Forest Knolls Mustang Message
February 23, 2025
Dr. Taylor-Cox, Principal
Forest Knolls Elementary School
This Week's Mustang Message Includes:
Message from Dr. Taylor-Cox
Literacy Spirit Week
Kindergarten Registration
Testing Updates from Ms. Stump
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Forum
Sustainability Poster Contest
Family Resources
Message from our Forest Knolls PTA
Important Dates
Message from Dr. Taylor-Cox
Literacy Spirit Week
Celebrate Literacy Spirit Week at Forest Knolls! Show Your Reading Spirit Starting March 3rd, 2025! We have a fun-filled week planned for students and families, including Outdoor Reading Night and our annual Vocabulary Parade.
Kindergarten Registration
Online registration for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, Feb. 3. Children who will be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2025 are eligible to register. Registration will be online through the ParentVUE portal. If your family is new to MCPS, you will need to create a ParentVue account here. For more information about eligibility and the registration process, visit the MCPS Kindergarten Enrollment webpage or contact your local elementary school.
Testing Updates from Ms. Stump:
Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA); Grade 5 only
Fifth grade students will take MISA the first week in March. Here is the specific testing schedule that went home on February 13th. MISA is aligned to the Maryland Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS integrates three dimensions necessary to understand science. The dimensions are the Science and Engineering Practices, the Crosscutting Concepts, and the Disciplinary Core Ideas. Click here for more information about this assessment.
Do you want to know what taking the MISA portion of the MCAP assessment is like? Practice tests for each grade level of the assessment are available here for you to familiarize yourself with the kinds of items and format used for the MISA MCAP assessment.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Forum
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services and Montgomery Goes Purple, will host a family forum on mental health and substance use prevention to provide expertise and resources to students, staff, and families regarding the dangers of substance use. Attendees will learn about the dangers of fentanyl, alcohol, and other substances; information to keep students safe; school and community-based substance use prevention, harm reduction and treatment initiatives and what insurance is required to cover. Workshop topics will include: starting conversations on
substance use; accessing treatment; resources and insurance coverage and non-opioid pain management options. School-based mental health providers will have the opportunity to gain information on how to support students and families with substance use prevention programming. This event will also include Narcan training and distribution, and a resource fair. The MCPS Mental Health website will have more specific details.
Saturday, March 1, 2025, from 8:00 a.m.–noon: The Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention Family Forum will take place at Gaithersburg High School, 101 Education Blvd, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877.
Sustainability Poster Contest
The focus of this annual contest is to increase awareness and demonstrate your school’s commitment to environmental sustainability and sustainable actions related to energy conservation, waste reduction, and responsible recycling.
All art must be a student or staff member's original work and not contain copyrighted elements. Posters should be no smaller than 8.5 inches by 11 inches and must not exceed 18 inches by 24 inches in size.
Please submit posters to DSC, 45 W. Gude Drive, Suite 4000, Rockville, by Friday, April 4, 2025. For more information, email or call 240-740-3210.
More information: Contest Flyer
To enter, complete the Contest Entry Form
Read about Contest Guidelines
Family Resources
Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with questions, needs, or ideas at 240-740-4620 (office), 240-550-3254 (cell), veronica_gonzalez@mcpsmd.org (email).
Message from our Forest Knolls PTA
Join the FKES PTA for our Black History Month Celebration this Thursday, February 27 at 6:30 PM. Learn about and honor famous black scientists and participate in hands-on science experiments. Food and drink available for everyone! See flyer for details.
This Friday, February 28, join us at Zavazone for a day of play. Its an MCPS early release day and FKES will get 30% of the proceeds from Zavazone between 2 and 8 PM for any tickets purchased in person when you mention us.
Important Dates
February is Black & African American Heritage Month
February 27 Classic Yearbook Groups & Candids
February 27 Celebrate Diversity: Black & African American Heritage 6:30
February 28 Early Dismissal 12:55
February 28 PTA Play Day at Zavazone 2:00-8:00
March 3 Marking Period 3 Interims available in Synergy
March 3-7 Literacy Spirit Week
March 4 Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) Grade 5 only
March 4 PTA Meeting 7:00 Advanced Band and Orchestra Performance at 6:40
March 6 Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) Grade 5 only
March 6 Outdoor Family Reading Night 4:30-6:30
March 7 Vocabulary Parade 9:30
March 7 Marking Period 3 Interims Distributed via USPS