Elkhorn Middle School Newsletter
September 2024

Message from the Principal
Thank you to all the families who were able to attend conferences. 65% of our student population was represented. Our community is better because of these connections! Thank you for taking the time.
In our return to school after the fall break, staff again reviewed with our students the expectations that Antlers are Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Trustworthy and Proud. Ask your student about the Antler Essentials or the Antler Way.
Perhaps they received an Antler Pride ticket for their positive choices at school. We are always looking for reasons to recognize the good things students do each day at EMS!
Ms. Allgood
PTO/Booster Club News
- THANK YOU for your donations for the Parent-Teacher Conference Meal and participating in our raffle! We raised $448 from the raffle that will help fund student incentives, clubs, and supporting staff!
- October meeting: Monday, October 21st at 7 pm in EMS Conference Room
- Sign up to be on the Booster Club email list so you don't miss anything: https://forms.gle/jHdb2CCEsCsYQc69A
- Keep TAGGing (https://tagg.today/) to help raise funds (our goal is $400!) - upload receipts from local businesses you visit & they will donate to our school! You can find a list of participating businesses on their website.
- Follow us on Facebook @elkhornmiddleboosterclub
- September Meeting Minutes: https://tinyurl.com/2nkc29mj
Concession Stands:
- Sign up HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4EABA722AAFD0-50440367-2024
- We need volunteers to help with concession stands for Boy's Basketball and Girls Wrestling!
- Easy to follow instructions & fun for kids of all ages to help!
- Time commitment is generally 3:45 pm - 6 pm (if you can only do part of the time and want to volunteer, please reach out to us!)
A Note from the Nurse
Health Screens
The State of Nebraska requires that all 7th grade students as well as students new to the district be screened for height, weight, vision, hearing, and dental health. Parent volunteers are welcome and appreciated! The screening at Elkhorn Middle School will be on Tuesday, October 29th from 8:30-10:45 am . (Volunteers please arrive at 8:15 am to sign in and receive instruction.)
Here is the Sign-up Genius link:
Here is a link if you have further questions about health screens:
Nebraska School Health Screening FAQs
⁓Students with Asthma, Severe Allergies, Diabetes, and/or Seizures⁓
If your child has asthma, severe allergies, diabetes, and/or seizures, and you have not yet done so, please submit an Action Plan signed by your physician. Plans must be updated annually. If you believe your student is capable of managing their own inhaler or epi pen while at school, here is the link for the Self-management Of Asthma and Severe Allergy (Anaphylaxis) at School Consent/release form.
⁓Medication Policy⁓
If your student requires any medication (over-the-counter and/or prescription) while at school, each medication must have a Medication Authorization Form signed by the parent and a physician before we can administer. All medications must be unexpired and provided in the original packaging and/or pharmacy container. For prescription medications, please only provide a maximum of 30 day supply at a time. All medication must be dropped off in the office by a parent or guardian. Please do not send any medications with your student.
⁓Sick Child Policy⁓
Just a reminder to monitor your child for symptoms of illness and to keep them home if they have any of the following: fever >100.0, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, head lice, eye infection. Students must be free of these conditions for 24 hours before returning to school.
Happy Fall!
Andrea Daniels, RN - adaniels@epsne.org
Vocal Music Concert Update
The vocal music concert schedule for November 5 will be held on October 29 in order to avoid any election day conflicts.
Band News
Music Polos
All music students need a polo for their concerts. The first round of music polo orders will arrive soon at Elkhorn Middle School. These will be distributed to students to bring home.
If you missed the first round of orders, here is a new site that will be open until October 13th:
November 12th Concert
The first band concert for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will take place on Tuesday, November 12th, in the EMS gym at 6:30 PM. All students should arrive at 6:00 PM for warm-ups. Required concert attire includes black pants, black shoes and socks, and the EMS music polo (tucked in). Please contact Mr. Norris with any financial concerns relating to the concert attire.
Jazz Bands
Jazz 1 will begin rehearsals on Tuesday, October 15th at 7 AM in the band room. Students should enter on the west side of EMS through door 2. Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early so that we can start promptly. Rehearsals will take place on every Tuesday and Thursday, beginning at 7 AM unless there is no school.
Jazz 2 will begin rehearsals on Monday, November 18th from 3:30-4:15 PM in the band room. Rehearsals will take place on every Monday after school, and every Wednesday before school starting at 7 AM. unless there is no school. On Wednesday mornings, students should enter on the west side of EMS through door 2. Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early so that we can start promptly.
Mr. Norris
Athletics Information
Girls Wrestling
Informational Meeting: Tuesday Oct 15th from 3:30pm until 3:50pm.
Practice begins Oct 21st.
School Counselor Notes
Once again, Elkhorn Middle School is honored to be a part of Womenade’s Celebration of Giving Project.
This is a program designed for families in need to receive assistance for the holidays.
To participate in the program, parents must fill out a Family Information Request Form (the link is provided at the end of this email).
Please be assured that all participant names are kept confidential~ only the representatives from Womenade have access to the names of the families participating in the program.
Womeande is asking that ALL applications be submitted by the end of the workday on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Since we are expecting higher than normal numbers, we are unable to accept late entires. The google form will be turned off by the end of the day Wednesday, October 23rd
Student Council
Congratulations to the newly elected EMS Student Council members for this school year!
Yearbook 2025
Retake Picture Day
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
ENJOY 10% OFF your order!
CODE: F202410OFF
EXPIRES: July 31, 2025
Don’t forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Senior Citizen Passes
Per EPS Board Policy 1006.07, District residents aged 65+ are eligible for a free activity pass which admits the holder to District-sponsored events and activities. Passes can be picked up at the EPS Central Office at 20650 Glenn St. during normal business hours. Individuals must provide a valid driver's license showing a current address of residence with EPS boundaries to receive a pass.
EPS Text Messaging
EPS utilizes text messaging to communicate with families to ensure timely communication of important information, including inclement weather and bus delay announcements. As part of this process, EPS families interested in receiving text messages must opt-in by texting “Yes” to 67587. Doing so will provide the permission we are required to secure in order to send text messages to your mobile device. Once you have sent “Yes” to 67587, you will receive a text confirming your participation.
Now Hiring
Are you interested in driving EPS athletics and activities participants to their events? Please contact Ryan Lindquist at rlindquist@epsne.org for additional information, including training requirements.
Tech Tip: Modeling Expectations
Modeling a healthy relationship with technology is one of the best ways to ensure youth have healthy tech relationships too. Muting notifications and creating device-free zones at home is a great starting point!
Upcoming District Events
ENHS Fall Craft Fair -- Saturday, November 23, 2024, from 9:00 - 3:00 at Elkhorn North High School. Click here to view additional details.
EMS Daily Bulletin
You can access the Elkhorn Middle School daily bulletin board. Just head to our website and click on the red pin to see all the fun things happening at EMS daily.
Contact Information Updates
Send changes to contact information to ems@epsne.org
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The approved 2024-2025 academic calendar can be viewed here.
3200 North 207th Plaza, Elkhorn, NE 68022
Fax: 402-289-1639