LPS Elementary Weekly Newsletter
February 29, 2024
Thank you for your attendance and support
Parents thank you to those of you who were able to make it on Thursday night to our first ever Student Led Night. It was a huge success! We heard so many compliments, saw many smiles, heard a lot of laughter, and even had some tears for those who didn't want to leave. We want to thank you for your partnership and continued support. Every thing that you do helps your child to become a better leader, student, and overall better person. We look forward to many more of these in the future.
Last Week To Order
Read Across America
This year we are really focusing on the students calling the week of March 4-March 8 Read Across America and not Dr. Seuss. Everyday the students will be doing fun activities during reading. However, this will be our only dress up day for the week. They can be any character from any book that is school appropriate.
Any LPS shirt and appropriate pants/shorts day March 21
Servant Leader Hours
Parents, Students at the elementary campus should complete 4 hours of service learning each semester. For more information and when your child has completed their 4 hours, please use the following form: https://forms.gle/KKeJH6PjDaeQTq6j8
After School Clubs at Elementary
We have partnered with a new company called Ivy Camps. They will be offering 4 different camps after school starting March 18 and ending on May 16. The camps will run from 4:00-5:00. Students will need to be picked up by 5 in carpool. You can register them here.
Need Elementary Information? Miss a Newsletter?
Leadership Prep School Elementary
Email: astewart@lpsfrisco.com
Website: https://www.lpsfrisco.com/Page/1
Location: 8500 Teel Parkway, Frisco, TX, USA
Phone: 972-294-6921
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leadershipprepschool/
Twitter: @lpsfrisco