Holy Ascension of Christ
March & April 2024
The Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life,
a spirit of idleness, despondency, ambition, and idle talking give me not.
But rather a spirit of chastity, humble-mindedness, patience, and love bestow upon me Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord King, grant me to see my failings and not condemn my brother;
for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen.
To Ponder...
From St. John Chrysostom
"And though every day a man lives may rightly be a day of repentance, yet is it in these days more becoming, more appropriate, to confess our sins, to fast, and to give alms to the poor; since in these days you may wash clean the sins of the whole year."
-The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers
Memory Eternal!
On March 20th, 2024, Irina Maximciuc passed away from this life.
Grant rest O Lord to the soul of Thy newly-reposed servant of God, Irina, who has fallen asleep.
A New Catechumen!
Please pray for our new Catechumen, Camden (James). We pray the Lord will guide and protect him on his journey to the Orthodox Christian Church.
Preparation for the Great Fast
As Lent is a time of preparation for the of the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection on Pascha, we likewise go through a period of preparation for Lent. In the services, this means a greater focus on the fall of mankind, the state of our souls, and the need for repentance. From a practical perspective, during the weeks before Lent Orthodox Christians use up all of the rich foods – meat, dairy and eggs – that we will be abstaining from through the Great Fast. For our parish, this means having a meal featuring blini (Russian pancakes) with butter, sour cream and eggs.
Annunciation & Sunday of the Cross
From the Sisterhood
Thank you to all who help prepare, set up, clean-up, and make treats for our parish meals! Our fellowship is important, edifying, and enjoyable!
Glory to God for all things!
From the Parish Council
We are truly grateful to all for your daily and weekly prayers and labor for our church and community.
If you are interested in helping with projects and chores (large or small), please reach out to our church warden, Sasha Soubotin (el_cawa@hotmail.com), or our head sisters, Vicky Selznick (vmselz@icloud.com), and Stephanie Rindell (srindell@yahoo.com).
FOR A DETAILED CALENDAR, visit our website: https://www.holyascensionofchrist.org/calendar
March 1 - (Fast Free) Vespers at 6:30 pm, Catechetical Class to follow
March 3 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son
March 8 - Vespers at 6:30 pm, Catechetical Class to follow
March 10 - Sunday of the Last Judgement (Blini)
March 15 - Vespers at 6:30 pm, Catechetical Class to follow
March 17 - Forgiveness Vespers
March 18--22 - Clean Week Services
- 8:00 am Matins & Hours
- 6:30 pm Compline with Great Canon (Monday-Thursday)
March 22 - Compline with the Akathist (First Salutation), Catechetical Class to follow
March 23 - Canon of St. Theodore (before Vigil) - 5pm
March 24 - Sunday of Orthodoxy
March 29 - Compline with the Akathist (Second Salutation), Catechetical Class to follow
March 30 - Pannikhida (before Vigil) - 5pm
March 31 - 2nd Sunday of Great Lent - St. Gregory of Palamas
April 2 - Matins & Hours - 6:30 pm
April 3 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6pm
April 5 - Compline with the Akathist (Third Salutation), Catechetical Class to follow
April 7 - ANNUNCIATION (fish permitted)
April 12 - Compline with the Akathist (Fourth Salutation), Catechetical Class to follow
April 13 - Pannikhida (before Vigil) - 5pm
April 14 - Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - St. John of the Ladder
April 17 - Great Canon of Saint Andrew with the Life of St. Mary of Egypt - 6pm
April 19 - Compline with the Akathist, Catechetical Class to follow
April 20 - Akathist (before Vigil) - 5pm
April 21 - Fifth Sunday of Great Lent - St. Mary of Egypt
April 26 - Vespers & Matins - 6:30 pm
April 27 - Lazarus Saturday - 9:00 am
- Vigil for the Feast - 6:30 pm
- Bridegroom Matins & 1st Hour 6:30 pm
April 30 - Bridegroom Matins & 1st Hour 6:30 pm
Please note the following service schedule:
- Vigil is served at 6:30pm each Saturday and before each Feast.
- Hours and Divine Liturgy are served at 9:00am unless otherwise noted.
Check out our monastery, St. John of San Francisco Monastery, and our seminary, St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary.
Email: nchernja@rr.rochester.com
Website: holyascensionofchrist.org
Location: 650 North Landing Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-217-6746
Facebook: facebook.com/111704451556556/