Roosevelt Reader
August 9, 2024
Principal Corner
Dear Roosevelt Parents/Guardians,
We are very excited to welcome everyone back to school next week. While Roosevelt is the largest elementary school in the district, it is our commitment to you that it "feels like the smallest."
Please take a moment to review the dates and events in this newsletter. There are also important tasks such as signing up for pizza day, so make sure you review everything.
Again, we are delighted to begin another school year at Roosevelt. This is an amazing school community. Let the fun and the learning begin!
Take care,
Dr. Dwyer, Principal
School Supply Drop Off - August 13th - 8:15-9:15 AM
First Day of School - August 14th - 2:40 early dismissal
Back to School Bash - August 23rd - 5:30-7:30 PM
Parent Night/Curriculum Night - August 27th - 5:30-7:30 PM
NO SCHOOL (Labor Day) - September 2nd
Tiger Trot - September 20th (Rain Date: October 4th)
Picture Day - September 27th
Electronic Device Guidelines
Click the photo to the right for the direct link to the D64 Parent Handbook device policy (p. 24).
Parents can help ensure smartwatches are set to not allow notifications from other apps by placing the device in a mode that does more than silence it. You can find steps on how to set up Schooltime mode here. Android users can find parental controls by following these steps.
Roosevelt Spirit Wear --Click the picture to shop
Room Parent Sign Ups
Back to School Bash--Sign up in Membership Toolkit
There is still time to register your child/children for our 2nd session of the Rainbows for all Children peer groups. The first session for this school year begins Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 5:30 pm. This free program will meet weekly, for 1 hour, at the Park Ridge Community Church and provides a safe space for students in 1st - 8th grade to share their experiences associated with loss of a loved one and/or a changing family dynamic due to divorce, deployment, etc. Trained facilitators help encourage communication while identifying, navigating and discussing feelings amongst the group.
Please use the Google form link below to sign up your child and/or to be added to our email communications list. Any questions or interest in volunteering to become a facilitator, please contact rainbows64@att.net . For more info about Rainbows, please visit: https://rainbows.org/
Rainbows Student Peer Group Sign up
Please fill out this Google form to sign up and/or to be added to our communication list."
Pizza Ordering Open!
You can order 1, 2 or 3 slices for your child through the Membership Toolkit for the 1st half of the year Aug 21 - January 8th.
Please talk to your child before ordering as number of slices can’t be changed throughout the 1st half.
Ordering will remain open until Friday August 16th to give us time to get ready for the first pizza Wednesday.
Please note there will be NO pizza on the first day of school (Aug 14th) so please pack their lunch.
Ordering for the second half will be open in December.
Pizza Volunteers
Sign up for Pizza Volunteer for the first part of the school year (August-January) will be open on Thursday August 15th at Noon.
Few things to keep in mind:
· Please sign up for 1 day to let other parents volunteer (2 per family)
. If there are still spots available after Monday August 19th, feel free to sign up for more days!
· Please keep in mind that you will have time to visit the other gym if you have kids in different grades.
· If spots fill up, you can add your name to the waitlist for last minute cancellations.
· To get on the waitlist, please email us at:
RooseveltPizzaD64@gmail.com with your name, phone number, grade(s) preferences and if you can do last minute or only scheduled ahead of time.
· Questions? Email us at RooseveltPizzaD64@gmail.com
Chess Club
Thursdays 11:35 am – 12:30 pm (during lunch)
Chess-Ed is excited to return to Roosevelt School to provide this unique, exciting and
dynamic chess instruction which lifts each student to a new level of expertise. Each week
students will enjoy an engaging lesson with supervised time to play classmates. Students will grow
their knowledge of the game - from the basics through opening theory, middle game tactics and end
game combinations. Students’ vocabulary and math skills will continue to advance.
Studies confirm that the student who plays chess does better academically. Playing chess increases
IQ performance, improves memory, uses analytical and critical thinking skills, teaches problem
solving, responsibility, sportsmanship, social skills and more. The chess program is open to
students in all grades (including those in full-day and half-day Kindergarten) and of all
playing levels. JOIN TODAY!
Fall Session: 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/20, 10/24, 10/31,
11/7, and 11/14/2024 (10 weeks).
EARLY Registration through 08/29/24 - $140
ON-TIME Registration 08/30 to 09/19/24 - $170
Register at:
Attendance sheets are prepared 24 hours before first class begins. Please register early.
Your registration is complete when you receive two confirmation emails, one from Eventbee and the other
from PayPal. If you do not receive these two emails, your registration is not complete. Please check your
Spam/Junk folders as the confirmation emails may be diverted there.
Chess-Ed does not pro-rate classes. Questions? Please email info@chess-ed.com and include ROOSEVELT
in the subject line. A full refund, less a $20 administrative fee, guaranteed if notified before the third class.
Contact Chess-Ed directly at info@chess-ed.com.
For more information about Chess-Ed, please visit us at www.chess-ed.com or check us out on
Chess is the “SPORT OF THE MIND.”
1:1 Digital Learning Program
Please take a few moments and familiarize your family with expectations for the district-owned devices, as well as acceptable use, troubleshooting, and helpful information about our Learning Management Systems (Seesaw and Schoology) and Securly.
Label! Label! Label!
Please take some time to label all of your student's items that come to and from school. Items that are labeled are returned to students at a much higher rate. Twice a year the lost & found items are donated to The Kid's Pantry. Each donation has over 6 large garbage bags of items that are unclaimed and not labeled, help us by labeling your student's items.
Staff Parking Lot
Please refrain from entering the staff parking lot during school hours. This lot is for staff only. The only exception to this is the use of the handicap spaces. Please help students and staff be safe by abiding by all signs around campus.
Be a Safe Driver!
· Park legally – don’t block crosswalks or double park
· Respect school neighbors –please do not park in or block their driveways.
· Parents and children should not use the Staff parking lot
· Do not make U-turns or turn around in driveways.
· “Attended” parkers must stay in their vehicles at all times.
· Obey “kiss ’n go” zones on Prospect Avenue
Healthy Snack
- Students may have healthy snacks during the day in the classroom. Snacks must be peanut-free and nut-free
Dogs on campus
Please keep dogs on a leash and on the sidewalk during drop off and dismissal times.
End of day routine
If your student/students need to change their regular daily routine please take the following steps:
1. Email the homeroom teacher with the details
2. Email the office Mrs Flint sflint@d64.org or Mrs Ellsworth kellsworth@d64.org
no need to send separate emails
School Hours
If students report to school tardy, they must check in at school door # 5 (office) with an adult. If procedures are not followed, students will be marked unexcused.
For your reference, please see school hours below:
Please see the following school hours with special attention to Wednesdays.
8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:45 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Kindergarten half day students: 8:45 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.
Wednesday: A.M. - 8:45 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.