Welcome Back Shuey Families!
Newsletter for August and September
Dear Shuey Families,
Welcome Back to another school year. I hope the Summer has been one filled with quality time and wonderful memories for our families. Shuey is a thriving educational community that values inclusivity and is dedicated to the success of every student. I am honored to be able to serve our community for another year.
The Shuey Staff believes in creating a nurturing environment where all students will excel academically, socially, and emotionally. Leader in Me, a core program we embrace, creates a culture of trust and engagement. It empowers students to demonstrate leadership in their own lives and make a positive difference with others. Through this program, students are provided with valuable tools and skills to better achieve their goals, fostering personal growth and a sense of responsibility.
Shuey has received the highest recognition, from the California Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Coalition for their implementation of the core features of PBIS. Staff and teachers work together to monitor and counsel students as specific behaviors are recognized. Our school-wide expectations include: Respect Yourself, Others, and the Environment. By following these expectations, students earn Respect Tickets and are able to shop at our Sharks-R-Us Store and participate in trimester events.
Open communication and collaboration are at the heart of our school's approach. We will work together to empower all students to reach their full potential and cultivate a community where every student is valued and supported. Our school-home partnership will be the key to student success. With that said, we hope to see more families on campus, during the school year, to volunteer and participate in PTA activities.
Please remember to join us on August 16, from 8:30am-1:00pm for our Welcome Back Fair. 📚✏️🏫. From 8:15-8:30am, TK-K students will be greeted by John Rivera and me for a brief tour of the cafeteria. TK and Kinder parents will be escorted to the grass area behind the office where they will meet the teachers after the tour.
Please feel free to reach out to me as needed. I am always here for you and our community.
-Dr. Boeve
Leader in Me: Gotta Learn em' All - The 8 Habits
Being a "Leader in Me" school means your school follows the principles outlined in Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." This program focuses on developing leadership and life skills in students. For the months of August and September we will be focusing on Habit 1, Be Proactive.
Be Proactive Teach: Emphasize taking responsibility for actions and behaviors, focusing on what can be controlled.
- Practice: Encourage your child to set personal goals and take initiative in his/her learning. Role-play scenarios where they can practice proactive behavior.
Shuey is recognized, by the the state of California, as a Platinum PBIS Model School for the implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS). PBIS is an evidence-based, three-tiered prevention framework that integrates data, systems, and practices that impacts student outcomes. This recognition demonstrates Shuey's commitment to positive outcomes for all students and helps us celebrate all efforts made to enhance school climate, acknowledge appropriate behavior, and use data to identify the needed supports for students and teachers.
Shuey Bell Schedule
Lunch Menu for August and September
Important Dates and Events
Important Dates for August and September 🦈
Looking Ahead... 👀
August 16: Back to School Fair and
August 16 -September 6: PTA Membership Drive
August 26: 6th Grade Begins School-wide Jobs
August 23-September 6: Students, Teachers and Staff participate in the 2024-2025 PBIS Launch/Teaching Walk
August 29: 5:30-7:00 pm Back to School Night
August 30: Pupil Free Day/Professional Development for Staff
September 2: School Holiday- Labor Day
September 4: 9:30 am Late Start
September 5: 7:30 pm Board Meeting (Regular Session)
September 6: Due Teacher/Class Mission Statement
September 9: PBIS/Habits Expectation Assemblies, MPR
8:30 am 1st/2nd Grades
9:00-9:25 am 3rd/4th Grades
9:30-9:55 am 5th/6th Grades
SLT Application Distributed
September 18:
9:30 am Late Start
9:30-9:45 am: Student of the Month Assembly (1st-6th), Black Top
September 19: 6:30 pm Board Meeting (Study Session)
September 20: DUE SLT 4th-6th Application
September 27: SLT Acknowledgement/Interview Letter
September 30: Bubble Run Kickoff Assembly, TBD
October 4: SLT 4th-6th Interviews
The Shuey PTA helps build a sense of community among parents, teachers, and students. The PTA organizes social events, family-oriented activities, and collaborative projects that bring people together. This sense of community fosters a supportive network, promotes school spirit, and strengthens the overall school culture. Visit the Shuey PTA Website for more information.
President: Ray Castillo
VP Programs: Nina Tran
VP Fundraising: Chris Yu
VP Room Rep: Lisa Bui
VP Membership: Humpty Calderon
Recording Secretary: My Lam
Corresponding Secretary: Rocio Jimenez
Treasurer: Elaine Luong-Huynh
Historian: Jessica Jaramillo
Auditor: Open
Book Fair Chair: Kathy McClellan
Teacher Representative: Annmarie Phillips
Principal/Advisor: Debra Boeve
Resources for Families
Reminders - Help us Keep our Students Safe 🦺
Drop-off and Pick-up Safety. Please Be Mindful and Safe
On school days there is No Parking in front of the school; the area designated as a Passenger Loading and Unloading Zone from 7:00-9:00am and 12:00-3:00pm. Please continue to be mindful of this to avoid being cited by law enforcement.
- To ensure your child's safety please do not double park (or stop anywhere in the street) or ask your student to cross the parking lot or walk between cars to get to you. THIS IS NOT SAFE.
- PLEASE use the designated crosswalk in front of the school where our crossing guard is on duty. Often, we see families jaywalking, and stopping traffic on Wells Avenue, which is illegal, obstructs motion traffic, and is not safe. Please take a couple of extra minutes to use the crosswalk.
- PLEASE be courteous do not block our neighbors' driveways. Again, please take the extra time to park and walk.
Why Daily Attendance Matters:
- Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
Please remember to call our front office at 626.287.5221 to report your child's absence.