.....smore of what we did this week
In social studies, we learned about National Symbols. BOTH first grade classes brought down their projects and shared with us. We looked up the symbols on the internet. We wrote about them and illustrated too. We hung them in our classroom for you to see!!!! In science, we learned all about the pumpkin lifecycle. We completed a worksheet, read Pumpkin Pumpkin, counted seeds, painted jack o lanterns and carved one of our own. Come to the parade of pumpkins tonight to check it out. In math, we made patterns with unifix cubes. We put together number and pattern puzzles. We practiced number recognition and number writings too. In Language Arts, we met Powerful P. We brainstormed and listed over 60 p vocabulary words. We practiced handwritings on white boards, worksheets, phonics books, and our letter buddy journals. We read Secret Pizza Party and made our own pizza's, YUM!!!! We celebrated Logan's birthday Thanks for a fantastic week of learning and fun:)!!!!!
Halloween party and parade will be october 28th ..FRIDAY @12:30-3:00 ..everyone is invited..bring your costume to school please and dress down
....smore of what we will do next week
We will meet a new letter buddy. We learn about voting and vote for a lot of things including the president. We will practice simple addition, money recognition and sorting. We will celebrate 2 birthdays. We will celebrate Halloween on Friday!!!! Please watch our video to learn more about next week. THANK YOU for ALL you do. You are UNMATCHED parents and your students are AMAAAAAAAAZING!!!!!!
Enjoy your weekends and be safe, Mr. Alaxson & Ms. Ali.