school counselor.
IB Focus: Intercultural Understanding and Respect
What is Intercultural understanding in relation to IB?
One of the primary aims of the IB program is to encourage scholars to “create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” What is ‘intercultural understanding’? It is the ability to recognize, respect, and appreciate cultural differences and similarities. Culture can mean many things-family values, heritage, country of origin, language, symbols, even the town we are from. Scholars are able to grow in their intercultural understanding through dialogue with their peers. Scholars are offered debatable questions and are then able to share their ideas in a professional and courteous way.
Where can I see Intercultural understanding in my scholar’s classroom?
9th grade Biology, Ms. Rose-Scholars are currently studying the relationship between biological elements and the environment-ecological successions. The recent tragedy in Los Angeles due to wildfires provided the opportunity for scholars to explore the implications of wildfires-an example of secondary succession. Scholars researched the impact of wildfires on the environment and then engaged in a debate about the benefits and drawbacks of wildfires. Scholars had very strong opinions but were able to have a professional dialogue to share their ideas.
12th grade Language and Literature: Scholars are currently reading The Purple Hibiscus. Scholars develop a broader perspective of the human experience as they read a very personal, 1st person POV account of a young girl growing up in a wealthy but dysfunctional family in Nigeria. Scholars are able to explore what they think they know about Africa and specifically Nigeria, in order to challenge the single stories they may have of a place and a people. In reading Kambili's story, scholars discuss the universal struggles, pursuits, experiences, and insecurities that shape all humans as they come of age, regardless of their culture.
7th grade leadership considered the question: Is healthcare a right or a privilege and discussed why the UN added Good Health and Wellbeing as one of its Sustainable Development Goals. The scholars were assigned one or two injuries and traveled to countries (table stations) with various levels of healthcare to learn their treatment, prognosis, recovery plan, and likelihood to live if they received their injury in that country. The countries considered were Germany, USA, Somalia, South Africa, Haiti, and India.
Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world. The day was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy, a nonprofit charter school in the west valley of Phoenix, Arizona is kicking off their Empower Excellence Campaign this Giving Tuesday, December 3rd. Stay tuned for details regarding this opportunity to give.
Did you know that Odyssey maintains lower class sizes than their competitors?
It's true!
Odyssey committed on day one of inception that they would strive to maintain a 28:1 or lower student to teacher ratio in order to facilitate a positive and effective learning experience. As a charter school funded by the state of Arizona, Odyssey is funded (on average) $2,000 per scholar less than their district counterparts. Despite this discrepancy (which is base on charter schools not having the same access to facilities money, transportation reimbursement, and local bonds and overrides to cover budget shortfalls), Odyssey has core values they will never budge on within their control, and one of those is class size. Sometimes, based on schedules and leveling, we may have one or two children above the cap, but in comparison to local schools that can range from 30-45 kids in a classroom, most of our classrooms enjoy sizes of less than 28 with Kindergarten being less than 13 per class. This directly impacts personalized teachers instruction and fosters personal and academic growth.
To ensure these class sizes stay small, please consider a one time or monthly recurring donation using this link:
Did you know that Odyssey attracts and retains the best quality teachers?
We do!
At Odyssey, we do our best to ensure our scholars have access to amazing instruction, and, three years ago, we implemented a program aimed at not only retaining excellent teachers, but also raising the average teacher salary.
You may have heard about this program during school tours, coffee chats, and parent meetings. If you follow Ms. Jackson on @OIJRHIGH, you're likely already familiar with the process used and high standards teachers must be met. However, we are now sharing it more broadly because it is a cornerstone of our success.
Our initiative has led to the highest teacher retention rates and the highest average salaries our schools have ever seen. In April of 2024, 95% of the teachers who were issued contracts for the 2024-2025 school year signed their contracts. Additionally, it has contributed to the most significant academic growth our scholars and schools have experienced.
For the first time ever, all our schools received an A rating!
Teachers achieving at the high level of excellence receive a bonus and, after maintaining their level of excellence for three years, receive a permanent increase in their salary. They also become eligible to take on a position of leadership for additional money. Achieving this distinction is not easy—it requires countless hours of hard work, dedication, training, and coaching.
In the summer of 2023-2024, 98 of our 180 eligible teachers reached the highest level, and Odyssey paid out a total of $862,000 to teachers! The number of teachers achieving this distinction increased by 38 teachers from the previous year!
Odyssey teachers have demonstrated excellence both in and outside of their classrooms. Teachers who took on additional leadership roles such as leading teacher training, spearheading school safety initiatives, engaging in community outreach, and mentoring scholars both academically and behaviorally, have positively impacted the overall well-being of our school and our Odyssey families.
For years, parents have asked us what they can do to help retain great teachers. Previously, we didn’t have a way to contribute funds directly to teacher salaries, but now we do! Our program has helped Odyssey maintain its status as one of the most academically rigorous and well-rounded schools in Arizona. With longitudinal data supporting the program’s effectiveness, we are confident that it should remain a permanent part of the Odyssey way.
We can now say with certainty that funding this program directly results in increased teacher retention, which is closely linked to scholar success. We believe this program not only rewards our teachers for their dedication but also directly benefits our scholars by ensuring they have the best educators in their classrooms. If you would like to help keep this program going please consider a one time donation or a monthly recurring donation using this link:
The donation can be anonymous or we can let your scholar's teacher know you donated to their fund!
Did you know that Odyssey desires to expand extracurricular activities?
Let's do it!
One of the core values of Odyssey is helping to create well rounded scholars. There are multiple studies that re-affirm that the more extracurricular activities scholars are involved in, the happier they are and the more connected they feel to their school. Their self esteem also increases and the need to belong also increases: If you would like to help us keep these programs going please consider donating to the program of your choice:
Did you know that Odyssey gives a 3% raise when the State of AZ only gives 1.8%?
We do!
Teachers are the most important part of a school, and as you know, they have the most direct impact on student achievement. Attracting and developing the best teachers is a core value of the Odyssey organization, that is why it is built into the budget to honor the 3% raise, the teachers deserve it! If you would like to contribute to teacher raises please consider donating today!
Have you noticed Odyssey maintains a positive culture and learning environment?
High five!
Odyssey was founded and is run by former teachers who make it a priority every day to make sure teachers and scholars feel appreciated and respected. This is done through a myriad of programs, a variety of classes and a caring staff. Every staff member is trained in the language of Love and Logic and Responsive Classroom and is adept at dealing with scholars on their best days and their worst days. Scholars are noticed and recognized everyday for their hard work and dedication.
Did you know that state funding does not cover facilities for charter schools?
Odyssey has committed to safe and relevant facilities that grow alongside the scholars.
Charter schools do not receive any funding for facilities. School buildings are funded by different sources in the State of Arizona. One is the school facilities board who will fund the building of new schools should the population of the district boundaries warrant it. The School Facilities Board also helps district schools maintain the buildings with repair and replacement funds. Bonds can also be voted on and used on the building of new facilities, and the taxpayers fund the construction. Neither of these options are available to charter schools. Charter schools must go out to the private sector to secure funding for the building and maintenance of the schools, as you can imagine, it can be quite costly. If you would like to donate to help with the upkeep and improvement of new facilities please consider donating using this link;
Did you know.....
from attending Ivy League schools, to local state universities, to the military, to trade schools, Odyssey's graduates overwhelmingly say that they left prepared for whatever the world had to offer them. That's what it's all about!
The Odyssey cornerstones consist of providing excellent programs, quality teachers, top-notch facilities so that a spirit of curiosity and joy of learning can lead all scholars to their greatest potential. Please consider contributing to this important investment of our schools' mission by using this link:
Measuring What Matters: The True Measure of Success at Our K-12 School
Measuring What Matters: The True Measure of Success at Our K-12 School
At Odyssey Family of Schools, we believe that education is about more than just standardized tests. While we acknowledge that these assessments provide one snapshot of a scholar's progress at a specific moment, they do not define the entirety of our students' educational journeys. Instead, we focus on what truly matters: fostering well-rounded individuals through a rich and diverse curriculum.
In the next week to ten days, the state school letter grades will be released. We are proud to share that these grades will reflect the highest grades as a network we've ever achieved. However, we recognize that they only tell part of the story. We have never wavered on our commitment to not teach to the test, rather to teach scholars how to critically think and expect the test scores to follow.
Our commitment to holistic education is reflected in our robust foreign language programs, mandatory physical education, and fine arts classes. These essential components not only enhance academic learning but also nurture creativity, physical health, and cultural awareness among our scholars. As a result, our teacher retention rates are at an all-time high, indicating a supportive and engaging environment that cultivates passionate educators dedicated to their scholar's success. Our graduation rates are some of the highest in the state of Arizona and the amount of scholarship monies awarded every year continues to rise.
Our organization values the diverse cultures within our community, robust interventions and extensions that support all learners, and a myriad of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests and passions.
Ultimately, our goal is to produce well-rounded scholars who are prepared for the challenges of the future. By measuring what truly matters, we ensure that our students receive an education that equips them with the skills, knowledge, and character to thrive.
#Odysseyschools #grademeasurement #lifelonglearners
What's the Difference in Charter vs. Public and Private Schools?
What is a Charter School? How Are They Different in Arizona?
Curious about charter schools in Arizona? Here’s a quick, easy breakdown:
Publicly funded, tuition-free: Just like district schools, charter schools get state funding based on enrollment, but they never charge tuition.
Independently operated: Charter schools don’t follow some of the same rules traditional public schools do. This means more flexibility to design their own curriculum, hire staff, and manage budgets.
Charter approval process: To start a charter school, groups have to apply to the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools, detailing their mission and educational plans.
Accountability matters: While they have more freedom, charter schools must meet state standards, show academic progress, and undergo regular evaluations. They also get audited annually for financial transparency.
Open to everyone: No selective admissions here! Charter schools use a lottery system if more students apply than they have spots available.
Specialized options: Many Arizona charter schools focus on specific areas, like STEM, arts, or language immersion, giving families more tailored educational choices.
In short, Arizona’s charter schools offer a flexible, tuition-free alternative to traditional public schools, with an emphasis on innovation and accountability.
Stay tuned for more information about Odyssey's Charter vision when it began in 2011 and how it continues today.
If you have questions regarding Odyssey as an organization, please email
Why Odyssey Believes in the K-5 Model
At Odyssey, we believe that developmentally appropriate environments are key to creating the best possible learning experiences for our scholars. A K-5 campus allows us to tailor our academic and social-emotional programming specifically to the needs of elementary-age scholars. By focusing solely on these age groups, we can create a nurturing and safe environment where scholars can grow emotionally, academically, and socially without the pressures or influences of older peers in middle school.
One of the major benefits of this model is that it allows our younger scholars to remain emotionally younger a little longer. They are given the time and space to develop at their own pace, build friendships within their peer group, and navigate the world of elementary school without feeling the pressure to grow up too quickly. By providing them with this space, we help preserve the joy, curiosity, and wonder that naturally comes with childhood, which can sometimes be rushed in mixed-age environments.
Additionally, this model fosters unique opportunities for our 5th graders to step into leadership roles at an early age. Without the presence of older middle school students, our 5th graders take on important responsibilities within the school community, acting as role models and leaders for their younger peers. This experience not only builds their confidence but also helps them develop essential skills like communication, empathy, and problem-solving. These opportunities for leadership would be more limited if they were on a shared campus with older students.
In a K-5 environment, each grade level thrives in an age-appropriate atmosphere that caters to the distinct needs of growing minds. As educators, this allows us to focus on creating intentional learning experiences that prepare scholars for their next steps in education, while also ensuring that their elementary years are full of joy, discovery, and personal growth.
We are proud of the community we’ve built here at Odyssey and believe that our K-5 campus offers the best foundation for your child’s development. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education, and we are thrilled to partner with you on this journey.
Kindergarten Structure - The Intentionality of Beginning the Scholar's Odyssey
For our Kindergarten families, you may be wondering why we begin the year with a half-day program for the first semester. This structure is intentionally designed with both research and the well-being of our youngest scholars in mind. Starting with a half-day allows your child to gradually adjust to the rhythms and expectations of school in a way that feels manageable and nurturing. With class sizes of 13 or fewer, each child receives more individual attention, fostering strong connections with their teacher and classmates.
By easing into the school day, we can help reduce any feelings of overwhelm and give our scholars the space they need to develop confidence, curiosity, and a love for learning in this new environment. As we transition into the second semester, we introduce a modified full-day schedule to help prepare your child for the longer days and larger class sizes they will encounter in 1st grade. This gradual shift ensures that your child has ample time to build the stamina, focus, and social skills necessary for the longer days ahead while maintaining the nurturing environment of a smaller class size.
This thoughtful approach truly offers the best of both worlds—balancing the need for a gentle introduction to school with the preparation required for future academic success. It’s a decision rooted in research and our deep commitment to your child’s growth, development, and well-being.