Family Newsletter
Cleveland STEM High School

November 1, 2024
Hello Cleveland Families!
This week, we are preparing for the end of the election season. We know our students have been absorbing the political messages all around them and will need space to process the outcome, whatever the outcome might be. There are few public models of respectful, ethically grounded, and intellectually rigorous political discourse, but we have always strived at Cleveland to "do different better," and this week that will mean having opportunities for students to talk, listen, process, learn, and be in community with one another. We have available:
- Non-partisan instructional resources to support classroom discussions and activities.
- Art, letter writing, and community circle debrief prompts.
- Counseling and social work offices in Building 2 will be open all day on Wednesday for drop-in meetings and support.
Regardless of the outcome of this election cycle, our work of supporting students and cultivating a beloved community will continue.
Principal Jeff Lam
Assistant Principal Jacklyn Cable
Assistant Principal Laura Roesener
Admin Intern Joseph Mingo
Upcoming Dates and Events
- 11/2 | Scholar Saturday
- 11/6 | End of Quarter 1
- 11/11 | Veterans Day (no school)
- 11/12 | College Application & Personal Statement Workshop (see below)
- 11/12 | PTSA Meeting @ Chuck's Hop Shop
- 11/27 | Waiver day for Student Led Conferences (no school)
- 12/18 | Multicultural night!
Important Info to Know
Scholar Saturday is on Saturday, November 2, from 9:00 - 12:00
With the end of 1st quarter fast approaching, we are excited to share with you that our first Scholar Saturday of the year will happen on November 2nd, from 9:00 - 12:00. All students are encouraged to join us, have some breakfast, and work alongside our teachers and support staff to get caught up their work in each of their classes.
College Application & Personal Statement Workshop on Tuesday, 11/12, from 3:50 - 6:00 pm
12th graders are invited to a College Application/Personal Statement Workshop on Tuesday November 12th from 3:50-6:00 in room 1172. College reps will be available to help students in filling out their college applications and give feedback on personal statements. Pizza will be provided by the College Success Foundation.
Did you know your student can access magazines online for free with Library Link and Flipster?
All SPS Students have access to Seattle Public Library digital books, eBooks and additional resources using their Library Link account. Click here to learn more!
Username is 99000+student id. Example: 990001234578
Password is MMDD. Example June 17 = 0617
Flipster online magazine collection: Browse and download full-color, interactive versions of your favorite magazines. No waiting and no limit to the number of downloads you can have. Also available via app. Hundreds of magazines are available including Sports Illustrated, Wired, Newsweek, National Geographic, The Atlantic and more.
Recommended read for this week is from The Atlantic Monthly magazine, November 2024 edition: The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books.
Attendance info
Thank you to all our families who are calling, emailing or coming in to speak with our Attendance Specialist, Ms. Zarco to excuse student absences. We appreciate your effort to plan ahead for early dismissal or late arrivals. We want to be sure that your student’s absences are cleared or excused and that your student’s attendance record is accurate.
If your student is marked absent in any class, you will automatically receive a phone call and/or an email letting you know. If you receive a message that says your child was marked absent for “Period 9,” that means that your student did not attend Advisory. Advisory class is Period 9.
You can find more information about our attendance procedures our school’s Attendance web page. If you need to excuse your child’s attendance, please contact our attendance specialist, Ms. Zarco at (206) 252-7804 or email clevelandhs.attendance@seattleschools.org.
Thanks for coming to East African Night!
This past week, we worked with Bridging Cultural Gaps and Seattle Housing Authority to put on our 2nd annual East African Night at New Holly's Gathering Hall. Thank you to our many students, staff, and East African families who joined us for an evening of food and rich conversation about how Cleveland can support the thriving of East African students. We look forward to the next time we can gather!
Happy Halloween from Cleveland!
Student Led Conferences
In the coming weeks, you will hear from your student's advisory teacher to schedule their Student-Led Conference. Through SLC's, we want students to articulate their hopes for the future and identify immediate goals that they can work on right now to set them up to reach their goals. During this time, you'll hear what your student's post-secondary plans and how they are doing in school, today.
You will hear from your student's advisory teacher soon to schedule this time, and you can choose to have your SLC virtually or in person.
Get involved with CHS Athletics!
Click here to learn more about Cleveland athletics opportunities, contact information, athletics registration, and game schedules.