Coole N.S Newsletter
September the 6th
Welcome Back
Welcome back
Welcome back to Coole School. I'm happy to report that all pupils and staff have settled in well to the new school year. We are off to a great start with lots of learning happening in the classrooms.
Have a read below to see what we have been up to and what we have planned.
School fees & Voluntary Contribution
Many thanks to those who have paid the school fees. If you have not yet done so please make the payment through Aladdin.
The Board of management is also very appreciative to those who have paid the voluntary contribution. If you are in a position to make this payment it will go towards the financial stability of the school.
It will allow us to invest in new resources across the curriculum. It will help us to pay bills when government funding falls short and generally enhance the experience of the pupils in Coole School.
Weekly Wow Assembly
We had our first weekly Wow Assembly today. The children received recognition for their efforts in the first full week back to school. This is is one area of focus in our school improvement plan which focuses on wellbeing.
Healthy Lunches
We have expressed interest to the department that we would like to join the hot school meals programme. In the meantime the healthy lunches policy applies. Please see the policy for ideas on what can be included in your child's lunchboxes. There is also a list of what should not be included.
The teachers have reported that the children's lunches are within the policy guidelines. This is good news and a credit to all the parents of Coole School.
Memory lane photography
Memory Lane will visit the school on the 11th of September to take photographs of the children in Junior infants and 6th class.
Lidl Farm Tour
The children of 4th class traveled to the Lidl Farm Tour experience yesterday. They had a wonderful day learning about how our food is produced and delivered to shops across the country.
They learned about food miles and how buying fresh and local is good for the environment.
Meath Film Festival success
We have some very successful graduates from Coole School. Our last 6th class entered into the Meath film festival and 2 of the entries have been chosen to be screened at the Solstice in Navan on Saturday the 14th of September. The films Brainrot and Irishvision were selected for screening. as part of the under 13, 60 second film programme. Well done to all involved.
The children in the senior classes 3rd to 6th class are participating in Playball for 5 weeks. This is a multisport and movement programme. This programme will complement our PE lessons. The junior classes will participate in the programme from the 11th of October for 5 weeks.
Music Genereation
We are delighted that music generation will return to Coole School next week. Josephine will lead 4th 5th and 6th class in ukulele lessons. 5th and 6th class have been playing for a year now and will have an opportunity to further develop their skills. 4th class are new to the lessons and we're sure they will enjoy the opportunity to learn how to play the ukulele.
Cumann na mBunscoil
The Gaelic Cumann na mBunscoil competition kicks off next week with the boys team playing against Kilbride on Tuesday the 17th and the girls team will play Dangan on Thursday the 12th. We wish both teams the best of luck in their first match.
Mass to celebrate the start of a new school year
The staff and children will attend Mass on Thursday the 19th of September in Coole church to celebrate the start of a new school year.