Region 9 Bilingual/ESL/Migrant
December Newsletter
Happy Holidays!
Updates and Resources!
Friday January 10, 2020
9:00am-11:30am TETN Conference #798
ESC Bilingual/ESL/Title III Contacts/District Directors/Coordinators
Parent Engagement Flyer to follow
José-Luis Orozco - Bilingual educator, children's author and recording artist
Tuesday, February 4th, 2020
Wichita Falls Public Library
Food at 5:30 pm
Program at 6:00 pm
February 10th and 11th - TELPAS Training for New Raters
February 10 - Session # 360461 - K-1
February 11 - Session # 360462 - 2-12
2020 TELPAS Activities and Key Dates
TELPAS Tips for Admins and Teachers serving EL's
1. Have teaches review Linguistic Accomodation Checklists for students.
2. Review prior TELPAS scores.
3. Identify which teachers will serve as TELPAS raters and have them put training dates in their calendars.
4. Remind teachers to use classroom strategies that increase oral responses in a structured way across all subject areas.
5. Encourage teachers to read and familiarise themselves with the Proficiency Level Descriptors for current EL's.
LPAC On-going Activities
- LPAC for new enrollees within within four calendar weeks
- Monitor linguistic and academic progress
- On-going collaboration with special programs such as Special Education, Advance Academics-Gifted and Talented, etc. to ensure student success.
- PEIMS up-to-date and accurate
- On-going professional development
Creative ways to involve writing with English Learners during the holidays
2. How to decorate a Christmas Tree - After your students have read and followed a set of directions for making Christmas cookies, have them write down some directions of their own on how to best decorate a Christmas tree.
Start with a discussion about what a Christmas tree looks like. Bring in some pictures for your students to look at. If you like, partner up your students with two different pictures of trees and have them discuss what is the same and what is different between each of their trees.
Then have your students write instructions on how to decorate a Christmas tree. Their directions should be at least five steps. Each step should start with one of the following words: "first," "then," "next," "after that" and "finally."