The Weekly Update #4
October 23rd, 2024

HDES November Newsletter.
News from the ES Administration
Dear Hillcat Friends and Families,
As we step into November, we’re grateful for the amazing school community we share. We enjoyed seeing you all on Tuesday, November 5th for our parent teacher conferences! November is the perfect time to reflect on things we are thankful for. At school we will be engaging in activities that encourage gratitude, kindness, and community. We hope this season brings warmth and happiness to your homes as well. H-DES has several important events, and we want to keep you informed about the activities and schedules coming up. Please read on for details!
- No School Monday, November 11th - Thank you Veterans!
- Turkey Trot - Date TBD
- Thanksgiving Break Wednesday, November 27th - Sunday, December 1st.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Together, we are making a positive impact on your child's education and growth. Wishing you a wonderful November!
Robin, Nicole, and Veronica
Congratulations to Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Murdough!!!
We have two staff members recently completed marathons! Mrs. Ward completed the New York Marathon! Our students made a large congratulations poster for her. Mrs. Murdough completed the Manchester City Marathon! We are very proud of both of them!
Halloween Fun!!!
The students from HDES had a great time in the Halloween Parade. We send a huge Thank You to the students and staff from the middle and high schools, and the families for coming out to cheer for us!
Our Library is a very busy place!
Students who helped to set up for the Book fair received a CARES card for cooperation!
Meet the Mathematicians of October!
Meet the estimation contest winner!
Fun in 3rd grade!
Grade 3 and the National Honor Society!
News from Mrs. Brett in the Art Room!
Dear HDES families,
If you wonder why you are not seeing your student’s artwork coming home on a regular basis, it is because, in the Art Room, each student creates a portfolio of their work which will be taken home at the end of the school year (or perhaps halfway through depending on storage space!). I find this approach preferable for various reasons. Firstly, with this system, both the student and I can see and experience the development of their artwork over time. This not only supports my assessment process but more importantly assists the students in self-evaluation. Most assignments at each grade level are multi-step which involves returning to their project during several consecutive art lessons. This model helps to develop the student’s capacity to sustain interest and effort. My intention is that they come to the realization that the creative process is worthy of the commitment of time and energy and benefits greatly from review, reflection, and revision. The focus of the art room will be quality over quantity and to create reflective practitioners who develop multiple perspectives and problem-solving skills through the artistic process. In the younger grades, I give the students’ artwork to their classroom teacher to send home as they see fit. The older students are expected to take responsibility for taking their artwork home and sharing it with their families. Examples of student artwork are regularly displayed in the school hallways and on Artsonia for those who have registered.
Best wishes
Mrs. Brett
Kindergarten Explorers!
Our Kindergarten students had a great time on a leaf hunt!
Celebrating the letter P!
PUMPKINS AND PAJAMAS and Playing with Playdough, Ponies, and Puzzles.
Exciting Reading Adventures and Pumpkin Exploration in Our 1st grade Classrooms!
In our reading sessions, students are diving into the fascinating world of characters and emotions. Mrs. Parenteau's class had a wonderful time reading in their pajamas the day after Halloween, bringing comfort and joy into our literary explorations!
Meanwhile, our first graders had a blast with pumpkin-themed activities on Halloween. Each class engaged in a variety of hands-on experiences, including:
- Counting Pumpkin Seeds: Enhancing math skills in a fun, tactile way.
- Making Pumpkin Slime: A creative and gooey activity that sparked excitement.
- Pumpkin Science Experiments: Exploring the wonders of science with pumpkins as our theme.
These activities not only brought learning to life but also added a festive spirit to our classrooms. We're looking forward to more engaging adventures in the weeks to come!
2nd students visit the greenhouse!
2nd graders completed a literacy unit about animals and habitats. Students are now learning about plants from different habitats in science. Mrs. Kimball's class visited the new HDSD greenhouse to plant seeds. They will observe their growth over time, create scientific drawings, measure and graph the data. Classes have also visited the HDES garden for a plant parts scavenger hunt, have learned about plant parts and dissected seeds and flowers.
2nd grade researchers!
In two of the 2nd grade WIN classes students are working on animal research projects to enrich their learning about animals and habitats.
For this project students will:
- read 3 books about the same animal
- take notes on stop and jots that include the body, diet, habitat and interesting facts
- organize their facts in graphic organizers
- create a project on Google Slides or poster
The Bar Harbor Bank and Trust came to visit.
The Bar Harbor Bank and Trust visited the 2nd and 3rd grade students. They talked to the students about saving to reach goals or an unexpected need (rainy day fund). Each child received a reusable goody bag with information about banking and labels for savings jars.
5th grade Leaders and researchers!
The fifth grade has a new enrichment class this year. Each class will be involved in a Leadership class where the students will focus on tasks around our school to display our leadership skills. Students in Mrs. Savoy's class just completed their leadership class and helped with our school mail, changing the school sign, working on our school recycling program, along with helping out in kindergarten.
Fifth grade recently completed their first class presentations in Science. Students used the knowledge they had gained from the first unit of our new reading series to research a plant-based resource of their choice and completed a Google slides presentation. We learned many new facts about potatoes, soy beans, rubber, rice, and most especially CORN!
The value of mindful activities!
Our Drama Program begins for the year!
Important dates to remember!
11/25 - Turkey Trot - Rain date 11/26
11/27-11/29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
12/13 - 1st trimester report cards sent home
12/23-1/1 - NO SCHOOL - Holiday Recess
1/20 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day