Whitford Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 31 - 11 October 2017
Message from the Principal
Welcome back to school after what I hope was an enjoyable holiday for all students, staff and families. I trust the break was a welcome opportunity to rest and spend quality time with family and friends.
Our heartfelt sympathies go to Mrs Annette Lynch and her husband Trevor on the passing of Trevor’s father Norm during the school holidays. May the Lynch family continue to enjoy many special memories and may the guiding hand of their father and grandfather remain with them forever.
I wish to advise that Mrs Sarah Seneque is on leave for the remainder of this year. We wish Mrs Seneque a speedy recovery and look forward to Miss Kirsten Kane continuing in the Science role during this time.
Year 2B and Year 6 Mass
Today our Year 2B and Year 6 classes attended Mass at Our Lady of the Mission and I would like to share with you the beautiful prayers that were written and read out by the 2B class:
1. We pray for our Church, Mary, Jesus, our Bishops and Priests. We pray that God will forgive us for our sins. Lord Hear Us
2. Lord we pray that all the students at Whitford Catholic Primary School learn a lot in their final term at school. We also pray for the staff - that they are always there for the students. Lord Hear Us
3. Please Jesus help us to be like you and be a kind friend to others. May our families be happy our whole lives through. Lord Hear Us
4. Thank you God for being smart and making our parents. We must remember to respect our parents as we wouldn't be born without them. Lord Hear Us
5. We pray for those who are sick and less fortunate than us. We will donate toys and supplies when we are finished with them. Please Jesus, heal all the sick and suffering. Lord Hear Us
6. God, we pray for all those kind hearts that have died along the years. May they be happy in Heaven. Lord Hear Us
Best wishes for a wonderful term ahead.
Kindest regards
Tamara McGougan
Meet Sofia Rose Clarke
Congratulations to Mr Geoff Clarke and his wife Karim on the birth of their first child, a beautiful little daughter Sofia Rose who was born on Saturday 30 September. Although an early arrival at 31 weeks, Sofia is doing really well. All our love and best wishes to Geoff and Karim!
Few words can express the love and tenderness we feel on the birth of our children, from that precious first touch to the moment of thrill and amazement knowing that they are ours. It is such a pleasure knowing that our children will continue to make us smile and bring the most beautiful sound of love to our lives.
Buddy Benches
A huge thank you must go to the Whitfords Bunnings store for their kind donation of two buddy benches for our school. Pieta Muste from Bunnings has been amazing to liase with and today came to the school to work with some students in assembling and painting the benches. A fabulous effort all round and a great initiative by the following students Kayah Elle Swiatopelk-Mirski-Smith, Jessica Scanlan, Trystan Healey, Jayde O'Donohoe, Alexis Roberts, Noah Smith and Chloe Eccles who have made the benches come to life.
WCPS's new Buddy Benches will provide a starting point for children who are feeling left out, cannot find their friends or want to make new friends.
If any student sees another sitting on the bench, they are encouraged to invite them to play or just sit and talk.
The Buddy Bench provides students with a safe tool to hone their relationship building skills. It will also help them to solve problems for themselves, reinforce positive social behaviours and develop empathy by learning to take care of each other.
The Buddy Bench will be a valuable teaching tool that complements the school's social and emotional learning in the classroom.
New Parking Plans
This contract has gone to tender and we hope to see some works starting soon!!
Important Dates
- 09:00am Surf Life Saving (5B)
- 02:15pm Assembly (Merit Awards)
- 07:30pm School Board Meeting
- 09:00am Year 5 to attend Mass
- 07:30pm P&F Meeting
- 09:00am Surf Life Saving (5B)
- 02:15pm Assembly - Presented by 1G
- Young Voices WCPS Competition
- 07:30pm Kindy 2018 Information Evening
- Book Fair
- Year 7 Orientation for Sacred Heart, Prendiville and Mater Dei Colleges
Merit Winners
Pre Primary
Ziah Cutler
Zeke Buckley
Kishan Gopal
Saoirse Murphy
Sophie Ferguson
Alexander Ferrante
Year 1
Mia Jones
Alfie Falconer
Will Phillips
Mia Gumbleton
Ava Burns
Emilia Radford
Year 2
Isabelle Dillon
Siofra Cashman
Reuben Pagano
Molly Gorman
Lachlan Cooperwhite
Alyssa Peck
Year 3
Nate Anderson
Sarah Rampant
Joseph Starbuck
Lily Ellis-Mann
Shrish Raghavendra
Rhys Lloyd
Year 4
James Prescott
Olivia Creyk
Jaydn Swan
Taylor Arundale
Connor Finnegan
Sheldone Quitay
Audrey Pettinicchio
Year 5
Saraya D'Roza
Alivia King
Niamh Wools-Cobb
Ronald Shum
Oceanne Monty
Luc Belliveau
Year 6
Lucas Vanderwiel
Mckenzie Book
Trystan Healey
Hannah Mohr
Social Media Use by Students
Looking ahead to this last term of school, we would like to remind parents that although social networking is a large part of the social identity of many people today, it can cause significant difficulties for our children. Parents can sometimes feel the pressure of pester power to allow their children on social media, even if they don’t feel comfortable doing so because of the downsides like cyberbullying, risks to privacy and contact from strangers.
Although most sites are not recommended for children under 13 years pf age, if you allow your child to sign up to a social media service, it is important that you monitor their use and consider the handy hints that can be foundhttps://www.esafety.gov.au/education-resources/iparent/staying-safe/social-networking/social-media readiness?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=i_parent&utm_term=social_media&utm_content=social_media
BPAY Fee Payments
On 01/08/2017 and the 17/08/2017, deposits were received in the school bank account via the same BPAY reference. Unfortunately an incorrect BPAY reference number was used and we are unable to trace who made the payments. If you made a BPAY payment on or around these dates please contact our Finance Officer, Jane Hansen, on 9404 4200 so she can confirm your repayment has been accounted for correctly.
JAM Youth Group (Years 4-6)
Our Lady of the Mission Parish in Whitfords is officially launching the new youth group for Years 4, 5 and 6 in primary school.
JAM (Jesus and Me) is a Youth Group structured for young Christian children, who are discovering their faith and beginning to build their relationship with God. Through the use of games, activities, music and short talks our aim is to inspire our youth to become active in their faith journey.
JAM will have it's first event on the evening of Friday 20th of October, starting at 6pm-7:30pm. Forms will be made available online or at the back of Whitfords Parish. For any further questions please email olmwhitfords@gmail.com or contact the Youth Leaders at 0481 060 349
Kids of Mercy
The ladies will be thrilled to see us back. Think of your favourite activity over the holidays and bring something to show and tell.
Annette Lynch
Kids of Mercy Coordinator
Library News
The Big Big Book Fair: Only 13 more sleeps until the Big Big Book Fair. Our Book Fair will begin on Tuesday 24th October and run until Friday 27th October.
The Big Big Book Fair Wish Lists: As with previous years the children will be given the opportunity to browse through the Fair and write down the books that they might like to purchase. We call it a wish list because it is just that, a list of wishes. You as parents are under no obligation to purchase those books but if you’re looking for ideas for the “X word” then it is very handy. The children will bring home a brochure that highlights some of the books available but a browse through the Fair is best.
Need Retail Therapy? You will after you volunteer for the Book Fair. I won’t get to mesmerise you at an assembly before the Book Fair but I usually need 16 volunteers to share the load as “retail assistants” at the book fair. So if you can spare some time in the mornings, at lunch or after school on the Tuesday to Friday to help sell the books your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Calculators will be provided and the ability to stay calm in a “Berlie Bra Sale” is a distinct advantage. You can return the slip below or email me on annette.lynch@cewa.edu.au
Dear Mrs Lynch,
I can help at the book fair in the mornings (8:15 – 8:45) ¨
I can help at the book fair at lunchtime (12:45 – 1:15) ¨
I can help at the book fair after school (not Fri) (3:00 – 3:20)¨
I can help on these days: Tues ¨ Wed¨ Thurs¨ Fri¨
I can help at the book fair morning tea on Thurs (8.30 – 9.30) ¨
Print name________________________________
Eldest Child __________________Class_________
The Big, Big Morning Tea: Mums, Dads, Nannas, Pops Aunties, Uncles and especially all the Pre-Kindy parents - you are all invited to attend our Book Fair Morning Tea on Thursday 26th October starting at 8.30 am. You will be free to browse at your leisure, with cuppa in hand, without the pleas of your offspring. (Note: bickies will not come out until just after the 8.45 am bell for reasons that will be obvious.)
Knockout Library Footy Comp: Congratulations to Jaydn Buckley 3B who won the psychedelic footballs in the footy tipping competition this year. She chose the Tigers by 34 points to be the closest tipper. Well done Jaydn.
See you in the Library.
St Jerome, pray for us.
Mrs Annette Lynch
PE News
Rising Stars AFL Football Academy - Girls Only
Rising Stars AFL Football Academy will be working in partnership with Sacred Heart College, Governor Stirling and All Saints College to provide an all-female footy academy.
Sacred Heart College, 13 October - 1 December 2017
Fridays 4.15 – 5.15pm. Cost – $180
For more Information phone 0438 117 260.
Adriano D'Adamo
PE Specialist
Dance & Drama News
Christmas Concert - 4th December
Due to our large number of families and building works that will be in place on the oval to increase parking around the school, this year's Christmas Concert will take place in the gym and will be in two parts; a lower primary and an upper primary show,
2.15pm - Pre-Primary - Year 2 Performance
3:00pm - Family Picnic
4.30pm - Year 3 - Year 5 Performance
More information regarding the show and costumes will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.
Drama/Dance Communication
This term both Mrs D'Adamo and Mrs Pitman will be teaching Drama and Dance to the students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. If you have questions or queries please contact either Mrs D'Adamo or Mrs Pitman for the following:
Mrs D'Adamo : Pre-Primary to Year 2 Drama/Dance and anything in relation to Boys Dance candice.dadamo@cewa.edu.au (Mondays and Tuesdays)
Mrs Pitman : Year 3 - Year 6 Drama and Dance dhana.pitman@cewa.edu.au (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Dance News
The Pre-Primary students enjoyed their first week back for Term 4 Dance as we started to learn our dances for the Christmas Concert! Some of the students were awarded a "Star of the Day" certificate for an outstanding effort made in class. What a fantastic start to the term!
Social Worker News
How do children learn social and emotional intelligence skills? Practice, practice, practice. Parents have to explain, model, and repeat themselves, over and over. It can seem endless. But there are ways to help children learn faster, by taking advantage of the problems that come up in every family on a daily basis. Next time there's a problem, think of it as a teachable moment. The following is taken from Dr Laura Markham’s website, www.ahaparenting.com and has lots of great suggestions to build into your everyday family life.
5 Ways to Teach Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills Everyday
1. Talk about feelings. Research shows that when parents reflect with their children about what everyone in the family feels and needs, children become more sensitive and emotionally generous to others, as well as more likely to understand another’s point of view. Questions work better than lectures: "I wonder why she's crying? What do you think she needs?"
2. Ask questions about feelings, needs, wants, and choices. Any time your child makes a poor choice, you can ask questions to help him learn from his experience. Be sure to keep the exchange low-key; no one can learn when they feel on the defensive. These kinds of questions are useful from toddlerhood (when your child grabs a toy from a friend) right through the teen years (when your kid gets drunk with his buddies). You don't have to use all these questions. You're just helping your child reflect on what drove him to make his choice, and how that choice worked out for him.
§ “How did you feel?”
§ “What did you want?”
§ “What did you do?”
§ “How did that work out?”
§ “Did you get what you wanted?”
§ “Did the other person get what he wanted?”
§ “How do you think he felt?”
§ “Would you do the same thing next time, or do you think you might try something different?”
§ “What do you think you might try?”
§ “What might happen then?”
Listen, nod, repeat to be sure you understand. Stay warm and non-judgmental. Keep your sense of humour, so when your child says "Next time I'll smash him!" you can simply answer "Hmmm....what might happen then?" Try not to jump in to evaluate or lecture. Reflection is how children develop
integrity and judgment. Good judgment often develops from bad experience.
3. Model “I” statements, which means expressing what you need, rather than judging or attacking someone else. So, for instance, when your child says “Well, you’re stupid, too!” to her friend, you might teach her to say “I don’t like it when you call me names.” One formula for “I” statements is to describe what you feel, what you need, and how you see the situation. You might follow that up with a request that the other person take a specific action. “I feel worried because I want to get there on time and I see that you aren’t ready to leave yet….Please put on your shoes.”
4. Model pro-social behaviour. The way the adults in the home relate to each other sets a powerful example for the children. Use that to your advantage by role-playing how you’d like your children to treat each other. For instance, you might say to your partner “There’s only one banana left, shall we split it?” Or model how to set limits respectfully, by saying to your partner “Excuse me, I was using that. You can have it as soon as I’m done” with a smile and a hug.
5. Don't expect to be perfect, and don't expect your child to be. Once we let go of being right and aim for being love instead, we get a lot more perfect. Talk at dinner about a mistake you made today. Open up room for your child to admit mistakes and repair. Model apologizing and self-forgiveness. You'll see everyone in your family becoming more emotionally generous.
Of course, you'll still have to repeat yourself incessantly. But you'll raise a human who can advocate for his or her own needs while respecting the needs of others. That's the kind of person we need more of in the world. And it's worth a little repetition.
Elaine Mahon
Social Worker
Available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
WCPS Parents Christmas Party - All Year Groups
Our Peace Reps would like to continue to build a strong sense of community and invite our school parents to our annual Parents' Christmas Party where we combine all year groups. Please join us for a social evening overlooking one of the best sunsets with a glass of bubbles and some light finger foods catching up with new and old friends.
Date: Friday 1st December 2017
Time: 6:00pm onwards
Venue: West facing room upstairs at The Breakwater
Dress: Smart casual - with a tinge of Christmas festiveness
Included: Finger foods and a complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival
In order to run this function, tickets must be purchased in advance and bookings will close 3rd November, you will not be able to walk in on the night unfortunately. Don’t be disappointed - buy your tickets early!!
If you have any queries, please contact your PEACE Rep directly or tscreyk@bigpond.com
Please following this link to book your tickets:-
Online ordering and canteen menus click here
Orders for Sushi on 30th October must be placed by Thursday 26th October, noon. Please send a bag otherwise add 10c for one.
Thursday 12th October
Chicken Wedges $1.30
Muffin $1.60
Ines Elloy, Julie Pestana, Carissa Tang
Monday 16th October
Chicken Crackles $1.30
Lamington Finger 70c
Caroline Rose’Meyer, Laura Sudano, Melissa Zuchetti
Thursday 19th October
Chipolotts on a Stick $1.10
Mini Cupcake 70c
Caroline Mikeska, Kellie Hayes, Lorraine Hughes-Smith
Monday 23rd October
Chicken Wedges $1.30
Pikelet 70c
Kylie Vanderwiel, Kristy Ferguson, Majella Conceicao
Thursday 26th October
Yummy Drummy $1.00
Mini Choc Cupcake 70c
Katherine Lin, Veronica Lazar-Robert, Mary McGrath-Yek
Monday 30th October – 5 pieces of sushi for $5.50
Choice of Tuna, Chicken or Vegetarian. MUST be ordered by Thursday 26th October noon. No late orders can be accepted. Normal Menu is also available.
Chicken Popcorn $1.10
Muffin $1.60
Wendy Scanlan, Kate Baker
Banking News
You can now set up new accounts online and the banking team can issue you with a book to start banking straight away, follow this link -https://www.commbank.com.au/schoolbanking
Siblings who may not be at this school can also bank through us on a Tuesday morning.
Remember saving regularly at an early age creates good habits as an adult.
The Banking Team
P&F News
To view the current P&F newsletter please click here.
Hamilton Island Holiday Raffle
The response to the Hamilton Island Holiday Raffle has been fantastic. We would be grateful if you sold each raffle ticket supplied as all monies raised will assist in providing playground equipment. Legally we need to account for each raffle ticket issued. Please return all monies and tickets (including unsold tickets) to WCPS office via the notebox by 24/10/17.
The major prize is for five (5) nights at the Reef View Hotel, Hamilton Island for two (2) adults and two (2) children (0-12 years) in a Garden View Room including a $1,500 Virgin Australia voucher. Also included is full buffet breakfast daily, return airport/marina transfers, use of paddle skis, windsurfers, catamarans, snorkelling equipment and tennis & squash court hire. Kids also eat free at participating restaurants with special Kids Eat Free children’s menus.
Also on offer are the following incentive prizes:
Book Sellers Prize
Each family who sells or purchases a complete book of raffle tickets will go into the draw to win an iPod Shuffle 2GB.
Individual Prizes
Each family who sells or purchases a complete book of raffle tickets will receive a motivational support wristband for your efforts - a small gift to say thanks for your efforts.
Major Promotion - $5,000 Cruiseabout Gift Voucher
One lucky family will win a $5,000 Cruiesabout Gift Voucher which can be used towards any cruise line, from any port, to any destination.
Simply sell or purchase a full book of raffle tickets, visit www.australianfundraising.com.au/win and in 25 words or less tell us why fundraising is important to our school/group. A lucky winner, based on the most creative response wins! Full T&C’s online.
Thank you in advance for supporting our major fundraiser for the year, and Happy Fundraising!
Cadbury Chocolate Fundraiser
All unsold boxes and monies from the Chocolate Fundraiser should now have been returned to the office. Please return all outstanding monies or boxes ASAP. You are also more than welcome to do a direct bank transfer to our account. Details are:-
NAB BSB 086-495 A/C 508300231. Please include child's Name and Class.
Pram/Carseat Detailing
Community News
Australian Girls Choir Open Day
Congratulations to the girls who recently took part in the AGC assessment workshop at school. By now you should have received your personalised assessment report either posted to your home or via your school. The AGC will be holding an Open Day on Sunday 29 October. Everyone is welcome to come along to the Open Day which will give the girls the opportunity to try a complimentary class and attend an information session. Ph 1800 338 142 for further information or visit www.ausgirlchoir.com.au.
Centre for Faith Enrichment
Are you searching for ways to enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith and tradition? Would you like to find out more about the Bible, the history of the Church or a particular sacrament which your child may be receiving? The Centre for Faith Enrichment offers a wide range of face-to-face and online courses and events on topics ranging from spirituality, Church history, theology, Scripture, Christian living and much more. No exams or assignments, just a relaxed and friendly learning atmosphere. To know more visit the website www.cfe.org.au