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Glacier Ridge Gazette
August 18, 2023
![Glacier Ridge Gazette August 18, 2023](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/e3fa/thumb-16a65657d748c9c469b2f26133b7b0bd.png)
August 23, 2024
Principal Message
If your kids are like mine, they never want to talk about school. They are in middle and high school now, but this was true even when they were in elementary school. I would ask the typical dad questions:
Me: “How was school?”
Them: ‘Fine’
Me: “What did you do?”
Them: ‘Nothing.’
Me: “You didn’t do anything? Did you learn anything?”
Them: ‘Nope!’
Sound familiar?
We want school to be fun and engaging for students, but it certainly isn’t as enthralling as playing minecraft. So, it is often a non-preferred topic for children to discuss. Therefore, talking about it can often feel tortuous and unenjoyable for them. But as parents, we want to be involved in one of their most important parts of their life. However, forcing them can turn into a frustrating experience for parents, which restricts the purpose even further.
What to ask about:
You have to look for some entry points. Typically, what is the most enjoyable part of school? Lunch and recess. Those activities can be either really joyful or really stressful. It is important to know what your child thinks about them so you can support them. Friends and social dynamics are also really important at school. Learning about who they are playing with at recess and who they are connecting within the classroom helps you understand their connections within the classroom and school community. You can also use your teacher’s communication to guide your questions. Some teachers provide activities they do in class or even questions to directly ask your child about the learning and activities they did that week.
Ask questions the right way:
Don’t ask closed questions that can limit their response. If the question can be a one-word answer, they will typically only give you one word. Keep the questions open-ended that can’t be answered with yes or no or good or bad. Starting with an entry phrase rather than a what helps ease into the conversation. Tell me about….is a great way to start any question.
Sample questions:
You may want to change up your questions or your routine. Some students like routine and structure so they know what questions to think about for your nightly discussion. However, some students get bored with the same monotonous questions. Below are some great sample questions for both routine and spontaneous questions.
Talking about your child’s life is important, whether about school or other topics. Using these strategies can help in all aspects of your child’s life. Sometimes you can’t always rely on the school or teacher to provide information on how and what to talk about with your child. Try these strategies this weekend to set the routine for the year.
Happy talking,
Pete Kurty, Ed. D
Tiger Trot Save the Date: Friday, September 20
Get geared up for our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year, Tiger Trot!
We will kick off our online fundraiser utilizing Pledgestar soon and collect donations through the day of Tiger Trot on Friday, September 20th with a school-wide goal of raising $18,000!!! The funds raised go towards school events, classroom enrichment activities, supplies/books for classrooms, and staff appreciation to name a few things.
SEEKING TIGER TROT SPONSORS: To ensure every dollar donated from our GRE families goes directly back to supporting Glacier Ridge, we are seeking (10) $250 sponsors to cover the online processing fees, prizes, and event supplies. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact us at glacierridgepto@gmail.com today!
Tiger Trot T-Shirts!
Free T-Shirt for Tiger Trot on Sept 20 - We need your child’s size!
Tiger Trot T-Shirt Order (all families): All students will receive a shirt at our Tiger Trot event in September. We need to know your child’s t-shirt size in order for them to receive a free t-shirt on the day of Tiger Trot.
Save the Date! Redistricting Webinar on August 27
As part of the planning for Bishop Elementary, Dublin City Schools needs to redistrict school boundaries. Redistricting will focus on incorporating the new school, balancing existing student populations, and accommodating future enrollment growth. Our school is one of eight that may be impacted by this redistricting. As such, parents are invited to join an upcoming public information webinar hosted by Cropper GIS, the third-party expert guiding the process for Dublin City Schools. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, August 27 at 7 PM via Zoom. During the session, Cropper GIS will walk you through their process and timeline for redistricting and explain how your input can help shape their work. The link to join the webinar will be shared in next week’s e-newsletter. It will also be posted on the district's redistricting webpage the day of the event. We hope to see you there.
Parent Information Night - Aug. 28
What is that? It is an evening for parents/guardians to learn more about what goes on in your child’s classroom. Teachers will talk about routines, procedures, and important information that establishes a strong home-school connection to support your child.
This event is for parents/guardians ONLY. Students should remain at home. We do not have the space for children to attend. Thanks for understanding.
Below is the schedule: Please attend your child’s scheduled time.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Wednesday, August 28th in classrooms
1st @ 4:30 - 5:00
4th @ 5:00 - 5:30
2nd (classrooms) & Gifted (in the library) @ 5:30 - 6:00
5th @ 6:00 - 6:30
Kindergarten @ 6:30 - 7:00
3rd @ 7:00 - 7:30
Attendance and transportation notifications:
To notify the attendance office of an absence or change transportation for your child, please email gres_attendance@dublinschools.net and cc the teacher.
Written notification is required and must be for a district recognized reason to excuse an absence. Please see the student handbook attendance section (pg 23) for reference.
All transportation changes are needed by 3 pm. Please note, if we do not receive written communication, your child will be dismissed as we have on file.
If you are unable to email, please send a note with your student to give to the teacher as soon as they arrive.
Extra Lunch for 5th Graders
Starting after Labor Day, 5th-grade students will have the opportunity to purchase a second lunch. A second lunch costs $2.30. This is only offered where there are extra lunches available. Please talk to your child if you do not want them to purchase a second lunch.
5th Graders Interested in Strings Class
It's almost time - 5th grade strings classes will be starting soon! If you are interested in joining and have not yet registered, please take a moment to fill out the online registration form to make it official. :)
Interactive: Explore the Orchestra - https://tinyurl.com/OrchExplore
Dublin Orchestra: Getting Started - https://tinyurl.com/OrchStart
If you would like to learn more before registering, attend the Fall Open House -Tuesday, September 3rd , at Davis Middle School - stop in any time from 5-6:30pm to try out the instrument options and talk with representatives from local rental stores to learn about renting an instrument.
2024-2025 5th Grade Strings Schedule
Scottish Corners & Glacier Ridge students will meet on Mondays & Wednesdays.
Indian Run & Wyandot students will meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
All strings classes are from 8:28-9:08am, before the normal elementary day, so students will not miss any classes at their home school. Transportation is available from home and district latchkey locations. If you have any questions regarding the 5th grade strings program or registration, please don't hesitate to contact the Strings Teacher at your future Middle School.
Karrer - Mr. Hawley - hawley_matthew@dublinschools.net
Eversole Run - Mr. Twu - twu_amadeus@dublinschools.net
Grizzell - Ms. Liddle - liddle_kathryn@dublinschools.net
Sells - Ms. Hanson - hanson_stephanie@dublinschools.net
Davis - Mr. Brosius - brosius_mike@dublinschools.net
Let Me Run – Fall Season 2024
Registration opening soon for 4th and 5th grade boys at Glacier Ridge Elementary
Let Me Run is a nonprofit wellness program that inspires boys to be themselves, be active, and belong. With a comprehensive curriculum that applies the power of running, the program encourages boys to develop their psychological, emotional and social health, in addition to their physical health. Twice a week for seven weeks, two trained volunteer coaches lead the boys through practice. Designed to amplify confidence, self-expression, and respect for others, each practice includes a lesson from the Let Me Run curriculum that incorporates running, games and activities. Each fall and spring season culminates in a 5k race festival that celebrates the boys’ personal growth.
The Let Me Run team at Glacier Ridge is preparing for the upcoming Fall 2024 season. The previous Spring season at Glacier Ridge was a huge success. We placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in our age group at the Spring 5K run. All our Glacier Ridge boys finished the 5k full of enthusiasm, pride and with lots of smiles. We will be running the program at Glacier Ridge again this Fall season for 4th and 5th grade boys.
Our first run of the new season will be on Tuesday September 24th. We will be running twice a week after school on every Tuesday and Friday, with each session finishing at 5:15. The Fall season will finish 7 weeks later with our “End of the season 5K” on Saturday November 9th.
Online registration for the Fall season will open at 8am, August 26th. Visit LetMeRun.org to register. For more information contact Alan Roberts
Measures of Academic Progress (M.A.P.) Growth Assessments
Having the right data is a key component of individualizing instruction for each child in the Dublin City School District. The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP Growth) assessments give us the ability to measure student achievement and academic growth, independent of grade, across time. MAP Growth data is one piece of the puzzle when understanding individual strengths and areas for growth for each student. MAP Growth Assessments will be completed in grades 1-5 over the next month as part of the fall baseline assessments. As part of parent/teacher conferences in October, your child's teacher will share with you what they have learned about your child as a reader, writer and mathematician based upon all of the evidence they have gathered about your child since the start of the school year. MAP assessments are just one piece of the evidence.
Reading Fluency Dyslexia Screener
Over the next few weeks, students will be administered a variety of short reading screeners, which target foundational reading skills. These short screeners will be completed in class during the regular school day and will take about 15 minutes to complete for each child. These assessments can identify when students' performance demonstrates possible risk factors for dyslexia or other reading difficulties. It is NOT meant to diagnose dyslexia or other reading difficulties. We will use these results to better understand your child's individual needs and to help them progress as readers. Results from the assessments will be shared with families in October.
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Background Check
SECURE VOLUNTEER BADGE - Dublin City Schools takes the safety of our students and staff seriously and requires a background check for all volunteers interacting with students. In order to attend field trips or volunteer in the classroom, you much go through the background check process. The process is free and easy and takes only a few minutes to complete. This is required for any parents or caregivers wishing to volunteer with students.
Morning Tiger Student Announcements
Would you like to start your day saying “Hello!” to everyone at Glacier Ridge in the morning? Are you in 2nd thru 5th grade? Then sign up to read the morning announcements! If you would like to find out more about this opportunity and sign up to be a Tiger Student Announcer then go to this link via SignUp Genius: Morning Tiger Student Announcements
Students can sign up only 1 time per week.
Glacier Ridge Student Greeter Team
Glacier Ridge Elementary believes in creating a caring and comfortable environment for it's community of learners. This begins as students enter the front doors of the school in the morning. Sign up your child to be a greeter. Students gain confidence, become leaders, and learn how to present themselves in a positive way.
Click on this link to find out more specific information.
Upcoming GRE Events
August 27-Redistricting Webinar
August 28- Parent Information Night
- 1st @ 4:30 - 5:00
4th @ 5:00 - 5:30
2nd (classrooms) & Gifted (in the library) @ 5:30 - 6:00
5th @ 6:00 - 6:30
Kindergarten @ 6:30 - 7:00
3rd @ 7:00 - 7:30
September 2nd -Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
September 20th- Tiger Trot
September 27th- PTO sponsored Fall Festival @ Leeds Farm
Annual Update Reminder
If you have not yet completed the annual update for your student, please complete this process as soon as possible. Items that can be confirmed or changed as part of the Annual Update include street address, phone number, email, and emergency contacts. The information gathered as part of the Annual Update supports the efficient operation of our district and is critical regarding our ability to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency.
Labor Day
As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, September 2 is recognition of the Labor Day holiday.
After School Activities
Looking for fun, after school activities for your child? New this year, we have a dedicated space on our website to provide families information about activities provided by local organizations in our schools. Most classes start the week after Labor Day so check it out and register your child now: After School Activities
From the City of Dublin
ESC Multicultural CommUNITY Resource Fair
The ESC of Central Ohio is hosting the second Multicultural CommUNITY Resource Fair on October 8 at The Ohio History Center, and it is FREE for anyone to join! This event aims to connect community resources, organizations, and school districts for the benefit of multicultural individuals and diverse student populations in Ohio with 50 + community partners and vendors. Our mission is to connect school districts, families and students to community resources in order to better support and serve the diverse student population. Check out the flier here.
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at gres_attendance@dublinschools.net.
Glacier Ridge Elementary
Email: glacierridge_info@dublinschools.net
Website: https://glacier.dublinschools.net/
Location: 7175 Glacier Ridge Boulevard, Dublin, OH, USA
Phone: 614.733.0012
Twitter: @greDCSD