August 2024 Newsletter
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
August 5 - Back to School Night @ 4:30-6:00pm (Kinder @ 4:15)
August 7 - First Day of School (Grades 1st - 5th)
August 9 - First Day of School (Kindergarten Only)
September 2 & 3 - NO SCHOOL
Each month, classrooms will nominate a student as their "Student-of-the-Month." This student will be decided as a class based on how well they represented the theme for that month across the school. Some of our themes this year will be optimism, flexibility, resilience, etc. These students will receive a certificate, wristband, and another Taylor gift and have their picture taken for our Facebook page.
Monday, August 5th
Kindergarten Orientation 4:15 in the Library
Open House 4:30-6:00pm
Student Med. Drop Off
Remember to drop off student medication before the first day of school. Medications cannot be brought in by students.
Student Fees & Activies
You can pay class fees and purchase your music recorders and yearbooks all online! The district is moving towards online payments so now is the time to sign up at www.mypaymentsplus.com
Dear Taylor Families,
I am excited to welcome all of our returning and new incoming families to Taylor next week for our 2024-2025 school year! It is an honor to serve as the Taylor Principal, and I look forward to another great year of learning together. Below you will find some important information for the start of the school year. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Please make sure you have registered your student(s) online, even if they are a returning student. Breakfast and lunch will be free again this year, but we are asking all of our families to fill out the Free & Reduced Lunch Application because it could provide future resources for our school.
Back-to-School Night
Our Back-to-School Night will be Monday, August 5th from 4:30-6:00. Incoming kindergarten families will meet in our library at 4:15 to go over important information prior to attending Back-to-School Night. As you come through the front door, we will have some tables set up with information and ways to volunteer, so please check them out!
Class Lists
Once you complete your registration, your child will be assigned to a class. Over the next couple of days, you should receive communication from your child’s teacher welcoming you to their classroom. We will also have class lists posted on the front doors around 4:00pm on Aug. 5th prior to our Back-to-School Night.
Drop-off Procedure
Students can be dropped off starting no earlier than 8:35am. They will need to either head to the cafeteria for breakfast or stay outside on the playground. There shouldn’t be any parents/guardians on the playground in the morning, unless you are a preschool family with a badge.
D51 Cell Phone Policy
You may have heard about the new D51 Cell Phone policy which you can read HERE.
The policy states:
Students in grades PreK-8 are prohibited from using personal electronic devices on school premises during the designated school day. The school day includes but is not limited to instructional time, lunch periods, recess, school-sponsored programs, events or activities, or any other time during the designated school day. All personal electronic devices shall be kept in designated areas and turned off.
This policy supports a growing body of research demonstrating the importance of limiting screen time and aligns with our Taylor Elementary beliefs around engaging students in deep learning. If you have any questions about this policy please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
School Supplies
Click HERE to view the 2024-25 school supply list.
New Website
Our school district has updated its website platform and we wanted you to know that we try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. Please be sure to scroll down on the main webpage to access important dates throughout the school year.
I am excited to start another school year! My door is always open, and I am happy to meet with families, but please know that there might be times when I may need to schedule a time to meet due to meetings or being in classrooms with students.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Shawn Wilson
Taylor Principal
En español. Traducido por Google
Taylor's Parent/Student Handbook
Our Taylor Handbook has gone paperless!
QR codes will be posted outside of the office and in classrooms.
Simply read the handbook and then digitally sign at taylor.d51schools.org/families
New Smiling Faces
Maritza Cardenas - Lead Custodian
Madi O'Leary - Kindergarten Para
Emile Lopez - 1st Grade Student Teacher
Leann Lloyd - Library & Computer Science
Lydie Baron-Cox - SSN Para
Jessica Jennings - Kitchen Manager
It is hard to believe that the school year is almost over! Your children have learned so much this year in our social emotional learning lessons. May lesson topics are as follows:
5th graders will be writing a letter to their 12th grade selves to reflect on who they are today and who they hope to be in 7 years.
4th graders will be generating safe and respectful solutions to common problems and they will be weighing the positive and negative consequences of those solutions.
3rd graders will be applying the problem solving steps to typical playground and classroom problems.
1st and 2nd graders will be reviewing all the skills we have learned this year in our lessons (skills for learning like active listening and positive self-talk, emotion identification and empathy, emotion management and how to calm down, how to play fair and how to solve problems).
Our kindergarten students will work with their 5th grade buddies to complete an online personality survey for kids. I’ll hang onto these and give them back when these kindergarten students are in 5th grade so that they can see how far they’ve come.
We finished up our 4th grade girls’ Lunch Bunch last week by sewing the patches we earned onto pennants. Our fifth and final cohort of Calm Ninjas Group wrapped up in mid-April. Grief Group continues on Fridays through the end of the school year. Our Changing Families Group is on week seven and will conclude on May 8. It’s been a great year with so many skills to learn and practice to help us all be the best learners we can be! As always, if you have any questions about the comprehensive school counseling program at Taylor Elementary, please reach out to Ms. Serenity at 970-254-4870 ext 63100 or serenity@d51schools.org.
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