The Trojan Times
August 23, 2024

The Trojan Times
January 31, 2025
Vision for Green Sea Floyds Elementary
Greatness - Service - Family
Green Sea Floyds Elementary is committed to the service of all students. We aspire to empower students to achieve greatness by providing meaningful learning experiences and fostering a family atmosphere that supports the physical, social, and emotional well-being of all students.
GSFE Greatness - 5th Grade Spelling Bee Winners
Winner: Kaislee Jane Blanton and Runner-Up: Noah Nixon
We are thrilled to announce the winners of our fifth-grade Spelling Bee! After weeks of dedication and hard work, these students rose to the challenge and showcased their impressive spelling skills.
👏 Please join us in congratulating:
- Winner - Kaislee Jane Blanton
- Runner-Up - Noah Nixon
Kaislee Jane will represent our school at the regional spelling bee in Florence. We are so proud of Kaislee Jane's achievement and wish her the best of luck as she competes against the best spellers in the area.
Thank you to all the participants for their hard work and to our amazing teachers for their support in preparing everyone. We look forward to watching Kaislee Jane shine at the regional bee!
GSFE Greatness - Perfect Attendance Bike Winner
Zacharias Monroe
Congratulations to Zacharias Monroe for winning a brand-new bike as the recipient of our Perfect Attendance Award for the second nine weeks! Zacharias' dedication to being present in class every day is a true testament to hard work and consistency.
We’re so proud of Zacharias' achievement. We encourage all our students to have perfect attendance, as we continue to strive for GSFE Greatness in everything we do.
Way to go, Zacharias!
GSFE Greatness - House Meeting Celebration
At our Mid-Year House Celebration, we were excited to recognize students for their exceptional achievements! The following Houses received awards in various categories:
- Perfect Attendance – Isbindi
- Primary Reading Achievement – Reveur
- Primary Math Achievement – Amistad & Altruismo
- Elementary A/B Honor Roll – Isbindi
- Elementary All A Honor Roll – Reveur
These awards show the Green Sea Floyd’s Elementary Greatness that shines through in our students’ hard work and dedication. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and look forward to more success in the future. Congratulations to all the House winners!
Click on the standings picture below to view a video of our celebration.
GSFE Greatness - Awards Day Celebration
This year’s Awards Day was a wonderful celebration of student achievement across all grade levels. From the youngest learners in Child Development and Kindergarten to our accomplished first through fifth graders, students were recognized for their hard work and dedication.
In the Child Development and Kindergarten classrooms, teachers held special awards ceremonies, honoring the students for their individual growth, perseverance, and progress. These celebrations gave each child a meaningful moment to shine.
Our first through fifth graders gathered in the Commons Area for a larger ceremony, where students received recognition for their academic achievements. The excitement and pride from both students and families were evident, making it a memorable occasion for all involved.
At Green Sea Floyds Elementary, we believe that GSFE Greatness is the Standard, and Awards Day was a true reflection of our vision. We strive to inspire every student to reach their full potential, knowing that greatness is not just a goal but a way of thinking and achieving. This celebration of excellence is just one example of how we encourage our students to aim high and strive for the best in all that they do.
GSFE Family - Grits with Grandparents
At Green Sea Floyds Elementary, we believe all students and their families are valued members of our community. Our first annual Grits with Grandparents event perfectly embodied this core value, as it brought together students, their families, and grandparents to celebrate and strengthen the relationships that make our GSFE family so special. We look forward to continuing to build these meaningful connections and creating more memorable events for all.
Click on the picture below to view a highlight video from the event.
Upcoming Dates and Events
- Monday, February 3 - 100th Day of School (Wear your 100 day shirts to school)
- Friday, February 7 - Wear Red for American Heart Association
- Tuesday, February 11 - Family Math Game Night at 5:30
- The House with the most participation will win a badge for their team!
- Friday, February 14 - Valentine's Day
- Monday, February 17 - School Closed
- Tuesday, February 18 - School Closed
- Thursday, February 20 - Class Picture Day
GSFE Students of the Week (Week of January 31)
Students of the week are nominated weekly by teachers in the building. These students demonstrate great character and give their personal best! Congratulations!
STEM Spotlight with Mrs. Wight
Our future scientists, engineers, programmers and problem solvers have been exploring different modules this winter in the STEM Lab! We have focused on the Engineering and Design Process as well as the Scientific Inquiry Model. Using both of these processes encourages students to think critically and problem solve, even though mistakes and setbacks are part of the process. As young engineers, students design and build structures to solve problems and as inquisitive scientists, students ask questions and test for possible solutions.
Third and Fourth Graders have learned about unbalanced and balanced forces through an exciting module, The Science of Flight! We pondered over the question; How did the Wright Brothers achieve the first successful motorized aircraft flight over 100 years ago? We celebrated the Wright Brothers’ invention on December 17, which was the 121st anniversary! Students successfully created aircraft from gliders, to paper airplanes, to hoop gliders with an understanding of the forces acting upon a plane: weight, lift, drag and thrust. We concluded our study with a hoop glider competition! The winning glider flew a distance of 32.5 feet.
Child Development, kindergarten, First grade and Second graders have learned about animal adaptations and communication along with the function of animal ears. We studied about wildlife in our area. Students designed an alligator habitat using clay to mimic a pond or swamp. At the end of our science module we designed structures which would keep an animal safe and dry. Students built animal homes using natural materials.
Fifth Graders have been exploring various pathways in STEM careers as we enjoyed the Career Day in December. Project Lead the Way focuses on Bio Med in the module, Infection Detection. Students are studying the difference between viruses and bacteria as well as best practices for staying well during cold and flu season.
Congratulations to the 2025 Technology Team of Fourth and Fifth Graders who will represent our school at the Horry County Schools Tech Fair in April. GSFE has 27 members of the Tech Team this year! We are very excited to start our projects.
We welcome any comments or suggestions on the schoolwide program plan and the school’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Please provide your comments and suggestions in the space provided below.
Title I Schools are schools that receive federal funds due to poverty status. It is determined by our free and reduced lunch participation. GSFE receives federal funding through Title I. A copy of the Title I School-Wide Plan can be reviewed in the front office. Parents are encouraged to provide feedback about school-wide Title I initiatives. Please go to the website listed below and complete the survey to give us feedback about our school.