Henry Hawk News
Week of April 27, 2020
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Thank you/Gracias Ms. Figueroa!
Principal's Message
We have completed our 2nd official week of Remote Learning. Thank you to all of the families and teachers for meeting together virtually for our 3rd Quarter Parent Teacher Conferences. We know that this was very different from what we are use to, but we hope you still found it productive.
That being said...you may be wondering how the 3rd Quarter Awards Assembly will take place. Currently we are working on a virtual recognition for our students. Due to the pandemic, we will not be distributing medals at this time. However, we will be sure to have them available once restrictions are lifted. Further information will be provided to our awardees by Friday, May 1st.
I also want to thank those families who attended our first virtual Henry Hawk Town Hall meeting last Monday. Here are the questions asked and our answers.
1. 8th Grade students, how will parents get funds for items they already paid for? i.e, trip, luncheon, other fees
Trip and luncheon will be reimbursed. Reimbursements can be picked up once CPS notifies us that it is safe to do so. Ms. Abraham is working with CPS vendor to discuss return policy of cap/gown.
2. 8th grade students, what will be done with the money that was raised for their trip?
We will follow CPS guidelines. Based on guidelines, the LSC will have to approve any allowed recommendations.
3. 8th grade students, can the school plan a virtual graduation ceremony?
We will have some form of celebration based on guidance from CPS.
4. Is the current online school plan extended through end of year, or should we expect changes?
Some adjustments may be made by teachers based on learning the different ways to communicate with families and what works best for the families they are directly working with. As the district guidelines evolve we will adjustments as well.
5. Computers - has it it been determined by CPS if the parent will be responsible for full replacement of a Chromebook or the value of if?
Students are to do their best to take care of the Chromebooks. Parents will not be responsible for replacement or value.
6. Will meal distribution continue on the same schedule?
The distribution schedule will continue as scheduled until June 18th until further notice. The only other exceptions will be on holidays but we will confirm as the dates confirm.
7. Will 4th quarter be graded or a pass/fail?
We are waiting for guidance from CPS regarding grading for 4th quarter. Once we are notified of the grading guidelines, we will communicate it through our Henry Hawk News, website, Facebook, and robocalls as well as teachers will communicate it to families.
8. Has CPS come up with the plan to adjust next year's curriculum to account for the school closure?
The Governor and ISBE superintendent did mention they are planning on making some adjustments to account for the curriculum gaps for students.
9. Will there be summer school and programming onsite?
As of this time, there are no in-person classes through June 18th. We are awaiting guidance from the Governor as well as CPS regarding any summer school programming.
10. Can we plant the school garden?
Once guidance is updated after April 30th, we will create a plan with Mr. Tomsheck to begin planting for this Spring.
11. How can parents help?
Help us communicate with other parents that have limited access to technology beyond cell phones.
Be sure to communicate with your child’s teacher.
Support your child’s learning.
Know that we are all in this together and at different technology levels. We are all learning daily on how to efficiently conduct remote learning.
If you are not getting our Henry Hawk News, please send us your email.
12. Will there still be NWEA Testing this school year?
- NWEA testing has been canceled this school year.
Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions.
Have a great week and remember, "Everything is Possible, Nothing is Unimaginable".
-Stay Well
Principal Gutierrez
Kindergarten Room 116: Noah's Underwater Art Project
2nd Grade Room 108 Habitat Project
Jonathan S. Rainforest Habitat
Katie O. Ocean Habitat
Lily J. Ocean Habitat
Kindergarten Room 112 Human Organs Project
Teacher Appreciation Week May 4th-May 8th
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4th-8th, and we need your help!
Use a poster board, or notebook paper to create a message for your teacher.
Possible ideas are:
1. My teacher is great because
2. What I appreciate about my teacher is
3. I want to thank my teacher for
Then, take a picture of yourself with your message and make sure we can see your smiling face, as well as your thoughtful message. Email your picture to Ms. Reynolds at mamunozmaciel@cps.edu and it will go into a video to be shared with all teachers. Pictures are due by Friday, May 1st.
Henry Office Hours
Chromebook Waitlist
Currently we have a Chromebook waitlist for students still in need of technology at home. Please call the office Monday through Friday between 9:00 am - 1:00 pm to get on the waitlist if you currently do not have a Chromebook for your child and are in need of one.
GoCPS (High School Application Process)
GoCPS Reminders and New Updates
Many students have asked what happens if they accept an offer from the first round, can they apply during the second round?
If a student accepts a first-round offer and receives a second-round offer, they will automatically lose the first-round offer they accepted. They will not have an opportunity to choose between the two offers.
Therefore, students should only apply to programs in the second round that they want more than the first-round offer they accepted.
Questions: Please reach out to our counselor, Mrs. Patricia Curry at pcurry@cps.edu
Food Distribution
Henry School will continue being a food distribution site for our community.
Please see the list of other sites across the city in the link below.
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Main Door #2 on St. Louis Ave.
If you are unable to pick up food from your child's school, you can fill out the home delivery form here. Please note one form submission equals one delivery.
Remote Learning (Technology Support)
CPS Parent Tech Support Hotline
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Support is available in English and Spanish.
Get Internet access
Your student may need Internet access to participate in remote learning classroom activities. For help on choosing an Internet service provider or using your mobile device as a hotspot, read Getting Connected to the Internet.
Reminder: Census 2020
Census 2020 - Respond Now and Ensure our Communities Get the Resources we need!
Census 2020 Online, By Phone, and By Mail
The 2020 Census is happening now. You can respond online, by phone, or by mail. The time is now. Help shape your future, and your community's future, by responding to the 2020 Census.
Your Invitation To Respond
Homes have received their invitation to respond to the 2020 Census now. These official Census Bureau mailings include detailed information and a Census ID for completing the Census online.
For more information, visit https://2020census.gov
See Something, Say Something
Let's Work Together in Keeping Our Communities a Safe Place
See Something, Say Something
The 17th District Police Department encourages everyone to STAY HOME and do their part in flattening the curve. If you happen to be out for a walk or on an essential trip, please remain vigilant. Is there a suspicious person or car on your block? Call 911 and report it. Try to describe what you see as best as you can to help CPD identify the suspicious persons, vehicle, or activity.
Friendly reminder: you can remain anonymous when making a report. You can also submit anonymous tips at http://cpdtip.com.
Community Testing for COVID-19
Community Testing for COVID-19
Swedish Hospital has expanded COVID-19 testing for patients who meet the CDC and IDPH criteria. To determine if you need a COVID-19 test, call Swedish Hospital’s free COVID-19 Help Line at 773-907-7700 or begin screening online.
Your results will be evaluated by a Swedish Hospital clinical expert, who may recommend testing in our convenient drive-through tent. APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR TESTING. Learn more at SwedishCovenant.org/tent.
Testing at Swedish Hospital will come at no cost to patients. Uninsured will be offered free testing and follow up care will be managed through the hospital’s financial assistance and charity program. Those who are insured will not be responsible for any out-of-pocket costs related to being tested for COVID-19.
For information about COVID-19, safety behaviors and prevention, please visit SwedishCovenant.org/covid.
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1